Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 199

Chapter 267-Abduction of Little Lori

The Minerva beast looked at the Fallen Hell Beast with anger, an anger that has never been seen before. The Minerva Beast has been lively and playful since its birth, and there has never been the word trouble in its head, but because of the Fallen Beast All this has changed.

"Bad guy! Bad guy! Big bad guy!!!" The Minerva beast, who didn't know how to vent his emotions at this time, could only yell like this for a few times, then flung his long hair and left without looking back.

The fallen hell beast touched his nose, he seemed to underestimate the severe mood swings of the Minerva beast, and he would have such a big reaction.

"Brother Fallen Heaven is indeed a badass." Jia Er's soft voice sounded in the arms of Fallen Hell Beast.

As soon as the fallen hell beast lowered his head, he saw Jia'er with a little mischievous expression.

Jiaer cutely frowned her little nose at the Fallen Hell Beast, broke free from the arms of the Fallen Hell Beast, and said: "Go and see her."

The fallen hell beast smiled helplessly, stroked Jia'er's long hair, smiled bitterly, "Can't you girl be a little stupid?"

Although Jiaer is pure and kind, she is definitely not a fool. On the contrary, she is very smart. She is also one of the few girls who can see through the heart of fallen hell beasts.

Jiaer spit out her little tongue cutely, and then stretched out her hand to push the body of the fallen hell beast, and said: "Alright, you go quickly!"

The fallen hell beast had a funny face, and the woman he loved the most pushed him to other women, but still a few jumps, quickly chasing the Minerva beast.

The Minerva beast was upset and only ran with two short legs. It didn't run fast. The Fallen Hell beast quickly caught up with the Minerva by a small river.

Minerva Beast lowered his head, and while wiping the tears that he didn't know why, with his small hands, he ran forward aimlessly, not looking at the way at all, and rammed into a solid embrace.

The fallen hell beast grabbed Minerva's slender waist, lowered his head, and gently kissed the little girl's helmet, and said, "Little girl, where do you want to go?"

The voice that made her annoyed at this time sounded like a tear gas. The Minerva beast’s tears broke the bank and quickly wetted the clothes on the chest of the fallen hell beast, and the little girl beat the fallen hell hard. The body of the beast cried: "You bad guy! Big bad guy!!! I hate you!!!"

The fallen hell beast stroked the smooth hair of the Minerva beast, and his scarlet eyes were full of petting emotions. Although the Minerva beast is sometimes willful, it is indeed a very beloved little girl.

The fallen hell beast waited until the cry of the Minerva beast disappeared, then put his hands on the shoulders of the Minerva beast, lifted up the delicate little girl, and looked at the tears on Minerva beast's face. , Fallen Heaven Hell Beast also felt a little distressed, and reached out and took off her snake head helmet.

The Minerva Beast did not refuse to resist the actions of the Fallen Hell Beast, allowing him to take off his mask.

Minerva’s pupils are the same red as the fallen hell beasts, but the difference is that the fallen hell beast’s pupils are scarlet, which is the red of blood. He is a demon king born to fight, and his eyes are naturally blood. Scarlet.

The Minerva's eyes are bright ruby-colored, dazzling, although it does not have the charm of the lust demon, but the beautiful ruby-like eyes are enough to indulge anyone.

The Fallen Hell Beast gently wiped away the tears from the Minerva Beast's face with his hands, with a trace of joking and playfulness in his eyes, and said, "Are you jealous?"

Although Minerva was really jealous, how could she admit it with her arrogant and thin-faced character, staring at the Fallen Hell Beast in shame, and said stiffly: "No!"

"Really?" The Fallen Hell Beast asked softly, lowered his head and looked at Minerva Beast Tsundere, and said: "Then what are you angry with?"

"I..." The Minerva Beast was immediately unable to refute, and the little girl who was first involved in the sea was the opponent of the fallen hell beast, the rogue ancestor.

The fallen hell beast looked at the pink lips of the Minerva beast, and a fierce impulse ignited in his heart. The fallen hell beast never suppressed his desires, bowed his head, and leaned toward the thin lips.

The Minerva beast only felt that the scene in front of him was darkened, and when he looked up, he saw the gradually enlarged face of the fallen hell beast.

Before the Minerva beast could say no, his lips were taken by the fallen hell beast. At the moment when he lost his first kiss, the Minerva beast's small heart beat violently. That is something that has never happened before. what.

While this stupid little Lori was stunned, the Fallen Hell Beast quickly seized the opportunity, opened her teeth, and the tongue got in and quickly attacked the city, but within a few ticks, Minerva's position was completely lost. .

"Hmm..." Minerva beast stunned, and there was no place on his face that was not stained with blush. Although Minerva was powerful, his mind was not even comparable to Jiaer, an 11-year-old girl. In addition, it was a Digimon, who knew how to resist the encroachment of the fallen hell beast, and soon fell into his strong arms.


When the Fallen Hell Beast came back with Minerva's small hand, it immediately greeted Dilu Beast's white eyes and Jia'er with a little bit of playful gaze, but the Fallen Hell Beast had a thick face, and she didn't see it.

Ten minutes later, the fallen hell beast and the crowd stood on a cliff looking at the huge mobile fortress not far away, and asked, "Is that the base of the idiot Tyrannosaurus transformer?"

Dilu Beast is also used to saying that Tyrannosaurus transformants are idiots to Fallen Hell Beasts, and immediately said: "Yes, that idiot is hiding there, but..."

"But?" Fallen Hell Beast looked down at Dilu Beast, probably already guessed something.

"The Tyrannosaurus Rebuilder has collected a lot of Digimon information and created a synthetic Digimon Kimira. The strength is very powerful. I am not his opponent."

The Fallen Hell Beast showed interest in the words of Dilu Beast. If it is based on the strength of Kimila Beast in the original book, Dilu Beast can definitely defeat him after it evolves into Celestial Beast. Now Dilu Beast says She is not an opponent of Kimiramon, which means that Kimiramon is stronger than in the original book.

"Kimira? Is there a picture of him?"

"Yes, I took them all." Jiaer said, handing her digital camera to the fallen hell beast.

The Fallen Hell Beast took the digital camera. Because Jiaer had taken pictures of Kimila Beast from all angles, the Fallen Hell Beast could clearly see that Kimila Beast was synthesized from those Digimon data.

The head of the superbido beast, the body of the tyrannosaurus leapt up, the legs of the mechanical evil dragon, the zombie tyrannosaurus, the new type of evil beast, the arm of the big guga beast, and the arm of the head of the steel sea dragon beast, The wings of Super Snake Dragon Beast, Raptor and Science Wyvern Beast, the tail of the Golden Sword Lion Beast, and the superalloy protective layer of the Iron Orangutan Beast are all a synthetic Digimon made up of the perfect body and the ultimate body.

After watching the fallen hell beast, he returned the camera to Jia'er, and drew out his ears at will, and said disdainfully: "This kind of shit and incomprehensible thing can be imagined by the brains."

The corner of Dilumon's mouth twitched, but he still recognized the words of the Fallen Hell Beast in his heart. This Kimila Beast is indeed a shit, and it is absolutely impossible to think of it if it is her.

"What should I do now?" Dilumon asked softly.

The fallen hell beast lowered his hand, and the huge positron cannon appeared in his hand instantly. The fallen hell beast raised the positron cannon and aimed at the mobile fortress of the Tyrannosaurus reformer, and said arrogantly: "What else can I do? Shelled it!!!"

"Hey~hey~hey~" Dilumon reluctantly showed a dead fish eye. Although she didn't think there was anything wrong with killing Digimon because of the fallen hell beast, but if it were to slaughter those innocent Digimon at will Baby, Dilumon really doesn't do it well.

The fallen hell beast reluctantly carried the positron cannon on his shoulders, and said: "Then do it with you, Kimira beast is left to me to solve it, and the rest is up to you. However, if it is dangerous, you Immediately ran away with Jia'er, and the other people died. Just forget it.” The Fallen Hell Beast did not shy away from the remaining selected children, and Yun said these words lightly.

Dilu Beast rolled its dead fish eyes, and he was not surprised by the words of the Fallen Hell Beast, and said, "Hey, hey~~"

The fallen hell beast put away the positron cannon, yawned, and said, "I will sleep for a while and wait for the Kimira beast to call me."

After speaking, he hugged the Minerva beast and jumped onto a big tree, closed his eyes, and fell into a false sleep.

Chapter 268-Golden Dragon Beast!

The Minerva beast with the fallen hell beast in his arms gently pushed the chest of the fallen hell beast, and said in her soft and cute baby voice: "Hey~~big bad guy~~"

"Yeah." The Fallen Hell Beast answered softly, showing that he was not actually asleep.

"Will you let me go?" Minerva beast softly pleaded. Now Minerva beast is completely lying in the arms of fallen hell beast. Although the relationship is confirmed because of the previous kiss, Minerva is thin-skinned. Wa Beast was still not ready to have such close contact with the Fallen Hell Beast so quickly, his face was embarrassed.

"No." The Fallen Hell Beast said categorically, without any negotiable meaning in his tone. At the same time, one of the hands on the Minerva beast's waist moved down and placed it on the flat butt. Go up, squeeze it lightly, and say: "Oh, what a little girl, there is nothing meat here, it is really uncomfortable to pinch."

The Minerva Beast's face was blushing, and he stared at the Fallen Hell Beast in shame, and said: "Big villain! You bullied me again!!!"

The Fallen Hell Beast still closed his eyes, pressed the Minerva Beast’s small head to his chest, and muttered: "Little girl, I will bully you forever."

Minerva's small head was completely buried in the chest of the fallen hell beast. Although shy, it was also very sweet. He mumbled a few words in his mouth and closed his eyes obediently.


The next day, when the first ray of sunlight at dawn was too late to break through the dark night, the fallen hell beast that had been resting on the tree suddenly opened its scarlet eyes, and the gleam of light in the eyes seemed to hit in the dark night. Like a lightning.

The fallen hell beast patted the little girl's ass in his arms and said, "It's time to wake up, little girl."

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