Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 185

In Taiyi’s words, the fallen hell beast does not matter, but who told him to have a good sister, Jia Er’s feelings of the fallen hell beast could not be ignored, snapped his fingers, Behemoth rushed back in front of the fallen hell beast, and then a The brakes slammed to a halt in front of the fallen hell beast, and Daisuke was also thrown out because of inertia.

Ignoring Daisuke who was crying from the side, the Fallen Hell Beast hugged Jia'er into the car and smiled and said, "I will take you to a place, my queen."

When the Fallen Hell Beast said that he was his queen so frankly, Jia'er's face was red, no matter where the Fallen Hell Beast was going to take him, she nodded gently, Jia'er was embarrassed and embarrassed. The loveable attitude makes Atake and Daisuke almost crazy.

Tai Yi breathed a sigh of relief because he noticed what the fallen hell beast called Jia'er-Queen.Naturally, a king can only have one queen, but it can have many concubines. Even the two goddesses of Lilith Beast and Holy Heavenly Female Beast are only the princesses of the Fallen Hell Beast, but Jia Er has become the Fallen Hell Beast. queen.

First, the favorite woman of the Fallen Hell Beast is indeed Jia'er. Second, the Fallen Hell Beast cannot choose one of the Lilith Beast and the Holy Celestine Beast as his queen, otherwise the other one will not be crazy. It is better to kill this kind of things that affect the harmony of the harem in the cradle as soon as possible.

Suna and Mimei didn't need to say hello to the fallen hell beast, and jumped directly on Behemoth.Because the throne in the arms of the fallen hell beast was already occupied by Jia'er, they could only sit in the back seat.And the celestial beast simply degenerates into the look of the Dilu beast, and Jiaer is half of them, occupying the arms of the fallen hell beast, this person and beast is also the heart of the fallen hell beast.

The Fallen Hell Beast took them to a pyramid similar to the ancient Mayan ruins. Inoue Kyrgyzstan and Iori Hiada obtained the digital armor of love and knowledge and met their friends, the Digimon Mahawkmon and Pangshanmon, and then the Fallen Hellmon Take them to the location of the next digital armor.

"Is it the digital armor of light and hope?" Jia'er looked at the two digital armors in front of him questioningly. "But Brother Fallen, there are no other newly selected children?"

The Fallen Hell Beast looked at Jia'er and said, "Jia'er, this digital armor belongs to you." Well, the Fallen Hell Beast admitted that he deliberately ignored Wu.

"Mine?" Jia'er looked at the fallen hell beast suspiciously.

The Fallen Hell Beast smiled and nodded, and said, "That's right, go get it."

"Yeah." Jiaer nodded lightly, without any doubt about the words of the Fallen Hell Beast, and walked towards the bright digital armor.When Jiaer was less than half a meter away from the Guangming Digital Armor, the divine plan on Jiaer's body suddenly emitted a purple light, and then quickly changed into the D-3 Digimon Dragon machine like Daisuke and the others.

When Jiaer reached for the bright digital armor, a burst of strong light burst out from the digital armor, and from the shadow, a second new digital armor appeared.

Jiaer looked at the two digital armors in her hand strangely, focusing on the digital armors that seemed to have suddenly changed. This new digital armor looked like several devil’s claws dragging a crystal ball, crystal There is a strange yellow-green badge on the ball. It is not among the eight badges. Jiaer seems to have seen it somewhere, but she can't remember it at once, and from the yellow-green badge, there is a deep and strong dark power. , But Jia Er didn't reject the dark power at all, but felt very comfortable.

Under doubt, Jia'er put her gaze on the person she believed most—the fallen hell beast.

The Fallen Hell Beast smiled slightly and said, "That is the Dark Digital Armor, and it's your second digital armor."

Chapter 247-Light and Darkness!Good and evil!

"Impossible! Jia Er is obviously the heir of the light badge! How can it be possible to get the dark digital armor?!"

As soon as the words of the fallen hell beast were finished, Ah Wu cried out somewhat unacceptably.Originally, his feelings for Jiaer were much deeper than those of Daisuke. There were still many connections between them. For example, their birthdays are on the same day. For example, their Digimons are all angel-shaped. I am glad I have so many connections with Jiaer.

If the Fallen Hell Beast knew what A Wu was thinking, he would definitely not help but complain: This is a disease called delusional disorder.

Originally, if there were no Fallen Hell Beasts, Wu Jia is indeed a very popular pair in the digital, but with the appearance of the Demon King, the Fallen Hell Beast, even the pure angel like Rujiaer, could not resist the temptation of the Demon King. , Is bound to fall to heaven.

The fallen hell beast looked at Gao Shiwu coldly. As a supporting actor, you should recognize that you are just a supporting actor. Don’t try to steal the protagonist’s woman. Don’t worry, your use value will be consumed after Digital 2 ends. It's exhausted, and I will personally hold an extremely gorgeous funeral for you.This was what the fallen hell beast thought of.

The eye knives of the fallen hell beast were stronger than any mental attack. Just looking at each other, Wu was dripping with cold sweat, as if countless steel knives were placed on his neck.

Fortunately, the Fallen Hell Beast has no idea of ​​driving Wu mad, the cold eye knives just thrown for a while and then retracted, coldly said: "Light and darkness, look under your feet."

Gao Shiwu looked down subconsciously, but all he saw was the rock, and he was immediately puzzled.Several other people, including Dilumon, Suna and Meimei, didn't understand what the fallen hell beast meant.

Jia Er's eyes rolled around, and she said with certainty: "It's the shadow!"

The Fallen Hell Beast looked at Jia'er approvingly and motioned for her to continue.

Jia'er, who was praised by the fallen hell beasts, soared in self-confidence and smiled and said: "Where there is light, there must be shadows. Everything has a bright side, and there must be a dark side. Light and darkness themselves are two sides. Indivisible, right, fallen hell beast."


The Fallen Hell Beast snapped his fingers and said, "Yes, it really is Jia Er knows my thoughts best."

When Jia'er heard it, her heart was extremely happy, and the smile on her face became even sweeter. The other women looked at Jia'er with envy. After all, the Fallen Heaven Hell Beast was a bit too good for Jia'er.

A bright ball of light appeared in the hands of the fallen hell beast, and immediately illuminated the cave that was still dark as the day, but a black shadow was reflected behind everyone.

"Where there is light, there must be darkness. This is the law and cannot be violated. The world cannot have only light. Without darkness, light has no meaning. It is like if there are no criminals in the world, it means The righteous police also lost the meaning of existence, but that is simply impossible."

Although Gao Shiwu has experienced the Dark Four Heavenly Kings and the Extreme Demon King, he has no real social experience at all. Compared to the fallen hell beasts who have relied on himself since childhood and now become the Dark Demon King, he has seen The world is still less than the tip of the iceberg.

The world is booming, all for profit, the world is bustling, all for profit.The Fallen Hell Beast had already understood this sentence, so he took "the vile is the pass of the vile, and the noble is the epitaph of the noble" as his motto.selfish?evil?whatever!

Ah Wu was shocked by the words of the Fallen Hell Beast, opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything. He suddenly found that the justice he had always insisted on was so pale and weak in front of the words of the Fallen Hell Beast.

The Fallen Hell Beast doesn’t care whether Awu will get into the horns or not. He turned around and said to Jia'er and Dilumon: “Most of the digital armors are made by holy goddess, but there are three exceptions. The digital armors of light and darkness are two of them.” (The third one shouldn’t be difficult to guess)

Jiaer looked at the two digital armors in her hand and asked, "Who made these two?"

The fallen hell beast smiled and said, "It's me."

Jia'er showed a daze on her face and said, "No wonder I feel that this dark power is so familiar. It turns out to be the dark power of Brother Fallen Heaven."

With a gentle look on the face of the fallen hell beast, Jia'er had not learned to control his own power, and it was rare to remember his power attributes.

"These two digital armors are the most powerful digital armors. The bright digital armor has the power of the hexa-winged beast, and the dark digital armor has my power. Borrowing the power of these two digital armors, you can use The power of the six-winged beast and me, the general ultimate body will not be your opponent, even if it encounters the ultra-ultimate body, it will have the power to fight."

As soon as the words of the Fallen Hell Beast came out, Jia'er, Dilu Beast, Tai Yi and others who knew the strength of the Fallen Hell Beast and the Hexa-Wing Beast and Digimon looked at the two armored Digimon in surprise.The power of the two super-ultimate Digimon is sealed in these two digital armors. Even if only a small part of it can be used, it can basically go sideways in the Digimon world.

The Fallen Hell Beast smiled and said, "Only the heir of the light badge, Jiaer, can her light power shine through the light digital armor, and the purest light can make the Dark Digital Armor come to life." His face turned serious, and said: "However, Dilumon, you have to remember that although these two digital armors can temporarily give you super-ultimate body-level power, they are also very burdensome for you. You must be advanced. You can only use these two digital armors when you transform into a full body celestial beast, and even if you evolve to a full body, you can only support it for less than a minute with your strength. After one minute, you will completely lose combat effectiveness, so after using the digital armor A quick fight must be made."

With such a serious tone of the Fallen Hell Beast, Dilu Beast could no longer quarrel with him, nodded, and said, "I will remember it."

Falling to the hell beast, this is nothing. After all, he has so many women now. Even if he likes Jia'er more, he can't always follow Jia'er. For Jia'er's safety, he can only make it out. Two heaven-defying digital armors come, so that the celestial beast has enough power to protect Jia'er. With these two digital armors, even if the ultimate beast evolves into a super ultimate beast, or an Akadi beast super The ultimate body also has the power to fight.

Recently, the fallen hell beast has been feeling a little uneasy in his heart, but he can't say what it is, but his intuition tells him that there is still an enemy in the Digimon world that is more powerful than the six-winged beast Satan.

Fallen Hell Beast is not worried that these two digital armors will be robbed. First, the digital armor is stored in Jiaer’s digital terminal in the form of data. Second, Fallen Hell Beast is making two digital armors. At that time, the final command of "Guardian Jiaer" was issued in the depths of it. Even if another Digimon steals these two digital armors, it is absolutely impossible to attack Jiaer.

And this is a digital armor made with the power of the two super-ultimate bodies of him and the hexa-winged beast. How can ordinary Digimon withstand this power, direct spikes below the full body, even the ultimate body, use this The digital armor can't be maintained for a few seconds, it will be completely drained, and even the core data will be sucked away.

And because the celestial beast itself is an archangel-shaped Digimon, the sacred power on its body is more compatible with the light power of the six-winged beast. After the celestial beast and the fallen hell beast, although there is no dark power in the body, it is contaminated with the fallen. The breath of the hell beast, so the power of the dark digital armor will not repel the celestial beast, otherwise you think it is easy.

After the fallen hell beast sent Jiaer, Sona and Meimei home, riding Behemoth, Mercedes-Benz on an endless wasteland, the roar of the engine almost resounded through the entire Digimon world.

Chapter 248-Viking Beast!

The polar ice field, the far north of the Digimon world, and the land that the sun can hardly reach, breeds the most tenacious Digimon in the Digimon world.

Tyrannosaurus reformers came to this place in search of a powerful Digimon that could defeat the Fallen Hell Beast, and the goal was the Viking Beast, the ruler here.

Finally, of course, the Tyrannosaurus transformer was abused by the Viking beast, and then blasted out. Although the strength of the Viking beast is nothing in the eyes of the fallen hell beast, it is after all the ultimate body. How can the black magic wheel that can control the maturity control the Viking beast?It was directly broken by the Viking Beast.

After returning to the base, the Tyrannosaurus reformer hit the keyboard fiercely, venting the anger he endured on the fallen hell beast and the Viking beast.

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Viking!" said the Tyrannosaurus reformer gritted his teeth, his tone full of anger.

"The processing speed of the black magic wheel can only process mature data, and cannot control the Ultra Digimon. If you want to control the Ultra Digimon, you must process more data at the same time." Tyrannosaurus transformer stared at the screen. The black magic wheel design material of, murmured, has completely entered the magic way.

"Xiao Xian..." The Tyrannosaurus Rebuilder, or Ichijo Tera's partner Digimon Insect Beast, said worriedly behind him, but the Tyrannosaurus Rebuilder didn't care about the Insect Beast at all.

It was only after the Dark Seed was planted by the Thousand-Year Beast that Ichishen Temple changed. The Dark Seed created the Tyrannosaurus Reformer, the Tyrannosaurus Reformer created the Kimila Beast, and the Kimila Beast evolved into the Millennium Beast. Thousand-year beasts planted the seeds of darkness for Yicheng Temple Xian, a series of things have formed a strange circle that must happen in time and space, and even the fallen hell beasts cannot break this circle.

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