Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 176

The Fallen Hell Beast looked at the long sword in his hand and frowned. Although this sword uses his data as the blade and is injected with the eternal kaleidoscope of pupil power, its hardness and sharpness are far better than the super alloy sword, but Such a sharp blade did not have a trace of brilliance, it was completely dead.

Just as the fallen hell beast was in distress, a group of colorful brilliance suddenly ran out of the fallen hell beast's body, and then it was divided into ten strands and appeared in front of the fallen hell beast. The fighter spirit of the fighter.

Ancient Tyrannosaurus Beast, Ancient Mermaid Beast, Ancient Rainbow Beast, Ancient Lazy Beast, Ancient Bido Beast, Ancient Volcano Beast, Ancient Trojan Horse Beast, Ancient Mirror Shadow Beast, Ancient Garuru Beast and Ancient Sphinx Beast, Ancient Era The legendary ten fighters who sealed the six-winged beast, and at the same time nodded to the fallen hell beast. Before the fallen hell beast understood what it meant, the spirit of the ten fighters turned into ten streams of light and fell into the hands of the fallen hell beast. In the long sword.

The fallen hell beast looked at the divine sword in his hand in surprise, and blurted out: "Ten Fist Sword!"

The divine sword in the hands of the fallen hell beasts is exactly the divine sword used by the god of destruction in the myths and legends to kill the eight-different serpent-the ten-fist sword!

This is no longer the spirit body ten-punch sword of Susanoo, the pupil skill of the kaleidoscope writing round eyes, but a true artifact.

The fallen hell beast clenched the divine sword in his hand, and the power of the ten fighters was poured into this sword. He looked at the six-winged beast with indifferent eyes. To be correct, the fallen hell beast's eyes went straight through the dark sphere. Gehenna (hell)", looked at the larva of the six-winged beast, and said: "Success! The six-winged beast!!!"

The body of the fallen hell beast turned into a stream of light, holding the sacred ten-fist sword in his hand, and the ten-fist sword carried extremely powerful divine power, and quickly broke the "Gehenna (hell)" sphere.

All the power of the fallen hell beast was poured into the ten-punch sword. The strongest blow directly pierced the body of the larva of the six-winged beast. The fallen hell beast poured all its power into it through the ten-punch sword in his hand. Into the body of the six-winged beast.

"You..." The six-winged beast looked at the long sword that broke through its own unique trick and pierced into its body in surprise, "No... I didn't expect... I would die in your... hands..."


Such sounds kept ringing, and the surface of the hexapod larva was covered with cracks.


The body of the six-winged beast exploded, and the huge explosion caused violent vibrations in both the digital world and the real world.

The Fallen Hell Beast was also blown away by the power of the explosion. Before landing, the Fallen Hell Beast looked at the sky lightly, and finally said: "You damn author...I'm so tired..."


The Ten Fist Sword of the Fallen Hell Beast is a sword made with the data of the Fallen Hell Beast. The pupil power of the eternal kaleidoscope injects power into the sword. The spirit of the Ten Fighter is transformed into the spirit of the Ten Fist Sword.

According to the plot of Digit 4, the Digimon that evolved from the fusion of Ten Fighters is the King Kong Beast, that is, the male beast of Susano, so I set the spirit of the Ten Fighters to merge into the ten-punch sword of Susano. , This setting is okay.

Chapter 237-The First Finale!

Under the influence of gravity, the fallen hell beast kept falling to the ground. At the moment when it was about to land, the fallen hell beast twisted and landed perfectly on the ground. The extremely narcissistic hell would not let himself fall on the ground. The same goes into the ground.

The fallen hell beast looked at his palm, and seven emblems lay quietly in his palm. Of course, these were not the beautiful emblems made by the sacred celestial beast, but the original sin emblems representing their seven devil kings.

The seven original sin badges were obtained at the moment when the fallen hell beast killed the larva of the six-winged beast. Although these original sin badges had no power, the fallen hell beast had an intuition, which must be related to the power he wanted.

Lilith Beast flew over, always with that coquettish smile on her face, and said, "I didn't expect you to actually defeat the six-winged beast. You really deserve to be the man I'm after!"

The Fallen Hell Beast glared at her, and then reluctantly said: "What do you mean by'unexpected', am I that bad?"

It’s not that Lilith beast doesn’t believe him, but that he doesn’t understand the strengths of the Fallen Hell Beast and the Hexa-winged Beast. If it is in the normal state of the Fallen Hell Beast and the Hexa-Winged Beast, of course, the Fallen Hell Beast is strong, but Lilith beast did not expect that the six-winged beast would evolve suddenly during the battle, but the fallen hell beast actually has a burst form, and even forcibly accepted the X antibody, so how can the Lilith beast want to get it?

"Chuck..." Seeing the depressed expression of the Fallen Hell Beast, Lilith Beast hid her mouth and smiled, her beautiful and moving appearance was trembling even if it was the nature of the Fallen Hell Beast at this time.

Lilith beast saw the appearance of the fallen hell beast like a pig brother, and did not feel the slightest dissatisfaction in his heart. Instead, he put his hands on his chest and squeezed out the originally amazing Saintess Peak even more, almost breaking Lilith beast. Clothes out.

Anyway, the Fallen Hell Beast is already a shameless guy. Feeling that Lilith Beast has such a tempting look, he just keeps on doing nothing and put his arms around Lilith Beast’s thin waist, and immediately kissed Lily with his big mouth. The little purple mouth of Silk Beast.

Lilith beast was taken aback for a moment, but then he put his arm around the fallen hell beast's neck and kissed him aggressively.

Even the witch beast can kiss the fallen hell beast without any scruples, let alone the Lilith beast, who is the demon king of lust?Moreover, the six-winged beast was dead, and everyone was relieved, even if the celebration was over.(You can tell it)

The fallen hell beast and Lilith beast kissed for more than a minute, and heard a jealous voice, saying: "Have you kissed enough?!"

The fallen hell beast left Lilith beast's small mouth, and saw the celestial beast staring at him with a sour expression, almost writing "I'm jealous" on the face with four golden characters.

Although after evolution, the celestial female beast has a gentle and kind-hearted character, but when facing the fallen hell beast, it still retains part of the character of the original dilu beast. It is jealous and unscrupulously quarrels with the fallen hell beast.

The fallen hell beast Xiexie smiled, pulled the celestial beast into his arms, and then kissed the small pink mouth of the celestial beast.

"Um..." The celestial beast struggled for a while, but the male scent of the fallen hell beast that made the celestial beast love and hate robbed all the power of the celestial beast. The celestial beast that had lost its power was worse than an ordinary woman. , Can only put his arms around the fallen hell beast, let him plunder his little mouth.

After that, the Fallen Hell Beast did the same, and kissed the little mouths of all the girls present except Jiaer.It’s not that the Fallen Hell Beast doesn’t want to kiss Jia’er, but the Fallen Hell Beast has no confidence. He doesn’t think that in Jia’er’s heart, his status can surpass her family. At least before Jia’er is overthrown, he and Jia’er’s The relationship cannot be exposed.

"" Taiyi Iori looked at Mimi and Suna, humans and Digimon who were leaning on the arms of fallen hell beasts like kittens... Taiyi Iori felt that his brain was about to collapse. .

"What are you!" The Fallen Hell Beast glared at Iori Tai, and then even more tightly held the two little loli women around him, and said: "From today onwards, I am the king of the Digimon world, and they are mine. princess!"

If the Fallen Hell Beast's dominance cannot be rejected, Meimei and Suna's two little loli's hearts were sweet. At the beginning, they were indeed forcibly occupied by the Fallen Hell Beast. At that time, the Fallen Hell Beast would take them both, mainly It's because they are the heroines of the first movie. If you want to talk about love, there really is not.

In the beginning, Sona and Mimei were indeed in pain, and even wanted to die, but their bodies surrendered to the powerful fighting power of the fallen hell beasts. Two little girls who were only 21 years old could have the will How determined, and soon, even the worldview was distorted and collapsed. From that time on, Meimei and Suna had a passion for the fallen hell beast.

The fallen hell beast is not the arrogant and cold fallen hell beast before, and he is not completely emotionless. Now that he said this, he wanted to rectify his woman's name.

"Uh..." Iori Taiichi felt that she was choked, but seeing the happiness written on Mi Mi and Suna's face, Tai Yi felt that she was not an outsider to say anything, after all, this was Mi Mi and Suna's own. Will.

Moreover, the fallen hell beast killed the six-winged beast and saved the Digimon world. This incident also reduced Tai Yi and their hostility to the fallen hell beast a lot.

If the fallen hell beasts knew their thoughts, it would be impossible not to the world?He is not so kind. He fights with the six-winged beast, on the one hand, is to satisfy his desire to fight, but more importantly, he wants to obtain the information and sins of the six-winged beast to save the world?He is not so kind.

"Falling hell beast, digital world..." The holy female beast looked at the fallen hell beast, and said with some excruciation.

Because of the ultra-ultimate body-level battle between the fallen hell beast and the six-winged beast, the Digimon world that has just recovered can not withstand this super huge battle, and it has now almost collapsed.

The Fallen Hell Beast looked at the digital world at this time, smiled, and said, "It's easy." After speaking, his hand moved towards the bright white digital egg floating in the sky, and the bright white digital egg flew immediately. In the hands of the fallen hell beast.

As soon as the fallen hell beast's hand smashed the bright white Digimon, the Digimon immediately turned into countless data, scattered throughout the Digimon world.

This white Digimon contains all the light powers of the hexa-winged beast, and contains everything on the bright side of the hexa-winged beast. The light power also contains the good side of the hexa-winged beast. The salvation of mercy and kindness, the endless light power repairs this The broken digital world.

With the support of the power left behind by the six-winged beast, the entire Digimon World is being repaired at a high speed, but within a few minutes, the Digimon World has been repaired a lot, at least not as close to collapse as before.

The fallen hell beast god unknowingly separated two clones to replace him and Jia'er, and then his body hugged Jia'er's petite body and sat on a hidden tree.

The Fallen Hell Beast embraced Jia'er's soft body, looked at Jia'er's pouting mouth amusedly, and said: "What's the matter, Jiaer, are you unhappy?"

"Huh!" Jia'er hummed a rare rare, turned her head to the smiling face of a fallen hell beast, this big villain!

The big hand of the fallen hell beast stroked Jia'er's pink face, and smiled: "What's wrong, Jiaer, is it because your elder brother didn't kiss you just now, you are upset?" In front of the veteran love scene of the fallen hell beast How could Jia'er's careful thoughts be hidden from him?

The cautious thoughts in her heart were so directly pierced by the Fallen Hell Beast, Jia'er blushed, and said with a pouting: "No, people don't... Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." The mouth was sealed by the big mouth of the fallen hell beast.

The fallen hell beast kissed Jia'er's soft mouth, and left reluctantly after more than a minute. He licked his lips unsatisfactorily, and said, "It's so sweet, Jia'er's little mouth is so delicious."

"Hmm..." Jiaer squeaked, staring at the fallen hell beast with big watery eyes, and said: "Big bad guy!"

The Fallen Hell Beast scraped Jia'er's little nose, and said dozingly: "Of course I am a badass, otherwise how could I kidnap Jiaer's cute little loli?"

Jia'er glared at the Fallen Hell Beast with some dissatisfaction, but softly leaned her head in the arms of the Fallen Hell Beast, and then said: "Falling Hell Beast...Jia'er...I like you so must do so in the future. Don't leave Jiaer... OK..."

The fallen hell beast kissed Jia'er's hair and said, "If you don't leave, I won't give up."

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