Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 200

The Minerva was awakened by the Fallen Hell Beast and opened his eyes in a daze. Looking at the dark illusion around him, the Minerva Beast rubbed his eyes and then lay on the chest of the Fallen Hell Beast. Muttered: "It's still early, let me sleep for a while~~~"

A helpless and spoilt smile appeared on the face of the fallen hell beast. This little girl is really...The age of the Minerva beast is not much younger than the fallen hell beast, how can he be a tens of thousands of years old. Actually slept in bed.


Ten minutes later, the Minerva was finally woken up by the Fallen Hell Beast in an extremely unwilling situation. Judging from the angry expression on the little girl's face, she was in a very bad mood now.

The fallen hell beast didn't want to disturb her sleep, but it didn't seem like it was time to sleep now.

Last night, with the same plot as in the original animation, with the help of Taiyi and the others, Agumon, Beetlemon and Gabumon used the submarine oil pipeline to create a fire, and the Tyrannosaurus transformer’s base had to stop. And when the Tyrannosaurus reformer ordered his men to put out the fire, everyone successfully boarded the Tyrannosaurus reformer's base.

Facing Kimiramon, only the Celestial Beast can barely have the power to fight, and the other Digimon are simply a burden.

With the help of Chong Chong Beast, Daisuke and V Zimon found the source of power for this base-miraculous digital armor!

Speaking of the Fallen Hell Beast, I am quite interested in this miracle digital armor. This is the only three of all digital armors that are not made by the Divine Celestial Beast. The light and dark digital armors are made by the Fallen Hell Beast itself, and miraculous. Digital armor, even the holy celestial beast did not know who made it, maybe it was left over after the death of the previous golden dragon beast.

Because there are a large number of Digimon in the base of the Tyrannosaurus Transformer, the Celestial Beast does not dare to use the digital armor. The ultra-ultimate body is too powerful, and the Celestial Beast can't control it at all, and can only barely protect Jia'er. Let's fight and retreat.

The raging Kimila Beast was completely out of the control of the Tyrannosaurus reformer, opened a big hole in the wall and flew out.

Minerva looked at the synthetic monster flying out of the base, pursed his small mouth, brandished the Olympia sword in his hand, and said, "This damned fellow! How dare I disturb this lady sleeping! I'm going to kill him." !!!"

The Fallen Hell Beast stretched out his hand and grabbed the eager Minerva Beast. He was about to say something, and suddenly he was taken aback, with a playful smile on his face, and said, "It seems that someone has taken the lead."

As soon as the fallen hell beast's voice fell, I heard a loud voice from the base: "Armor evolution!!"

"V Zimon armor evolution!! Golden armor dragon beast!!!"

A strong golden light erupted from the base, shining like the sun, directly illuminating the night.

The Fallen Hell Beast took a sip and said: "This light is really annoying, the Dark Diamond Mandala!!" A powerful dark barrier appeared beside the Fallen Hell Beast, completely separating the miraculous light from himself.

"Golden armored dragon beast? Why is it so weak?" Minerva beast looked at the gold armored dragon beast that appeared in the air strangely.

Golden Dragon Beast, free species, armored body, Paladin Digimon, one of the thirteen royal knights.

The Minerva beast is one of the twelve gods of Olympus, and has its own territory with the thirteen royal knights. Generally speaking, they do not infringe on each other, and both sides are of equal strength and are very understanding.

The Golden Dragon Beast possesses the strongest defensive power among the thirteen royal knights. Although its comprehensive combat power is not as good as the abnormalities of Alpha Beast and Omega Beast, it is also the peak strength of the Ultimate Body, but the Golden Dragon Beast in front of us is strong. Only the middle and early stages of the ultimate body.

This is also of course, after all, the Miracle Digital Armor has always been the only energy source for the Tyrannosaurus Transformer base before. To maintain the energy supply of such a large base, even the Miracle Digital Armor consumes a lot of energy. Daisuke obtained the digital The armor is definitely not the complete digital armor at the beginning. If it were the original digital armor with full energy, it might be able to evolve the V-Beast to the strength of the Golden Dragon Beast, one of the thirteen royal knights.

Within a few minutes, the doubt on Minerva's face turned to disdain, and said: "This golden dragon beast really lost the face of the thirteen royal knights."

The strength of the current Golden Dragon Beast is roughly equivalent to that of the Celestial Beast in its normal state. It has no resistance to Kimira Beast. If it weren’t for the strong defense power of the supermetal "Clon Digizoid" armor, he would have been Kimira was beaten to death.

The Fallen Hell Beast also dismissed it and said, "How can that golden dragon beast possess the name of thirteen royal knights is nothing but a brain-dead, but the strength of the Kimira beast is still worth seeing."

The fallen hell beast showed an interesting look. In the original book, the Tyrannosaurus remodeler can use a pile of mature and complete bodies to create a Kimira beast with ultimate strength, but now Kimila beasts use a pile of complete bodies. Created with the Digimon data of the Ultimate Body, the power has reached the Super Ultimate Body level, which gives the Fallen Hell Beast the desire to fight instead of the interest in playing.

"Extreme Energy Wave!!!"

Out of the strong desire to protect Ichijo Temple, the insect beast gave all its power to the golden armored dragon beast, and the golden armored dragon beast also issued the strongest ultimate energy wave comparable to the noble title of the thirteen royal knights.

The golden light was as dazzling as the sun, and the hot energy wave engulfed Kimila's body.

The Fallen Hell Beast looked at the golden ball of light, smiled slightly, and said, "The game is over, now it's time for the show."

Chapter 269-Fierce Battle!Kimira!!!(on)

When the violent light slowly dissipated, the fallen hell beast finally saw the situation clearly.Although the superalloy coating shells on the whole body of the Kimiramon are covered with fine cracks, it is precisely because these superalloy shells absorb most of the power of the ultimate energy wave, the Kimiramon itself does not suffer too much. Serious injury.

Although the golden armored dragon beast relied on its super defensive power to support it for a while, it gained the power of the insects and beasts, and raised its strength to the level of the golden armored dragon beasts of the year, but a limit energy wave has exhausted him. All the power, but still did not cause any substantial damage to the Kimila Beast.

Originally, with the strength of the Golden Armored Dragon Beast at the peak of the Ultimate Body, facing the Ultra-Ultimate Body Grade Kimira Beast, although it could not win, if the Golden Armor Dragon Beast tried all of its strength, the Ultra Ultimate Body would not be able to withstand it. But the problem lies in the golden armour dragon beast's trick-the ultimate energy wave.

Concentrate all the power of the body and emit golden energy waves from the whole body.This move is very powerful, and it can even kill a large area of ​​Digimon in one move. This is undeniable, but the ultimate energy wave is actually more suitable for group battles than singles.

The limit energy wave is a great trick with no dead ends. Although it is powerful, because the energy has to be dispersed in every direction of 360°, the destructive power per unit area is weakened.If this kind of trick is used to break through when being surrounded, it will definitely have the effect of pulling out the group, but if it is one-on-one, the power of the limit energy wave can only cause damage to the Kimira beast on the front. , And the energy in the remaining several directions is completely wasted.

If the golden armored dragon beast can condense the power of the ultimate energy wave at one point, let alone the Kimira beast, even the fallen hell beast will not dare to carry it with its body. Of course, this advanced technique is not like the golden armored dragon beast. Idiots can understand.

The celestial beast protected Jia'er and ran out, and immediately flew towards the fallen hell beast.

The Fallen Hell Beast looked at the Celestial Beast and Jia'er, and said, "How about it, isn't it hurt?"

The two women shook their heads at the same time, and the Celestial Beast said: "It's okay, just a little tired. Be careful, Kimila Beast is very strong."

The Fallen Hell Beast smiled confidently and said: "Don't worry, it's just a monster that is nothing but poses no threat to me."

The Celestial Beast nodded, there was a burst of light on her body, and then it degenerated into the state of Dilu Beast. Kimila Beast’s unique skill, the Searing Snake, is a kind of high-compression energy hotline. The power of the wave is also very powerful, and the celestial beast has consumed a lot of energy for a long time to protect Jia'er.

The Fallen Hell Beast looked at Dilu Beast and Jia'er, and was about to deal with Kimila Beast, Minerva Beast grabbed the Fallen Hell Beast's clothing horns, pouted and said, "I want to go too!"

The fallen hell beast leaned down and touched the Minerva beast's head, and said: "It is enough for me to go alone. You stay here to protect them."

Minerva's small mouth immediately pouted Lao Gao, protecting Dilu and Jiaer?This is something that Minerva is extremely unwilling to do, and this little jealous jar has been overturned again.

The Fallen Hell Beast squeezed the face of Minerva Beast, and said, "Okay, obedient, or you will smash your little ass!"

This trick is obviously more useful to the Minerva beast than sweet words. The little girl blushed and immediately covered her little butt, stepped back, and stared at the fallen hell beast with a wolf-proof look.

The fallen hell beast laughed, leaped forward, and swiftly swept toward the Kimira beast.

Minerva looked at the back of the Fallen Hell Beast, and looked at the Dilu Beast and Iori Kaer beside him hostilely. He hesitated for a while, but after all, he listened to the Fallen Hell Beast and did not follow.

The figure of the fallen hell beast ran across the wasteland quickly, quickly approaching the monster of Kimira beast. When the puppies were degraded after exhausting their power, the fallen hell beasts had no sympathy at the puppies. The beast stepped on his face, stepped him into the sand, and then continued to rush towards Kimilamon.

Although Kimila Beast did not have wisdom at this time, he had the instinct of fighting and killing wild beasts. He could clearly feel a powerful aura approaching him. Kimila Beast immediately opened his mouth, a searing heat. The poisonous snake launched towards the fallen hell beast.

Where the death hotline passed, the sand quickly melted into a liquid state.The main component of sand is quartz. Quartz is a material with very stable physical and chemical properties. It is extremely resistant to high temperatures and can withstand the fire of thousands of degrees Celsius, but the scorching heat of the Kimila beast can easily be Melting the sand, and it is only the temperature at the edge of the scorching viper instead of the center, which shows its strength.

Kimila Beast is powerful, but the Fallen Hell Beast is not a vegetarian, and his right hand quickly converted into a steel sea dragon beast head, aimed at the scorching viper, and shouted, "Ultimate Wave Cannon!"

A huge energy pillar emitted from the head of the steel sea dragon beast and hit the searing viper of Kimila beast.


Two huge tricks exploded in the air, and the extremely hot and highly compressed energy quickly formed a small mushroom cloud in the air, and the two tricks were a winner.And under the mushroom cloud, a small pool of water appeared strangely.

Believe me, no one would be willing to go down to that pool, because it is not water at all, but liquid quartz melted under the super high temperature of the unique collision.

"Dark Cross Slash!" The Fallen Hell Beast passed through the mushroom cloud, yelled, folded his hands in front of him, and then grabbed it suddenly, and a huge dark cross flew toward Kimila Beast.

"Roar!" Kimila Beast roared, and once again issued a scorching viper, facing the dark cross of the fallen hell beast.

Although Kimila Beast hits with such a scorching viper, he can fire hot snakes from his mouth and hands, and his destructive power is very powerful. In addition, the energy of Kimila Beast is almost infinite, so it is fundamental There is no need to consider the issue of energy consumption. With a single move of Scorching Viper, Kimiramon can almost crush the entire Digimon world.

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