Traveling from the collapse

Beginning with the collapse Chapter 190

But Hungry Ghost Road can solve this problem well.Hungry Ghost Road’s Secret Art Suction Seal·Swallow

Reverse the Chakra cycle in the body, inhaling the ninjutsu of the opponent in front of him.The inhaled Chakra will mist within the body, as if sinking into a bottomless swamp, all the power will be absorbed.Theoretically speaking, it is unrealistic to use chakra to explode the hungry ghosts. It has a stronger absorption capacity than the shark muscle.

Before Baruba had time to explode, the fallen hell beast absorbed a lot of the energy of the dark abyss. The fallen hell beast had no interest in continuing to play, and killed the baruba and absorbed his greed. , And then controlled the Death Beast, the Zombie Satan Beast and Astar Beast returned to the Digimon World,

I have to say that the fallen hell beasts came back in time, because the selected children encountered a lot of trouble. Taiyi’s Agumon and Ahe’s Gabumon were captured by Tyrannosaurus transformers, and the holy female beast He Lilith Beast did not help them, because the Fallen Hell Beast had an order, unless they were in danger, the two of them ignored it.

Lilith Beast didn't care about the lives of these little ghosts, but just obeyed the orders of the fallen hell beasts.The holy female beast has no objection to the fallen hell beasts. After all, if you have to rely on them for everything, then the original purpose of selecting these children would be aborted.

"Falled Hell Beast, Agu Beast and Gabu Beast were captured by Tyrannosaurus rebuilders, will you help us to rescue them?" Jia Er took the Fallen Hell Beast's hand and said softly, while not using herself It's big, but the elastic little pigeon rubbed the arm of the fallen hell beast, using the most lethal trick of this young girl-acting like a baby.

The fallen hell beast was agitated by Jia'er's movements and sweet and soft voice, but he still retains his senses after all, so that he will not be controlled by his own sexual desires, but he lowered his head and laughed in a low voice. : "No problem, but Jiaer has to kiss me."

Jiaerfen blushed and took a long look, and found that her brother was not angry, but smiled helplessly. He breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, stood on tiptoe, and kissed gently on the lips of the Fallen Hell Beast.

The Fallen Hell Beast stretched out its tongue and swept Jia'er's sweetness into his stomach. This action caused Jia'er to be extremely annoyed.

The fallen hell beast raised his head, the expression on his face turned indifferent within a tick, and said: "I can help you, but I won't do it directly, unless your lives are in danger."

Although the words of the Fallen Hell Beast are very cold, Taiyi and Ahe are still grateful. After all, with such an ultra-powerful Digimon as the Fallen Hell Beast, their lives are absolutely guaranteed, and they are about to say some words of gratitude. He was interrupted by the Fallen Hell Beast reaching out his hand.

"Don't thank me, your lives have nothing to do with me, I just look at Jia'er's face." The Fallen Hell Beast said lightly, and he always had this dead tone to male creatures.

Tai Yi’s mouth twitched. Although he had known that the Fallen Hell Beast would help him completely because of Jia'er, but what the Fallen Hell Beast said was so direct that Tai Yi was embarrassed. At this moment, Tai Yi felt that he had a younger sister. it is good.

Ah Wu clenched his fists tightly, not reconciled!Really unwilling!When he is in danger, he can only hide behind Jia'er and Tiannv Beast, relying on their protection, but when Jia'er encounters difficulties, he can't help at all. When in difficulties, Jia The only thing that Er thought could help her was the Fallen Hell Beast, and only he could bring her a sense of security.



With the extremely arrogant Tyrannosaurus reformer, for fear that others would not know that he is the boss's character and style, it is not difficult to find him, here is a valley.

The Tyrannosaurus Rebuilder rides a Golden Sword Lion Beast, and three Ultra Digimon, Dark Fighting Tyrannosaurus Beast, Steel Garuru, and Steel Gorilla Beast, a total of four Ultimate Digimon. Digimon.

After the Tyrannosaurus reformer saw the fallen hell beast, there was a flash of fear in his eyes, but the feeling of fear was immediately covered by endless anger.

The Tyrannosaurus reformer first laughed wildly. On the one hand, he concealed his fear, and on the other hand, he emboldened himself and yelled: "Falling hell beast! Even if you are strong, it is impossible to deal with four ultimate bodies at the same time. I must kill you today!!!"

Facing the clamor of the Tyrannosaurus reformer, the Fallen Hell Beast only faintly spit out two very powerful words: "Fool!"

It's not just the fallen hell beasts, even Taiyi and Ahe now feel that the Tyrannosaurus reformer is a fool.They don't know exactly where the full strength of the Fallen Hell Beast is, but it must have completely crushed the Ultimate Body. At the beginning, their fighting Tyrannosaurus and Steel Garuru were combined, and the Fallen Hell Beast was only two. It's done with a bullet.

Although the four ultimate body can extend the time of defeat, it is impossible to defeat the fallen hell beast, even the ultimate body of the level of the four ultimate angel beasts is not enough to see.

The indifferent and contemptuous appearance of the fallen hell beast even angered the Tyrannosaurus reformer. He waved the long whip in his hand and shouted: "Give me all!" Jumped on his back.

The dark battle tyrannosaurus, steel garuru, steel gorilla and a golden sword lion beast all rushed towards the fallen hell beast.

The fallen hell beast was too lazy to cause trouble, but the trouble came.

The fallen hell beast, who lacks interest, said coldly, "Get them all out!"

As soon as the voice of the fallen hell beast fell, four Digimon appeared out of thin air. It was the death beast he conquered in the dark area, the Astar beast, the zombie satan beast, and the previous clown king, which happened to be four.

"One by one, hurry up. Except for the Dark Fighting Tyrannosaurus and Iron Garuru, the remaining two are killed!"

"Yes! Fallen Hell Beast King!" The four Digimon responded in unison, and then each greeted a Ultimate Body.

The strongest death beast confronted the strongest dark fighting tyrannosaurus, while the clown king confronted the steel galuru, the astar beast confronted the golden sword lion beast, and the zombie satan beast chose the steel ape beast!


Chapter 255-Stalemate!

The Astar beast confronts the weakest Golden Sword Lion among the four ultimate bodies. The overall combat power of the Golden Sword Lion beast is only 2,300, which is considered to be inferior in the ultimate body, and its strength and speed can only be counted. Make do, it's really hard to say strong.If he hadn't evolved from the ultimate body of the lion beast, the fallen hell beast really couldn't remember such a weak ultimate body.


Astarmon fired two shots in a row, and two bullets were fired from his free-thinking machine gun "Gold Salmon". It was Astarmon's unique trick-hell fire.

To be precise, the golden salmon of the Astarmon and the Behemoth of the Fallen Hellmon are similar things. Because of their self-awareness, they are not simple weapons, but similar to the Digimon attached to them.

Although the bullets fired from the gold salmon are not as powerful as the death shots of the fallen hell beasts, they naturally have the same self-awareness as the gold salmon and can track the enemy to the maximum.

The golden sword lion beast shook his body and avoided two bullets, but the bullet turned a bend in the air and flew towards the back of the golden sword lion beast.

Although the golden sword lion beast was controlled by the Tyrannosaurus reformer and lost his consciousness, his fighting instinct was still preserved. Knowing the crisis behind him, he did not look back at all and immediately jumped away from the spot.

With the ruthless character of Astarmon, how could he let go of the opportunity to fall into trouble?A longitudinal jump jumped behind the Golden Sword Lion Beast, with dark power condensed on its legs, and kicked towards the Golden Sword Lion Beast's neck.

"Unruly and rebellious!" Astar Beast sipped coldly, the dark power on its legs exploded, and the power of the explosion directly embedded the Golden Sword Lion Beast into the ground.

The fallen hell beast's eyes lit up when he saw Astarmon's unruly trick. This trick is pretty good, and it's very similar to Tsunade's painful feet.The Fallen Hell Beast moved slightly and killed the Astar Beast, and then seized his thoughts on the information, but this thought was soon concealed by him. After all, the Astar Beast's character was quite appetizing for the Fallen Hell Beast. , This kind of Digimon is pretty hard to find.

On the other hand, under the power of the Dark Digimon machine of the Tyrannosaurus Rebuilder, the battle between the Dark Evolved Dark Fighting Tyrannosaurus and Death Beasts is also extremely fierce.

"Dark battle tornado!!!" The dark battle tyrannosaurus beast raised his hands, and his whole body began to spin at high speed, turning into a violent dark tornado, spinning and flying towards the death beast.

This is simply the darkened version of Yalangya, the fallen hell beast thought helplessly, but the Inuzuka clan used the sense of smell to locate, what did the dark battle tyrannosaurus use to determine the direction of the target?What the Fallen Hell Beast is thinking now has nothing to do with the battle at this time.

"Evil Eye Blast!!!" The death beast's body turned black, and after increasing its strength, it emitted a huge destruction and death light from the one-eye on its head.

The Evil Eye Blast collided with the Dark Battle Tornado, and within a few seconds, it was obvious that the Dark Eye Blast was suppressed by the Dark Battle Tornado.

The power of the dark battle tyrannosaurus is absolutely top in the Digimon world. The dark battle tyrannosaurus fused from the tower of darkness is the two ultimate fighting tyrannosaurus and the emperor dragon. The body is undefeated, and its strength is unimaginable.

Moreover, the dark battle tornado is a trick released under high-speed rotation. The object can maintain its own high stability while rotating, and at the same time exclude everything that is close to it. The dark battle tornado keeps approaching the body of the dead beast.

Dilu beast watched the battle, looked at the situation of the dead beast at this time, then looked at the fallen hell beast, and said: "Aren't you going to save your men?"

The Fallen Hell Beast hugged his arms and watched the battle of eight Ultra Body Digimon coldly. After hearing Dilumon’s words, he bowed his head and gave her a blank look. The coldness he had just maintained was immediately The ice disintegrated, and said: "I'm going to you, just a death beast."

"Humph!" Dilumon hummed softly, and ignored him.She naturally knows that with the pride of the fallen hell beast, it is impossible to do things with too much bullying, and the opponent is just weak to him, to deal with the weak with too much bullying, it is absolutely impossible to do such things. It will not be a fallen hell beast.

Of course, Dilu Beast will not save the dead beast. She just said something casually. She didn't expect to be supported by the Fallen Hell Beast. Besides, her strength is not enough. Now she is two ultimate bodies. In the competition, separating them is equivalent to bearing the unique skills of two ultimate bodies at the same time. Even if the Dilu Beast evolves into the Celestial Beast, it is absolutely impossible, unless it is using digital armor.


The dark battle tornado ripped through the death beast's evil eyes and exploded, but after that, the dark battle tornado had no power anymore, hitting the death beast just made him hurt.

"Arrows of death!!" The death beast endured the pain on his body, stretched out his hands, and the evil eyes in his palms launched two sharp arrows of death.

The Dark Fighting Tyrannosaurus has just stopped from spinning, and its body has not yet reacted. It stops in the air and is unable to avoid it. The distance between the Dark Fighting Tyrannosaurus and the Death Beast is so close that the Dark Fighting Tyrannosaurus has only time to lift. Block with both hands.

The Dark Fighting Tyrannosaurus was covered by a solid Digimon, but it still couldn’t completely stop the Death Beast’s death arrow. Two extremely penetrating arrows pierced the Digimon on his arm and plunged into the darkness. Fight in the body of Tyrannosaurus.

"Roar!!!" The dark fighting tyrannosaurus roared with pain, and the death beast's arrow of death was very destructive.

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