Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 471

Dudao Kongzi retracted the knife into the scabbard, then swept the knife to the ground, and made a shallow hole on the ground. Then he put his hands on the handle of the knife and said coldly, "Poison Island is right. Father."

The horse-faced man was full of cold sweat. Today I met the Big Buddha. What are you kidding me, is the eldest lady of the Toxic Island family a small role he can afford?He is nothing more than a bank employee, the Toxic Island family...that is too big.

Qiye is right. This Ma Lian's approach can indeed constitute a crime of harassing others, but he didn't do anything extraordinary, which is not too serious, so even if he is convicted, he can be sentenced to at most one or two months. Damage to other people's property, but it's not a big thing, and it didn't hurt people. At most, you can lose a little money and you will be done. What's more, there is a whole poison island family behind Kongzi.

" turned out to be Miss Dudao...really...disrespectful." The horse said with a squat, cold sweat on his forehead, because the expression on the face was still so cold, he didn't mean to melt at all.

"It doesn't matter, sir, but you also have to restrain your behavior, otherwise it will cause trouble to others, right?" Dudao Kongzi's mouth twitched and smiled coldly.

"Yes, yes!" No matter where Shiro Konno dared to say wrong now, he just wanted Toshima Tsuneko to let him go.

"Okay, get out of here."

There was a haze in Konno Shiro's eyes, but he was relieved, and ran away like a bereaved dog, not even his computer.

"Xiezi, you're so handsome!" Xiaolan said with eyes full of admiration. Toxic Island Wangzi was so handsome just now, she was a model of women.

In the face of his good friend, Dudao Suizi immediately showed a gentle smile, saying: "For the kind of guy who thinks that he is a little capable and self-expandable, just smash him." Dudao Suizi said this. At the time, he gave Conan a vague look, as if it meant something.

Then, after Conan’s explanation, everyone knew the purpose of this reasoning trip. Ten people, including the three of Xiaolan, and the unmarried couple, Satoshi Maeda and Akiko Sayama, were punched by Nanaya before. Toshio Kangyuan, a mature woman Hideko Kamijou, an old man Kenichiro Kaneshiro wearing a pair of small disc sunglasses, and his servant, a pudgy-looking woman, Lin Jingjiang.

If you can find the host of this reasoning journey, Baron Night, you can get free accommodation and a virus program.

Qiye is not interested in this kind of thing. He doesn't lack money, otherwise he won't buy a high-priced presidential suite. He doesn't need a virus, because his existence itself is the strongest virus, and any computer can be hacked into it. , Even U.S. military satellites could not withstand his invasion.

Qiye and the two girls returned to the room, and the two girls also happened to have something to ask him.

Qiye sat on the sofa and asked while turning on the TV, "Kenzi, you've found out."

Kaizi knew what he was talking about, nodded, and said, "Yeah."

Looking at the two of them suspiciously, he said, "Which of you can explain to me what is going on?"

Nanaya smiled, and immediately pulled Cheng Shi into her arms, stroking Cheng Shi's delicate body, and at the same time told how Kudo Shinichi became Edogawa Conan.

"There is such a thing in the world?!" After listening to Qiye's account, Chengshi couldn't help but exclaimed. As a doctor, Chengshi never thought that a person would be seventeen years old. The youth became a seven or eight year old child.

Qiye smiled, and he could understand why he was so surprised, We can be both of God and the devil. Since we are trying to raise the dead against the steam of time, we are both angels and devil, because we turn back time , Come back to life.

Reversing life and death is a simple matter in the power level world of Dragon Ball that surpasses the god level, but in Conan this low power level world without gods and monsters, it should not exist at all. If you change your fate against the sky, it will be affected. God's punishment.

However, both an angel and a devil, going back in time and coming back to life, seem to be talking about Qiye.

After listening to Nanya's narration, Toshima Tsuneko sneered at the corner of his mouth. Now everything understands why the kid in Conan is so hostile to Nanya, why the kid has such a shrewd mind, because he is Shinichi Kudo , And after understanding why Kudo Shinichi became a child, Toshishima Suiko felt even more disdainful.

During the two years when Qiye went to the United States, Shinichi Kudo helped the Metropolitan Police Department solve many cases as a high school detective. He was good at football, handsome, and had a good family background, so he was in Tedan High School. Possessing quite good popularity, but Toxic Island Suizi is very disdainful of this schoolboy, even despise.

The Tox Island family has always believed in the supremacy of force. They believe that in the face of absolute power, any conspiracy and tricks are useless. The facts are also true. Tox Island is more calm than others. In her eyes, Kudo Shinichi is nothing but It's a big and small ghost who has no strength but likes to show up. Toxic Island Suizi, who believes in the doctrine of the supremacy of force, certainly despises such people.

The facts are also true. If Shinichi Kudo was not arrogant and thought that he could solve everything, but he ran to peek at the transactions of the black organization, how could he turn from a high school student into a kid again? Kongzi has no mercy, only contempt and indifference. The weak do not need mercy, nor are they worthy of mercy, because he is weak.

"That Kudo Shinichi is also really pitiful. Now he has become a child, and the girl he likes will soon leave him." Cheng Shi said softly, but there was no pity in her tone, but rather gloating. .

The so-called seeing the big from the small, from this incident, Chengshi can see that Kudo Shinichi is just a self-righteous, blindly arrogant kid, any woman who likes him will not be happy, only misfortune. Cheng Cheng has a very good relationship with Xiao Lan. She would rather share a man with Xiao Lan than Xiao Lan following Shinichi Kudo.

After listening to Chengshi's words, Dudao Yuzi smiled coldly and said: "The poor person must have something to hate, that guy deserves it."

"That's right!" Cheng Shi also very much agreed with Kenzi's statement, and the two girls gave Conan a "deserved" label.


Dinner time...

The restaurant is an open-air restaurant outside the hotel. You can taste the food with the salty sea breeze. It is very emotional. Qiye can naturally have the best location. There are two beautiful women next to it. It is amazing.

"There are so many people, what should I do?" Xiao Lan took Conan out of the hotel and said helplessly. Now that the tourist season has gradually entered, there are also many people coming to Princess Hotel, plus the open-air beach here. The restaurant is also a major feature, and Xiaolan came down a bit late and can't find the location.

"Xiaolan!" Qiye waved to Xiaolan and greeted her to come over.

Xiaolan saw Qiye calling herself, and immediately ran over happily.

"Xiao Lan, let's sit down together." Qiye smiled and looked at Xiao Lan. Of course Xiao Lan readily agreed. As she was about to sit down, Conan took Xiao Lan's hand and said: "Sister Xiao Lan, uncle is still there. Wait for us."

Seeing Xiaolan's hesitant expression, Qiye immediately glanced at Conan with a sneer, and then said: "I saw Mr. Maeda and Ms. Sayama being questioning whether the two are Baron Night. I think we should not go. Excuse him."

Qiye found an excuse for Xiaolan. Xiaolan immediately sat down happily. Conan gritted his teeth and sat beside Xiaolan. He was very worried about Qiye.

Toxic Island Maeko glanced at Conan, and suddenly showed disdain, pretending to talk casually, and said to Xiaolan: "Xiaolan, that guy Kudo Shinichi, he seems to have been missing for a long time, right? News?"

Xiaolan sighed and said, "No, there has been no news of Xinyi until now, and I don't know where he is."

Toxic Island Yuko smiled slightly, twirled her beautiful long violet hair, and said, "You can't give up, Lan, maybe that guy is by your side, are you right, Conan?"

"Yes, yes." Conan looked at the smiling Toxic Island with a cold sweat on his face, his back was already wet with cold sweat, and said: "Sister Xiaolan, I went to Uncle's." Conan didn't dare to be here for a moment. Staying longer, Koko is too terrifying for him.

Although Xiaolan wondered why Conan was so strange today, it would be nice to get along with Qiye without Conan.

The four people were talking and laughing, enjoying a delicious dinner. The combination of a handsome man and three beauties was strange, but it was pretty good.

After the meal was over, the previous manager came over, and there were two waiters pushing two dining carts next to him, and said: "I'm very sorry, Mr. Qiye, our hotel did not take care of it well before, which caused trouble to you and the three young ladies. , These snacks are given to you by our hotel for free, I hope you don’t mind.”

Qiye looked at the manager and nodded.

The manager breathed a sigh of relief, and Qiye was willing to accept that this time, even if it was over. The two waiters delivered plates of exquisite desserts to Qiye’s table, and when the last plate was put on the table, one The black figure fell from a high altitude and fell on the statue of the knight at the entrance of the hotel. It happened to be pierced by the sword in the knight's hand and turned into skewers.

Everyone was taken aback by this sudden change, but Qiye smiled coldly, and secretly said: Is it finally dead?

Chapter 485-The Murder of the Night Baron!(under)

This chapter abused Conan, please give me a reward~~Although it is not the protagonist to abuse~~

The pictures lead to wolves... Actually there are more revealing ones, but I dare not send out the ones with dew points...

One chapter is six thousand, one chapter is four thousand and eight, one chapter is five thousand and six, and three chapters are over 16,000 words, please give me a reward!


The Shizuoka prefectural police in charge of here quickly rushed to the scene, and the leader of the police was called Henggou Sanwu, with messy hair like a coral reef and a very long face with Chinese characters. There are so many faces in this world...

The forensic department lifted the corpse from the statue. It was a figure dressed in a black cloak and a strange mask on his face.

"Sure enough, it's Baron Night." Qiye walked over and said lightly.

"Who are you, you are currently working on a case here, please go out immediately." Henggou Shenwu said loudly. This guy is like this, and he will yell when he is excited or angry.

Qiye showed his police card and said, "I am Liudao Qiye from the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department."

"It turned out to be the Sixth Police Officer!" Henggou Shenwu immediately awed in awe. Obviously, he was also one of Qiye's reasoning fans.

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