Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 305

"My forbearance..." Xianglin fell into silence all at once.

Besides Xiao Li's side, Xiao Li grabbed Toss and held Toss. The two stood upside down and rotated in the air, and rushed to the ground at a high speed. After this move, Toss was immortal and disabled.

"Oh... oh, so he can't defend at all!" Sack yelled awful, and his hands began to seal.

"Table lotus!"


Xiao Li's trick and Zack's ninjutsu arrived at the same time. Xiao Li hugged Toss and crashed into the ground.

Xiao Li jumped out of the big pit and looked at Toss who was stuck in the big pit, secretly screaming in his heart:

This touch...

Chapter 414-Untitled!

"Drink, it's really dangerous..." Sack smiled coldly, "I finally caught up."

Sack inserted his hands into the ground, and then used the air vents in his palm to blow a lot of air into the ground, turning the originally hard ground into a soft ground with large gaps, just like a soft air cushion. The power of Xiao Li's table lotus flower has weakened a lot.

The table lotus flower itself is a big move that injures the enemy 1,000 and self-destructs 800. Now it has been disrupted by Zack, and the damage suffered by Toss has been greatly reduced. However, Xiao Li himself is affected by the sequelae of opening the door and self-damage is still 800 , But Toss suffered only two hundred damage at most.

Toss didn't suffer any fatal injuries. He got up from the ground, turned his back to Xiao Li, and said, "It's a terrible move. Falling on the sponge-like soil is so powerful."

Xiao Li stood up, his strong body was actually panting violently at this time, because he used the Eight Door Dunjia, the musculoskeletal pain all over his body now was extremely painful, and he could no longer maintain the high-speed physical surgery as before.

Tos raised his right hand, looked at Xiao Li coldly, and said, "Now it's my turn."

Oh...I used that trick...My body...Xiao Li gritted his teeth, yelling in his heart, Xiao Li does not have the ability to control the Eight Door Dunjia like Hinata and the blue beast that was one of the eight colors of Konoha. .

It is said that Konoha’s blue beast is the father of Metkai. He was the most famous ninja in the ninja world. He can open the first 7 doors of the eight-door Dunjia at will, and he can control the Chakra after opening the eight-door Dunjia. Flow, even if you open the eighth dead gate in a short time, you won't die. He is Konoha's greatest physical ninja.

Although Hina Tian was not as powerful as the Blue Beast, she practiced soft fist, which was completely different from the Blue Beast's Gangquan.Hinata is currently able to open the first five gates of the eight-door Dunjia, and can open the chakra flow after the eight-door Dunjia, without wasting the cherished chakra.

Xiao Li doesn't have that kind of strength, and now his physical condition is very bad.

Toss rushed towards Xiao Li. Originally, Xiao Li was much faster than Toss, but now Xiao Li’s reaction is completely slow for a whole shot, although when Toss fist is about to hit him, Xiao Li took a step back, avoiding being hit directly by Tos's fist, but was swept away by the sound wave emitted by the metal device in Tos's hand.

"Uh..." Xiao Li groaned in pain, and the scene in front of him immediately became distorted, his body swayed, and his expression was very painful.


Qiye looked at the fragrant phosphorus next to him, and asked with a smile: "How do you see how that guy attacked?"

Xianglin nodded lightly, looked at Qiye, and said softly: "It should be that the bandaged guy has a weird device in his hand, capable of sending out ultrasonic attacks, destroying the semicircular canals in the thick eyebrows and ears. He will lose his balance and should not be able to stand up."

Just like the incense phosphorus said, the semicircular canal is located in the ear and is the inner ear sensory device related to maintaining posture and balance. No matter how powerful a person, unless it is a non-human like Qiye, anyone else, if the semicircular canal is damaged, it will be difficult to maintain. Own balance.

However, in two or three seconds, Xiao Li couldn't control his balance. When he fell, he could only support the ground with his hands and barely maintain his balance.

"Your moves are indeed very fast, but our moves are at a faster speed of sound. I will let you know that some things cannot be done by effort alone."

Toss's attack not only disrupted Xiao Li's balance, but also caused Xiao Li's stomach to be turned upside down. He couldn't help but vomit. At the same time, red blood came out of his ears.

"Next... it's your turn!" Toss shouted, waving his right arm, and suddenly bypassing Xiao Li and rushing towards Xiao Sakura.

Kozakura immediately pulled out a kunai and stood in front of her.


Xiao Li felt anxious, and immediately propped up his body, staggering towards Toss, in that weird posture, the speed was actually faster than Toss.

"How is it possible?!" Toss was shocked.

Xiao Li quickly rushed in front of Toss, with his hands on the ground, and kicked Toss with a roundabout kick.

"Uh..." Xiao Li groaned suddenly, his injury was not suppressed, his movements stopped for a while, his face was extremely painful.

Toss accurately caught this gap in Xiao Li, pressed Li's leg down with one hand, and shouted: "The attack just now worked! Although your performance was surprising, it was lightning fast. You can't use the same continuum technique anymore!" After that, he punched Xiao Li again.

Xiao Li reluctantly raised his hands to resist Tos's attack, but the metal device on Tos's arm was almost completely attached to Xiao Li's ears.


A powerful sonic attack came from the metal device on Toss wrist.

"My wrist can maximize the sound generated internally, which is the so-called loudspeaker! And the sound waves are not limited by the direction of the wrist, and can better attack the prey under the control of my chakra!"

"Little Li!"

Xiao Li suffered a powerful attack from Toss and fell softly.

"Next, it's time to solve you!"


On the tree...

Xianglin looked at Qiye beside him suspiciously, and asked, "Master Qiye, are you not going to save him?"

Qiye smiled and shook her head, and said, "Why should I save him? Although Xiao Li's will is worthy of my appreciation, he is from Konoha and not from my village, and he is not a beautiful girl. , Why should I save him?"

"Oh." Xianglin replied. She is smart enough to understand Qiye's thoughts and save people from other villages for no reason?If there is no benefit, ordinary people would not do such silly things. On the contrary, if they can obliterate the talented ninjas of other ninja villages, it is definitely a good thing for their own village.The next moment, Xianglin's face suddenly blushed.

Because Qiye said, "He's not a beautiful girl, why should I save him?", in turn, it can be understood that as long as it is a beautiful girl, even if he is not in his village, he will save him, then Master Qiye Saved myself before...Is it because...

The thoughts in the head of the fanciful Phosphorus suddenly did not know where they flew...


"Don't want to succeed!" Kozakura yelled, and directly threw out a few kunai to attack Toss, but it was easily blocked by Toss handguards.

"Really." Toss's tone was helpless like cat and mouse.

In the bushes not far away, the piglet deer butterfly trio is hiding there to peep...

"Let's run away, those guys are quite dangerous." The timid Ding Ci said in a very scared tone. With Ding Ci's character, he can't fight unless necessary.

"Sasuke and Naruto seem to fainted. Even Xiao Li has been dealt with. Only Sakura is left. Ino, what are you going to do." Kamaru said, he has already expressed his attitude, although he is very Afraid of trouble, you can hide everything, but in this case, if Ino said to save Sakura, he would never hesitate.

"you ask me……"

"Sakura's situation is very dangerous, don't you care?"

Ino was taken aback by what Shikamaru said, and his expression was slightly complicated.

"You two were good friends before."

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