Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 422

Qiye waved her hand and said with a smile, then suddenly screamed and looked at the blushing blond girl beside her.

Temari's face was shy and anger, although it was true, but Qiye called out his father-in-law so directly that Temari felt ashamed.

Gaara turned my head and looked at Qiye who was jumping with pain, a smile flashed in his light green eyes, and said faintly: "Deserve it."

Qiye immediately turned her head and glared at Gaara, and pointed her finger up at the five generations of Fengying very directly, and said, "Fifty steps and a hundred steps, do you want me to bring me to sacrifice that girl?"

Gaara was topped by Qiye, and immediately became speechless.

"Oh, young people nowadays are really energetic." The second generation Shuiying without eyebrows pinched his chin and smiled.

"Second-generation Shuiying, has anyone said you are verbose before?"

The second generation Shuiying pinched his chin and frowned. Because he had no eyebrows, his expression looked weird and indescribably funny. He couldn't see the majesty of a second generation Shuiying at all.

"It seems that someone has said so, who is it, I can't remember."

"That person is me, you moustache with no eyebrows." The second generation Tuyingwu, whose presence is infinitely close to zero, said suddenly, and the words pointed to the taboo of the second generation Shuiying.

There is a problem with the second generation of Shui Ying. He doesn't mind others saying that he has no eyebrows, but he can't listen to others saying that he has a mustache, otherwise it will ignite a murderous intent, just like Terumi Mei in the original book does not like to hear the word marriage contract same.

"Hey, if you want to do it, kill this bandage bastard first! I will definitely try my best to cheer you on!" The second generation Shuiying shouted, and the second generation Tuying ignored the second generation Shuiying's biggest enemy, if not subject to control If the dirty earth reincarnated, he would have been desperately fighting the second generation of earth shadows.

Qiye silently looked at the two old people who were arguing below, and said: "I said, if they continue to fight like this, will they break free from the shackles of rebirth and die together again?"





The remaining three shadows are divided into three sides. Gaara dealt with the fourth generation Kazekage, Ohnogi dealt with the second generation Tukage, and Nanaya and Temari dealt with the second generation water shadow without eyebrows.

The second-generation Shuiying's fingers aimed at Qiye and Temari, and the fingertips continuously fired water like bullets. These water bombs were fast.

Seven nights and ten punches and swords danced, and a seamless sword net was drawn in front of them, and all the water bombs were shredded.Temari did not respond as fast as Qiye. The Samsung fan directly opened the three stars and used a hard fan bone to resist the attack of the second generation Shui Ying.

"Is it the secret technique of the ghost lamp? It's very similar to Junmaro's ten-finger penetrating bullet." Qiye said lightly. The difference between the two moves is that Junmaro uses bones, while the second generation Shuiying uses water. bomb.

"Psychic Mirage."

The second generation of water shadow summoned his psychic beast, a huge mirage, and combined with the second generation of water shadow's unique secret art, created the mirage, a large-scale olfactory illusion.

"This kind of illusion is useless to me!"

Qiye gave a cold shout, the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye and white eyes opened at the same time, found the second generation water shadow and the mirage in the mirage, and smashed it down with one sword and ten punches.

"Kaleidoscope writes round eyes, no wonder."

At the moment Qiye attacked, the second generation Shui Ying also saw Qiye's eyes clearly. In front of these eyes, his illusion was really nothing.

Qiyeyijian smashed the outer shell of the mirage into pieces, and the mirage immediately fled back to the psychic world with a bang. At the same time, the fog in the air changed, and a strange little face appeared in the air.

"What's the matter, is it still illusion?" Temari frowned and looked at the weird face in the sky.

Onoki, who was fighting on the side, saw this scene and shouted: "That is the infinite blasting technique that makes Wu adults feel tricky. It is dangerous and powerful. Be careful!"

Qiye waved his hand and said, "I see, old man with rosacea, please take care of your side first."

The water vapor in the air condensed and formed, turning into a child with a strange smile on his face and wearing the same clothes as the second-generation water shadow.

Qiye collected the ten-punch sword and said: "Teju, I will deal with this kid. You can deal with the second-generation water shadow's body. After using this technique, the second-generation water shadow's body strength will weaken, and the stone pillar over there Behind."

Temari nodded and said, "I see, you should be careful."

"Don't worry, your man is the strongest."

"Cut!" Temari gave Qiye a glance, and immediately rushed towards the second generation Shui Ying with a Samsung fan.

Qiye stretched out his hand to stop the clone of the second generation Shuiying, and said, "I can't let you rescue your body."

The clone's face still kept the weird little hand, a knife appeared on the right arm, and quickly slashed towards Qiye.

Qiye smiled coldly, his hands flew up and down, and coldly shouted: "Secret Technique·Ningxue Secret Realm!"

The clone froze for a moment, and then quickly moved away from Qiye. The surface of the clone of the second-generation water shadow was oil, and the inside was water. When the clone was moving, the oil heated up at a high speed, and the water inside quickly heated up, and finally exploded. The impact is very big, the power will be reduced in winter, when encountering ice escape, this technique is simply abolished.

"Want to run?"

Qiye showed a smile colder than Bingxue's face, while maintaining the Ningxue Secret Realm, she rushed towards the clone.

Under the icy escape of Qiye, the entire clone quickly froze into an ice lump, and the weak body of the second generation Shuiying was also defeated by Temari, and then sealed by the sealing class.

Gaara’s battle with his father is the same as in the original book. Gaara has grown in strength and defeated the four generations of Fengying, and Gaara also learned from his father that his mother has always loved herself deeply. Tears shed, and the last four generations of Fengying were also sealed.

On the other side of the second generation Dokage, in Qiye, Temari, Gaara, and Onoki, the second generation of Dokage was also defeated, and even his split body was discovered and sealed by Qiye.

So far, all four shadows of the past have been sealed.

Chapter four hundred and forty-two-strong aid!

The four shadows of the past dynasties were all sealed in less than an hour, which made Pharmacist feel very uncomfortable. Although his filthy reincarnation summons a large number of strong people, the shadow-level strong ones are still very precious, especially in the past. Siying, even a master of the shadow-level powerhouses, was completely sealed within an hour, and even the split of the second generation of Earth Shadows did not escape, which made Pharmacist feel bad.

In order to get rid of those sealed strong men, the pharmacist sent a group of abandoned sons to retake the sealed strong ones. These abandoned sons are basically the mess that the pharmacist found while searching for the strong men’s bodies. Guys, most of these guys only have the strength of the lower ninja, the middle ninja, and the upper ninja basically doesn't exist.

Lei Ying Building, Yunyin Village, Thunder Country, headquarters of the Ninja Great Alliance Army.

"Master Raikage, Master Naruto, Master Shuiying, the fourth unit led by Captain Gaara sent a battle report. They have successfully sealed the resurrection of all the shadows of the past."

"Okay! Send this report to all battlefields immediately!"

Raikage said happily that morale is very important on the battlefield. Obtaining such impressive results in such a short period of time can definitely improve the morale of ninjas fighting on the battlefield.

As soon as Lei Ying's words fell, the space in the hall suddenly twisted, and Qiye took the three generations of Tuying old man, and two days later, Da Yemu returned.

"Hello, everyone, I'm back."

"Welcome back." The three shadows in the hall said at the same time.

Qiye put down the three generations of Tu Ying, stretched his waist, the bones and hair all over his body made a crackling noise, and said: "It's really comfortable after the fight." Qiye was originally a militant and asked him to sit at the headquarters. Looking at the intelligence, it is too difficult for him to determine a strategy or something. It is better to tell him directly who is going to kill.

As soon as Qiye sat down, Terumi Ming immediately handed him a cup of tea, just like a little wife, not the fifth-generation Shuiying from Wuyin Village.

Jiraiya also looked at Qiye and Terumi Mei, and said with envy and jealousy: "You guy is really a beautiful blessing, even Shui Ying has been tricked by you."

Qiye took a sip of tea slowly, and then made a contented voice, saying, "You old pervert, envy you, who tells me that my brother is more handsome than you."

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