Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 191

Too Yi's heart tightened, this dark fighting tyrannosaurus was evolved from his Agumon, can he not worry?However, even so, Tai Yi did not act rashly. He knew that it would be impossible to rescue Agumon unscathed. It has to be said that Tai Yi's calmness was indeed somewhat beyond ordinary people.

However, Tai Yi can bear it, but it does not mean that another hot-blooded teenager can bear it. Dasuke Hongu jumped out, pointing at the fallen hell beast and shouted: "What are you doing! You will hurt Tai Yi senior Asia like this? The ancient beast!!!"

The fallen hell beast looked at Daisuke Hongu indifferently, and then showed disgust and contempt, as if he was eating well. Suddenly a stray dog ​​came and pulled that or something in front of you. Feeling the same, he said coldly: "Noisy! Silence!"

After speaking, with a flick of the fallen hell beast’s finger, Daisuke Hongu’s mouth immediately closed like a zipper. Daisuke broke his own mouth a few times, but couldn’t open it anyway. , Waved his fist at the fallen hell beast.

"Stick yourself!" The Fallen Hell Beast said lightly again, and the figures of Daisuke and V Zimon stopped at the same time, like two sculptures.

This is just a small use of superpowers. With the strength of the Fallen Hell Beast, it is too easy to prevent a little devil with no strength and a growing V cub beast from moving.

Everyone looked at Daisuke with pitying eyes, but no one dared to intercede for Daisuke. It was a fool like Daisuke who went back to anger the Fallen Hell Beast. The Fallen Hell Beast did not directly kill him, but just let him He shut up and couldn't move, he was already very compassionate.

The farce here did not prevent the continuation of the battle. The King of Joker and Steel Garuru are old opponents, and they know each other’s tricks very well. The King of Joker’s ace flying knife was cracked by Steel Garuru’s precise induction, but Steel In order to deal with the Ace Throwing Knife, Garuru must concentrate all his energy, and there is no room for counterattack. Moreover, the fallen hell beast has been ordered, and Iron Garuru cannot kill, so the King of Clown also dare not do his best to fight. Zi froze.

The battle between the zombie satan beast and the steel gorilla beast is similar. The superalloy shell of the steel gorilla beast consumes a lot of the power of the zombie satan beast’s degenerative bone claw, although the remaining power is not small for the steel gorilla beast. Influence, but not enough to kill him.

The steel orangutan also took into account the power of the fallen bone claws of the zombie satan beast, and did not dare to get too close, but used the death thunderbolt sword and the zombie satan beast to attack from a distance.

All the battles were suddenly deadlocked...

Chapter Two Hundred and Fifty Sixth-The battle is overwhelmed!

At this time, the battle between the death beast and the dark battle tyrannosaurus beast, the dark battle tyrannosaurus beast has the upper hand, but it is not obvious. The battle between the clown king and the steel galuru, the zombie satan beast and the steel gorilla beast is at a stalemate. In the battle between the Astar Beast and the Golden Sword Lion Beast, the Astar Beast has the upper hand, and this advantage is much more obvious than the Dark Fighting Tyrannosaurus Beast over the Death Beast.

As a bystander, and a bystander who is far stronger than the combatants in the field, the Fallen Hell Beast can clearly see the situation on the field, everything is already clear to his heart, and he can't help but look at Asi with some expectation. Tower beast, expect him to make a judgment.

The battle went on quickly for more than a minute. Except for the fierce battle between the death beast and the dark battle tyrannosaurus, the other three battles were slightly flat.

However, at this moment, Astarmon's eyes suddenly showed a wise look, but it disappeared immediately, as if it had never appeared before.However, he was caught by the Fallen Hell Beast, and he nodded in approval. This Astar Beast was indeed more suitable for commanding the Digimon world than the Clown King.

I don't know that the thoughts in my heart have been completely controlled by the fallen hell beast. The offensive suddenly strengthened. The hell industry fire and rebelliousness were launched at the same time. Bullets and strong kicks simultaneously greeted the body of the golden sword lion beast.

The Golden Sword Lion Beast was originally the weakest of the eight Digimon in the field. The fight with the Astar Beast just now had suffered a lot of injuries. Although they were all slightly injured, they all added up.The sudden acceleration of the attacking rhythm of Astarmon made the Golden Sword Lion Beast completely unresponsive.When the pain in his body awakened the Golden Sword Lion Beast, his left forefoot had already been hit by the Astar Beast’s hell karmic fire. To make matters worse, the Astar Beast added another one to the Golden Sword Lion Beast’s wound. The attack was rebellious, and directly abolished one of the legs of the Golden Sword Lion Beast.

The golden sword lion beast whose one leg was scrapped has been transformed from a mighty lion into a veritable three-legged cat...Although this cat is a little bigger...

"Golden Flying Arrow!" The Golden Sword Lion Beast roared, and the golden hair all over it flew towards the Astar Beast like steel needles.(Golden Flying Arrow = Jiraiya’s Xianshu·Maozhen Senbon)

The Astar Beast has already learned this trick of the Golden Sword Lion Beast, and naturally he was prepared for it. The devil's wings flapped and flew quickly, avoiding most of the golden flying arrows. The rest was also stunned by him. Tame easily kicked loose.

The golden sword lion beast turned into a three-legged cat has no speed at all. The Astar beast circulates quickly around the golden sword lion beast. The golden salmon in his hand continuously emits hell fire, although the golden sword lion beast uses the extreme The smash claw knocked out one or two bullets, but it didn't help at all, and it couldn't stop the Astarmon's offensive.

As the injuries continued to worsen, the animality of the Golden Sword Lion Beast was completely aroused, and it roared and charged towards the Astar Beast.

Although Astarmon did not expect the Golden Sword Lion Beast to explode when it died, it is a Digimon that has experienced many battles after all. Although Astarmon was a little surprised, it did not lose its calmness and wisdom at all, and its wings fluttered. Don't fight against the Golden Sword Lion at all.This kind of outbreak of the Golden Sword Lion Beast is simply a return to light, and it will not last long. As long as the Astar Beast drags a little time, the Golden Sword Lion Beast will die.

The golden sword lion beast naturally cannot have the protagonist bonus. After he broke out for more than a minute, the core data was penetrated by Astana's hell industry fire and turned into a bunch of raw data.

After quickly absorbing the information of the Golden Sword Lion Beast, Astar Beast flew towards the Zombie Satan Beast and the Iron Gorilla Beast.

Here I have to explain the same idea that the Fallen Hell Beast and Astar Beast thought of.

The eight Digimon belong to two camps. The strongest is the Dark Fighting Tyrannosaurus Beast on the Tyrannosaurus Rebuilder side, and the weakest is also the Golden Sword Lion Beast on the Tyrannosaurus Rebuilder’s side. Overall, the strength of both sides Equivalent, with five to five wins and losses.

As for the zombie satan beast and the steel gorilla beast, the battle between the clown king and the steel galuru is obviously not a one-and-a-half moment between victory and defeat. In the case of the fallen hell beasts not participating in the battle, the remaining two battles are won. Loss becomes the key to victory.

When the Death Beast, Dark Fighting Tyrannosaurus Beast, Ashtar Beast and Golden Sword Lion Beast, any Digimon of any faction wins, the battle will change from four to four to four to three.

The so-called fans of the authorities and the bystanders are clear. The Astar Beast is worthy of being a natural leader. Although it is in a battle, it is a while later than the fallen hell beast that is on the side. He has figured out the key to this, so he will Suddenly accelerate the attack, otherwise he will choose a more secure method to defeat the Golden Sword Lion Beast, which will certainly not let the Golden Sword Lion Beast burst out before his death.

In fact, if the Tyrannosaurus reformer can command well, he can certainly give good guidance as a bystander.However, in the first place, although the Tyrannosaurus reformer had an IQ far higher than ordinary humans because of the Dark Seeds, he was just a kid after all. Although he had a strong commanding talent, it was just a talent. Fallen hell beast, Astana, a king who has experienced many battles, still has a huge gap.

The battle of the ultimate body class changes rapidly, and life and death can be determined in an instant. Even with the dark seed, the Tyrannosaurus reformer still finds it difficult to keep up with the speed of the ultimate body class battle, and cannot do any effective command. As for those digital Baby, all is controlled by the Black Lord of the Rings, only the fighting instinct is left, where can I make perfect tactical arrangements.

Secondly, after the Tyrannosaurus reformer saw the fallen hell beast, his pig brain was completely occupied by fear and anger. The poor IQ that was originally low has now fallen to a heinous level, instead of expecting What good command he can do, still hope that the small Japanese collective from the palace is more practical.

And there is a reason why the Astar Beast goes to help the zombie Satan Beast. The power of the Dark Fighting Tyrannosaurus Beast is too strong, but the Death Beast can also block a short period of time, and even if the Astar Beast helps Death beast, it is impossible to solve the dark battle tyrannosaurus beast in a short time.

As for Steel Garuru, the fallen hell beast explained that he wants to live. It is much more difficult to capture an ultimate body than to kill an ultimate body. In comparison, of course, first go to help the zombie satan beast to kill the steel Orangutan, then three Digimon work together to capture Steel Garuru, and finally four work together to defeat the Dark Fighting Tyrannosaurus.

This is the perfect tactic that can be imagined in a short time.

With the addition of the Astar Beast, the Zombie Satan Beast was overjoyed, waved the scepter in his hand, and shouted: "Fallen Bone Claw!"

"Death Thunderbolt Sword!" The steel orangutan pointed its finger at the sky, and a black thunderbolt lightning dropped from the sky, canceling out the power of the fallen bone claws of the zombie satan beast.

Because it consumes a lot of power in order to quickly defeat the Golden Sword Lion Beast, the Astar Beast did not directly rush to fight the Iron Gorilla Beast. Instead, it attacked with the Zombie Satan Beast. He shot the steel Gorilla from time to time. The beast, at the same time, digested and absorbed the information of the Golden Sword Lion Beast.

Astarmon does not have the natural instinct of gluttony like the fallen hell beast, so he can only absorb the power of the golden sword lion beast, and cannot get the golden sword lion beast's tricks, but it is already very good, after all, the golden sword lion beast is weak Returning to the weak, after all, it is only the ultimate body.

After absorbing the information of the Golden Sword Lion Beast, the Astar Beast's power was completely restored to its full state, and it immediately joined the battle.

"Fallen Bone Claw!"


The zombie satan beast and the Astar beast simultaneously issued their own tricks, and together, even the steel orangutan beast's body covered with superalloy was cracked.

The zombie satan beast will never let go of this opportunity, a depraved bone claw finally ended the life of the steel orangutan.

Afterwards, under the combined efforts of the Zombie Satan, Astana and the King of Clown, Iron Garuru was also captured alive, leaving only one Dark Fighting Tyrannosaurus.

The Tyrannosaurus transformer looked at the Fallen Hell Beast with great anger, and the dark side of his heart expanded again, holding the Dark Digimon in his hand, shouting: "Dark evolution!! Evolve me!!!"

From the dark Digimon of the Tyrannosaurus reformer, a wave of dark energy was sent out, and at the same time, a burst of black evolutionary light broke out from the body of the dark battle Tyrannosaurus beast and Steel Garuru.

When the fallen hell beast saw the black light of evolution, he rarely got excited. Could it be...

Chapter 257-Untitled...

The two black rays of light gradually merged together again, and a burst of incomparably powerful power erupted from the darkness. From that darkness, a dark knight was born-Omega Beast Zwart!

The Omegamon Zvart, the ultimate body, the virus species, the Paladin Digimon, was affected by the Dark Digimon machine, which made the Omegamon, one of the Royal Knights at the highest level of cybersecurity, dark Turned into Omega Beast Zvart.

Dark body, dark weapons, dark cloak, dark eyes, everything is incomparably dark, left hand fighting tyrannosaurus beast head, right hand steel Garuru head, all black, only the left hand of the tyrannosaurus sword and The brave shield on the left shoulder is engraved with a golden spell.

The Fallen Hell Beast took a step forward and waved his hand to stop the death beast and the other four Digimon who were about to rush up. There was a slight excitement in his eyes, and he said, "Get all of them back. He is not something you can deal with. Guy, he is my prey."

The four of the death beasts looked at each other, and at the same time they lowered their heads and retreated back.

"Magnificent cross!" The fallen hell beast shouted loudly, and it was a fiery ball of light that formed a huge cross and flew towards the Omega beast Zvart.

Omega Beast Zwat wouldn't be as stupid as Daisuke Hongu and V Zymon, and immediately avoided this huge move.


The magnificent cross hit the ground, and the magnificent cross that was stronger than the bright form of the six-winged beast hit the Digimon world.All of a sudden, the sky collapsed and the earth cracked, the earth moved and the mountains shook, huge waves surged to the sky, and volcanoes erupted like the end of the world.

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