Traveling from the collapse

Beginning with the collapse Chapter 201

After the Dark Cross collided with the Scorching Serpent, it did not explode directly. Instead, it held the Scorching Serpent temporarily. This was also the effect needed by the Fallen Hell Beast.

The fallen hell beast stepped on the air and produced several bursts of air in a row, rushing to the body of Kimiramon, holding the giant sword that slashed the angel beast in his hand, it slashed towards Kimiramon's head. .

Although Kimila Beast could not move his head, he still had four hands. An arm that originally belonged to the new species of evil beast quickly stretched out to the Fallen Hell Beast, and his unique trick, Scorching Serpent, was also issued in his palm.

The Fallen Hell Beast couldn't dodge, and was hit by the Scorching Snake frontally, but the Fallen Hell Beast that was hit slammed into a wooden man about the size of the Fallen Hell Beast itself-the wood clone technique!

Kimila Beast obviously couldn't understand what was going on. He didn't need to understand if he only knew the destruction, he just had to know that there was a big danger behind his head.

The fallen hell beast appeared behind Kimiramon's head, holding the puppet beast's hammer in his hand, and banged it fiercely at Kimiramon's head, and roared, "Explosive hammer!!"


The violent gunpowder exploded on Kimiramon’s head, and even Kimiramon’s strength and defensive power was beaten down by this hammer, because the power of the fallen hell beast’s hammer actually directly touched the puppet beast. It was made of black meteorite, and it was broken by a hammer with great hardness and toughness.

In fact, when passing through the mushroom cloud, the Fallen Hell Beast performed a wooden clone. From the mushroom cloud, the wooden clone appeared. From the front, the clone used a dark cross to attract the attention of Kimila Beast. Miramon obviously couldn't distinguish the clone and the entity.

The body of the Fallen Hell Beast sneaked into the sand without knowing it, and came to the back of Kimira Beast, and then took the opportunity to use an explosive hammer to give him a cruel!

Kimilamon has no wisdom and will only continue to destroy. He does not know how to formulate tactics and see through the enemy's tactics. This is also his biggest weakness.

Kimila Beast suffered an explosive hammer from the Fallen Hell Beast. Although he was injured, he would not be killed in a flash. After all, he was also an ultra-ultimate body, and his unique skill could be comparable to the Fallen Hell Beast. , It would be too abnormal to be killed in a spike so easily.

Kimila Beast shook his huge head to get rid of the dizziness and concussion in his brain. He looked at the Fallen Hell Beast with sinister eyes and said:

"I'm going to kill you!!!"

Chapter 270-Fierce Battle!Kimira!!!(in)

"I'm going to kill you!!!"

The Kimira Beast was full of killing intent and crazy voice, which made the Fallen Hell Beast stunned. It was not because the Kimira Beast was frightened by the murderous aura, but because the Kimira Beast spoke.

The Kimila Beast itself does not have any wisdom, only the instinct of a mad beast to destroy and kill. The original Kimila Beast speaks because of the blood-sucking beast, and the Fallen Hell Beast swears that he has never heard of it. This voice.

Because of the increased strength, all the memories of the fallen hell beasts can be searched for, and he will never hear it wrong. He has never heard the sound of the thing that controls the Kimira beast, which means it is absolutely impossible. Vampire beast.

However, with the nature of the fallen hell beast, he was taken aback for a while, and there would never be any flaws.However, after the Fallen Hell Beast calmed down, some cat-and-mouse play appeared in his eyes, replaced by a little dignity.

A mad dog that is completely irrational is nothing to worry about, but if the mad dog possesses wisdom, conspiracy and calculations, it will be more troublesome to deal with.

"Scorching Viper!" Kimila Beast roared, and a death hot line was launched toward the Fallen Hell Beast. Although its power was slightly lower than the previous one, its speed was significantly increased.

The fallen hell beast's eyes dazzled slightly, and quickly avoided Kimira's scorching viper.I thought: It’s a little troublesome, I know the power to control myself.

It’s the same old rule, no matter how powerful the trick, if you fail to hit it, it’s a fart. The sane Kimila Beast sacrificed the power of the Scorching Viper in exchange for the increase in speed and hit rate. This deal is obviously a good deal. .

The Fallen Hell Beast hit the ground with a powerful punch of the Beastmaster, and then the recoil and the explosive wave pushed itself into the air, avoiding Kimila Beast’s scorching viper, and then two superalloy giant swords appeared in both hands. , Using the giant sword as a dart, threw it at Kimira's beast from a distance.

Although the fallen hell beast has never been a manager of darts, under the accurate positioning of the three eternal kaleidoscopes and the strongest body in the Digimon world, the accuracy of the two super alloy giant swords is absolutely the same. Miramon's eyes flew away.

If it is an irrational Kimiramon, facing this kind of attack, I am afraid it will be directly hit by a scorching viper, but at this time Kimiramon would not do this, and quickly raised the head of the steel sea dragon beast. The transformed hand stood in front of him.

Two bangs!Two superalloy giant swords drew fierce sparks on Kimiramon's head, and half of the swords were inserted into Kimiramon's hands, but they could not go any further.

"Three blasts of lightning spears!!!" The fallen hell beast roared and threw three sharp lightning spears in a row, all flew towards the hand of Kimila beast's steel sea dragon beast head. As for the reason Well, it was the two giant swords inserted in that hand.

Both swords carry the dark power of the Fallen Hell Beast. For the Fallen Hell Beast, it is his lightning rod. For the violent and uncontrollable lightning, it is equivalent to a precise guidance system.

Kimilamon's face changed, and he obviously felt the abnormality of the two giant swords in his hand. He had to send out a searing viper to counteract the power of the three lightning spears, and then quickly unplugged it from his hand. Of two great swords.

The Fallen Hell Beast will not let go of this chance of only a few tenths of a second. The two cannons on the back of the mechanical evil dragon beast appeared in his hand, aiming at the body of the Kimira beast and roaring: "Infinite cannon!!"

The two cannons continuously fired powerful energy waves, quickly engulfing Kimilamon’s body, and the fallen hell beasts continuously fired infinite cannons. The powerful energy waves could not disperse in a short time. It's all gathered together.

Being bombarded by the Fallen Hell Beast in this way, the anger of Kimila Beast erupted endlessly, and a huge searing snake was ejected from its mouth.

The face of the fallen hell beast changed slightly, and he decisively lost two cannons. The dark power was concentrated in his right hand, and he punched out an extremely powerful punch: "Beastmaster punch!!!"

A fierce and powerful lion head was sent out from the fist of the fallen hell beast, with an unrivaled aura like a king over the world, facing the scorching viper of Kimila beast.

The fierce lion swallowed the hot scorching viper with big mouths, and the power of the two was constantly consumed. At the same time, the Kimila Beast and the Fallen Hell Beast also continuously output their power.

This kind of stalemate didn't last long, the Scorching Viper gradually overwhelmed the power of the Beastmaster's Fist, and suppressed it toward the Fallen Hell Beast.

There was an uneasy look on Kimila Beast's face. He couldn't say anything specifically, but he just felt something wrong.

Soon, Kimilamon’s anxiety was proved. The Fallen Hellbeast that was hit by the Scorching Venom showed no signs of injury. Instead, it thumped and turned into a wooden man. Obviously, it was a wooden man. Avatar.

Kimilamon's eyes dazzled, and he was about to avoid it, but his bulky body was destined that he could not have good flexibility. Before his huge torso had time to move, the indifferent voice of the fallen hell beast sounded in his ears. :

"The Tree of Life Crystal!!!"

The dark power of the fallen hell beast turned into light, and ten sacred crystals were summoned, arranged in the shape of the tree of life, and violently bombarded the back of Kimira beast.


The light tricks are extremely destructive to the dark polymer Kimiramon.

The Fallen Hell Beast will not let go of the opportunity to beat down the water dog, his hands turned into the Grim cannon, aiming at the Kimila Beast on the ground, and shouting: "Blast bombardment!!!"

The maximum firing speed of the Green Machine Cannon can fire 3000 rounds of bullets per minute. The explosive bombardment of the fallen hell beasts is even more powerful, and the bullets all over the sky are as dense as a storm.

Although Kimila Beast was miserably beaten by a fierce attack by the Fallen Hell Beast, he did not panic at all. After all, his reason is not his own reason, but is controlled by people, and the person who controls Kimila Beast is like The same as playing a 3D physical game.

Kimila Beast was bombarded by the Fallen Hell Beast. Suddenly, he raised his head and launched a huge scorching viper, but the target was not the Fallen Hell Beast, but the Jiaer, Dilu Beast and Mistral in the distance. Neva beast.

The face of the fallen hell beast suddenly became gloomy, and it instantly moved to the searing serpent, put his hands in front of him, and then pushed forward, saying: "Night Demon Flying Attack!!"

Countless black bats flew out of the hands of fallen hell beasts, and quickly ate away the power of the searing viper.

After blocking this move, the Fallen Hell Beast looked at Kimila Beast with a gloomy expression. With the strength of Minerva Beast, it shouldn’t be a problem to block this trick, but it’s definitely unable to protect Jiaer and Dilu Beast. , This has already touched his Ni Lin.

The Fallen Hell Beast looked at Kimila Beast with some madness in his eyes, and said: "I originally wanted to play with you. Since you want to die so, I will fulfill you!!! The magnificent cross!!!"

Chapter 271-Fierce Battle!Kimira!!!(under)

It was a hot ball of light with the sacred power that surpassed the three angels, and flew toward the Kimira beast with unparalleled power.

Kimilamon clearly felt the threat to his life that was a light ball, and with a roar, a huge searing viper aimed at the light ball in the center.

The Scorching Serpent resisted the power of the majestic cross, but was constantly suppressed by the majestic cross, and pressed toward the Kimira beast.

The Fallen Hell Beast smiled coldly and said: "Is my magnificent cross so easy to resist?" An instant movement appeared behind Kimila Beast and roared: "Lost Paradise!!"

The mighty fist of the Fallen Hell Beast hit the Kimiramon's back fiercely. The body covered with superalloy was immediately punched out by the Fist of the Fallen Hell Beast, but there was nothing around it. Any cracks.Different from the scattered attacks of the Golden Armor Dragon Beast’s ultimate energy wave, the Fallen Hell Beast condenses all its power on one point of its fist, and with the smallest force, it can cause damage that exceeds the full strength of the Gold Armor Dragon Beast.

Kimila Beast is fighting against the majestic cross with the scorching viper. It has reached the juncture of life and death. It must not relax. Suddenly, it is hit by the fallen hell beast. The searing viper power that has been struggling to maintain, the magnificent cross is instantly It was overwhelmingly pressed down.

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