Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 472

Women admire Nanaya because he is handsome, and Nanaya has a lot of male reasoning fans, and the reason is mainly because of his relationship with Mikako Sato and Yumi Miyamoto, the police double flower. He is the object of envy and jealousy of countless men. The goal that a large number of male police wants to surpass is not the case, but he also admires Qiye's super crime detection rate.

"There are six police officers here. This case must be solved soon." Henggou Shenwu said very happily. He belongs to the most common kind of policeman. He has many years of experience and is careful in handling cases, but because of his own reasoning. The ability is mediocre, so he is still a criminal. He is a normal level of a policeman. After all, an elite like Mikako Sato is very rare.

Qiye scratched her hair and said, "Speaking of which, I'm still on vacation, so I really don't want to investigate this case."

"Please don't say that, please be sure to help." Henggou Shenwu said nervously immediately.

"Alright, alright." Qiye waved her hand and said: "I will try my best. I will try to find the murderer before my holiday is over."

"Thank you so much!"

While Qiye was talking to Henggou Senwu, the forensic department staff also took off the mask from the deceased's face, revealing the wretched face of Jiangwon Shinan.

"What? It turned out to be this guy." Qiye narrowed her mouth and said disdainfully. To be honest, he didn't want to investigate this case anymore. This wretched man deserved it, he dared to do something to his woman, although Qiye couldn't kill him in front of Xiaolan, but he had already issued a killing order in his heart. Even if he didn't die, Qiye would kill him without knowing it.

"Six Dao Police Officers, do you know the dead?"

"Yes, this guy wanted to take advantage of my girlfriend, but I was beaten by me. The wound on his face was my hit."

Kangwon Shinan’s face was cut out by Qiye’s fist, and there was a very conspicuous bruise. Because the blood was not eliminated, it would accumulate on the lower layer of the skin and oppress the facial muscles. If left untreated for a long time, it will cause Necrosis of facial muscles will affect life, but it doesn't matter now, he has died.

"In this case, isn't Brother Qiye also suspected?" Conan suddenly opened a pair of pure eyes and said Meng.

"Conan!" Xiao Lan said angrily, this time it was not a joke, Xiao Lan was really angry.

Conan curled his lips unhappily, obviously because Xiaolan was jealous of maintaining Qiye.But he didn't suspect that Qiyehui was the real murderer, but wanted to find an excuse to make Qiye unable to continue investigating the case, and could not show the limelight in front of Xiaolan, but he obviously failed.

"This kid is right. I had a dispute with the deceased, and indeed there was a motive for murder, but when the deceased fell from the sky, Xiaolan and I were in the open-air restaurant here. Xiaolan and the hotel manager could give I testify." Qiye said indifferently, deliberately mentioning the dinner with Xiaolan, just to irritate Conan.

Sure enough, Conan became jealous after hearing this. Qiye, Kiko and Chengshi could clearly see Conan’s jealousy, but Xiaolan, one of the parties involved, was not afraid, and said: "Well, I can As my testimony, I have been with Qiye from seven to ten, and he never left."

Xiaolan said that this had no special meaning, and it was entirely to testify to Qiye, and didn't want Qiye to be suspected, and her unconcerned words made Qiye laugh, and Conan became even more popular.

Qiye has the alibi, so naturally there is no suspicion. Qiye looked at Conan who was unhappy and said: "This is the scene of the crime, not the place where children should come, Conan, you should go back to your room quickly. ."

Conan was about to open his mouth. Toxic Island Toshiko took the lead and smiled: "I'll take Conan home. Conan is such a cute kid. I want to talk to him too. Don't you think, Conan?"

In the bottom of his heart, Conan absolutely didn't want to be alone with this terrifying Sister-in-law, but the smile and the aura of Toxic Island was too terrifying. Although Conan didn't want to, his body nodded uncontrollably.

Poison Island Takeko took Conan away. Xiaolan trusted Poison Island very much, and there was no doubt that Qiye did show a slight smile, and Edogawa Conan was unlucky this time.

Qiye squatted next to the corpse, inspected it roughly, and suddenly found a few strange places. Henggou Shen enlightened and said, "Six Dao police officers, have you found anything?"

"Is there a big one? There are a few small doubts." Qiye said lightly, then looked at Xiaolan and said, "Xiaolan, where is your father?"

Everyone found the drunk Moori Kogoro in the hotel, and then went to the room of the deceased Jiangyuan Toshio, room 2101.

When the police broke open the door with a chainsaw, everyone walked in and saw Gangwon Shinan’s original clothes and a room card spread on the floor. The room was empty, nothing special, and the floor-to-ceiling glass on the balcony. The window was also opened, and the wind kept blowing in from outside.

"The clothes are on the floor."

"These clothes are the clothes Mr. Gangwon wore tonight, and even the room key is lost here. It seems that Mr. Gangwon must be very drunk to do this."

Everyone came to the balcony again, which was located just above the knight statue outside the hotel.

"It looks like Mr. Gangwon fell from this place."

Maori leaned back against the handrail of the railing, and suddenly seemed to have discovered something, so he couldn't help leaning back.

"It's dangerous, Mr. Maori."

"I think this is just a pure accident."


"Absolutely can't be wrong, because his gloves are still clipped to the railing. I think maybe he wants to dress like this and jump from the balcony to scare the contestants living in the downstairs room, but I didn't expect to pay for the play. Life."

Qiye frowned and said, "No, this is not an accident, but a murder."

"Six Dao police officers, have you found anything?"

"Although I don't know who the murderer is for the time being, I can be sure that this is definitely a murder." Qiye walked to the balcony, leaned on the railing, and said: "This room is directly above the statue below. Although on the surface the deceased fell from here, there is a big problem here."

"what is the problem?"

"Chengshi, go and help me with those napkins."

"Okay." Chengshi listened to Qiye's words very much, and quickly ran into the room and took a few napkins to Qiye. Qiye casually threw a few napkins out, and the strong wind blew all the napkins out. .

"this is……"

"It's the wind." Qiye explained faintly: "The reason why this hotel was named Princess Hotel is because in this season, the high-rise part of the hotel will blow a strong wind called Princess Wind, and The higher the wind, the stronger the wind. If the deceased fell from his room directly above the statue, it is absolutely impossible to fall on the statue. If you don’t believe it, you can do an experiment. After the murderer kills the deceased Dressing him as the Baron of the Night is obviously one of the participants of this trip. Except for the dead, Conan can be ignored by children, and Mr. Mori has been in the hotel from 8 o'clock until the incident. In the bar in the building, Xiaolan has been with me all the time, so there is no suspicion. The suspects are basically the remaining six people, Akiko Sayama, Satoshi Maeda, Shiro Konno, Hideko Kamejo, Genichiro Kaneshiro and Jingjiang Lin. One of them, Officer Henggou, tell your subordinates like this..."


Qiye arranged his reasoning plan here. On the other hand, Toshishima Suiko was taking Conan back to his room. Toshishima Suiko looked at the child next to him, and suddenly said nonchalantly, "Kudo Shinichi."

"Huh?" Conan was thinking about how to get rid of Dudao Tongzi and then went to investigate the case. He suddenly heard someone calling his name, and subconsciously agreed. When he turned his head and saw Dudao Tongzi's sneer, he was shocked. His face was sweaty.

"Huh, it really belongs to you, Shinichi Kudo." Toshishima Tsuneko sneered coldly, and then, before no one was paying attention, he pulled Conan to the back stairs, then guarded the door of the back stairs, holding Muramaru in both hands, and sneered. : "It's been a long time since I saw you, Shinichi Kudo."

Conan's forehead was sweating cold, and he smiled dryly, "Sister are you talking about, I...I'm Conan, how come I'm Xinyi brother?"

"Arthur Conan Doyle, Edogawa Ranbu, your name should be a combination of the names of these two mystery novelists." In the words of Tokushima Yoko, he immediately guessed Conan. The source of the name.

Conan was so scared that his heart almost stopped beating.

"When I saw Gangwon Toshio's body just now, your heartbeat didn't change at all, but when I talked about Kudo Shinichi, your heartbeat suddenly exceeded 120. Do you think I'm an idiot?" Kongzi looked at Conan coldly, a shrewd woman like her was not as foolish as Xiaolan.

"How can I be the new brother? Haha..." Conan still said hard

Toxic Island Maeko looked at Conan coldly, suddenly made a move, and pulled out a piece of hair from Conan’s head, and said: "Is it still hard? You said if I take this hair to Yusaku Kudo and Yukiko Kudo DNA comparison, what will you say will be the result?"

Conan is really scared this time. Although he has become smaller, it is not a genetic mutation. His DNA is still the same as before. Behind the poison island is the support of the poison island family. Conan does not doubt that she can get herself. The DNA samples of his parents were completely exposed at this moment. Conan suddenly used his watch to aim at Dudao Tsuiko and fired an anesthesia needle. Now he is also Liushenwuzhu. He just wants to numb Dudao Tsuiko first. , I can't think of any other good solutions.

You said that there is something in Conan's weak child's body now, can Toushima Tsuiko be unable to spot it?What's more, Conan has some equipment, but Qiye has already told Dudao Koko, Dudao Koko slightly turned her head, and avoided the anesthesia needle. Conan's watch can only hold one anesthesia needle, and it will be useless if the needle fails.

"Damn it!" Conan cursed in a low voice, then twisted the knob on his shoe to strengthen his feet, and kicked it towards the poison island.


But what made Conan desperate was that his foot strength at this time, the football proposed was enough to kick an adult, but he was easily taken by Dudao Tsuiko with her slender hand with one hand.

"Use electricity and magnetism to stimulate the acupuncture points of the feet, so that the muscles can exert tremendous strength. These shoes are not bad, but they are still too weak in front of me." Toshima Tsuiko smiled coldly, and immediately threw Conan out. , Hit the wall.

After all, Conan’s body is too thin and weak. Even if it is strengthened with shoes, his strength is only beyond that of a normal adult. Characters like gin can easily crush him, and even if Conan’s strength is greater than Konko, it is useless. Training, without the blessing of Chakra, the speed of Dudao Kongzi far surpasses Conan, no matter how strong the strength is, it will be useless to miss.

"It's so pitiful. I didn't expect that Shinichi Kudo, a famous Kanto detective at the time, would actually fall into this field now." Toshishima Yuko looked at Conan with a sneer and sarcastically said.

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