Traveling from the collapse

Beginning with the Blight of Traveling Chapter 193

"You, you, what did you say?!" The Celestial Beast asked in shock, as if he had heard something completely unreasonable, and even stammered.

The Fallen Hell Beast had anticipated this reflection of the Celestial Beast, and was not surprised, saying: "I said what you want to eat at noon, I will make it for you."

Tiannv Beast and Jia'er glanced at each other, their feelings at this time were only four words-incredible.

After that, the Celestial Beast and Jia'er let him do whatever they want, and the Fallen Hell Beast didn't care, and went directly to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator.Because Yuko Iori went to buy vegetables only yesterday, and the refrigerator was full, so there was still a lot of stock in the refrigerator, which was cheap.

The fallen hell beast took some potatoes and carrots, and took a piece of beef from the freezer under the refrigerator, then took the kitchen knife and quickly began to cut vegetables.

Speaking of the Fallen Hell Beast, it’s been more than three or four years. It was a bit uncomfortable when he took a kitchen knife at first, but because of his powerful control, there was nothing wrong with it. The ingredients were quickly caught under the kitchen knife. Decompose into the shape and size he needs.

Although the Celestial Beast and Jia'er are watching TV in the living room, their eyes float from time to time on the fallen hell beast. They are really unimaginable that the fallen hell beast is arrogant, arrogant, and the gluttonous demon king who kills without blinking would actually wear it. The apron was brandishing a kitchen knife in the kitchen, but this scene actually happened in front of them.

The Fallen Hell Beast adjusted the taste of curry, covered the pot, and plugged in the rice cooker. Then just wait for the rice and curry to be ready.

The Fallen Hell Beast walked to the living room and sat down between the Celestial Beast and Jia'er, looking at the strange eyes of the two women, and asked amusedly: "What's the matter, why are you looking at me like this?"

The celestial beast looked at the fallen hell beast, and asked, "How can you cook?"

The Fallen Hell Beast smiled slightly and said, "What's so strange that I can cook, I haven't cooked in some years, so accept it with gratitude."

The celestial beast just can't understand the proud expression of the fallen hell beast, pouting and saying: "I don't want it, I don't know if I can eat it!"

The fallen hell beast looked at the celestial beast jokingly, and said, "You are proud."

The celestial beast immediately exploded her hair. In front of the fallen hell beast, she was completely unable to maintain her holy and sacred appearance. Holding a small pink fist, she shouted: "You are arrogant! Your whole family are arrogant!!"

The Fallen Hell Beast pulled the fried cat into his arms, stroked her delicate skin, and said, "Doesn't my family include you, lovely little cat?"

The celestial beast couldn't refute, only holding her small fist, looking at him shamefully.

The fallen hell beast molested the celestial beast for a while, and then he had a dark kiss with Jiaer, and finally sat at the dinner table.

The craftsmanship of the Fallen Hell Beast is very good. Although it hasn't been done for a long time, the taste of it is quite good, so that the Celestial Beast can't say anything arrogant.

Jiaer ate the curry rice made by the fallen hell beast himself, and looked at the fallen hell beast beside him and the celestial beast opposite, and suddenly said, "We are like a family of three."

Isn't it right? Fallen Hell Beasts and Celestial Nv Beasts seem to be a bunch of happy friends, and even though Jia'er is no longer a virgin, her face still can't hide her immaturity and youthfulness, looking like their daughters.

Jia'er was innocent and innocent. When she said this, she blurted out, and she didn't think anything was wrong.

The fallen hell beast and the celestial beast were all stunned by Jia'er's words. They looked at each other subconsciously, and then both looked at Jia'er.

The celestial beast had always existed as a sister similar to Jia'er. When Jia'er said that, the celestial beast's gaze when looking at Jia'er revealed the glory of motherhood.

The celestial beast entered the scene, but the fallen hell beast immediately broke his gong, stroked Jia'er's hair, and said: "If Jiaer is my daughter, then I will become a ghost father?"

"Father Ghost?" Jiaer tilted her head, obviously not understanding what the Fallen Hell Beast was talking about.

Just because Jia'er doesn't understand, it doesn't mean that the celestial beast doesn't understand. The move just now was trampled on by the alpaca army. He glared at the fallen hell beast and said, "Don't use your bad thoughts to pollute Jia'er!"

The fallen hell beast touched its nose, but didn't even argue.

After lunch, everyone knows what will happen. Perhaps it is because of Jiaer's words at the dinner table that the celestial beast behaved extraordinarily crazy and charming today.

When everything calmed down, the Fallen Hell Beast lay on the bed holding two tired girls, with a gentle smile on his mouth.

With so many women, he still misses here the most...

Chapter 259-Fury!

Days passed in a flat way for a week. During this period, no major events happened. Even the Tyrannosaurus reformers seemed to disappear. They just continued to invade other areas, but there was no major action, nor did they come to find Fallen Hells or be selected. The troubles of the children called show a calm before the storm.

The Fallen Hell Beast speculates that the Tyrannosaurus Rebuilder must be collecting various Digimon data and piece it together into the synthetic beast Kimira. Thinking of the Kimira Beast, the Fallen Hell Beast’s fighting intent will inevitably be somewhat unconcealed. .

For the fallen hell beast, the Tyrannosaurus transformer is nothing more than a stupid pig that can no longer be stupid. It has been so stupid that he can’t even bear to kill someone like the fallen hell beast. He is there, but this stupid pig has some value for use at any rate, at least he can create the Kimira beast, and make the boring life of the fallen hell beast a little more fun except for women.

The Fallen Hell Beast guessed right. At this time, the Tyrannosaurus reformer was driving the mechanical armor beast into the dark vortex, collecting the Digimon information he needed.

The Dark Vortex is not in the dark area, and is clearly separated from the Digimon world. It is a special existence sandwiched between the dark area and the Digimon world.

The dark vortex is different from the dark area. In the dark area, there are a large number of demon king type, fallen angel type, demon type, and various dark coefficient code treasures. There are very powerful dark powers, even the big beasts. Angel-type Digimon can easily fall into the sky after entering the dark area.

In the dark vortex, there are a large number of dead Digimon remains, resentment, hatred, sadness, not just the Dark Coefficient Code baby, after the death of other Digimon, if it is full of resentment and negative emotions, it may come. This dark vortex, and cannot go to the founding village to be reincarnated and reborn.

On the upper level of the dark vortex, the outermost part of the vortex is naturally some weaker Digimon remains, such as evil beasts, horned dragon beasts, and flying dragon beasts. The further down, the stronger the Digimon remains, but the deeper it is. At this point, the suction power of the dark vortex will be greater, even if the Digimon of the ultimate body enters the depths of the dark vortex, it will not be easy to get out.

In order to create a Digimon that can defeat the Fallen Hell Beast, the Tyrannosaurus Rebuilder once again did a free fall exercise. The original IQ was barren. After another jump, he broke the table directly and fell below 0, officially entering a negative IQ. A member of the army...

The Tyrannosaurus reformer who was dazzled by anger completely ignored the Chong Chong Beast's persuasion, and drove the mechanical armor beast into the deepest part of the dark vortex, collecting data on the powerful Digimon there.

The suction power extended by the dark vortex is unimaginable, and it is not even inferior to that of the Fallen Hell Beast's Vientiane Sky Attract, and it is a powerful attraction from all directions. The mature mechanical armored beast's body cannot last long here, and soon Torn to pieces by that powerful attraction.

At the critical juncture, Chong Chong Beast brought an evil dragon beast to rescue the Tyrannosaurus reformer, but also sacrificed the life of an evil dragon beast.

The Tyrannosaurus reformer who failed once did not learn his lesson at all. He still had to collect the information in the dark vortex, but this time he did not go down by himself. Instead, he let himself control the Anduromon, Super Snake Dragon and other completely digital Baby go in.

After collecting the information he needed, the Tyrannosaurus reformer immediately began the synthesis work.

Tyrannosaurus transformer quickly tapped the keyboard, looking at the combined monsters on the screen, the Tyrannosaurus transformer showed a crazy look, with deep sunken eye sockets and bloodshot eyes. If he was crazy, he was completely gambled. Crazy gambler.

The Fallen Hell Beast has no time to deal with the brain-depleted situation for the time being. He is now shrouded in anger because Jia Er has disappeared.

Jia'er has actually been missing for two days. Tai first thought it was the Fallen Hell Beast who took Jia'er to the Digimon World. Because this happened before, the Fallen Hell Beast would not notify them in advance, so Tai Yi didn’t. I felt something was wrong, so I didn't care too much, and even lied to my parents when I went home at night, saying that Jiaer had gone to the classmate's house for the night.

But the next day, I heard from Wu and Daisuke that Jia'er didn't go to school. Taiyi felt wrong, because even if he was taken away by the fallen hell beast, he would still go to school obediently the next day, except once Except for a high fever, others have never arrived late or left early.

With worry in his heart, Taiyi made Dilu beast contact with the fallen hell beast.When Dilubeast contacted the Fallen Hell Beast, she still couldn’t help getting hairy in her heart. She knew how important Jiaer was in the Fallen Hell Beast’s mind. Even if Dilu Beast ranked second in the Fallen Hell Beast’s heart I dare not imagine what the fallen hell beast would look like under the rage.

Facts proved that Dilumon’s conjecture was correct. When Dilumon told him that Jiaer was missing, the Fallen Hellmon immediately ran away, and the violent power almost collapsed the entire Digimon world.

When the Fallen Hell Beast came to the computer classroom of Odaiba Elementary School, no one dared to look at the eyes of the Fallen Hell Beast, including Daisuke Hongu and Dilu Beast, who lacked roots in their heads.

Dilu beast swears that she has never seen a fallen hell beast with such tyrannical and cruel eyes, even if she knows that the fallen hell beast will not harm her, the dilu beast is still standing upright in fright, if not seeing the fallen hell beast. If there was a trace of reason in his eyes, Dilu Beast even thought that the Fallen Hell Beast would kill itself.

The fallen hell beast is indeed very angry, unprecedented anger, Jiaer's position in his mind is absolutely irreplaceable, whether in this world or in the world of Pokemon, Jiaer is the most important woman in his heart.

While angry, the fallen hell beast's heart was also full of guilt and self-blame.This is not something beyond the control of the Fallen Hell Beast. This is a plot that exists in the original animation. Because of the light power of Jia'er, he was attracted to the sea of ​​darkness.

Because of the recent quiet days, coupled with the fact that he has been facing the Kimira Beast, the Fallen Hell Beast actually forgot this paragraph, and Jia'er was taken to the Sea of ​​Darkness.

Where is the sea of ​​darkness, the fallen hell beast knows better than anyone else, how can Jia Er be so weak, can endure the endless darkness.

Thinking of this, the fallen hell beast can hardly suppress its own power. The power of the ultra-ultimate body is enough to affect the balance of the entire world, leading to the complete collapse of the world. Even in the real world, the space wall that maintains the stability of this world It can't stop the rampage of the Fallen Hell Beast.

All over the world, the sky is full of black cracks visible to the naked eye. It seems that the blue sky will collapse at any time. Volcanic eruptions, landslides, and tsunamis are rushing, and the world has entered a doomsday countdown in an instant.

In order to stop the Fallen Hell Beast, the Dilu Beast mobilized its own strength and evolved into a Heavenly Female Beast, resisting the tremendous pressure on his body, gritted his teeth and said: "Falling, Fallen Hell Beast, now is not, is not the time to be angry, We should hurry up and save Jia'er."

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