Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 421

This is the power of Shouhe, Yiwei, has he mastered the art of sleeplessness?Four generations of Fengying secretly thought that although he did not want to do anything, he was controlled by the reincarnation of the filthy soil and had to attack. After making a mark, he pressed his hands on the ground and a large piece of golden sand emerged.

"Shajin." Three generations of Raikage looked at the golden sand floating around and said: "So that's it, you are a ninja who can control Shajin with magnetic escape."

Four generations of Fengying’s Sha Jin and My Love Road’s Sha Hai continued to collide and merge, and finally stopped in front of Si Ying.

"Stop it."

"The specific gravity of sand gold is heavier than sand. Mixing sand into this sand can slow the movement of sand." Four generations of Fengying explained lightly.

"You know how to deal with this sand."

"Because when Shayin Shouhe got out of control, I controlled the sandstorm in this way." Four generations of Fengying stood up, looking at the figure in the sky and was stunned, because the person who had manipulated such a big sand wave just now was not Shou. Crane, but Gaara himself.

Gaara's hand lightly moved, and four sand hands suddenly stretched out from the sand that had stopped. Except for the fastest reflection of the second generation Tuyingwu, the other three shadows were given by Gaara's sand hands. Caught.

"You really live long enough, Ohyeki, is it thanks to Dust Escape?"

"Dust Escape·The Technique of Stripping the Original Realm!"*2

Wu and Onoki simultaneously used the powerful Dust Escape, and the collision of the two tricks erupted into a white ball of light. In the white ball of light, even the sand of Gaara and the sand of the fourth generation of Fengying were also melted. For nothingness.

"Fire escape, extinguish the fire!"

"Psychic·Zhan Zhan Wu!"

The combined ninjutsu of Nanya and Temari was also performed at this moment. The huge fireball with a diameter of more than 40 meters was injected with countless sharp wind blades. The original red fireball turned into an ultra-high temperature fireball with a color close to white. The sand also melted.

The fourth generation Fengying stretched out his hand and patted the sand hand, and the sand hand suddenly released.

"Sand gold world law!"

The four generations of Fengying put his hands together and gathered his sand gold in front of him, forming a tall golden wall, barely blocking the combined tricks of Qiye and Temari.

Qiye looked at the golden wall of a big hole that was burned out by his combined trick with Temari, the corners of her mouth twitched, looked at Gaara and Temari beside her, and said, "Is your family so rich?"

Boss, that’s gold. How many tons of gold is there to fight Gaara’s giant tsunami of sand. Gold is not worthless here. It is also a very expensive rare metal. Where did the four generations of Fengying get so much gold?

Qiye's words made Gaara and Temari's faces twitch at the same time, and even the third generation of Tukage Liangtianping Onoki looked speechless.

Teju rolled his eyes to Qiye, and said, "Where is your fellow's attention?"

"Just ask." Qiye spread out her hands, and the two highly compressed Chakra Balls in the palms of both hands were spinning at high speed.

"What is this technique?!"

"Go! Feng Dun·Spiral Shuriken Renmaru!!!"

Qiye threw two spiral shurikens out, and flew towards the third generation Raikage at the same time. The fourth generation Fengying went to Gaara, the second generation Tuying went to Ohnoki, and the remaining second generation Shuiying and third generation Raikage were left by Qiye. Solving with Temari, after all, in terms of Temari's personal strength, it is not enough to solve a shadow.

The speed of the two spiral shurikens is extremely fast, but compared to the three generations of Raikage with Thor's armor, this attack speed is not enough, and the third generation of Raikage dodges.


"It's not over yet!" Qiye yelled, and suddenly waved his hands back. Two thin chakra wires were connected to the spiral shuriken, and the two spiral shurikens were pulled upside down and flew towards The back of three generations of Raiking.

"Spiral Shuriken·Puppet Fuck!"

The basic skills of the puppet master, using the chakra line to control kunai, was applied to the spiral shuriken by Qiye, achieving incredible results.

The third generation of Raikage's gaze glanced backwards, reacted in less than 0.01 seconds, jumped up and revolved instantly, and hid.

Qiye landed on the ground, caught the two spiral shurikens, and rushed towards the third generation of Lei Ying.

"This is an absolute hit!"

The two spiral shurikens accurately hit the three generations of Raikage, and the powerful force knocked the whole person of the three generations of Raikage into flight. The two powerful spiral shurikens that rotated in the opposite direction made a harsh high pitch, and the strong whirlwind was blowing. Human face hurts.


"No, not yet." Qiye said faintly, with a slight smile in his eyes, the strongest shield of the third generation of Raikage is not so easy to crack.

After the whirlwind dissipated, the three generations of Raikage stood up, with two pits blasted out by the spiral shuriken on his body. If it were for a living person, it would have been seriously injured, but for a body that reincarnated from the dirt, it It's not enough, it's not enough for the seal squad to seal.

"It's worthy of the third generation Raikage, the strongest shield is still so powerful." The third generation Tuying Onoki said with some emotion.

"The strongest shield, what is that?" Temari asked suspiciously. Gaara is also puzzled. After all, he is young, and he is not in the same era as the three generations of Raikage. I don't know how powerful this monster was back then.

"At that time, among our five third-generation movies, although Konoha's third-generation Hokage was called Ninio, the third-generation movie that we recognized as the strongest was the third-generation Raikage of Yunyin Village. The third-generation Raikage owned The strongest shield and the strongest spear, the body's resistance to hitting is simply abnormal, and he is the only monster in the world who can fight tail beasts melee."

"The third-generation Raikage is really so powerful." Qiye said with emotion without any hesitation, then drew out the ten-punch sword, and whispered: "Since I can kill you once, of course I can kill you a second time. !"

Although Dirt Reincarnation is immortal, it takes some time to recover. At this time, when Dirt Reincarnation is weak, Qiye's eyes locked on the three generations of Raikage, and used the time difference attack again.

"Ten Fist Sword! Seal!!"

Qiye used the Ten Fist Sword to pierce the third generation of Raikage in one breath, and then sealed the third generation of Raikage with the power of the Ten Fist Sword.

The poor three generations of Raikage were killed by Qiye once in that world, and again in this world. What a bad luck.

Chapter Four Hundred and Forty One-Seal the Four Shadows!

Qiye easily pierced the three generations of Raikage with a single sword and sealed it. This result made everyone couldn't help their eyes widening. Even two spiral shurikens suffered no fatal damage, so they rushed to this point. I wouldn't think that the third generation of Raikage is weak, but Qiye has defeated the third generation of Raikage with a single sword. What kind of strength is this?

Three generations of Tuying blurted out: "Boy, what kind of sword is yours?" The strongest shield that can pierce through three generations of Raikage with one sword, Qiye itself is incredibly powerful, but that sword is definitely not to be ignored.

Qiye pulled a sword flower and said with a smile: "Ten-fist sword, the person stabbed by this sword will be sealed in the illusion of drunken life and dream forever, how about it, rosacea old man, do you want to try it?"

"Um..." Ohnoki choked, and did not correct Qiye's disrespectful address, and said: "It's not necessary anymore." He wasn't sure if this moody guy would actually come and stab him, after all. Ohnoki would not think that his body was stronger than the strongest shield of the third generation of Raikage.

"What a powerful young man, he sealed the third-generation Raikage with one move." The second-generation Shuiying looked at Qiye with admiration and said, "Boy, which village are you from?"

Qiye flew into the air again, looking condescendingly at this strange man with a moustache and no eyebrows, and said, "It's just a small village, it's not enough." Although this second-generation Shui Ying looks a little strange, he has a personality. It's quite humorous and fun, so Qiye doesn't really hate this second-generation water shadow.

"Father, it's been a long time."

Gaara flew in the air, looking at his father faintly, the hatred of the past was gone in his eyes.

"Gaara, what's the matter with you and Shouhe?"

Four generations of Fengying asked solemnly that the four generations of Fengying who had prevented Shouhe from running away many times were very familiar with the breath of Shouhe. He can now perceive that the power of Shouhe is still in Gaara's body. But it seems a little different from the past, Shouhe's Chakra seems to be less irritable and crazy than before.

"Father, Shouhe is no longer the monster that everyone feared before, now Shouhe is my best partner and comrade-in-arms."

"You mean partner? What the hell is going on?!"

Four generations of Fengying asked in surprise. After all, it is absolutely rare in the world that humans and tail beasts become partners. Although the previous four generations of Fengying knew that the eight-tailed people in Yunyin Village could completely control the power of the eight-tails, they did not know. The reason for this, after all, the method of controlling the tail beast is the top secret of a village.

"Ask me about this matter, my father-in-law, whoops! What are you doing with Temari pinching me?!"

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