Traveling from the collapse

Beginning with the collapse of travel Chapter 192

Dilubeast looked at the destructive power of the Fallen Hell Beast's casual move, and couldn't help but compare his own power with the help of digital armor, and suddenly felt the super power and the true super research of the Fallen Hell Beast. The polar body is not as good as anything else.

Immediately, Dilumon shouted: "Hey! Fallen Hell Beast, do you want to tear down the Digimon World?"

The Fallen Hell Beast looked back at Di Lu Beast and said helplessly: "Okay, I know, I will pay more attention to it."

"Slightly?" Dilumon's brows jumped, and finally he didn't say anything.

"Galuru's Cannon!" Omega Beast Zwat roared, and from the Garuru's Cannon in his right hand shot a strong black freezing gas, which was not weaker than the Viking Beast's unique trick Arctic blizzard.

The fallen hell beast smiled coldly, his right hand turned into a steel sea dragon beast head, his left hand was holding his right hand, the muzzle was aimed at the black frozen gas, and he shouted: "Ultimate wave cannon!!" The fallen hell beast absorbed the extreme demon king 'S data, that is, possessing the steel sea dragon beast's data, a high-concentration energy column flew towards the black frozen air.

If it really fought, the Iron Sea Dragon Beast would definitely not be able to beat the Omega Beast, but it would be fine in the hands of the Fallen Hell Beast.

The Ultra Wave Cannon and the Garuru Cannon fought for a while, and finally the Ultra Wave Cannon won. The strong freezing gas of the Garuru Cannon turned into hot steam under the ultra-high pressure energy of the Ultra Wave Cannon. , And then still flew towards Omega Beast Zvart with the power of pioneering the world.

Being able to easily break the power of his Garuru’s Cannon’s trick, Omega Beast Zvart didn’t dare to try at will. He shook his body and dodged the Ultimate Wave Cannon, then stretched his right hand behind him and issued a huge plus. Lulu’s cannon, with its huge counter-impact force, stabs the fallen hell beast with the tyrannosaurus sword in his left hand.

The fallen hell beast emptied his hands, and two superalloy giant swords appeared in his hands. The whole body was extremely powerful, as if it had turned into the sharpest weapon in the digital world, and rushed towards the Omega beast Zvart.


The Hell Slashing Blade and the Tyrannosaurus Sword collided in the air, and the strength of the Fallen Hell Beast was naturally much stronger than the Omega Beast Zvart. It was just a collision, and a crack appeared on the Tyrannosaurus Sword.

The fallen hell beast immediately threw away the super alloy giant sword in his hand, concentrated on his hands, and shouted: "Lost Paradise!!"

The fallen hell beast once again incarnates the Thousand-Hand Tathagata (it is impossible to say that he is the Thousand-Hand Guanyin...) The shadow of the fist in the sky is constantly beating the Omega Beast Zvart.

The corner of Dilumon's mouth twitched, looking at the hilarious fallen hell beast, there was a burst of white light on his body, and it evolved into a celestial beast.

The celestial beast looked at Taiyi and Ahe with suspicious gazes, and explained: "I'd better prepare first, lest the Fallen Hell Beasts accidentally kill Agu Beast and Gabu Beast."

"" Taiichi laughed.

"Haha...should..." Ahe said tacitly.

The celestial beast shrugged, and based on the character of the fallen hell beast, it is not impossible to accidentally kill the Omega beast Zwart if he goes crazy, and he can't help but look at the sky again.

A series of gorgeous high-speed combos of the Fallen Hell Beast beat the Omega Beast Zvart to nowhere. Then, a powerful fist was printed on the Omega Beast’s belly and roared: "Beastmaster Fist!! !!!"


A huge lion burst out from the fist of the fallen hell beast, like a huge meteor, pressing the body of the Omega beast Zvart and rushing to the ground continuously.

Rumble rumbling!!!!!

When Mars hit the earth, hot energy waves spread out from the center of the package. A heat wave swept through the few plants in the valley. The poor grass that finally grew out of the cracks in the rock was directly baked into debris.

With such a huge explosion, both Taiyi and Ahhe were worried whether their partner Digimon would actually be slaughtered by the Fallen Hell Beast.

Obviously, they were too worried. From the center of the explosion, the Fallen Hell Beast came out carrying the degraded Agumon and Gabumon in his hands, and then flung the two Digimon to Taiyihe. Ahe.

"Great, Agumon!" Taiyi held Agumon excitedly, "Great, you're fine, it's great."

"It hurts, Taiyi..." Yagumon snorted, the attack of the Fallen Hellbeast was not light.

The fallen hell beast didn't bother to care about the love of these two pairs of human and beast friends. He directly hugged Jia'er and kissed Jia'er on the face very naturally, then turned his eyes to the celestial beast, and said with a smirk: Hey hey, I said you are not so hungry, right now it's noon."

"You!" The celestial beast angrily pointed at the fallen hell beast, and said: "You bastard! You are hungry!!!"

"Yes, I'm hungry and thirsty." The Fallen Hell Beast smiled badly, then carried Jia'er and the Celestial Beast on his shoulders, and said: "I took them away."


After the clouds and rain closed, the Celestial Beast and Jia'er leaned against the arms of the Fallen Hell Beast, with very charming expressions on their faces.

The Fallen Hell Beast stretched out his hand, drew the golden hair on the face of the Celestial Beast to the Celestial Beast, and said: "You seem to have something to tell me."

The celestial beast was taken aback, lowered her head slightly, her expression seemed a little struggling, after a while, she seemed to have made up her mind, but she still bowed her head, afraid to look at the fallen hell beast, and whispered: "Tomorrow is the death sacrifice of the wizard beast , So I think...I..."

The fallen hell beast was stunned. It turned out that this was the case. The celestial beast wanted to worship the wizard beast, but because of him, the celestial beast was afraid that he would misunderstand it, so it was so entangled.

The fallen hell beast stroked the long golden hair of the celestial female beast, and said, "There is no need to be afraid of this kind of thing. I will accompany you tomorrow." Although he is stingy, there is no need to eat the jealousy of a dead guy. .

"Really?!" The Celestial Beast said with some surprise.

"Of course it is true, but now...hehehehe..."

In the smirk of the Fallen Hell Beast, in the light anger of the Heavenly Female Beast, the Fallen Heavenly Hell Beast once again entered the beautiful body of the Heavenly Female Beast, day and night.

Chapter 258-Transition

Japan, Tokyo, Odaiba.

The Fallen Hell Beast took Jia'er's hand, and Dilu Beast sitting on his shoulders, accompanied by Suna and Meimei, walked towards Fuji TV.

After three years, Fuji TV has been restored to its original state, and there is no scene of vampire beasts and fallen hell beasts fighting and destroying here. Of course, if there is no rumor that Fuji TV has been haunted recently, it would be perfect... …

The fallen hell beast who knows the plot naturally knows that the ghost is the wizard beast, to be precise, the ghost of the wizard beast.After being killed by the Vampire Beast three years ago, most of the wizard beast's information was directly dissipated. The original core data can still be reborn in the founding village, but the wizard beast did not, but stayed in reality by its own spiritual power. The world has become the ghost of the present.

Along the way, the Fallen Hell Beasts are not frustrated. It's not that they don't want to, but the reality does not allow it.After all, today is the death day of the Wizard Beast, Fallen Hell Beast and Suna, Meimei doesn’t matter whether the Wizard Beast is dead, but Jiaer and Dilu Beast can’t do nothing. Considering the mood of the two of them, the Fallen Hell Beast can only Controlled his two paws.

Besides, it is not just a few of them. One or two generations of selected children are all following behind. The fallen hell beast can kiss his own woman in front of them, but no further steps will work.

My palace Daisuke looked at Jia'er who was holding hands with Jia'er in jealousy, and muttered: "What's so good about this guy? Why does Jia'er like him so much."

Although it was a muttering, the big voice of Daisuke Hongya was heard by everyone, and the head of the fallen beast was too lazy to look back. He didn't bother to look at the idiot face of Daisuke Hongya, and said: "I have nothing good, but what Better than you."

"You!" As soon as Daisuke Hongu uttered a word, he was interrupted by the indifferent voice of the fallen hell beast.

"Mute!" Obviously, Daisuke was speechless again.

The following plot is the same as in the animation. Dilumon recognizes the ghost of the Wizard Beast, and then the Wizard Beast tells the selected children that "Gentleness can bloom with golden light".

There is nothing to say about the Wizard Beast Fallen Hell Beast. Although I don't like it, it can't be said to be annoying. At least it feels much better than this kind of brain damage like Daisuke Hongu. The Fallen Hell Beast cares more about Kimila Beast.

In the animation, Tyrannosaurus transformants used various maturity stages and a small amount of complete Digimon data to piece together to create Kimiramon. Although it is a complete body level, it has the ultimate body level power. , The destructive power is very powerful, but because of the appearance of the fallen hell beast, great changes will definitely take place.

Because the Fallen Hell Beast is too powerful, the Tyrannosaurus Rebuilder was asked to create the Black Lord of the Ring that can control the Ultimate Digimon in advance. However, after several battles, the Ultimate Body was not an opponent at all in front of the Fallen Hell Beast, which is predictable. , The Kimira beast created by Tyrannosaurus Rebuilder will definitely be more powerful than the animation.

The head of the Bidomon, the hair of the Mechanical Tyrannosaurus, the body of the Tyrannosaurus, the feet of the Garuru, the tail of the horned dragon, the evil beast, the guja, the claws of the zombie tyrannosaurus, the angel beast, the flying dragon The wings of the beast, the combination of eight mature Digimons and two complete bodies, have the power of the ultimate body level. What if you use a more powerful Digimon combination?How strong will a Digimon be combined with Ultra Digimon?

Facing an unknown opponent, the fallen hell beast did not have the slightest fear in his heart, but there was just endless fighting will. This fighting madman could never feel fear.

After sending Suna and Mimei home, the Fallen Hell Beast accompanied Jia'er and Dilu Beast back to Iori's house. Iori Jin and Iori Yuko are going to work today, so no one will disturb them.

After closing the door, Dilu beast immediately evolved into a celestial beast, plunged into the embrace of the fallen hell beast, and used his body to tell him his needs.

The strange thing is that the Fallen Hell Beast did not directly incarnate into a wolf this time. It just kissed the celestial beast gently on the lips, and then asked a question that surprised the celestial beast and Jia'er: "Think about it at noon. What to eat, I will cook it for you."

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