Traveling from the collapse

Beginning with the collapse Chapter 187

In the black light, the most powerful and pure dark power in the world belonging to the fallen hell beast is continuously poured into the heavenly female beast, but it does any harm to the heavenly female beast's body, what about the fallen hell beast's own power? A woman who would hurt herself?

The black light quickly dissipated, and the celestial beast remained the same, and it hadn't evolved.And behind the celestial female beast, stood a phantom of the fallen hell beast, with an indifferent and arrogant expression exactly the same as the deity of the fallen hell beast.

Under the mask of the celestial beast, the originally gentle and kind-hearted gaze turned scarlet at this time, as cold, arrogant and arrogant as the fallen hell beast.

"Falling hell beast!" Jiaer exclaimed in surprise.

The phantom of the Heavenly Female Beast and the Fallen Hell Beast turned their heads together, and at the same time showed a symbolic evil smile to Jia'er, and Jia'er's face immediately showed a happy and relieved expression.

In fact, the celestial beast is still the celestial beast, the "fallen hell beast" is just a phantom, there is no self-consciousness, but the celestial beast does not want to attack Jia'er, so it did not reveal it.

The Celestial Beast turned her head, the expression on her face became serious, and she could clearly feel the power she was already full of was passing fast, even if she didn't do anything, she could maintain her current state for one and a half minutes if she died.

In this state, the celestial beast did not dare to waste a single bit of time, immediately folded her hands in front of her, and shouted coldly: "Dark Cross Cut!!!"

Following the movement of the celestial beast, the "fallen hell beast" behind her also made the same action. A huge dark cross was sent out from the two of them, and the power has indeed reached the super-level body level. The power of, although compared to the Dark Cross Slash of the Fallen Hell Beast, there is still a big gap.

The plesiosaur felt the powerful dark power in the dark cross. It was definitely not one of its own. It quickly flapped its flippers. The plesiosaur stepped on the ice faster than the waves, and barely always avoided it. The attack range of the Dark Cross Slash.

The Plesiosaur has the ability to avoid it, but the Viking Beast has no such ability. He is already bulky and injured, and his movements are more slow. He can only block the Thor's Hammer in front of him and at the same time use his own. Nirvana-Arctic blizzard!

In front of the Viking beast, ice walls condense at a speed visible to the naked eye. These ices are already the strongest ice in the digital world.The so-called absolute zero is only a theoretical temperature. Unless there is no matter in the space itself, even if there is only one quark in an infinite space, the temperature must be higher than absolute zero.

The power of the Viking Beast makes the temperature infinitely close to absolute zero, and the hardness of ice is also infinitely close to the strongest, which is comparable to the hardness of super alloys.

Only possible, the superalloy is also weak in front of the ultra-ultimate body. The five-layer ice wall only slightly consumes the power of the Dark Cross Slash. The Dark Cross Slash roars, roars, and rushes like a wild beast. The body of the Viking beast.

The Viking Beast’s Thor’s hammer was destroyed by the Dark Cross, and even the black ring on his body was torn apart. At the moment before his death, the Viking Beast regained his sanity, but it was too late, the power of the Dark Cross. Having swallowed his figure, the Viking beast's body was transformed into countless raw materials under the attack of the Dark Cross.

The Tyrannosaurus transformer was taken aback. The celestial beast, which was already at the end of the crossbow, suddenly strengthened and killed the ultimate Viking beast with one blow. However, if the tyrannosaurus transformer noticed the sweat on the face of the celestial beast You should not be so surprised.

The Celestial Beast was also using the power of the Dark Digital Armor for the first time, and she did not expect that the ultra-ultimate body's strength was actually so great. The dark cross slash just now took out about 55% of her power in one breath. In addition to the rapid consumption of these ten seconds, the Celestial Beast now only has about 30% of its power left.Although the Viking Beast was lost in one move, the consumption of 55% was too exaggerated. Obviously, the Fallen Hell Beast was easy to use.

The rapid consumption of power made the celestial beast dare not hesitate, and raised his right hand to make a shot. Then the "fallen hell beast" behind the celestial beast appeared in the hand of the shotgun, eggplant!

The shotgun of the fallen hell beast is fired by absorbing the user's power and condensing into bullets. As long as the user's power is not exhausted, the number of bullets is unlimited. Relatively, the less the power, the fewer the bullets.

With the pitiful little remaining power of the celestial beast, only more than 20%, only one bullet flew towards the plesiosaur beast.

After firing this shot, all the power of the celestial beast was completely exhausted, the "fallen hell beast" behind him disappeared, and the body of the celestial beast also emitted a burst of light, and her strength was over-exhausted, she actually degraded to the growth stage. Puppy beast.

Jiaer quickly ran to catch the puppy beast that had fallen from the air, and the puppy beast smiled weakly at Jiaer, and said: "The power of the ultra-ultimate body is too exaggerated, and my strength has been drained. "As he said, staring nervously at the plesiosaur beast, will her last blow work?

Chapter 250-Retreat!

Even if only part of the strength of the Fallen Hell Beast can be exerted, even if the energy of the Celestial Beast is so small that it can only fire a bullet of a death shot, the Ultra Ultimate Body's strength is not something that the Ultimate Body can resist at will.

At the time of the battle with the hexapod, the hexapod’s magnificent cross was just one of the balls of light, which completely shattered the seal of the brave fighting tyrannosaurus, and almost killed the fighting tyrannosaurus, although it was only A word difference, but a world of difference in strength.

The soft body of the plesiosaur beast that can swim freely in the water is destined to be impossible for him to have too strong defense power. In the ultimate body, the defense power of the plesiosaur beast is the bottom one.

Although the destructive power of a death shot bullet is not comparable to that of Dark Cross, its speed is far faster than Dark Cross, and compared to the huge cross of Dark Cross, a small bullet is obviously more difficult to detect.

When the plesiosaur noticed the bullet, its own speed was not enough to make him dodge. Facing the powerful dark power contained in this small bullet, the plesiosaur's instinct made him not dare to be too small. Glancing, with a mouth, a huge energy pulse cannon met the bullet.

Compared with the destructive power of the huge pulse cannon, the bullet is obviously more penetrating. Although the Plesiosaur continues to increase the power of the pulse cannon, it consumes some of the energy of the bullet and slows it down. The flying momentum of the bullet.

The bullet still pierced the Plesiosaur’s pulse cannon, then rubbed his neck and pierced his body, but it did not directly kill the Plesiosaur. As a result, the power of the bullet and the fall of heaven and hell What the beast sent was a great difference. Secondly, the bullet did not hit the most important core material of the plesiosaur beast. The power of that bullet was enough to severely damage an Ultimate Body, and it was almost a shot.

The Puppy Beast looked at the plesiosaur beast that hadn’t died, with a wry smile on her face. She has no strength at all now, and the injured ultimate body is still the ultimate body. They don’t have any at all now. With fighting power, I am afraid I can only expect miracles to appear.

Will a miracle occur?Of course, if you let Dilumon or Jiaer die, there is no need for the digital world and the real world to exist. With the character of the fallen hell beast, if you don’t destroy these two worlds in a rage Then there is a problem.

Just when the Plesiosaur was about to attack the Puppy Beast and Jia'er according to the order of the Tyrannosaurus reformer, two streams of light flew from the sky, and two beautiful figures, one black and one white, landed on everyone’s In front of them, it was Lilith Beast and Holy Celestial Beast.

Lilith beast arms around her chest, making the plumper breasts that are nourished by the fallen hell beasts more protruding, and after looking at the surrounding environment, she also looked at the weak pup beast in Jiaer’s arms. Then he smiled and said, "It's not bad to be able to kill an ultimate body. You used his power."

Lilithmon’s tone is full of 100% affirmation. Unless it is killed by the Seven Demon Kings, even if the average Digimon dies, the core data will not be absorbed, but will automatically go to the founding village to be reborn. Although the core data of Viking Beasts quickly flew to the founding village, the remaining data and power are not so easy to dissipate. Any Digimon with a bit of skill can perceive it. It is definitely an ultimate Digimon. The remaining power.

As for the second half sentence, it’s better to guess. They didn’t know about the fact that the fallen hell beasts made light and dark digital armors. Just because of the strong and powerful dark power remaining in the air, if the Lilith beast couldn’t tell that it belonged to Whose power, she doesn't need to be confused with the goddess of darkness.

After seeing the Lilith beast and the Holy Celestial Beast, the Puppy Beast breathed a sigh of relief. Although she knew that the Lilith Beast had very strong malice against her, it would never break out. dead.

The Puppy Beast ignored Lilith's words, but directly asked, "What about him?" This "he" naturally refers to the Fallen Hell Beast.

Lilith's face turned cold, and she looked at Puppy Beast with a gloomy face, and said: "This little tone is really annoying!"

The sacred female beast smiled slightly and explained: "The fallen hell beast has something to do and went to the dark area, but fortunately, you only get off and some minor injuries. If you are seriously injured or even die, I really can’t imagine falling to the sky. To what extent will the hell beast go crazy." The tone in front of the holy celestial beast is still very gentle, but when it comes to the last sentence, there is a trace of expectation and joking in the tone. I have to say that the holy celestial beast has also been fallen to the hell beast. It's broken.

"Humph!" The Puppy Beast snorted softly, but in his heart he was imagining how crazy the Fallen Hell Beast would be if he really died. After all, that guy's moody, no matter the consequences, they are all knew.

The Tyrannosaurus reformer was extremely angry at this time. The battle was originally a winning battle, but was killed by a complete celestial beast, and seriously injured one. Now there are two more Ultra Digimon. This It simply trampled his pride.

However, as stupid as he didn't know, his so-called pride, in the eyes of the real devil, is even lower than shit.

In a violent mood, the Tyrannosaurus reformer slammed his whip and hit the plesiosaur beast, and roared: "Why are you still stunned! Go and beat them for me!!"

The plesiosaur beast was controlled by the black lord of the ring, completely losing its original thinking ability, and rushed directly towards the Lilith beast and the holy celestial beast.

The plesiform dragon beast originally only had the strength of the mid-ultimate body, but was severely injured by the celestial beast, and had to face the two goddesses of the ultimate strength peak. The result can be imagined.

Even if the Puppy Beast has the strongest digital armor in the digital world made by the Fallen Hell Beast, she dare not say that she has any chance of winning against any of these goddesses.That's right, after using the digital armor, her strength can indeed skyrocket to the ultra-ultimate body, but the maintenance time is too short, even if it doesn't do anything, it will only take more than a minute, and only one move is issued when using a unique trick. Half, although it is the power of the super-study level, but in terms of the strength of the two goddess's ultimate body, it is not a problem to survive one and a half. When her power is exhausted, it can be said that she is at the mercy of others. Up.

Facing the weak Plesiosaur, Lilith just rewarded him with a Nazar's claw, and the poor Plesiosaur became Lilith’s lunch. In the middle of the ultimate body... barely It can also be regarded as a main course.

Lilith beast looked at the Tyrannosaurus transformer with an angry face, and soon laughed out of nothing, her eyes still looking at the Tyrannosaurus transformer, her eyes full of interest.Of course, it wasn't the female-to-male type. Lilith beast would only be interested in a male creature, the fallen hell beast, and she was not just too controlled.

And after seeing the Lilith beast's gaze, the sacred celestial beast immediately looked at the Tyrannosaurus reformer with a pity-filled gaze, yes, it was mercy.Because she knew that the look in Lilith's eyes was full of playfulness, like seeing an interesting toy, and it was the kind of toy that could be thrown into the trash can if it broke.

After the Lilith Beast laughed enough, she stroked her purple lips with her golden gloves, and said: "There are such arrogant and stupid little ghosts in the world. I now understand why the fallen hell beast asked us to keep him. It’s dead, it’s so fun to play with such a fool."

The Tyrannosaurus reformer glared at Lilith beast angrily, but he was helpless. There were two ultimate bodies of Viking beast and plesiosaur beast in the polar ice sheet. He temporarily confiscated more ultimate bodies, and now there is no one around him. The Digimon was available, and in the end, he could only flick the whip and sit on a flying dragon beast and left.

He didn't see that after he left, the originally coquettish and sexy smile on Lilith's face turned into a cold smile that could shock his heart, murmured: "What a funny toy... "

Chapter 251-Laziness!

On the other side, when Lilith beast easily killed the Plesiosaur beast, the Fallen Hell beast came to the dark area just like the holy goddess beast said.

Of course he won’t be the pain of idleness and come back to the old place. If there is no other way, he would rather never come back to this damn place for the rest of his life. Fallen hell beasts will come to the dark area, naturally for the remaining few cases. Sin.

Now he has mastered the three major sins of gluttony, lust and arrogance, and what remains is the jealousy of the giant beast of the sea, the laziness of the Belfi beast, the anger of the ultimate beast, and the greed of the Baruba beast.

According to the plot of the second part, Ultimate Beast Club did not know why it broke through the seal of the dark area, and then went to the real world, trying to snatch the flower of darkness, but unfortunately, he was unexpectedly caught by the Emperor Dragon Armored Beast. The human face war eagle beast and the ancient sacred beast joined forces to seal the sea of ​​darkness again.

The dignified angry demon finally broke through the seal of the ultimate angel beast, but he was re-sealed by a group of little ghosts before he went out for a few days. In summary, it was one word-bad.

As for the other demon kings, none of them actually appeared in the digital 2 plot. Although the fallen hell beasts determined that the dark sea where the Tyrannosaurus remodelers went was the dark sea sealed by the giant beasts of the sea, but in the digital 2 Here, the giant monster of the sea did not appear, and the black shadow that appeared in the Digital 2 was nothing but a complete Dago beast, which was a thousand miles away from the giant monster of the sea.

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