Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 586

Qiye looked at You Xizi with excitement, touched her nose, and said, "If you can't hold it, then I will push you up."

"Top?" You Xizi couldn't help but reveal a trace of doubt. What does it mean to go up?

Qiye suddenly ran to Yuxizi's side, and sullily used her little brother to push Yuxizi's hips twice. The heat and hardness of Qiye's brother made Yuxizi startled, and immediately ran far away and shouted at Qiye. Said: "Asshole! What are you doing?!!!"

"Hehe, isn't it just pushing you up." Qiye smiled shamelessly.

You Xizi was embarrassed in her heart, looking at the evil light in Qiye's eyes, for fear that he would really put herself up here, she stomped her feet and hurried to the mountain.Qiye laughed loudly, followed behind You Xizi, the two ran one after another, and quickly ran to the top of the mountain, in front of a suspension bridge.

"Oh, how should I complain about this suspension bridge?" Qiye grabbed her hair and looked at the so-called suspension bridge in front of her with some helpless eyes.

The suspension bridge is built with tough steel wires and wooden planks. The steel wires are still new and there are no rust spots. It seems that they have been built soon, and the steel wires are all exposed. Although these steel wires are known to be very tough, they are thin and seem insecure. Feeling, by the way, does this suspension bridge really pass the quality inspection?

"This is the skinny pirate who laughs." You Xizi's mouth also twitched. This riddle is really of no quality. The skinny pirate can laugh, and the fat pirate can cry. This kind of suspension bridge is really a lot of fat people walking up. courage.

"Now, Xizi, I'll go over first, or I'm afraid this bridge will break if you walk up."

"Asshole! Am I going to be heavier than you?!" Yu Xizi looked at Qiye angrily. Weight and age are taboo topics for women like annual salary and whether there is a girlfriend for men.

You Xizi knew that Qiye was afraid of her, so she walked over first, but the taste of Qiye's mouth changed when Qiye's mouth was good, just like Fei Yingli's previous description of him: good words will not be good!

Qiye looked at the pair of babies on You Xizi's chest, squeezed her chin, and said, "It's really hard to tell."

Yu Xizi pretty face flushed, and she hugged her chest with her hands, staring at Qiye in shame.

Qiye laughed and walked on this suspension bridge that seemed to be broken at any time. As soon as Qiye walked up, the suspension bridge began to shake. With the mountain breeze, the suspension bridge shook more violently, and the wooden boards made a creaking sound when they rubbed against each other. , It really makes the scalp numb.

Yukiko stared at Qiye in annoyance, but soon followed him across the suspension bridge and found the seal and treasure chest on the other side of the suspension bridge. The numbers of the seal were 12 and 25, and the prompt at the next location was "Pirates don't cry".

You Xizi took the reminder card and looked at Qiye subconsciously, as if waiting for him to tell the next location.

Qiye looked up at the sun. It was almost three o'clock now. At three o'clock in the afternoon in summer, the sun was really horrible.

"You Xizi, let's go diving."


The only diving equipment shop on the island of God...

"Oh, Liudao Qiye and Fujimine Yukiko, do you want to rent a full set of diving equipment?" Ma Yuan Qianxia, ​​the beauty owner of this store, smiled slightly.

"Yes." Qiye replied with a smile, "but I didn't expect that there would be a beauty like a boss on such a small island."

"Gluck, thank you for your compliment, but I won't give you a discount."

"Huh!" Seeing that Qiye was hooking up with the girl again, You Xizi snorted a little uncomfortably. Although he knew that he would only get deeper and deeper in this way, his feelings were not controlled by reason.

Qiye touched her nose, put her arm around Yu Xizi's waist, and said, "I'm sorry, my girlfriend is a little careful."

"It doesn't matter, I should be the one who said I'm sorry."

Yu Xizi was hugged by Qiye, her face turned red, and she heard him say that she was his girlfriend, her heart trembled, but this time she didn't struggle, just snorted, she really looked like an awkward little woman.


"Here." A door next to it opened, and another beauty owner of this store, Yamaguchi Himiko, walked out with two wetsuits. "Can you two wear these two wetsuits?"

"no problem."

"The two are of very good figures. They must be very good in wetsuits." Yamaguchi Himiko said with a smile, because the wetsuit is tight, so you can see everything at a glance.

"Excuse me." As soon as Yamaguchi Himiko finished speaking, two men walked out, holding a few wetsuits and three cylinders. They were the treasure hunters that he saw in the hotel seven nights ago.

"Hey, you guys, pack your things when you are done!"

"Oh, we will come again."

"Treasure Hunter?"

"Well, they are here to borrow an air compressor." Yamaguchi Himiko said uncomfortably.

There is a technical term in diving called scuba diving, which means that you bring your own gas cylinder to dive in the sea, but the gas cylinder is not pure oxygen, but compressed liquid air. They will come here to borrow this shop. The air compressor compresses the air into the intake bottle.

"There have been a lot of people like them recently, and it makes us very distressed." Ma Yuan Qianxia was also a little unhappy. Because of the recent treasure rumors, many treasure hunters have come to the island, but they are all professionals, and many of them will They bring their own wetsuits, and they come to their store to borrow air compressors, because air compressors are not a product of this store, so they are not easy to collect money, every time they run out, they leave. It also made the two very annoyed.

Nanaya and Yukiko changed into wetsuits in the locker room, and then drove to the beach, boarded the speedboat of Mabuchi Chinatsu and Yamaguchi Himiko, and arrived in the middle of the sea. After doing enough preparations, Nanya, Yukiko and Yamaguchi Himiko were together Go to the sea, while Ma Yuan Qianxia stays on board.

On this blue planet, more than 70% of the area is covered by the sea. The mystery and vastness of the sea is absolutely unmatched by the land.

The spacecraft made by humans can detect the moon and Mars, but the depth of Jiaolong’s dive is only seven kilometers. Compared with the distance between the Earth and Mars, this is not even a fraction. The main thing is Because of the terrifying water pressure of the deep sea.

As soon as you entered the sea, the scene in front of you shocked You Xizi. The abundance of species in the sea is unmatched even in the Amazon jungle, which is known as the kingdom of wild animals. There are more than a hundred kinds of them. .

Beautiful sea fishes of various colors, colorful coral reefs, weird sea plants, of course, if you are unlucky, you may encounter a poisonous sea snake or a group of jellyfish that can kill you in a few minutes, no matter how bad luck At one point, you may encounter the world's oldest and smart super killer, the shark!

Yamaguchi Himiko had already had a wealth of diving experience, and with Qiye and Yukizi, she soon came to the underwater palace.

In this palace swallowed by the sea, the huge stones were eroded by the sea and time, turning into pits, leaving the weight of history.

The most mysterious undersea ruins in the world are probably the Lost Empire, and Atlantis is none other than the Lost Empire.Atlantis is a legendary mysterious continent located at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. According to legend, a long time ago, Atlantis was a highly developed and powerful empire, but for unknown reasons, the entire empire sank into the deep sea. Not seeing the sun, but also because of the mystery and unknown, it makes Atlantis more charming.

When the three of them were looking at this huge underwater palace, the fish under the sea suddenly rioted, all swimming around, and then...

Haha, you can buy lottery tickets when you go back, because a shark about four meters in length rushed up from the bottom of the sea!

Chapter 580-Cyan Bi's Coffin!(6)

Sharks are the top predators in the cumbersome food chain of this blue sea, especially the most ferocious and famous great white sharks. Killer whales are their only natural enemy.

Sharks are known as sea wolves, but their ferocity and notoriety are far better than any wolf of any species. Sharks were 300 million years before the emergence of dinosaurs. The earliest dinosaur was Protoraptor, about 220 million. Years ago, the late Triassic appeared. Calculating from this time, the appearance of the shark was probably in the second generation of the Cambrian about 520 million years ago.

This fierce and powerful predator has hardly changed in the past 100 million years. Everything about them is for predation. They are densely packed, with strong and sharp teeth, and skin rougher than sandpaper. Even the most sophisticated instruments The super sense of smell that is not good has formed a super killer who is extremely fierce in the sea.

Because of that famous movie and the news that sharks attacked humans from time to time broke out all over the world, most people in the world have an instinctive fear of sharks, plus it’s in the ocean, where people don’t walk on their feet In the home ground of animals, the fear of sharks is naturally amplified.

Seeing such a big shark suddenly rushed out, both Yukiko and Himiko were shocked. Qiye reached out and held down and turned around and immediately wanted to escape Yukiko, because running is useless. How could animals that walk on their feet swim faster than sharks? .

Although it was the first time that Himiko, who often went to the sea, encountered sharks, she seemed more calm than You Xizi. He pointed to the side and the three of them hid together. The shark did not come to attack them, but swim towards the other side. went.

Most sharks will not actively attack humans, unless you have a wound on your body that is bleeding, or you are actively attacking him.

Looking towards the place where the sharks swam over, I saw that the three treasure hunters were surrounded by five or six sharks, and one of them was already floating in the sea and unable to move. It was obviously bitten by the sharks.

Qiye and they quickly surfaced. Ma Yuan Qianxia, ​​who was looking at the boat, saw that they came up so soon, and couldn't help but wonder, and said: "Why are you up so soon?"

Himiko took off her respirator and shouted, "There are sharks!"


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