Traveling from the collapse

Beginning with the collapse Chapter 183

When Badamon evolved into an angel beast for the first time, the evil beasts were all gone. From that time on, Awu was extremely disgusted with the power of darkness and everything in darkness, even if the fallen hell beasts saved the Digimon world, this disgusting The relationship is not much better.

On the other hand, Daisuke Hongu is not as complicated as Wu. He directly exploded his hair, pointing his finger at the fallen hell beast and shouted: "You fellow, let go of Jiaer!" After saying that, he fisted at the fallen hell beast. Call.

How could the fallen hell beast be hit by the little devil, Daisuke, shook his body, easily avoided Daisuke’s punch, and moved to the side of Suna and Mimi, and put it down because of the hot kiss. The blushing Jiaer looked at the angry Daisuke Hongu, with a disdainful smile on his face, like a noble son in the dark, and said:

"Meeting for the first time, I fell to the hell beast!"

Chapter 244-Digital Armor

"Meeting for the first time, I fell to the hell beast!"

Dilu Beast walked over directly, took a look at the Fallen Hell Beast in vain, and vomited: "My dear, you are a scumbag."

The expression on the face of the Fallen Hell Beast glared at Dilu Beast "viciously".

Di Lu Beast did not show weakness, a pair of big cat eyes stared back directly.

Finally, the Fallen Hell Beast gave up this meaningless look at each other, grabbed Dilu Beast’s neck with one hand, and carried her in front of him, and then opened Dilu Beast’s mouth with both hands, saying : "You are the one who hates this mouth!"

Dilu also wanted to open the mouth of the fallen hell beast, but because his hand was too short, he could only touch the arm of the fallen hell beast, and could not touch the mouth of the fallen hell beast at all...

"Cock cock cock..." Jia'er, Meimei and Suna looked at the unique interaction between Dilu Beast and Fallen Hell Beast, and giggled. No matter how many times they watched them, they felt that they were with Dilu Beast. The fallen hell beast during the bickering is so cute.

Suddenly the face of the Hell Beast fell, looking at the bare tail of Dilu Beast, and said: "Where is the sacred ring on your tail?"

Dilu shook its tail and said, "When I was patrolling in the forest last night, I was suddenly attacked by a unicorn beast. I was hit by him when I was about to evolve into a complete body. It fell at that time."

The sacred ring represents most of the power of the Dilu beast. After the original Lidilu lost the sacred ring, the power suddenly dropped from the peak of maturity to the normal growth period.Although the power of the Dilu beast is much stronger than that in the original book, it can even evolve into a complete body by its own strength, but after losing the holy ring, its strength has also fallen to a normal maturity stage, and it is absolutely impossible to rely on its own strength to evolve into The celestial beast.

After the fallen hell beast listened to Dilu beast's words, a sharp light flashed quickly in its three eyes, like a lightning bolt suddenly struck in this gloomy forest.

Even the Dilu beast, who is already familiar with the nature of the fallen hell beast, saw the eyes of the fallen hell beast, and his hairs stood upright. Dilu knew clearly that in the scarlet eyes, what was hidden was like a sea of ​​scarlet blood and A wild bone mountain with crazy killing intent.

Of course Dilu Beast knew that the killing intent of the Fallen Hell Beast could not be for himself, but for the unicorn beast that attacked him. This petty, domineering and arrogant guy was very short-sighted.

Dilu beast is right, the infinite killing intent of the fallen hell beast is for the unicorn beast. The Dilu beast that dared to attack him is unforgivable even if it is controlled. As far as the ancient tooth beast slaughtered the entire Infinite City, this time it was nothing but a shame.

The Fallen Hell Beast thought for a while, and stretched out his hand. The dark palms exudes a bright white sacred light, and a golden ring engraved with a mysterious spell appeared in the Falling Hell Beast's hands.

The fallen hell beast threw the golden ring in his hand to the dilu beast, and said: "This is the sacred ring of the six-winged beast. Let me use it first."

The fallen hell beast has absorbed the information of the six-winged beast, and has the ability to switch between light and darkness, so it is not difficult for the fallen hell beast to copy and reproduce the sacred ring of the six-winged beast, if not Fearing that Dilu's body would not be able to bear it, Fallen Hell beasts wanted to make the four sacred rings together.

Dilu beast happily put the sacred ring that originally belonged to the six-winged beast on its tail, and his whole body was shocked. A huge and incomparable sacred power entered the body of Dilu beast through the sacred ring. A burst of powerful sacred light burst out, and the power of the sacred ring of the six-winged beast actually allowed the Dilu beast to evolve into a celestial beast.

In addition to the powerful sacred power of the holy ring itself, the rune engraved on it is also an aspect that cannot be ignored. The rune can greatly increase the sacred power. Without the rune, the power of the holy ring will be Cut it in half.

On the one hand, Daisuke Honmiya, who came to the Digimon world for the first time, watched Dilumon transform from a kitten to a big beauty, dislocated his jaw directly, and froze on the spot.

The fallen hell beast pinched his chin, whistling, and wandering around the celestial beast recklessly, saying: "I didn't expect the sacred ring of the six-winged beast to be so powerful. I think you will use this sacred ring in the future. Well, if you lost it before, forget it."

"That's what it said." Tiannv Beast answered casually, looking at her body, feeling the divine power that was stronger than before.Just one of the sacred rings of the bright form of the six-winged beast can make her easily evolve from the Dilu beast into the celestial beast, and her strength is greatly improved. The power of the six-winged beast with four sacred rings is still a celestial beast. The beast could not snoop, let alone the strength of the fallen hell beast that killed the six-winged beast.

The celestial beast turned for the first time and saw the evil gaze of the fallen hell beast, her pretty face blushed, pouting and pouting: "Where do the thieves look?!"

The Fallen Hell Beast rolled his eyes and said, "It's not that I haven't seen it."

Taichi Iori couldn't help but vomit: "Hey, you two are almost done, I still find it over there."

Under Taiyi’s leadership, everyone came to a cave. There was a small mound in the cave. On the mound was a strange Digit Egg. The Digit Egg was covered with flame-like graphics and text, with a bend on top. On the knife-shaped corner, the digital egg is also engraved with a badge of courage.

The Fallen Hell Beast dug out his ears indifferently, and said, "I thought it was something amazing, digital armor."

"Digital armor?"

"Long before the birth of our Seven Demon Kings, it was more than 200,000 years since the birth of the Digimon World. At that time, the Digimon who lived in the Digimon World were called ancient species.

In the current Digimon world, more than 90% of Digimon are modern.Although ancient types of Digimon have more powerful capabilities than modern types, the data of ancient types of Digimon are rewritten more frequently, so the lifespan of ancient types of Digimon is very short, of course, the range of evolution is also very narrow, growth period, mature There are many Digimon that cannot evolve over this period.Therefore, the existence of the complete body of the ancient species, the research-level Digimon is considered illusory.

It is difficult for ancient species to evolve, and they evolve to make up for their lack of power, so the "digital armor" technology was developed.Do not use your own power, borrow the power evolution of digital armor, your divine plan and Digimon Dragon machine are also manufactured based on the principle of digital armor."

"Our divine plan?"

"The reason why you were called by the Holy Celestial Beast was to help repair the skew and distortion of the Digimon world. You also know the strength of the Extreme Demon King. It takes tens of thousands of years or even longer for ordinary Digimon to evolve to that stage. Time, time is too late, so you need to use your power, that is, the power of the badge and the evolution key.

Bring out the unique power of each of you to help make up for the lack of energy in Digimon's evolution for evolution."

"Then this digital armor belongs to my brother?" Jiaer looked at the fallen hell beast and asked. With the badge of courage engraved on the armored digital egg, Jiaer naturally thought of her brother first.

The Fallen Hell Beast shook his head and said, "The digital armor is not too one, it belongs to this guy." He pointed to Daisuke Hongu.

"Me?" Daisuke Honnomiya pointed to himself in surprise.

The fallen hell beast looked at Daisuke Hongu with an idiotic look, and said, "Do you think that the Digimon world is so easy to come to? Without the divine plan or the guidance of the Digimon machine, it is impossible for ordinary people. Come to the Digimon world."

"Dig Tyrannosaurus machine?" Daisuke Honnomiya said in confusion, "Is that this?" Daisuke took out his own D-3 Digit Tyrannosaurus machine.

"That's it, okay, hurry up and pick up that digital armor." The Fallen Hell Beast said impatiently.

In fact, the Fallen Hell Beast hates Daisuke Hongu very much, and he is far behind compared to Taiichi Iori.Iori Taiichi is truly brave, responsible and responsible, but Daisuke Hongu is 2 and if he can’t figure out how strong the enemy is, he will yell, if it’s not because he is the male lead of the second part, he will fall to heaven and hell. The beast would directly use the death gun to make two holes in his pig's brain.(The fallen hell beast will never admit that it was because Daisuke Honggu liked Jiaer and was jealous.)

Daisuke Honmiya curled his lips and didn't know what he was muttering, but he obediently picked up the Courage Digital Armor.

After Daisuke took off the digital armor, a beam of light rose from the hole under the digital armor, and a small blue dragon-shaped Digimon appeared from the beam of light. It was the partner of Daisuke Hongu, the V-Beast.

The Fallen Hell Beast looked at Daisuke Hongu and V Zimon who were chasing and snarling with disdain, and uttered in a voice that everyone could hear except this one and one beast:

"There are all kinds of Digimon for any owner. The owner is a pig's brain, and the IQ of Digimon is obviously not much higher."

Chapter 245-Tyrannosaurus Reformer!


The three girls and a royal sister covered their mouths at the same time, lowered their heads, shrugged their scented shoulders, obviously holding back a very hard smile.Even Taichi Iori could not help but laugh, but fortunately he saved some face for Daisuke and didn't laugh directly.


At this moment, the cliff of the cave was suddenly knocked open, and the horned dragon attacked!!

Inspired by Daisuke's courage, the Courage Digital Armor shined brightly, and the V Zimon evolved into a flame beast, destroying the black magic wheel on the horned dragon beast, and turned the horned dragon beast back to normal.

Speaking of this black magic wheel, it is actually the same thing as the engraving of the fallen hell beast and the black gear of the evil beast, but the difference is that the black magic wheel and the black gear are both the minds that control the Digimon, and the engraving is Directly controlling the most important core data of Digimon, in comparison, the engraving of the fallen hell beast is naturally more advanced, and the engraving is planted on the core data, which is absolutely impossible for outsiders to crack.

Compared with the black gears of the evil beasts, the black magic wheel of the Tyrannosaurus transformer is a lower grade. After all, on the island of Fayilu, the black gears of the evil beasts completely control the Andulu beast. It has two complete bodies with the bear cub beast, and the black magic wheel cannot control the complete body. Many times the tyrannosaurus beast has mistakenly evolved into the zombie tyrannosaurus beast. Even the Andulu beast has destroyed the black magic wheel by its own strength.

And not long after the battle ended, Kokoro and two newly selected children, Inoue Kyrgyzstan and Iori Hiada, also came to the Digimon world.(Because the plots of the first two episodes are relatively scattered, they mainly introduce the newly selected children and their Digimon, so I just wrote them together)

Inoue Kyrgyzstan is one year older than Jiaer, and he does not look as beautiful as Jiaer. The original charm of long purple hair does not show the sexy feeling of a dime on Inoue Kyrgyzstan.(...) She wears a pair of big rimless round glasses, but she doesn't look like a nerd at all.

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