Traveling from the collapse

Beginning with the collapse Chapter 181

In the double cultivation, Jia'er got huge benefits. The original delicate body was filled with powerful and pure power. Jia'er's small body already had strength comparable to seven or eight strong men.

When the Fallen Hell Beast walked out of the love hotel with Jia'er with a blushing face, Jia'er's innocent face was hung with a sweet smile, just like the sun today, beautiful and gorgeous!

Chapter 241-Overthrow Iori Yuko (Part 1)

In the next few days, the Fallen Hell Beast stayed in the real world to accompany Jia'er, and did not return to the Digimon world.

It should be because she was too young. After breaking through her body, Jiaer's attachment to the Fallen Hell Beast would be extremely uneasy if she didn't see the Fallen Hell Beast for a second.

It is still early February, and the winter vacation will last until the beginning of March, so Fallen Hell Beast and Jia Er still have a long time to get along, and after Jia Er starts school, the plot of Digital 2 is about to start, when Fallen Hell Beast There will still be a lot of time with Jiaer.

One problem that the Fallen Hell Beast cares more about is the variant Vampire Beast, because before, he accidentally killed the Ultimate Vampire Beast. This has been fully confirmed by the Fallen Beast, and the Vampire Beast is completely dead. It's utterly clear. Killed by him, the gluttonous demon king, even the immortal vampire beasts have no possibility of resurrection, but the fall of the hell beast is careless, which caused him to lose his prophetic advantage over the second period of Digimon .(Does anyone know who the boss of the second part is?)

But for things that will happen in the future, the Fallen Hell Beast will not worry about him so early. For the Fallen Hell Beast, it is much more practical to accompany Jia'er than worry about the unknown future.

Iori House...

While humming a light tune, Jiaer helped her mother Yuko Iori choose vegetables, preparing for dinner tonight, the high ponytail behind her head swayed with the master’s mood, anyone could see Jiaer’s today The mood is very good.

While slicing vegetables, Yuko Iori looked at her daughter Jiaer suspiciously.Iori Yuko didn't know what was going on with her daughter recently. From that birthday, she said she was spending time with her classmates. After coming back, she smiled all day long. She didn't know what happened to her and she didn't ask her.

Of course Yuko Iori would not know that her 11-year-old daughter had been eaten by a demon. There was no Shougiyasha in these days. It was impossible for Yuko Iori to take off Jiaer’s pants, of course. I don't know what happened to Jiaer.

Although Taiyi didn't know exactly what happened, he secretly guessed that it was related to the fallen hell beast.Over the past three years, Fallen Hell Beast and Jia'er have almost always maintained a state of underground affection. Fallen Hell Beast has not shown any flaws, but Jia'er has a problem.

Yijiaer's personality cannot become as evil as the Fallen Hell Beast in his life. He is scheming. Although he heard what the Fallen Hell Beast said and did not reveal their relationship, Taiichi Iori captured some information.

Although Taiichi Iori was a bit impulsive, if it was his sister Jiaer, Taichi would definitely be very caring.

After dinner, Tai Yi came to Jia'er's room and looked at her sister who was sitting at the writing desk giggling. Tai Yi suddenly felt that her facial muscles twitched.

Taiyi woke Jia'er up, looked at her seriously, and said: "Jia'er, brother asks you a question, you must answer me honestly!"

Jia'er didn't know why her brother was so serious suddenly, Jia'er nodded without realizing anything wrong and said, "Okay, brother."

Tai Yi's eyes looked directly at Jia'er's pure and watery eyes, and said: "Jia'er, are are in a relationship with the fallen hell beast." Looking at such a pure Jia'er, Taiyi couldn't think of the love of men and women. Go up, so I just asked if they were dating.

Jiaer was taken aback by Tai Yi's sudden question, and immediately lowered her head flushed, her fingers disturbing her clothes nervously.

It is embarrassing for Jia'er to have his beloved man on one side and his close brother on the other.

Taiyi is now in junior high school, and his understanding of the relationship between men and women is not what Xiaobai used to be. Jia'er has such a shy air, if Taiyi still can’t see anything, then he is almost the same as his brother. Come on.

"Oh..." Tai Yi sighed softly, with a vicissitudes of age that did not match his age, and said, "How is he treating you?"

Jia'er's face was even more shy, and she couldn't help but recall the time she spent with the Fallen Hell Beast, with a sweet smile that she had never seen before.

As soon as Tai saw Jia'er's smile, he already had the answer in his heart, smiled helplessly, and left Jia'er's room.Although Tai Yi didn't like Fallen Hell Beasts, he didn't want to interfere with Jia Er's choice. Coupled with the two precedents of Mei Mei and Suna, Tai Yi felt that it was not so difficult to accept.

In the following days, until the opening of Odaiba Elementary School, Jiaer ran out every day to date the Fallen Hell Beast. For half a month, the Fallen Hell Beast and Jia Er visited almost all the fun places in Tokyo. All over.

And the day before the school started, the Fallen Hell Beast and Jia'er rolled the sheets on the bed, which was regarded as a comfort before parting, and this time, instead of opening the room, they were directly at Iori’s house, on Jia'er’s bed.

Knowing that it is not so convenient to meet the Fallen Hell Beast after school, Jia Er is also particularly obsessed this time, constantly coordinating with the Falling Hell Beast's movements, posing lewd postures that she would never pose before. , Pushing up the snow-white little ass to cater to the favor of the fallen hell beast.

And Jia'er, who was obsessed, didn't notice at all. She didn't pay attention to the slit flowing out of the door of her room, the bright eye behind the slit.

The owner of that gaze is Jia'er's mother, Yuko Iori.Yuko Iori works as a nurse in the hospital. She was on night shift last night. She only came back at noon today. She wanted to go directly to the room to sleep, but Yuko suddenly heard a strange sound. Under doubt, Yuko found the sound source—— Carrie's room.

Through the crack in the door, Yuko Iori saw a scene that shocked and angered her-her daughter Kaer Iori was "hugging" with a strong man, and she was constantly moaning lewdly.(Hold in Japanese = roll the sheets)

At that time, Yuko Iori wanted to rush in to separate the two of them, but after another thought, she was afraid that Jiaer would have no face to be a human being and could only suppress her anger.

But looking at it, Yuko Iori’s anger gradually turned into lust. Since Jiaer was born, Yuko Iori has seldom got into bed with her husband Iori, she already had two children. I don’t have the passion of my youth anymore, and Iori Yuko, a nurse, often has to work night shifts. When I came back, Iori had already gone to work, and the time was out.

An old young woman saw such an adult blockbuster, and the heroine was still her own daughter, Yuko Iori was uncontrollably wet.I don't know when, Yuko Iori was already sitting on the ground, clutching his snow hill with one hand, and one hand had reached into the bottom of the skirt, both hands soothed uncontrollably.

The fallen hell beast was holding Jia'er's body. The sensitive Jiaer was quickly sent to the top five times by the fallen hell beast, and fell on the bed, panting. The fallen hell beast saw that Jia'er could not bear it anymore. The essence was launched into Jia Er's body.

After the peak, Jia'er's face was flushed, looking at the dragon of Fallen Hell beast that hadn't softened after shooting once, and said: "Brother Fallen, why are you so powerful today?"

The fallen hell beast rubbed Jia'er's hair and said, "How do you like it?"

Jia Er has no attributes of arrogance at all, holding a fallen hell beast, and said with happiness: "I like it, people love you to death!"

The fallen hell beast kissed Jia'er's small face and said: "You are tired too, let's sleep for a while."

"Yeah." Jia Er nodded gently, and gradually fell asleep.

The fallen hell beast stretched out his hand and stroked Jia'er's body casually, then turned around and walked out of the field, his body naked, holding up the dragon like a door.

Chapter 242-Overthrow Iori Yuko (Part 2)


Jia'er's door was opened, and the Fallen Hell Beast looked down at the young woman with loose hair and half-clothes before him.

How could Yuko Iori spying on the fallen hell beast not knowing it?If the vigilance of the fallen hell beast was low to that level, he would have been killed by others.

For the fallen hell beast, besides himself, there are only two people who can see his woman's body, one is his woman, and the other is a dead person. Since Yuko Iori brought it to the door, how could he? Will you be polite?

Originally, Yuko Iori had already entered the state of ZW, and didn't notice the Fallen Hell Beast coming out at first. Only then was she awakened by the sound of opening the door. When he looked up, he saw the ferocious dragon of Fallen Hell Beast.

"Ah!" Iori Yuko subconsciously exclaimed, then immediately covered her mouth with her small hand, and her body moved back continuously.

How could the fallen hell beast let her escape, stretched out his hand like lightning, grabbed Yuko Iori by the ankle, and then pulled her to her side, Yuko Iori's legs were greatly separated, and the completely soaked white pants were exposed. In front of the fallen hell beast.

Yuko Iori was shocked, and quickly held on to her skirt, shouting: "Asshole! You let me go! Come on! Help!"

Yuko Iori shouted so loudly, but Jiaer in the room didn't respond.The stroke of the fallen hell beast on Jia'er just now when he got out of bed actually gave Jia'er an illusion. This illusion does not have any attack and will not cause any harm to Jia'er's body and spirit. There are benefits.

That illusion will lure Jia'er into deep sleep. Deep sleep is the best way to restore the spirit and physical strength. As long as the fallen hell beast does not release the illusion, Jia'er will not wake up.

The Fallen Hell Beast just looked at Yuko Iori struggled in his hands with an evil smile, not to mention that he had already set up a soundproof barrier, what if someone came?Even in the Digimon world, there is no rival to the fallen hell beast, let alone weak humans?At present, among the thermal weapons manufactured by human beings, only top weapons such as nuclear weapons can cause damage to fallen hell beasts, and all others are ignored.

The fallen hell beast easily controlled Iori Yuko's body with one hand, stroking Iori Yuko's small face with one hand, and said, "It's well maintained, Beauty."

Yuko Iori looked at the fallen hell beast in disgust, and roared: "Take your dirty hands away from me!"

The fallen hell beast was not angry. It was the first time he saw such a fierce woman. She was full of sexual interest and smiled evilly: "Dirty hands? Jiaer, she likes my touch very much."

Hearing the demon in front of him mentioning his daughter, Iori Yuko only felt his anger burned. He looked at the fallen hell beast angrily and shouted: "Hurry up and let my daughter go! I don't allow you to touch her!!"

"No?" The fallen hell beast tilted his head and looked at Yuko Iori, and said: "I and Jia'er are in love with each other. You are too lenient."

What the Fallen Hell Beast said this time is really true, but in the eyes of Yuko Iori, it is completely impossible. How could her daughter like this demon!Falling Hellion have mixed feelings about this time, ah, that there were honest ferry no one would believe ~~ (Author:! Is not because you have bad character)

"You devil! You will definitely get retribution!!"

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