Traveling from the collapse

Beginning with the collapse Chapter 306

Ino was taken aback again, and recalled the memories of being with Sakura. The relationship between them was very good at the beginning. The two were inseparable like sisters. Since when did the two sisters break up?

"Hey, Ino, how is it going?"

"I am also anxious, but there is no way. I can't just rush forward rashly?!"

Ino raised her voice and found such an excuse for herself. Actually, she didn't want to save Sakura. Part of the reason for not going was fear, but more importantly, Ino couldn't take that face off.

At the beginning, because Uchiha Sasuke, Ino and Sakura’s sisters fell in love, the two once said that they are no longer friends. The two are so strong and are unwilling to subdue the soft girl first. I am afraid that it will be both Can't pull down that face.

Qiye smiled and looked at the blond figure from the tree, and thought to herself: What choice would you make for the friendship of sisters and that ridiculous face, Yamanaka Ino?

Chapter 415-Sakura Flying!

While Ino was struggling between his own face and Sakura's friendship, Sakura also launched an attack on Toss. Sakura, who had no means of attack, could only throw a few shurikens, although his head and strength were accurate. It's okay, but this is okay and it's only based on the level of the ninja school, it's not enough to see in battle.

Zack came to Toss in an instant, and the air vents in the palms of both hands emitted strong air pressure, and easily threw all the shurikens that Sakura had thrown out.

Air pressure... the shuriken bounced back...

Sakura's attack not only blew Sakura's shurikens away, but the strong wind pressure also forced Sakura to resist it with his hands, and a huge flaw appeared.

The woman in the Otonin trio, Kim, immediately appeared behind Sakura and grabbed Sakura's beautiful long hair.

"Your hair is more shiny than mine," Jin said very uncomfortably holding Sakura's hair, and at the same time, she kept shaking Sakura's head, "If you have time to maintain your hair, why not practice more! Make it so beautiful, Zack, kill Sasuke in front of this sow."

Although Jin and Sakura had no hatred before, women would be full of jealousy when they see creatures more beautiful than their own. Although Jin's words are vicious, they are also true.

With Sakura's strength, she can survive in peaceful times, but if she is in war years, a beautiful, but terrible female ninja like her will be captured by the enemy more than 90%. , And then become the enemy's comfort woman, who can't die if she wants to.

"Haha, good idea." Sack smiled coldly. He enjoyed the cat and mouse game very much.

I won't let you succeed!

Just as Kozakura moved, Kim held her hair mercilessly.

"Don't move!"

Sakura was controlled by Jin, kneeling down on the ground, her hands weakly grasping the dirt on the ground.

My body... can't do it anymore...

Kozakura sat on her knees weakly, tears streaming down non-stop, dripping onto her skirt.

I...I' the way...always protected by everyone...I'm not reconciled...I have decided...this time I must...this time I must...I must personally protect the people I cherish... …

Zack looked at Sakura with disdain, walked towards Sasuke slowly, and said, "Then... do it."

At this moment, Sasuke’s body also changed. From the three black gouaches on his neck, the evil chakras of purple and black were constantly leaking. This also indicated that Sasuke’s body was about to accept the evil. But because it was just the beginning, most people didn't feel it, only Qiye, who was strong against the sky, and the perceptual incense phosphorus.

"That kind of chakra feeling..." Xianglin frowned, looking at Uchiha Sasuke in the tree hole, "What a disgusting chakra..."

Although both are evil, the Chakra of Nanya and Sasuke's Chakra are still different.

The so-called heaven is ruthless, but the magic is sentimental. Although Qiye is the supreme demon, but still has strong emotions, but will not be controlled by his own emotions, while Sasuke is completely the opposite.

Sasuke has been completely controlled by his own hatred, Nanya is the Demon King, and Sasuke is a small chess piece controlled by the Demon King. It is the weakest and stupid. It can be crushed at will, but he still wants to challenge the chess player. The saddest chess piece.

Nanaya sneered coldly, and looked at the Uchiha Sasuke who was surrounded by darkness with contempt. He was far from his brother.


No one else noticed the changes in Sasuke, and Sack still sneered towards Sasuke.

"Sasuke and Naruto are in danger!"

What the hell... what should I do?!Ino looked at everything in front of him helplessly.

At this moment, Sakura suddenly took out a sharp kunai from her ninja bag, and she had already made up all her resolve.

"It's useless, that kind of thing can't help me." Jin looked at Sakura coldly.

"What are you talking about?" Sakura suddenly turned her head to look at Jin, and the light in her emerald green eyes made her heart chill.


Under Jin's shocked gaze, Sakura's Kuwu did not stab at her, but cut to her beautiful long pink hair that was carefully maintained.

Sharply kunai cut those fragile hair strands, and the pink hair strands were flying in the wind, like a cherry blossom falling, beautiful and desolate.

Sakura's move obviously shocked everyone.

I always...think of myself as a ninja, always saying that I like Sasuke, and always teaching Naruto rightly. In fact, I just...looking at their backs, but...they are always doing Fight to protect me.Xiao Li, you said you like me... You protected me and fought hard, it was you who taught me... I want to... become like you!

Everyone... this time... just look at... my back!

Qiye whistled softly, looking at Sakura's appearance at this time, Sakura was flying, she looked like the first heroine.

"Gold! Do it!"

Jin pulled out a few thousand copies, and at the same time, Sakura's hands began to seal the seal, which was very slow, only about one per second, the simplest substitute technique!

Kim held Chibon in his hand and slammed into Sakura's back, and at the same time, Sakura's body immediately became a piece of wood.

Zack on the side easily saw Sakura's movements and turned to the right. Sakura was also attacking from Zak's right, and several kunai in his hand shot towards Zak at the same time.

Air pressure 100%, ultrasonic 0%.

"Chang Kongbo!"

Kozakura who was hit once again turned into a cut-off tree, still a substitute.

"It's too obvious, on it." Sak raised his head and looked at Sakura disdainfully, who once again stamped the mark of a substitute technique.

"This trick is ineffective no matter how you use it." Zack drew four kunai from the ninja bag. "To deal with you, this is enough!"

Kuwu accurately hit Sakura's body, and Zack, who thought it would be a substitute, immediately began to look for Sakura's figure.

"Where's next?"

The blood dripping on Zak’s face confirmed that Zak’s guess was wrong. Sakura didn’t use the substitute technique, but directly used her body to withstand the attack of Zak in exchange for the opportunity to attack!

Sakura, who had struggled hard, pierced Zak’s right arm with kunai, and at the same time bit Zak’s left wrist with his mouth. No matter how Sak attacked, Sakura was still biting.


Chapter 416-Sasuke wakes up!

"Ino... why?"

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