Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 180

The Fallen Hell Beast smiled and looked at Jia'er's gently twisting body, and asked softly: "Jia'er, is it comfortable?"

Jia'er opened her eyes slightly, looked at the fallen hell beast, and said: "It's a bit comfortable...a bit itchy... so strange feeling..."

The fallen hell beast smiled slightly, Jiaer was still a young girl, and this feeling was normal.

The fallen hell beast tried to arouse Jia'er's erotic desires with the gentlest movements. Although Jiaer was extremely shy, he half-pushed and half-placed the big hands of the fallen hell beast to move on his body, and his precocious body had already ignited a raging fire.

After the completion of the current play, the Fallen Hell Beast rolled over and pressed on Jia'er, holding on to his dragon, rubbing Jia'er’s immature Taoyuan, and the dragon was covered with the liquid that Jiaer shed, which was used as a lubricant. Otherwise, Jia Er can die of pain.

"Jia'er, I'm coming, it will hurt a bit at first, so bear with me."

"Wait! Wait a minute!" Jiaer said suddenly a little excited.

The movement of the fallen hell beast stopped and looked at Jia'er strangely.

Jia'er moved her body, did not know where she took out a new white towel, put it under her body, and said:

"Okay, come on."

The fallen hell beast looked at Jia'er amusedly, this girl is actually ready for this, of course, the business still needs to be done.

The fallen hell beast supported the dragon and slowly entered Jia'er's body. Jia'er's soft and hot body made the fallen hell beast almost crazy, but the fallen hell beast still resisted its animal desires and checked Mu Dun. Carat entered Jiaer's body.

Although Jia'er matured prematurely, she couldn't change the fact that she was only 11 years old. Just after the dragon of the fallen hell beast entered Jia'er's body, Jia'er felt a lot of pain, and her beautiful eyebrows were also tightly frowned. together.

Under the nourishment of Mu Dun Chakra, Jia'er's pain was finally relieved, and the tightness of her body was relaxed.

The fallen hell beast tentatively penetrated into Jia'er's body little by little. When it touched the film, the fallen hell beast looked at Jia'er and said, "Jia'er, it's coming."

Jia'er nodded and closed her eyes tightly. There was expectation and fear in her heart. At this moment, it was finally coming!

The fallen hell beast pierced Jia'er's last guard with a strong force.

"Ah! It hurts!!" Jia'er cried out in pain, tears streaming out immediately.

Jia'er's painful expression made the Fallen Hell Beast feel distressed, and he did not dare to move rashly. He lowered his head and kissed Jia'er's lips, and his hand stroked Jia'er's little pigeon. Of course, Mu Dun's Chakra was also indispensable.

Under the three-pronged comfort of the fallen hell beast, Jia'er didn't feel the pain for long. The pain of breaking through was replaced by a strange itch, and her body twisted.

The fallen hell beast left Jiaer's little mouth and looked at the beautiful girl.

Jia'er looked at Fallen Heaven Hell Beast with beautiful eyes like water, and said shyly: "Brother Fallen Heaven...I...I am not in pain, you can move..."

The fallen hell beast was naturally overjoyed when he heard Jia'er's words, but still did not dare to move too much, and gently enjoyed Jia'er's body.

Although Jia'er still feels a bit of tingling every time the dragon comes in and out, it is already within her tolerance, and the gentleness of the fallen hell beast makes Jia'er feel like eating honey in her heart. The sweet, petite body crazily embraced the strong body of the Fallen Hell Beast, and spit out lewd noises that a girl her age should not know.

Because of pity for Jia'er in his heart, the Fallen Hell Beast did not go crazy that night. After sending Jia'er to the peak twice, it was launched into Jia'er's body, holding Jia'er's soft body, and fell asleep.

Chapter 240-Early Morning Exercise!

The first ray of sunlight in the morning penetrated the window of the room and shone on the two Hongguoguo people on the bed. Jia'er's eyelids moved lightly and opened.

The Fallen Hell Beast was facing the window, and Jiaer was facing the window. The sunlight naturally shone on Jiaer's face.

Jiaer looked at the sleeping face of the man next to him, recalling the crazy happy scene last night, Jiaer's small face blushed, but when she looked at the fallen hell beast, her eyes were full of happiness and sweetness. .

Jiaer really felt that she was broken. At the age of 11, she couldn’t wait to hand over her virgin. She was obviously a human girl, but she fell in love with a Digimon, and she was still a demon. I can't help but love it.

Seeing the face of the fallen hell beast in his sleep, Jia'er's eyes were obsessed. The fallen hell beast in his sleep had taken away his usual arrogance and dominance, and had more peace and gentleness. He was clearly a demon king. In Jiaer's eyes, it was as quiet and peaceful as an angel.

Suddenly, Jia'er's big eyes rolled, and the pure smile on her face was filled with a little fox's smirk, she was just a little girl who was planning a prank.Jia'er stretched out her small hand, her jade finger curled a lock of her hair, and pointed it towards the nose of the fallen hell beast.

Although Jiaer’s short hair is also very open, the Fallen Hell Beast prefers long hair. Therefore, at the request of the Fallen Hell Beast, Jiaer started to grow her hair three years ago, but occasionally went to the hair salon to trim it. Let the hair not become a bird's nest.

After these three years, Jiaer already has a very beautiful chestnut-colored long hair over the shoulders, usually with a high ponytail, full of youthful vitality, but it was untied when she took a bath last night.

Seeing that Jiaer’s hair was about to scratch the nose of the Fallen Hell Beast, and when the little girl’s prank was about to succeed, the Fallen Hell Beast suddenly opened three eyes, then stretched out his big hand and caught a naughty girl. Little hand, and then gently kissed the girl's mouth.

Little Jiaer blushed. On the one hand, it was the embarrassment of being caught in the prank. On the other hand, Jiaer didn't have any traces on her body now.

The Fallen Hell Beast gently hugged Jia'er's body, messed up Jia'er's long hair, and smiled: "Little girl, why don't you sleep for a while, you were very tired last night. "

Although the Fallen Hell Beast only took Jia'er twice last night, it was the first time that Jia'er accepted Huan, and Jia'er was relatively weak.Although the nourishment of Mu Dun Chakra, the fallen hell beast, improved Jia'er's formerly frail and sickly physique, Jia'er didn't have much exercise, so now Jia'er's body is only slightly better than ordinary girls. , A little worse than the average sports girl, after all, it is impossible to say that just relying on Mu Dun Chakra, Jiaer can turn her into a sports girl without exercising at all.

After hearing the jokes of the Fallen Hell Beast, Jia Er felt shy and clenched her small pink fist and gently beat the Fallen Hell Beast twice, really lightly.Firstly, Jiaer couldn't bear it at all, and secondly, Jiaer's body was still soft.

Although with the help of Mu Dun Chakra, Jia'er’s first night was almost perfect, there was no pain, but she got a great pleasure, but after that, Jia'er's body is still soft and boneless. , Especially below.It's not painful, but it's sour, swollen, and itchy.

The fallen hell beast hugged Jia'er, smelled the sweet scent on her body, and muttered: "Jia'er, the smell on your body is so fragrant..."

The obsession of the fallen hell beast made Jia'er's heart full of shyness and sweetness. She shy her head in the arms of the fallen hell beast and said, "It's the fragrance of the bath liquid."

The Fallen Hell Beast reached out and held Jia'er's shoulders, pushed her away from her arms, then lowered her head and kissed Jia'er's mouth, and smiled: "That's Jia'er's body fragrance, it really sucks me. ."

Jia'er was sweet in her heart. Although she knew that this guy was mostly saying this to coax herself, she couldn't help but feel happy. She lightly clenched her small fist and knocked on the chest of the fallen hell beast, saying: "Just Will say something nice."

The shy and moving beauty on Jia'er's face, coupled with the fascination and feminine scent that naturally radiated from her body after her first embrace, greatly aroused the nerves of the fallen beast.

The morning was originally the most energetic moment for a man. As a man with an abnormal level of energy, only one shot in a night could not satisfy his animal desires. Now Jia Er’s so shy mood directly provoked the lust of fallen hell beasts. , The dragon put on good ammunition, raised its head in salute, and landed on Jia'er's lower abdomen.

Last night, Jia'er handed over her body in a sane situation. How could she not know what the hot thing was on her lower abdomen, her face suddenly became flushed, and she said shyly: "No... ...No way... Brother Fallen Heaven... That..."

Because the first night of yesterday was perfect, Jia'er had only shyness in her heart at this time, but there was no fear in her heart. This relieved the fallen hell beast a lot.

The fallen hell beast hugged Jia'er's soft waist without skin and face, with a bitter face, and said: "Good Jia'er, I'm so uncomfortable now, can you let me do it once?"

The words of the fallen hell beast and the pitiful appearance made Jia'er's heart immediately softened.Jia Er was originally a very kind person, although it is not a bad person, but it is almost the same. She is not good at rejecting others at all, and Jia Er's resistance to her beloved man is almost negligible. To the point.

"Brother Fallen Heaven is really... really uncomfortable?" Jiaer asked weakly, her bright big eyes purely looking at the Fallen Hell Beast.

The Fallen Hell Beast was overjoyed after hearing Jia'er's question, and immediately nodded. Although Jiaer's innocent eyes almost made him avoid it, the Fallen Hell Beast still bit his head and nodded for his second brother.

Jia'er's face was flushed, and she buried her small face in the arms of the Fallen Hell Beast. Although he didn't say anything, he already acquiesced and let the Fallen Hell Beast do it.

The fallen hell beast was overjoyed in his heart, and with one hand he held Jia'er's little hand and held his second brother.

"Ah!" The scorching heat from the palm immediately made Jia'er exclaimed, and instinctively told Jia'er that the thing she was holding now entered her body last night and brought her great happiness.

Under curiosity, Jiaer couldn't help squeezing the thing with his hands. It was hard, big, and very hot. These were the three most direct feelings for Jiaer.

Jia'er's behavior under curiosity brought great pleasure to the Fallen Hell Beast, and Jia'er's soft and soft hands directly sent the Fallen Hell Beast to heaven.

After that, the madly fallen hell beast entered Jia'er's body again.

It was different from last night. This time, the Fallen Hell Beast returned the virgin Yuan Yin and her protagonist's luck absorbed from Jia'er last night to Jia'er.

Jiaer is the protagonist in both Digital 1 and Digital 2, so her luck combined is stronger than her brother Iori Taiichi.

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