Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 196

The real world is just a blink of an eye, but three days have passed in the moon-reading world. During the three days, Daisuke Hongu has endured countless tortures. Even though he is a selected child, as the fallen hell beast said, He is just a brain-dead, how can he withstand the power of the strongest single phantom spell monthly reading.

The fallen hell beast looked at Daisuke Hongu who was constantly twitching on the ground, with only indifference in his eyes, without the slightest pity, and he uttered a relentless sentence:


Chapter 263-Violent Little Loli!

Daisuke lay in the hospital for a week. Dislocation of the wrist is a minor problem. The problem is that the brain is injured. Of course, it is the effect of the moon reading of the fallen hell beast. How can modern human medical technology treat the mental damage caused by the moon reading , But even the medical sacred hand Senju Tsunade would feel a tricky injury.

The fallen hell beast has absorbed the luck of the protagonist of Takenouchi Suna, Tachikawa Mimi, Celestial Beast, Flower Fairy, and Iori Kaer, plus his own luck. Now the luck of the selected child has been beaten. The squeeze was very low, only barely enough to save their lives. It was impossible to ignore the moon reading damage of the fallen hell beast.

In the end, the Fallen Hell Beast healed Daisuke's injury. Of course, he only treated it and did not restore Daisuke's wounded spirit.

In the next few days, Daisuke was embarrassed and lost his home. He fell asleep for no reason when walking in the hallway. He fell asleep almost every class. When he went to the bathroom, he went wrong and walked to the women’s bathroom. I was bruised and swollen by a group of angry girls.

After that, after Daisuke was almost recovered, everyone set out to find the Tyrannosaurus Reformer base.The Fallen Hell Beast did not follow, because he really didn't bother to go. Anyway, with the strength of the Celestial Beast, no Digimon can kill her in seconds. As long as it is not a spike, the Fallen Hell Beast will have enough time to arrive.

And now, the fallen hell beast was looking at the little loli in front of him with a funny face.

The physique was smaller than Jia'er, but the huge sword equal to her height could not see the slightest effort to swing.On the surface of the giant sword, two venomous snakes, one black and one white, intertwined alternately, showing that the power of this sword is absolutely extraordinary.

Little Lori has a very beautiful and rare cyan hair, even in the world of the second dimension, cyan hair is still very rare.

The face meets half of the female Digimon’s rules, covering half of the face. A snake-head-shaped helmet covers the upper half of the girl’s face. The golden snake head has a pair of angel-like wings strangely. The girl covered by the snake brings a pure and lovely.

Ten minutes back in time...

The fallen hell beast was boring and wandering around in the forest. When he saw a little girl squatting on the ground crying, the fallen hell beast walked over curiously and asked coldly, "Little girl, why are you crying?"

The little girl who had squatted on the ground immediately exploded her hair and jumped up, waving the heavy giant sword in her hand, and exclaimed: "I am not a little girl! I have grown up!" Pinky little mouth He bumbled cutely, and he squeezed his breasts, which was actually nothing at all.

The corners of the fallen hell beast's eyes twitched, big?Jia'er's are all older than you.However, the focus of the fallen hell beast's attention in the next moment is not here, but on the strength and identity of this little girl-Minerva beast, one of the twelve gods of Olympus!

Minerva Beast, Virus Species, Ultimate Body, God-Human Digimon, one of the twelve Olympus gods, is very petite, but has the strange power to wield a large sword of the same length freely.He has a child-like innocent and sunny personality, but the emotional ups and downs are quite intense, and if the mood is bad, it will lead to willful indulgence (problems), and it becomes impossible for anyone to cope.

The love gun eggplant of the fallen hell beast was made by Vulcan, one of the twelve gods of Olympus, so although he is not familiar with the twelve gods of Olympus, it is not unfamiliar. The little girl in front of him He can still recognize it.

The eyes of the fallen hell beast deliberately scanned the Minerva beast's body up and down, and said with disdain: "Obviously, he's just an underdeveloped little boy, pretending to be an adult."

"Wow ah ah ah!!!" Minerva Beast was irritated by Fallen Hell Beast and immediately erupted, his thin arms waved the heavy big sword Olympia, and yelled, "I am so angry! Crazy merry-go-round!!" Minervamon's body quickly spun around, waving its great sword Olympia, like a tornado. Digimons with insufficient strength will definitely be chopped into pieces by Minervamon's trick.

Minerva's speed is very fast, even the fallen hell beast's eyes cannot see her movements at this time, and the eternal kaleidoscope is instantly opened. Under these eyes, all the Minerva's movements become Split frame animation, completely unable to escape the eyes of fallen hell beasts.

After the fallen hell beast saw the Minerva beast's movements clearly, he had no intention of avoiding it. With a powerful dark power condensed in his hand, his hand slammed out and accurately grasped the sword of Olympia!

After the fallen hell beast absorbed the power of the giant beast of the sea, its physical strength was greatly improved. According to his original strength, it is easy to avoid or guard against the crazy carousel of the Minerva beast, but it has to be one-handed If you catch this trick, although you can do it before, it's definitely not as calm as it is now.

The Fallen Hell Beast squeezed its entire body, tightly holding the blade of Olympia's Great Sword in one hand, and its muscles shook, venting all its strength to the ground.

The Minerva Beast's full blow crazy carousel was abruptly stopped by the Fallen Hell Beast, and the huge sense of force made Minerva Beast almost unable to hold the giant sword in his hand.

Minerva tried hard to rescue his great sword from the fallen hell beast's hands, but the fallen hell beast's strength exceeded her too much, no matter how hard this little girl tried, the Olympia greatsword was like a long sword. It was the same in the hands of the fallen hell beast, and it couldn't be pulled down.

"You let go!" Minerva beast pouted and stared at the fallen hell beast, the cute baby's face was full of grievances.

"Oh." The Fallen Hell Beast faintly responded, and really let go.

The Minerva beast had been struggling, but the Fallen Hell beast suddenly let go, making the Minerva beast unresponsive, falling back and sitting on the ground directly.

"Pain Pain Pain Pain Pain Pain!!!" Minerva Beast kept crying, and stretched out his hand to rub his small ass, but the next second Minerva Beast jumped up immediately, with a big hand. The sword pointed at the fallen hell beast and shouted, "Why are you letting go suddenly!"

The fallen hell beast looked at this violent little loli speechlessly, and said helplessly: "Didn't you tell me to let it go?"

"Uh..." Minerva was choked, but then his face was full of anger. The great sword Olympia pointed at the fallen hell beast and shouted: "You badass! I'm going to kill you. !" As he said, he brandished his big sword and slashed at the fallen hell beast.

Where did the fallen hell beast make this little loli play tricks again, stretched out her hand, grabbed Olympia from the Minerva beast's hand, put it aside, and then put the little loli into her arms. Pull, sit down on the ground, and let little Lolita lie on her lap.

Happiness!With three crisp noises, the Fallen Hell Beast slapped Minerva Beast's raised butt three times.

Although there is no meat, the elasticity is not bad.The Fallen Hell Beast commented in his heart, let's do it again.


The fall of the fallen hell beast directly caused the Minerva beast to cry, covering his small face with his hands, and crying loudly: " have been a bully!

The fallen hell beast would not coax her in a low voice, directly raised his hand and hit the Minerva beast’s small ass again, and then gently stroked the little loli’s fragrant butt with his hand, and smiled evilly. : "Little girl, if you cry again, I will smash your ass!"

Being so frightened by the Fallen Hell Beast, Minerva Beast did not dare to cry, but the tears still circulated in his eyes, pouting his pink mouth, and he had already cursed the Fallen Hell Beast thousands of times.

The Fallen Hell Beast put down the little Lolita, turned and left, and heard a weak voice behind him.

"Wait...wait a minute!"

The Fallen Hell Beast turned his head, looked at the twisted little Lori holding the big sword in her hand, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"I... I'm lost..."


Chapter 264-A Stupid Little Lolita~~~

The fallen hell beast looked at this twitching with a funny face, and couldn't see the violent little Lori just now. The Minerva beast, one of the twelve gods of Olympus, was actually lost?It doesn't make people laugh to death.

The fallen hell beast held his hands in front of his chest, looked at this cute little loli with a smirk, and said, "I didn't expect you to be a road idiot."

The joking tone of the fallen hell beast and the smirk on its face immediately caused the Minerva beast to explode its hair, waving the Olympia sword indiscriminately in his hand, and angrily said: "I am not a road fool! I, I just don't recognize the way. That's it!"

The fallen hell beast almost burst out laughing, this little Lolita has reached a state of stupidity, and continued to look at the Minerva beast with a smirk, and said: "Is there any difference between a road idiot and a denial of the road?"

The smiling face of the Fallen Hell Beast made the Minerva Beast feel ashamed and angry. After hearing the words of the Fallen Hell Beast, without thinking about it, he blurted out, "Of course there is!"

"Oh, is it?" The Fallen Hell Beast asked back, then bent down, put his face in front of the Minerva Beast's small face, and said: "Can you tell me the difference between Lu Chi and Denial of the Road?"

The sudden approach of the Fallen Hell Beast made Minerva's heart panic for no reason. He couldn't help taking a step back, and then stared at the Fallen Hell Beast with a shame on his face, saying: "That's... ..." The Minerva Beast said several "yes" and not "yes". When it became angry, Minerva directly swung the Olympian sword and slashed towards the fallen hell beast, saying : "I want to hack you!!"

The fallen hell beast brows, once again stretched out his hand to snatch the Olympia sword of the Minerva beast, and inserted it into the ground, then stretched out his big hand and grabbed the two small hands of the Minerva beast. He was born with strange power, and his petite body was enough to dance the big sword, but he still couldn't see enough in front of the fallen hell beast, and was easily subdued by the fallen hell beast.

The fallen hell beast once again slapped it on the meatless buttocks of the Minerva beast, and the crisp sound echoed in the dark woods.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... Can only cry loudly.

After the fallen hell beast hit three or four times, he let it go. The Minerva beast immediately moved away from the fallen hell beast, not even the giant sword on the ground, holding his small butt with both hands and staring at it like a wolf. The fallen beast of the hell

In fact, the Fallen Hell Beast didn't really exert any force just now, it could only make the Minerva Beast feel a slight pain, but when the shameful place was slapped so much, the Minerva Beast's shame was directly exploded.

After the Fallen Hell Beast took advantage, he stopped teasing the Minerva Beast, turned around and waved his hand at the same time, saying, "If you want to leave the forest, follow it quickly."

The Minerva beast looked at the back of the fallen hell beast with shame and angrily, then looked at the gloomy forest, decisively accepted the fact that he was a road silly in his heart, and then drew the Olympia sword on the ground with a look. Unwillingly follow behind the fallen hell beast.

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