Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 186

Although it seems that it can be cracked as long as one part of the circle is taken away, such as killing the Tyrannosaurus reformer, but that is impossible.For example, if you kill the Tyrannosaurus transformer, the Thousand-Year Beast will not appear, and Yicheng Temple will not become the Tyrannosaurus transformer. Since the Tyrannosaurus transformer does not exist, how to kill a time and space at all What about the people who exist?

So the chance of killing the Tyrannosaurus reformer = 0

Only the Fallen Hell Beast knew about these things. The stupid Tyrannosaurus reformer knew at all. He didn't know that he had avoided the most critical killing in his life.

The Tyrannosaurus rebuilder got inspiration from the connecting shape of multiple black magic wheels. He kept tapping the keyboard and said with great excitement: "Hahaha! That's it! One black magic wheel does not deal with enough data, so increase The number of black magic wheels is not enough!! Hahahaha! I really am a genius! Fallen hell beasts! Viking beasts!!! You guys wait for me!!" Tyrannosaurus transformer Zhuangruo yelled frantically, completely I don't know how stupid my behavior is.

If the fallen hell beast is in this place, he will definitely complain: forget it if it is stupid, and it's the saddest thing to be stupid without knowing it.

The Tyrannosaurus reformer thinks he is the master of this game, as everyone knows, he is just a pawn, and it is the kind of pawn that is the easiest to control and can be discarded at will.

In this game of chess, the chess player has never had his place, he is just one of the most humble and humble chess pieces.


Three days later, the selected children received the SOS distress signal from the Gomamon, and it came from the black area. In order to save the Gomamon, everyone came to an area covered by ice and snow. -Polar ice sheet.

Everyone used the trees of the polar ice field to create a wooden sleigh, which finally penetrated the yeti beast's defense line. Just as they were about to destroy the dark tower, a huge figure landed in front of them.

The Tyrannosaurus reformer looked at the crowd proudly, and said, "What about the fallen hell beast, is it because you are afraid of me?"

Jia'er has long loved the fallen hell beast to his bones. How could he be allowed to slander him like this by the Tyrannosaurus reformer, and said angrily: "I forbid you to say that about the fallen hell beast!!!"

"Huh!" The Tyrannosaurus transformer snorted coldly, then waved the long whip in his hand and shouted: "Come on! Viking beast!!" He jumped off the shoulder of the Viking beast.

The tall Viking beast took the Thor's hammer behind it and rushed towards the children like a huge and powerful tank.

When Dilu Beast saw Viking Beast, he was shocked and blurted out: "No! You are not his opponents!!"

Before the words of Dilu Beast, V Zi Beast, Panshan Beast, Ma Ying Beast, and Bada Beast have evolved into flame beasts. Steel Diamond Beast, Iron Eagle Beast and Pegasus Beast rushed towards Viking Beast.

"Flame Fist!" "Big Detonation!!" "Storm Wings!" "Silver Light!"

The four armored bodies all issued their own tricks to attack the Viking Beast. The Viking Beast stood still like Tarzan, letting the four Digimon's tricks hit itself.


"Successful!" Daisuke yelled out of nowhere.

The smoke cleared, and the Viking beast was still standing there without any scars on its body.After all, the Viking Beast is the ultimate Digimon. It rules the extreme cold of the permafrost that never melts. The hair becomes the crystal of ice. It has the same hardness as the ordinary Digimon, even if it is a perfect trick. It is also difficult to damage the body of the Viking beast, not to mention that these four armored bodies are only at the level of maturity.

"Roar!!!" The Viking beast roared and swiped the Thor's hammer in his hand, and simply swept across the army with one move to fly the flame beast, steel drill beast, iron eagle beast and pegasus beast to the ultimate body. It's too easy to deal with the armored body of the mature stage with the strength. One move brought all the four Digimon back to the growth stage.

"Dilu beast!"

"Knowing Jiaer! Dilu beast evolved!! Celestial beast!!!" In a critical situation, Dilu beast evolved into a Celestial beast and stood in front of the Viking beast.

"Why can you evolve within the control of the Dark Tower?!" The Tyrannosaurus transformer looked at the celestial beast in surprise.

The Celestial Beast said coldly: "The Fallen Hell Beast has already told us that your tower of darkness just cuts off the connection between us and the Digimon, preventing us from performing ordinary evolution, but you miscalculated, I You can already evolve into a complete body by your own strength, you don’t need to rely on Digimon!"

It's a fallen hell beast again!!The Tyrannosaurus reformer was furious and shouted: "Even if you evolve into a full body celestial beast, what about it, do you think you will be the opponent of the ultimate body Viking beast?"

"Then give it a try! Heavenly Purple Light!!" The Heavenly Girl Beast screamed, and then immediately sent its own trick to the Viking Beast, Heavenly Purple Light, lying is a woman's nature, speaking is not a woman's right, it is not reasonable. It's a woman's patent. Anyway, the celestial beast is a woman, so it doesn't matter if you attack it or something.

Although the huge body of the Viking beast was powerful and thick-skinned, its speed was much lower, and it was hit by the purple light of heaven.


A huge explosion sounded, and the momentum far surpassed the combined power of the previous four armored bodies. After all, the celestial beast is now the ultimate body's strength, plus the divine power gives her powerful combat power, although the power still stays in the ultimate body In the middle and early stages, but the actual combat power can already be compared with the Viking Beast, the ultimate body in the later stage.

"What?!" The Tyrannosaurus rebuilder looked at the cruciform wound on the Viking beast's abdomen that was wounded by the Celestial Beast. The ultra-violet Viking was actually injured by the complete Celestial Beast.

The Celestial Beast's move of the purple light of heaven worked, and it probably estimated the defensive power of the Viking beast, and had already thought about it.Relying on its flying ability and speed, the Celestial Beast still has a relatively large chance of winning.

The Celestial Beast made up her mind, and the eight angel wings spread out, avoiding the mighty Thor's hammer that the Viking beast smashed down.


When the Viking beast hit it with a hammer, the permanent ice layer that was dozens of centimeters thick, which had not melted for ten thousand years, suddenly became as fragile as thin ice with a thickness of only one millimeter, cracking everywhere.

The celestial beast went around behind the Viking beast, and the glove of the left hand turned into a sacred bow. A sacred arrow was placed on the bow to shoot an arrow. An arrow shot towards the Viking beast with lightning-like sacred power. Heart part.

Although the Viking beast is heavy in size, it has a strong fighting instinct. Feeling the huge crisis coming from behind, its body subconsciously flashes to the left. The sacred arrow originally intended to shoot through the left chest passes through the right chest.The Vikingmon is not a Dark Digimon, and its body is very strong, so it didn't suffer too much damage from the arrow. When it turned around, Thor's Hammer hit the body of the Celestial Beast.

The celestial beast knows that the Viking beast is powerful, and how dare to take this trick, its wings fluttered away again.

The celestial beast relies on its agility to continuously attack the Viking beast's body with low power but fast speed. Although the Viking beast has great power to open the mountain and break the stone, it can't help it be petite and agile. The celestial beast, soon, there were many small wounds on its body.

The tyrannosaurus transformer looked at his ultimate Viking beast, not only did not defeat the celestial beast, but was actually crushed by the celestial beast. He was furious, flicked the whip, made a crackling sound, and shouted angrily:

"Come out! Plesiosaurs!!!"

Chapter 249-Dark Digital Armor!The gap between the ultimate body and the ultra ultimate body!!


With a loud noise, the solid ice layer burst from underneath, and from under the ice layer appeared a dragon-shaped Digimon with a slender neck like a snake-the ultimate plesiosaur!

The celestial beast was shocked when she saw the black ring on the neck of the plesiosaur beast, she was barely able to deal with one ultimate body with her strength, and she would lose if she faced two ultimate bodies at the same time.

It was this shock in my heart that made the Celestial Beast's movements a little slower, the wings were swept by the Viking Beast's Thor's Hammer, and a few white feathers fell down.

The celestial beast was startled and did not dare to be distracted anymore, flapped its wings, and the sacred bow in her left hand fired a sacred bow again, but she was very anxious, after all, her remaining sacred power was not much.

The Viking Beast was repeatedly attacked by the Celestial Beast, and the injuries were not light. Although it was controlled by the Black Lord of the Rings, the arrogance still existed. His heart was already extremely angry. The Thor's Hammer smashed the Celestial Beast with the momentum of Mount Tai.

The celestial beast was about to evade, and a clear cry of crying came into the ears of the celestial beast, and the celestial beast's heart was shaken, as if the fighting will disappeared without a trace in an instant. Jing Beast's Thor's Hammer was already on the top of his head.


The Celestial Beast was hit head-on by the Viking Beast’s Thor’s Hammer, and the whole person fell to the ground like a meteor.Because of the appearance of the plesiosaur, the celestial beast was anxious, and used the sacred power originally used for defense to attack, resulting in a great reduction in defense. The viking beast's hammer has endless anger, and its strength is far superior. Normally, this hammer is considered to have earned back all the injuries caused by the celestial beast.

The celestial beast stood up swayingly. Her current state is not good at all. Although she has the power of the ultimate body, she is still a full body after all. The strength of the body is originally worse than that of the ultimate body, with a lot of power. After being consumed, he was hit hard by the Viking beast, and he was already seriously injured.

"The celestial beast!" Jia'er exclaimed with worry. Although the most important thing in her heart is the fallen hell beast, the status of the celestial beast is not much lower. The celestial beast is injured, and Jia'er is naturally worried.

Behind Jia'er, Daisuke and Wu gritted their teeth and looked at Jia'er's back. They both like Jia'er and want to protect Jia'er, but they can only rely on Jia'er's protection when things happen. They really are Too weak. At this moment, both Daisuke, who was so stupid and bubbling, or Wu, who represented the badge of hope, were desperate for power.

When the celestial beast heard Jia'er's voice, something suddenly thought of it in her heart, turned his head, looked at Jia'er, and glanced at the digital terminal in Jia'er's hand, and the celestial beast immediately shouted: "Jar! Dark Digital Armor!! !"

Jiaer immediately became sober, holding the digital terminal in his hand and shouted: "Armored Evolution! Dark Digimon!!" In a critical moment, Jiaer and the Celestial Beast first thought of using the power of the fallen hell beast, not the six wings. The beast, we can see its status in their hearts.

A black beam of light shot out from Jia'er’s digital terminal, engulfing the body of the Celestial Beast. The dark power was so powerful that even the two ultimate bodies, the Viking Beast and the Plesiosaur, could not get close.

The Tyrannosaurus reformer looked at the black beam of light in shock. In addition to shock and anger, there was a trace of fear in his eyes that he absolutely did not want to admit.

He would feel scared!The king of his dignified Digimon world would be terrified!!!The Tyrannosaurus reformer constantly hypnotized himself to overcome the fear. Although he did not want to admit it, the fear did exist.

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