Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Benged Chapter 179

Jia'er looked at the bag in the hands of the Fallen Hell Beast, then looked at the Fallen Hell Beast with some timidity, and said: "Falling Hell Beast, am I spending too much money?"

The fallen hell beast reached out his hand and touched Jia'er's hair, smiled and said, "Why?"

"But... but I bought so many things at once." Jiaer still said weakly.

The fallen hell beast touched Jia'er's little face and said, "If Jia'er doesn't like these clothes, then these clothes will lose the meaning of existence, then I will destroy these clothes."

"No!" Jiaer hurriedly grabbed the hand of the fallen hell beast, and said: "Don', I like these clothes very much."

"Really?" The Fallen Hell Beast leaned down, touching Jia'er's smooth forehead with his forehead, and said: "At that moment, Jia'er needs to wear it to me."

Although Jiaer was shy, she nodded softly and said softly: "Yeah."

Just when the two were deeply affectionate, a disgusting voice interrupted their ambiguousness: "Oh, little beauty, do you want to play with my brother?"

When the two raised their heads, they saw a few well-dressed young men, looking at Jia'er with lustful eyes, and the head of them was a young man in his twenties who wore a famous brand, but how do you look at it? It was just a social scum, his face was as pale as a girl, and he knew that he was hollowed out by playing with women too much.

Jia'er suddenly became stunned. Although she was often looked at by Fallen Hell Beasts, only Fallen Hell Beasts in the world could see her like this. For these guys in front of her, the kind-hearted Jia'er said no in her heart. Out of disgust.

Jiaer pulled the hand of the Fallen Hell Beast and said, "Brother Fallen Hell, let's go, ignore these guys." In front of outsiders, it is naturally impossible for Jiaer to report the full name of the Fallen Hell Beast. So called Brother Fallen Heaven.

The Fallen Hell Beast smiled slightly and pulled Jiaer to leave.

Suddenly a yellow hair sprang out, pointing at the fallen hell beast and shouted: "Boy! Leave that little beauty for a few brothers to play with, or see how Lao Tzu kills you!"

The Fallen Hell Beast glanced at him, the original indifference in his eyes had turned into endless killing intent, he placed the bag in his hand on the ground, and then his body shook and disappeared in place.

The yellow hair was taken aback, before he understood how the man suddenly disappeared, a huge force came from his stomach!

Huang Mao opened his mouth wide, but he couldn't make any sound. His eyes protruded and he lost his breath.

The fallen hell beast had already moved to kill them, so naturally he would not let them go, but he didn't want Jia'er to see the bloody scene, so he added his own extremely destructive dark power to the punch just now.

The dark power of the Fallen Hell Beast can't bear even the Ultimate Digimon, let alone the wilted man whose body was hollowed out by a woman. With a punch, the dark power of the Fallen Hell Beast will take all his internal organs, bones and The blood vessels were all destroyed, although nothing was unusual on the outside, the inside was completely rotten.

The Fallen Hell Beast did the same, knocking out all the remaining wilted men, and then took Jia'er's little hand and said: "Let's go, Jia'er."

"Yeah." Jia'er nodded lightly, looking at the Fallen Hell Beast with a look of fascination.Although Jiaer is kind, she is not without principles, and she really likes to see the violent aesthetics of fallen hell beasts before her eyes.

Jiaer looked at the face of the fallen hell beast Xiejun, because the actions of the fallen hell beast just now made Jiaer's heart full of tenderness.

The Fallen Hell Beast took Jia'er around several more shops. After dinner, he took Jia'er to a love hotel and opened a room.

Love hotel, just by hearing the name, it is a hotel specially opened for couples. The style of the rooms is mainly ambiguous, romantic and warm. Love hotels originally originated in Europe and America, developed in Japan and South Korea, especially in Japan, where sex is highly open. One-night stand It is a very normal thing, and cheap and good-quality love hotels are the best choice for one-night stands.

After entering the room, Jiaer immediately yelled like a frightened kitten, and then took a bag in the hands of the fallen hell beast without looking at the clothes inside, and immediately went into the bathroom. inside.

The Fallen Hell Beast smiled slightly, did not follow up, and threw the bag in his hand aside, and then sat down on the double bed in the room.

Water beds have great benefits for the human spine, but they are also expensive. Generally, the price of a water bed can range from 80,000 to 150,000 yen. This is found in the superior rooms of some more advanced couple hotels. Plant a water bed, because the shaking of the water bed is of great benefit to both men and women.

The fallen hell beast lay on the waterbed, turned on the TV, and tuned the TV to the adult channel.Japanese nightly TV shows are not as boring as domestic ones.In China, usually in the middle of the night, the TV is either rebroadcasting previous programs or putting on an advertisement until the morning news.

In Japan, after nightfall, adult channels will broadcast a variety of restricted programs, the scale is large enough to make any man who hasn't died.

The Fallen Hell Beast was watching the adult show while waiting for Jia'er.

Half an hour later, the bathroom door was opened, Jiaer walked out of the bathroom, and the fallen hell beast turned off the TV easily. Those black fungus could not be compared with the angel-like Jiaer, the fallen hell beast looked up. Suddenly he was stunned on the spot.

Jia Er wore a pure white dress, without any extra patterns and decorations, just a simple white dress.This kind of plain clothes with no decoration at all is very picky, but Jia'er's temperament is like this dress exists for Jia'er.

Jia'er's temperament is the same as the celestial beast and the sacred celestial beast, but the temperament of the celestial beast and the holy celestial beast is holy, noble and inviolable, which makes people look up to, but the temperament of Jia'er is pure and innocent, even if it is fallen In front of Jia'er, the super demon king like hell beast also seems to be suppressed all the sins and evils. Anyone facing Jia'er will involuntarily raise an impulse to protect her and take care of her.

Just after the shower, Jia'er’s hair was still a little wet, and it was attached to her blushing face from the heat. The pure white dress was half-covered and half revealing Jia'er’s cute and lovely body. The skirt only covered her knees. A piece of crystal clear, like lotus root-like calf was exposed.

Jiaer’s legs are very beautiful. Although it’s not slender, the legs are perfect. Although Jiaer is not a sportswoman, his legs are not thick at all. There is no fat, no excess muscles, and the skin is delicate and full. elasticity.

Jia Er didn't wear shoes, and her two snow-white cute little feet were completely exposed in front of the fallen hell beast.Jiaer’s little feet are fleshy, without any calluses that affect the beauty, nor can you see the horrible blue veins, ten toes are not painted with nail polish, exuding a natural and lovely pink, under the light, a pair of lovely feet Exuding green beauty.

Jiaer stood in front of the fallen hell beast shyly and saw the obsessive gaze of the fallen hell beast. Jiaer was ashamed and happy in her heart. She lowered her head slightly, and her fingers were unconsciously disturbing the hem of her skirt, a little shy and somewhat Expectantly asked: "Brother Fallen Heaven...I... Am I good-looking?"

The girl’s soft and sweet voice made it difficult for the Fallen Hell Beast to suppress the impulse in her heart. A stride rushed over, and her strong arm hugged Jia'er's body with red eyes, looking at the beautiful girl in her arms. Hoarsely said:

"Jia are so beautiful..."

Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty Nine-The End of the Year

"Jia are so beautiful..."

The voice of the Fallen Hell Beast was a little trembling, and no woman had ever made him so impulsive. Even if the two goddesses of Lilith Beast and the Holy God Beast were combined, the impulse in the heart of the Fallen Hell Beast could not be compared to that of Jia'er at this time.

The hoarse voice and hot eyes of the fallen hell beast made Jia'er's face hot and hot like a fire, but her heart was as sweet as drinking honey.

The Fallen Hell Beast slowly lowered its head, and stopped Jiaer's pink mouth.

Jia'er softened, and put her hands on the shoulders of the fallen hell beast, gentle but warmly responding to the kiss of the fallen hell beast.

The fallen hell beast hugged Jia'er's petite body and fell onto the bed. The elasticity of the water bed threw them up and down. The benefits of the water bed are here.

The fallen hell beast pressed Jia'er under her body, and soft kisses spread all over Jia'er's body, the kisses were sprayed softly like a spring rain, and each inch of Jia'er's skin was kissed gently.

Jia'er closed her eyes and allowed the Fallen Hell Beast to desecrate his beautiful body. The blush on her face became more beautiful. In her small mouth, following the kiss of the Fallen Hell Beast, there was an unconscious murmur. It's as if it's pouting the mind of a fallen hell beast.

The fallen hell beast bent his arms, propped his upper body, looked at Jia'er under him, and said: "Are you ready. Jia'er?"

As soon as the voice fell, the fallen hell beast felt the girl under him clenched a small pink fist and gently hit him twice.

Jia'er opened her eyes, looked at the fallen hell beast with bright eyes, and pursed her small mouth slightly, and said, "You badass! When they were eight years old, they took away their first kiss. Now Jia'er has all his heart. I've given it to you, you still ask me this kind of question, how good or bad you are!" The tone was lightly resentful, and couldn't tell how touching.

The fallen hell beast smiled badly and said: "I am the Super Demon in the dark zone. Is there anything bad that I can't do?"

Jia'er immediately looked at the Fallen Hell Beast with a look of anguish, and then gently hugged the Fallen Hell Beast, buried her small face in his strong and generous chest, and muttered: "You ghost animal! Badass! I stole everyone’s heart. Jiaer knows that you are not a good person, but Jia’er already loves you so much that you can’t help herself... Is Jia’er’s heart broken? Is Jia’er a bad girl? , Is Jia Er fallen..."

The fallen hell beast kissed Jia'er's little mouth and said: "How could it be? Jia'er is always so kind, how can he become bad? Moreover, even if Jia'er is fallen, he is also a beautiful fallen angel, fallen angel With me, the Dark Lord, a perfect match!"

Jiaer performed a smile, seeming to be very happy, rubbing his cheeks against the chest of the fallen hell beast, and muttered: "I will only be your fallen angel..."

The Fallen Hell Beast smiled slightly and reached out to untie the knot on Jiaer's shoulder.The dress on Jia'er has a knot on his shoulder. As long as the knot is untied, the dress can be taken off easily.

As the dress peeled off, Jia'er's whole body skin became hot, her matte body was stained with a fiery flush, her bright eyes closed, her not-so-long eyelashes trembling unceasingly, looking very tension.

The fallen hell beast gently stroked Jia'er's body, and the rough palm of his hand immediately caused Jia'er's body to get goose bumps.

The fallen hell beast stroked Jia'er's body while kissing her cheek, saying: "Jia'er, don't be so nervous, relax."

If the girl is overly nervous at this time, plus it is still the first time, it is very likely to have vaginal spasm, and the fallen hell beast does not want to leave her with a bad memory on her first night.

As the fallen hell beast comforted her, Jia'er's body gradually relaxed, and the goose bumps disappeared. Instead, her whole body seemed to be covered with ants, and it was very itchy.

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