Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 189

The Fallen Hell Beast slowly raised a fist, and a powerful coercion broke out from him, and that coercion was precisely on the death beast, zombie satan beast and Astar beast.

The three of the Death Beasts suddenly felt the pressure on their bodies tightened, their muscles tightened, and the power of the whole body was mobilized, which relieved the heavy pressure like a mountain a little.


The Fallen Hell Beast just uttered a word, and the Death Beasts naturally knew that the Fallen Hell Beast would use a trick. Although they didn't know why the Fallen Hell Beast would kill them, they would not automatically kill the Fallen Hell Beast.


The Fallen Hell Beast said the second word, and the Death Beast felt that the cold sweat on their heads could not stop flowing down, but they did not dare to relax.

"Fist!!!" The Fallen Hell Beast finally finished saying the name of this trick, and at the same time swung his right fist.(Don’t ask me when he absorbed the lion beast's information, there is not only one lion beast in the Digimon world)

Obviously it is just a trick of a mature Digimon. At this time, in the eyes of the Death Beast, it is more powerful than the power they exerted. Under this situation, the three Digimon do not need any eye contact, but they have I got the same idea-fight it!!!

"Evil Eye Blast!!!" The color of the death beast's body immediately turned black, and a crimson light gleamed from the single eye of the head, emitting huge rays of destruction.

"Fallen Bone Claw!!!" The zombie satan beast also roared, increasing its strength, and emitting a very destructive and corrosive light from the red gem on the front of the cane.

Astarmon did not roar, but also used all of his power to launch his own unique trick, hell karmic fire, because he used too much power in an instant, and his gun gold salmon was full of cracks.

The combined force of the three Digimons met the Beastmaster Fist of the Fallen Hell Beast. Unlike the Lion Beast’s Beastmaster Fist, although the Lion Beast’s Beastmaster Fist is very powerful in the mature period, the power of the Beastmaster Fist is scattered, and the Fallen Hell Beast The beastmaster boxing is solid.The original orange and transparent lion-shaped energy wave was displayed in the hands of the fallen hell beast, and it turned into an orange-red, completely opaque lion-shaped energy wave, just like the difference between an air cannon and an intercontinental missile of a Bada beast. .

Under that huge energy explosion, countless digimons with poor strength turned into raw data and lost their lives forever, but no one would pity them, because the weak do not even have the right to survive, so how about pity?

In the center of the explosion, the fallen hell beast was unharmed, and the strength of the three ultimate bodies was nothing more than a warm-up, causing him to be injured?Still a long way to go.

The death beast, Asta beast, and Zombie Satan beast were all seriously injured at this time. What surprised the Fallen Hell beast slightly was that the Asta beast actually barely supported his body with its gun gold salmon. It can stand still, although it is like a candle in the wind, but it is indeed standing, which also makes the fallen hell beast's evaluation of the Astar beast higher.

After that, things were simple. On the one hand, the behavior of the Fallen Hell Beast was to test the strength of the three of them, and on the other hand, it was also to build power. Now it is obvious that both goals have been achieved. Good staff.

In a good mood, rushed to the next place.

Chapter 253-Greed!

The Dark Abyss, an extremely gloomy and dark place in the dark area, where there is almost no breath of life, because there is only one Digimon—Barubamon.

Barubamon is the top-level conspirator and cunning strategist in the Digimon world. In this regard, even the Fallen Hellbeast and the Hexaptera are not ashamed.He looks like a kind and kind old man, but he is a greedy devil who covets all the treasures in the network. He uses all means to satisfy his material desires and kills Digimon for a little treasure. His character is greedy and cruel.

Material desire has little effect on the fallen hell beast. Even if he is given a golden mountain, it is not as attractive as a delicious steak, because he has nothing to spend.

Now there are only two more attractive to the Fallen Hell Beast, beauty and strength, the other ones are purely for watching the show, and then it is okay to abuse the protagonist.

For the strength of the Baruba beast, the Fallen Hell Beast did not expect much, no matter how strong it is, the ultimate body peak, but for the ability of the Baruba, the Fallen Hell beast is very interested.

The Barubamon can freely control Fallen Angel Digimon, and even the Ultimate Demon King Death Beast can be controlled at will. This is a very interesting ability.

In fact, in the battle that year, it seemed that the seven demon kings were fighting their own, but in fact there were some divisions of labor. The six-winged beast was the highest person in charge, and also the most important combat power. It was responsible for the ancient ten fighters. At the same time, Belfi The beast, the ultimate beast and the Lilith beast are also responsible for attracting the power of the three angels, so that the giant beast of the sea and the fallen hell beast can attack at will.

The sea monsters and the fallen hell beasts also have a division of labor. The fallen hell beasts are relatively small, and most of his tricks are suitable for singles, so he is responsible for solving those who are small, flexible, but powerful. Digimon, this is also in line with the extremely belligerent temper of the Fallen Hell Beast.

The giant monsters of the sea are responsible for those who are weak, large in number, or large. A tail swept over, at least more than a hundred can be destroyed. After all, no matter how big they are, it will be nothing to the giants of the sea. .

The giant monster of the sea, just by hearing the name, he must be very big, and it is definitely a super huge kind.The strength of the sea monster ranks second among the original seven demon kings, and the super-exaggerated data volume and volume are also second in the Digimon World.

The largest amount of data is Exarmon, one of the thirteen royal knights. The monster of the sea was also jealous of Exarmon’s ultimate data volume and fell to the sky, becoming one of the hell lord in charge of sin and jealousy. .

It is said that the body of Exarmon is so big that it has huge wings enough to engulf an island, so it might not be a concept.If calculated according to the area of ​​Changzhou Island in Guangzhou, the land area is 8.5 square kilometers, and the area of ​​a standard football field is about 7000 square meters. After the unit is converted, the area of ​​the two wings of the Ixar animal is about 1,200 standard footballs. The field is so big...

This huge amount of data is no wonder Du Niang said that he was "exaggerated" data quality.

Although the giant monster of the sea is not much worse than the extreme metamorphosis of the Exarmon, the body of the giant monster of the sea lies anywhere, as if there is an additional mountain range for no reason. Flicking the tail casually is sweeping the army, although a yawn is a storm.

As for the Barubamon, it is the role of the military commander, commanding and mobilizing all the dark coefficient code babies. Of course, the Barubamon must also go to the battlefield to fight. If he dares to stay at the back, other The six demon kings must have tore him immediately.

When the fallen hell beast saw the Baruba beast, it felt that he had not changed much from tens of thousands of years ago. After all, it was impossible to die with old age when the strength reached their level.Barubamon's eyes were still the same as before. Although he knew that he couldn't be the opponent of the fallen hell beast, he was full of greed looking at the shotgun in the hand of the fallen hell beast.(You don’t need to put the brave (you can only get in but not out) in the future, you can try to put a portrait of a Baruba beast at home)

The shotgun of the fallen hell beast is not a mortal thing. It is a weapon made by the number one craftsman in the Digimon world and one of the 12 main gods of Olympus, Vulkanmon, such as Lilithmon’s golden gloves, science The battle axe of the monster is also the work of Vulcan.

The Fallen Hell Beast was playing with his love gun, and the barrel was pointed at the Baruba Beast intentionally or unintentionally, and asked casually: "Are you suicide or want me to do it?" Although it was a questioning tone, the voice was The half-minute fluctuations are inaudible, as calm as dead people, which makes people feel very uncomfortable. Of course, there are no people here.

Suddenly, a sudden change occurred!Behind the Fallen Hell Beast, the Digimon that had been subdued by the Fallen Hell Beast suddenly attacked and attacked the back of the Fallen Hell Beast's head.

Although the body structure of Digimon is very different from that of human beings, if the back of the head is hit, even the strongest Digimon will be dizzy for a while.

Is the fallen hell beast the kind of person who stands in place and gets beaten?Of course not, although he would certainly not be injured even if he was hit, but it would be shameful to be hit by a few ants. The Fallen Hell Beast flashed on its body and appeared behind the Baruba Beast with a gloomy voice. Sounds here:

"It's good to be greedy, but sometimes you have to be careful of your own life, old man."

Immediately afterwards, the Barubamon ushered in the kick of the Fallen Hellbeast.

Barubamon seemed to have expected the Fallen Hell Beast to appear behind him, and raised his wand to block the Fallen Hell Beast's foot.Although Baruba's wand was not very hard, it was extremely resilient, and it did not break even under extreme deformation. It actually removed a lot of the power of the Fallen Hell Beast's kick.

Despite this, the Balubamon was shaken out a few steps by the foot of the Fallen Hell Beast, and the old face rarely showed a shocked expression. He has always controlled everything in his hands. At this time, the Fallen Hell Beast has some power. It was beyond his expectation. After all, without personally experiencing it, the Ultra-Ultimate Body would never be able to understand the strength of the Ultra-Ultimate Body.

The fallen hell beast looked at Baruba beast coldly and said: "In the face of absolute strength, all conspiracy and tricks are useless. Have you understood this sentence until now, Baruba beast? "

The expression on Barubamon's face was very gloomy. With a wave of his magic wand, he rushed towards the Fallen Hell Beast along with the Death Beast, Ashtar Beast and Zombie Satan Beast under his control.

run?Don't be kidding, this is a dark abyss, sealed by the seal of the ultimate angel beast, it can't run out at all, Baruba beast doesn't think that his old bone will be faster than the fallen hell beast.

The Fallen Hell Beast smiled coldly and shouted: "Vajra Mandala!" This time it was not the previous Dark Vajra Mandala, but the sacred power exactly the same as the Sha Gufang, but this power was obviously much stronger. The movements of the four of the Barubamon obviously became heavy.

Although the Fallen Hell Beast can kill Digimon in cold blood, it is not a bloodthirsty demon. He will not be controlled by the killing mind. Although the Baruba Beast must kill, the other three are controlled by the Baruba Beast. He wouldn't be angry at them, after all, they didn't have the ability to break free from the control of the Baruba.

Even the Ultimate Digimon can be played like a puppet doll in the hands of Barubamon. Just now, even the Fallen Hellbeast did not notice when the Death Beasts were killed by Barubamon. What the beast controls, this is a very terrifying control ability. With the current strength of the fallen hell beast, he has not found it at all. If it weren't for him to be controlled by the baruba beast, he would really capsize in the gutter today.

Just as Lilith Beast cannot charm other demon kings, Baruba Beast cannot control other demon kings. This is the rule, the rule among the seven demon kings, which is also one of the important reasons for their friendship.

In the real Vajra Mandala, the power of darkness was suppressed very powerfully, even the Baruba Beast felt difficult, and the remaining three were even more unbearable and completely unable to move.

Barubamon looked at the Fallen Hell Beast with sweat, and waved his wand in his hand, shouting: "The Dark Hell Hall is shattered!!"

With the sound of the Baruba beast, the dark power of the entire dark abyss was agitated, and the air became as hot as before the eruption of a volcano.

The fallen hell beast is not at all concerned about these changes, but the baruba beast’s trick is quite fun. The evil energy in the dark area is liberated and burned out all the explosions, although it is not really all the energy in the dark area. They are all liberated, but the power should not be underestimated, even with his current strength, I am afraid he will be slightly injured.

The fallen hell beast has no habit of being abused, and will not hurt itself for no reason. The eyes of the fallen hell beast turned into light purple reincarnation eyes, and he shouted sharply: "Vanxiang Tianyin!!! Devour!!!"

Chapter 254-Fight!

Under the superpower of the fallen hell beast, the ubiquitous dark energy in the dark valley gathers towards the fallen hell beast, and then it is completely absorbed by him with the power of starving ghosts.

If it weren't for the fallen hell beast with reincarnation eyes and using the power of the Hungry Ghost Dao, even if he was a gluttonous demon king, he would not dare to consume the dark energy in the dark area at will.

There have been so many Dark Coefficient code babes sealed here for so many years, and the seal of the Ultimate Angel Beast has made the dark power of these Dark Coefficient code babes completely invulnerable. Although they have successfully sealed them, they have also achieved them. Here The dark power of is absolutely strong, of course, this strength is also relatively speaking.

Although the density and purity are not very good, but after all, the amount is large, the dark area is such a vast land, everything here is filled with the power of darkness, if you want to eat all the power here in one breath, it will be a hell. The beast has to die.

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