Traveling from the collapse

Beginning with the collapse Chapter 197


Such a voice kept ringing in the forest. It turned out that the Minerva beast did not want to fall into the heavens and the hell beast, but he was not his opponent. In desperation, he could only use the trees in the forest to vent his anger.

Today is definitely a nightmare for the trees in this forest, of course if the trees can dream...

Although the Fallen Hell Beast is walking in the front, it has already released its mental power to pay attention to the Minerva Beast. Her child's tantrum is completely in the eyes of the Fallen Hell Beast, looking at the cute appearance of the Minerva Beast, the Fallen Hell Beast The corners of his mouth could not help but evoke an evil arc.

Although it is the same little Lolita, the happiness that Jiaer and Minerva bring to the fallen hell beast is completely different.

Jia'er's innocence and kindness is her greatest weapon, even the super devil like the fallen hell beast, facing the girl of Iori Jia'er, she will never produce any negative emotions.It is absolutely impossible for the Fallen Hell Beast to say any serious words to Jia'er, and it is impossible to be angry with her. In front of Jia'er, the Fallen Hell Beast will always put down all its disguise naturally.

In front of Jia'er, the Fallen Hell Beast will inadvertently show his most gentle side, and all the gentleness of the Fallen Hell Beast will unreservedly show to Jia'er.

Facing Jia'er this girl, it seemed that as long as she had a gentle smile, the fallen hell beast would not hesitate to destroy the whole world for her. Zhou You Wang, the faint lord, could be a beacon for the smile of Bo Hongyan, and the fallen hell beast, the tyrant. For Jia Er's smile, it is normal to be enemies with the whole world.

The Minerva beast’s character is almost completely opposite to that of Jia’er. Although the Minerva beast has a childlike and innocent and sunny personality, its personality fluctuates too sharply. Compared with Jia’s gentle and lovely, Minerva The beast is the other extreme.

For example, Jia'er could never have the word coquettish on her body. Although she would act coquettishly against fallen hell beasts, she would never live it. She had a good grasp of the degree of coquetry and self-willedness.

But the Minerva beast wouldn't care so much. If she was a little girl, no one would be good at coaxing it. The Minerva beast can be said to be a girl who is arrogant, stupid, and natural.

In fact, this forest is not big, and it is not in the center of the forest. It is only possible to get lost in such a small forest, and it is only possible for the Minerva beast, the superb road silly.

After walking slowly for less than ten minutes, they had already walked out of the forest.Looking at the fiery sun in the sky, Minerva Beast couldn't help raising the big sword in his hand and shouting at the sun: "I am! I finally came out!" The expression on his face seemed to be completely happy. What happened just now is forgotten.

The Fallen Hell Beast looked at the Minerva Beast now, and couldn’t help being amused. It was clearly one of the noble Digimon of the twelve gods of Olympus. It was the top Digimon in the world in terms of strength and status. But with such an innocent and lovely character, so little things can be so happy.

However, in spite of this, the fallen hell beast could not help but knocked on the head of the Minerva beast and said: "What is it called? If I didn't bring you out, you would have to wander around in the forest for a while. month!"

"Uuuuu..." Minerva Beast clutched his head, and his eyes were full of grievances when he looked at the fallen hell beast.

The fallen hell beast didn't coax her, just walked forward at will.

Although the Minerva beast was very embarrassed by the fallen hell beast, thinking about his road idiot, the Minerva beast chose to follow the fallen hell beast.

The fallen hell beast just walked lazily, seemingly not in a hurry, wandering around as if he didn't know where to go, and quickly walked to a river.

The fallen hell beast looked at the clear river water, smiled slightly, released the four-tailed fox, and quickly caught four fat and big fish that they didn't know what they were.

After skillfully killing the fish, after cleaning, the fallen hell beast raised a bonfire and sat leisurely by the river and began to grill the fish.The skin of the fish was roasted brown, and the aroma that came out made the Minerva beast's mouth water.

The fallen hell beast looked at the Minerva beast jokingly, and said: "If you want to eat, please beg me, maybe I'm in a good mood and I can give you half a fish to eat, hahahaha..."

Fallen Hell Beast is the lowest level of violent generals, but Minerva Beast was hit, angrily walked to the river, looked at the crystal clear river, and thought in dissatisfaction: Humph!Even this big villain can catch fish, this lady doesn't believe that I will lose to that big villain!

The result... it is natural to imagine...

Not only did the Minerva not catch the fish, but before the rock at the bottom of the river slipped a bit, a head fell directly into the river, and its nose hit the rock at the bottom of the river. Although it was not disfigured, it was still thrown into hell. The beast put on an OK stretch that he didn't know where he got from.

"Hahahaha..." The Fallen Hell Beast looked at the embarrassed and angry appearance of the Minerva Beast at this time, and couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Huh!" Minerva beast snorted coldly, turning his head away, not looking at the nasty smiling face of fallen hell beast.

After a few minutes of silence, the Minerva beast felt a scent penetrated its little nose, and when he turned his head subconsciously, he saw the fallen hell beast holding a grilled fish and handing it to her with a The gentle smile she saw for the first time, she said: "Here, eat."

In the next second, Minerva Beast blushed...

Chapter 265-Mocking Lori

On the endless prairie, the fallen hell beast lay on Behemoth, allowing Behemoth to sneak in slowly with him, closing his three eyes comfortably, and humming the tune that he had forgotten his name. .

Not far behind the fallen hell beast, the Minerva beast was wielding a big sword Olympia with a disgusting expression, and the bushes were constantly being chopped down by the Minerva beast. This little loli was venting her heart in this way Dissatisfaction.

This is the second day they have known each other, and time has gone back eighteen hours...

The Fallen Hell Beast took a grilled fish and handed it to Minerva Beast, with the gentle smile she saw on her face for the first time, and said, "Hey, eat."

The Minerva beast saw such a gentle and kind smile on the face of the demon for the first time. Little Lori's heart beat violently at this time, with a faint blush on her face, and she stumbled across the fallen sky. The grilled fish in the hands of the hell beast opened his mouth and took a bite.

Although there is no salt seasoning, the skin of the fish is roasted very fragrantly, and the Minerva beast finds it very delicious.

The Fallen Hell Beast looked at the violent little Lolita who suddenly calmed down, and made a big V-sign victory sign in his heart, but on the surface he didn't show his inner pride at all, and asked gently: "How is it, how is it delicious? "

The gentle tone of the fallen hell beast caused the Minerva beast's small heart to tremble, his cheeks were flushed, and he nodded gently and said, "Well, it's delicious."

Seeing how cute this little loli looked at this time, the Fallen Hell Beast couldn't help laughing out loud.

Minerva raised his head, looking at the falling hell beast with a blushing face, tilted his head, and asked, "What are you laughing at?"

The fallen hell beast reached out his hand and touched the Minerva's small head, and then boldly grabbed the Minerva beast's cyan braid, and said: "Little girl, I just found out that you are so cute, haha Haha..."

The fallen hell beast was half joking and half teasing, so that the Minerva beast, the little loli who didn't understand anything, could stand it, her face was flushed red, and she stammered: " talk nonsense. What...what cute..."

The Fallen Hell Beast stretched out his hand to pinch the pink and tender face of Minerva Beast, and said with a full of pampering in his tone, "What a lovely little girl."

Minerva Beast blushed, resisting the urge to kill the bad guy in front of him with Olympia, clenched his pink fist, and said, "Don't call me little girl! Hear you!"

Although the Minerva beast tried to make its voice and tone full of seriousness, but because the fallen hell beast still held her face, the entire face of the Minerva beast is now crooked, and its expression and voice are also due to The crooked face looks weird and cute, without any seriousness.

The Fallen Hell Beast pinched his thigh with one hand, resisting his urge to laugh, and said "seriously": "I heard...little~ya~tou~~"

The Minerva beast immediately exploded its hair, jumped up and stared at the fallen hell beast, and said: "I heard you say it!!!"

The Fallen Hell Beast said with a serious face: "I only said that I heard it, and I didn't say that I should do what you said." As he said, he shrugged helplessly, indicating that the problem was not at all with him.

"Ah!!! You are mad at me!!!" The Minerva beast was really pissed off by the fallen hell beast, and the two blue horsetails flew upwards, showing the extreme excitement of the little Lolita.

Minerva Beast threw the grilled fish in his hand, did not take his Olympia sword, and rushed towards the Fallen Hell Beast with a pink fist, unexpectedly exceeding her previous limit.

The Minerva beast rushed into the arms of the fallen hell beast like a cannonball. The huge impact caused the face of the fallen hell beast to change slightly, but he immediately embraced the slim waist of the Minerva beast. In the anger, the little Lolita did not notice that she was being eaten tofu. The little fan fist kept beating the sturdy chest of the fallen hell beast, and she kept shouting in her mouth:

"Beat you! I'll kill you big bad guy! Tell you to bully me! Tell you to bully me! Big bad guy! You hate it! Bad guy! Bad guy! Bad guy!!"

Although the Minerva beast is born with strange power, it is not enough for the defense of the fallen hell beast, so the fallen hell beast does not care about the pink fist of the Minerva beast, and two big hands comfortably embrace the minerva beast. Waist, rough palms felt the delicate matte of Lori's skin.

After playing for a few minutes, the Minerva Beast seemed to vent enough, and its movements gradually slowed down.The fallen hell beast smiled badly, grabbed the Minerva beast and turned over and became the master. She pressed the little Lolita under her body, propped her upper body with her arm, and leaned over to look at the Minerva beast. .

The Minerva Beast was suddenly attacked by the Fallen Hell Beast, and he didn't react. He only felt that the sky was spinning before his eyes. When he reacted, he was already lying on the ground, and the big bad guy looked at him with a smirk.

Minerva beast only felt that he had never been so flustered. Under the pressure of this demon king and watched by his evil gaze, Minerva beast felt a flustered heart that he had never felt before, and could not help struggling violently. : "Bad guy! Big bad guy! Quickly let me go!!"

The fallen hell beast grabbed the two small hands of the Minerva beast, and pressed his body down, a handsome face almost touching the small face of the Minerva beast, the fallen hell beast jokingly said, "Little The girl is not good, you have to be trained~~"

The Minerva beast was full of shame and anger. After hearing the words of the fallen hell beast, he thought he was going to spank his butt again. He could not help pouting his mouth and looked at the fallen hell beast with shame and said: "You are not allowed to hit My ass!"

"Okay, if you don't fight, you won't fight." The Fallen Hell Beast replied very simply. His reaction made Minerva Beast stunned.

The next moment, the Minerva Beast regretted...

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