Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 182

The Fallen Hell Beast shook his head and said: "Those who offend me will get retribution." Now he is the world's number one demon king. If he offends him, it is hard not to get retribution.

The fallen hell beast ignored Iori Yuko's anger that almost burned him, reached out through the clothes and grabbed the big ball of Iori Yuko's flesh, and said: "It is a woman who has had two children, although the skin is not as good as Jiaer's. Slippery, but the scale here is pretty good."

"You!" Iori Yuko glared at him, his face flushed not only with anger but also with shame.


The Fallen Hell Beast stretched out his hand and pulled all the clothes on Yuko Iori. It was still winter, and Yuko Iori couldn't take it off when he came back from the outside, but it couldn't stop the huge power of the Fallen Hell Beast.

Iori Yuko glared at the fallen hell beast, gritted his teeth, and said: "I can do it with you! But you must leave Jiaer from now on!"

The fallen hell beast smiled disdainfully, and said: "Do you think your body is very valuable? It's just a torn shoe. I love Jiaer, and Jiaer also loves me. From now on, Jiaer will be my queen, you , She's just a slave girl who will let me vent my lust."

With so many women, it’s impossible for the fallen hell beasts to take care of everyone. Jiaer is his favorite and will be his queen, and like Yuko Iori and Shuko Takenouchi, that’s The venting female slave.

"You!!!" Yuko Iori felt that she had never been so angry in her life, "Despicable! Shameless!! Bastard..." Yuko Iori smashed all the swear words she knew on the fallen hell beast.

"Despicable is the pass of the despicable, and the noble is the epitaph of the noble." The fallen hell beast once again uttered this most famous saying of his favorite, then stretched out his hand and tore off the white pants of Yuko Iori. Yuko shook in front of her, and said, "What a virgin woman who pretends to be, she's obviously already wet."

Yuko Iori's face flushed, but she couldn't refute anything. She was already soaked.

The Fallen Hell Beast squeezed his hands forcefully, squeezing out a lot of liquid from the obscene pants in his hands, all dripping onto Yuko Iori's face.

Looking at Yuko Iori with liquid on her face, the Fallen Hellbeast felt an evil fire in her heart, moved her body, and sat on the two plump meat balls of Yuko Iori, then he broke off Iori Yuko's head and stretched out her hand to pinch her away. In the jaws of his mouth, he directly stuffed his dragon in.

Suddenly, Yuko Iori was stuffed with such a big thing in her mouth. She only felt that she was having difficulty breathing, and she was almost suffocated. She could no longer think normally, and could not make the act of biting something in her mouth.

The fallen hell beast came in and out of Iori Yuko's mouth for a while, and then quickly pulled it out. From Iori Yuko's body, the dragon aimed at the Taoyuan of Iori Yuko, and pushed in in one breath.

Puff!The spring water splashed, and the voice was particularly lewd.

"Ah! Pain!" Iori Yuko yelled in pain. How big is a normal man in the size of a fallen hell beast, and when Yuko Iori was empty for a long time, he suddenly ate a guy as big as a fallen hell beast. How could his body stand it?

The Fallen Hell Beast didn't show any pity, grabbing Yuko Iori by the waist and attacking.

Yuko Iori gritted her teeth, tears in her eyes swirling, she was afraid to speak, for fear that her body would fall completely when she opened her mouth.

How could a veteran such as the Fallen Hell Beast make Yuko Iori do his wish?With a move of the index finger, he forcibly entered the backyard of Yuko Iori.

"Ah! It hurts!!" Yuko Iori screamed, his teeth were already opened.

No one has entered behind Yuko Iori, and there is little body fluid secretion behind, and the fallen hell beast hasn't done any lubrication, so it doesn't hurt to insert it so hard.

Fortunately, the goal of the Fallen Hell Beast today is not on the backyard flower of Iori Yuko. After prying open Iori Yuko's teeth, he began to attack vigorously.

Before Yuko Iori was able to breathe a sigh of relief, he was attacked wildly by the Fallen Hell Beast.Yuko Iori wanted to clench her teeth, but once the teeth were loose, it was so easy to clench her teeth, and shouted: "No...I'm up to it...Don't... um... so comfortable... ah... That’s!"

The fallen hell beast furiously played with Yuko Iori's body. After almost crippling Yuko Iori's body, he fired a bullet in the Taoyuan of Iori Yuko and in his mouth.

The fallen hell beast slowly pulled up her pants, and then pinched Yuko Iori's teeth, forcing her to look at herself, saying, "It's good, I will come to you again someday, my slave girl."

After speaking, he took Yuko Iori into the bedroom, and then relieved Jiaer's illusion and left the Iori House.

Chapter Two Hundred and Forty-Three-Meet for the first time, I fell into a hell beast!

Digimon World...

In the depths of the magic forest, on a large tennis court, two energetic young girls wore ultra-short tennis skirts, swaying youthful sweat.

These two girls are Suna and Mimi. They are now playing tennis on the tennis court built by the fallen hell beast.Suna is an absolute sportswoman. In the first part, it was mentioned that Suna had a fight with her mother about playing football. In the first episode of the second part, there was a one-second Suna playing. Picture of tennis.

After the double repairs with the fallen hell beasts, Meimei's physical fitness has long surpassed the limit of human beings, and some of the previous squeamish problems have been corrected. Although she does not love sports like Zina, she occasionally plays tennis and sweats. Not bad.

The fallen hell beast sat not far away and looked at the two young girls. Although he does not know how to play tennis, every sport is nothing more than control, explosive power and endurance. These fallen hell beasts are the best in the world. Although he can reach the top in any sport, he does not need any training.

After a round of play, the two women swooped and flew to the side of the fallen hell beast. If someone took the action of the two girls with an ultra-high-speed camera at this time, they would find that they were not touching the ground at all. Really It flew to the side of the fallen hell beast.

The two girls themselves have very powerful powers in the complete Digimon, but they didn't know how to use their powerful powers.

In the most recent period of time, the fallen hell beasts taught them how to use their power, including how to fly.

After learning the power control and some basic fighting skills of the fallen hell beasts, Sona and Mimi are not the two upstarts who had only power but no skills. They now have real full physical strength. , In the current Digimon world, barely enough to protect yourself.

The fallen hell beast hugged the bodies of the two women, and was about to say some love words, suddenly his complexion changed and said, "There are humans!"

"Human? Is it Jiaer?" Su Na asked suspiciously.

The Fallen Hell Beast closed his eyes and felt it carefully, and said, "Jia'er, Taiyi, Wu, there is another one I don't know."

"I don't know, is anyone else coming to the Digimon world?" Su Na asked suspiciously.

"Let's go, let's take a look together." The Fallen Hell Beast smiled, already thinking about it.The fourth aura he didn't recognize was somewhat similar to Taiyi's. The fallen hell beast is probably the male protagonist of Digit 2-Hongu Daisuke.Daisuke Honmiya is the heir to the badge of courage, and naturally has an aura similar to Iori Taiichi.

The fallen hell beast pulled the two women, and the space around them twisted and disappeared in place.

Fallen Hell Beast thinks right, the plot of Digital 2 has indeed officially started.

Taiyi and Agumon were attacked by a Digimon controlled by Tyrannosaurus reformers. Because of the Dark Tower, Agumon could not evolve. In desperation, Taiyi sent a distress signal to the real world, and Jiaer, After receiving the distress signal, Wu rushed to the Digimon World.

In order to avoid the attack, Taiichi Iori came down to a cave with the help of Dilumon, and found a Digimon with the badge of courage in it.Taiichi Iori wanted to get the Digimon, and three new Digimon machines were born from the Digimon, which belonged to Daisuke Honmiya, Kyo Inoue, and Iori Hiada.

According to the display of the Digimon Dragon machine, Jiaer and the others quickly found Taiyi, together with Taiyi, Agumon, Dilumon, and Badamon.Before everyone could speak, the black light flashed in front of them, and everyone was startled.

Jia'er was surprised at first, but was pleasantly surprised immediately, immediately plunged into the black light and hugged the tall figure.

The fallen hell beast embraced Suna and Meimei as soon as he appeared, and was attacked by a scent of scent. The smell received by his nose made the fallen hell beast know that she was Jia'er, and immediately reached out and hugged the girl in his arms.

Jiaer happily embraced the Fallen Hell Beast, after all, since she went to school, they couldn’t be together all the time like during the winter vacation. Except for weekends, Jiaer only has one or two hours a day with the Fallen Hell Beast. Talking on the phone, this time is too short for Jiaer.

Because it has absorbed the materials of the two mechanical and transformed human-shaped Digimons, Sadogdumon and Super Anduromon, the Fallen Hellmon can turn any part of its body into a machine. Similarly, it can also follow its own instructions. If you want, you can easily make the machinery you need.

In order to communicate with Jia'er at any time, the Fallen Hell Beast created a communicator, which looked like a pendant, so that Jia'er could wear it at any time.The communicator can communicate anywhere, even one in the real world or one in the Digimon world. If necessary, it can also generate a 3D holographic image of the Fallen Hell Beast. It can also be regarded as Jiaer and the Fallen Hell Beast. Dedicated phone call between.

Of course, the pendant also has the space coordinates of the Fallen Hell Beast, and the Fallen Hell Beast moved to Jia'er's side instantly based on this space coordinate.

Seeing the fallen hell beast, Jia'er's excitement was beyond words. With excitement in his heart, in the eyes of Wu and Daisuke almost going violently, he took the initiative to kiss the lips of the fallen hell beast.

The Fallen Hell Beast will naturally not refuse Jiaer's kiss. Kissing the Fallen Hell Beast in front of others will not feel anything. It just can stimulate Awu and Daisuke, the two guys who made Jiaer's idea.

The Fallen Hell Beast doesn't mind kissing his own woman in front of outsiders, but if it wants that or something, the Fallen Hell Beast will consider in advance how it will torture the audience, such as Takehiko Takehiko's time.

Iori Taiyi stroked his forehead helplessly. It was not the first time he saw the Fallen Hell Beast and Jia'er kiss in front of him. His sister was completely deceived by the Fallen Hell Beast.

And Wu and Daisuke looked at the fallen hell beast who was kissing Jiaer with surprise and anger. They both like Jiaer and everyone knows that, and there are many boys who like Jiaer. After all, Yi Jiaer’s With beauty and temperament, there are few men who don't like Jiaer.

If Jia'er likes others, Wu might not be so angry, but the Fallen Hell Beast won't do.

In fact, after the incident of the six-winged beast, Taiyi, Ahe, Guangzilang and Azhu no longer have any hostility to the fallen hell beast. This is also one of the reasons why Taiyi will accept the fallen hell beast and Jia'er, but Wu Is excepted.

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