Traveling from the collapse

Beginning with the Bing Destruction Chapter 188

In order to collect the sins he needed, the fallen hell beast had to personally come to the dark area, and now, where he was in the dark valley, he decided to start with the lazy demon king Belfimon.

Relying on the instinctive induction among the seven demon kings, the fallen hell beast can easily find the Belfi beast. The Belfi beast is still in sleep form. The expression on its face is very cute and cute, the sleeping face is very cute, and the head is long. With two very long horns, they have grown to the back, with an alarm clock in his arms, and I don't know when they will wake up this sleeping "little guy".

And within a hundred miles of the Belfimon, there are no creatures other than the Fallen Hellbeast, because the Digimons here know that once Belfimon wakes up from its long sleep in a millennial cycle, Restored the original posture.The awakened Belfi Beast turned into an incarnation of anger, and listed everything that entered the field of vision as objects of destruction.Suffering from the roar of Belfimon’s angry form, Digimon below its full body will be decomposed into data and die instantly, even if it is an ultimate Digimon, it is impossible to be unharmed.

Belfimon's sleeping form is really cute, and it's hard to tell that this cute guy will be one of the scary seven demon kings in the digital world.

However, the fallen hell beasts will not be merciful because of the cute sleeping form of the Belfi beast. He will only be merciful to the beauties. As for the males, it can only be said that they have not reincarnated. The sin of need-laziness.

"Wake up, Belfi Beast." The Fallen Hell Beast looked at Belfi Beast's sleep state and said faintly, but that plain voice was full of magic power, which was a combination of the three sins of arrogance, gluttony and lust. The sound of the fallen hell beast spread out in the air in circles of shock waves, like the ripples after throwing a stone into the water.

The sound wave penetrated Belfi's powerful body and directly shook his soul. Numerous ripples were like heavy hammers, striking his soul one by one.

The tremor of the soul, even the Lazy Demon King Belfid can no longer sleep soundly at this time, the alarm clock on his body disappeared, his eyes opened, and his eyes were full of anger of being disturbed by a good night's sleep. It can also be said to be getting up. Too big.

"Roar!!!" Belfi Beast turned into an angry form, and let out a roar full of anger. The anger in this is probably no more than that of the Wrath Demon King Ultimate Warcraft.

The Belfimon’s roar quickly spread throughout the dark valley. The Digimon who survived the Belfimon’s awakening several times before were immediately shocked, although they didn’t know why the Belfimon would wake up so quickly this time. , But this is obviously not a question they should consider. All Digimon unanimously put aside whatever they were doing and fled towards the edge of the dark valley, away from the Belfi Beast in the angry form.

The Fallen Hell Beast is located in the center of Belfi Beast's anger, as standing still as a rock in the sea. For him, Belfi Beast's sonic attacks are not enough to see.

When Belfimon completely woke up and saw the fallen hell beast clearly, the eyes that had been filled with anger were also taken aback, and said: "fallen hell beast?!!!"

The Fallen Hell Beast smiled coldly, said nothing, and rushed directly to Belfi Beast. Anyway, he came to kill Belfi Beast, and he didn't need to be moral.

"Dark talent!" Belfi Beast was taken aback, but he was also one of the Seven Great Demon Kings. He had extremely rich combat experience, and he immediately reacted. The black hell fire burned on his claws, and he slashed down at the fallen hell beast. .

After all, the seven demon kings have known each other for so many years. Although they don’t know what their cards are, they still know each other very well like this triumphant skill, so the fallen hell beasts are not surprised. They still look at Bell coldly. Filipino, black flames ignited on his hands. It was a black flame of Amaterasu that was more advanced than Belfield’s hell fire. In the world, only the purgatory fire in the form of a six-winged beast, Satan, can be combined with the black flame of Amaterasu. compared to.

"God-given martial arts!" The Fallen Hell Beast sipped coldly, and with the fists of the black flames of the sky, easily tore the Belfi Beast's hell fire, and countless fist shadows immediately reflected on the Belphy Beast.

"Ah!!!" Belfi Beast let out a painful howl, but that did not stop the Fallen Hell Beast's endless offensive like moving clouds and flowing water.

The Fallen Hell Beast struck out a series of gorgeous and powerful attacks, and then twisted in the air, kicked Belfi Beast on the back of its head with a heel.

Belfi Beast fell heavily to the ground, but it still struggled to stand up, the iron chain lingering around him kept turning, emitting his nirvana light source roar, and finally barely blackened the sky. Suppressed.

Belfi Beast looked at the Fallen Hell Beast in anger, and said: "You actually absorbed the Hexa-Wing Beast!"

The fallen hell beast looked at him indifferently, as if looking at a dead thing, and said: "You are too much nonsense, Fanzuna!!"

Four black tube foxes flew out of the fallen hell beast. The expression of the tube fox was not as treacherous and cunning as a fox should have. Instead, it was full of tyrannical and killing intent, exactly like a mad animal inspired by blood and animality!

Belfimon did not dare to underestimate the four tube foxes, and from the tentacles on its head, violent thunder and lightning were sent out, and the power was not inferior to the lightning spear of the Kirubimon.

The eyes of the fallen hell beast moved slightly, and a burst of thunder bursts out of the four black tube foxes. Under the blessing of the thunder and lightning, the speed of the tube fox skyrocketed, avoiding the lightning tentacles of the Belfi beast, and separated in four directions. Entangled Belfi's hands and feet.

With the strength of the fallen hell beast at this time, Guan Fox is no longer just a simple bondage. The powerful dark power on the Guan Fox, even the dark power of Belfimon, should not be very powerful. At this time, he can't move at all. .

The fallen hell beast spread out four dark wings behind it, flew into the air, lowered its head, looked at Belfi Beast indifferently, raised both hands, a purple-black energy ball appeared in the left hand, and a bright glow appeared in the right hand. White energy ball.

"Guangming." The Fallen Hell Beast said faintly, and then with a light wave of his right hand downward, the light energy ball flew towards Belfi Beast.

Belfimon looked at the light energy ball that was no more than an apple in horror. From there, he felt the threat of death.

The light energy ball quickly swallowed Belfimon's body, and at the same time, the four tube foxes that had bound Belfimon disappeared because it was no longer necessary.

After losing the restraint, Belfi Beast immediately burst out of his own power, but no matter how he struggled, the light energy ball was unbreakable.This is a unique trick that even the ultra-ultimate Diamond Warrior God Beast can't break through. In the end, it can save its life by separating the body and the spirit at the moment of life and death, so as to escape from life and death. To put it simply, it is the protagonist's luck.

"Darkness." The fallen hell beast waved his left hand and threw the dark energy ball out.

The power of light and darkness merged into one, fused into a huge three-dimensional cube array, trapping Belfi Beast, in the cube array, whether it is power, time, space, everything is distorted, let Bell The Filipino beast felt extremely painful.

After being struck by life-and-death staggering, whether it is directly dead or suffering a huge injury, it is determined with a probability of 1/2. This is not even determined by the Fallen Hell Beast. It depends entirely on the probability.

It seems that God did not care about the poor Belfi Beast, and killed him directly because of life and death. The Fallen Hell Beast absorbed all the information and sins of Belfi Beast.

Half an hour later, after the Fallen Hell beast had digested all its power, a faint smile appeared on its indifferent face: "The sin of laziness, not bad."

Chapter Two Hundred and Fifty Two-Men!

The seven demon kings all have their own special abilities, and Belfi Beast is no exception. As the Lazy Demon Lord Belfi Beast, his abilities are also related to laziness.

Belfimon has a unique trick in its sleep form-eternal nightmare, the ability to induce eternal sleep from the breath released during sleep.Because the fallen hell beast is not a lazy demon, he does not need to sleep to trigger this trick, after all, the fallen hell beast has always been very shallow.

Belfimon’s eternal nightmare is a very powerful hypnotism. Although it does not have the powerful mental attack power like Moonread, it has a stronger hypnotic effect than Moonread. If the Fallen Hell Beast does not have an eternal kaleidoscope, He thought he could crack this hypnosis less than 10%.

One of the main benefits of Belfimon to Fallen Hellbeast is the control of power. In Belfimon’s sleep form, most of his power is sealed in the depths of the body, and there is hardly any visible from the outside. Power, but as long as Belfi Beast needs it, that power can burst out in an instant.

This is good news for the fallen hell beast.

The fallen hell beast can perfectly control his power in normal form and burst form, but the X body can't do it. He forcibly accepted the X antibody, changed his digital core, and obtained an unpredictable powerful force. But because that power was too strong, he himself couldn't control it perfectly. If it wasn't for the power of the six-winged beast Satan form that had completely surpassed his burst form, he would not use X power.

And Belfi’s laziness helped the Fallen Hell beast to solve this problem very well. When the Fallen Hell beast’s heart is full of gratitude to Belfi Beast... (I spit...)

After absorbing the information and sins of Belfimon, the Fallen Hellmon did not immediately deal with the next Demon King, but conquered the powerful Digimon in the Dark Valley.

The Dark Valley of the Belfimon is different from the Darkness of the Fallen Inferno. The character of the Fallen Inferno is a strong person who challenges everything. The weak are not qualified to be killed by him. Therefore, in the Darkness, the powerful Ultimate Digimon is early He died just before his soul took possession of this body.

While in the angry form of Belfimon, the attack is irrespective of the enemy and us, and it can survive the powerful attack of Belfimon. It is definitely a powerful dark-coefficient baby. This kind of Digimon is used by the fallen hell beast. qualifications.

There is no need to look for the Fallen Hell Beast. Under his roar, all the Digimons living in the Dark Valley gathered towards the center, which is the direction of the Fallen Hell Beast. Although they don’t know who the owner of this voice is, they all know. , That's definitely stronger than them, and the weak can eat the strong, which is especially obvious in the dark area.

Because the Digimon is far and near from the center, and the speed is also fast or slow, the fallen hell beast waited for two days before waiting for most of the Digimon. As for the remaining ones that have not arrived, the fallen hell beast will not Take it to heart.

The Fallen Hell Beast's eyes swept across the Digimon in front of them coldly, and their faces looked at the Fallen Hell Beast with expressions of incomparable respect and awe, without exception.Forget it if it’s a Digimon that hasn’t been sealed like the King of Clowns. If it’s a Digimon that has been sealed in the dark area for so many years, you can see the face, if you still don’t recognize that the one in front of you is one of the Seven Demon Kings. For a fallen beast, I can guarantee that suicide is the absolute right choice.

The gaze of the Fallen Hell Beast sweeps slowly and heavily across each Digimon. Whenever the gaze of the Fallen Hell Beast falls on a Digimon, no matter how strong his strength is, he will feel like a mountain pressing on it. You can't resist yourself, or you will die.

There are about a hundred Digimon in front of the Fallen Hell Beast. Although there are many he hasn’t even seen, it doesn’t matter. He only cares about strength. Among them, three Digimon raised a little attention from the Fallen Hell Beast... ...Really only a little bit...because his eyes stayed on these three Digimon for 0.1 second...

"Death beast, Astar beast, zombie Satan beast, come out." Fallen Hell beast called out the names of the three Digimon he fancyed accurately.

The three Digimons who were called by their names took a step forward, feeling uneasy.

Death Beast, Ultimate Body, Virus Type (Black)/Data Type (Gray), Demon-type Digimon, which was originally a High Angel Digimon. It was a Demon-type Digimon that fell from the sky in a dark area. The Death Beast did not rule the world His interest, and he looked at the world with a neutral attitude and cold eyes, which is very similar to the fallen hell beast.

Normally, the color of the death beast’s body is a gray data type, but when it confronts an angel-shaped Digimon, its body will be dyed black, which is the form of a virus-type destroyer. After being deformed, the power accumulated by avoiding futile battles is all used for infinite destruction.

Zombie satan beast, perfect body, virus species, immortal Digimon, originally a holy angel beast, he changed into an extremely degenerate form in pursuit of destructive power. Although it is a perfect body, it definitely has a superiority above the general ultimate body. Strength.

In Digi 2, a zombie satan beast defeated Emperor Dragon Armor Beast, Mechanical Tyrannosaurus Beast, Orc Garuru, Garuda Beast, Super Beast Beast, Zudon Beast, Celestial Beast, Holy Angel Beast, Ya Gula beast and battle armor beast.The nirvana degenerates bone claws, even the ultimate emperor dragon armor beast can't do a trick.

Astarmon, a complete body, a virus species, a demon-type Digimon, and a noble son in the dark zone, leading many demon-type Digimon, the complete body has a power that surpasses the ultimate body.Devilish cruelty has many supporters.It is generally believed that he is full of charismatic leadership qualities.

The Astar Beast has many similarities to the Fallen Hell Beast, the same arrogance, the same rebelliousness, and the same ruthlessness under its handsome appearance. The weapon used is also the gun. The only difference is that , Fallen Hell Beast has no interest in ruling the world, but Ashtar Beast enjoys having many admirers and followers. Fallen Hell Beast considers whether Astar Beast will replace the King of Clown to lead Digimon in the future. world.

Of course, these things are still in the conceived part for the time being, and the plot of Digital 2 will continue into winter.

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