Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 587

The treasure hunter who was bitten was quickly sent to the hospital on the island because of the presence of sharks. Although Qiye was fine, Yukiko and Himiko would obviously not enter the water again.

The policeman on the island, a hairless policeman walked out of the doctor's office, his face was solemn, it is really not a trivial thing that a shark bites someone.

"How is the situation, Mr. Kameira?"

"Ximiko, were you there at the time of the incident?"

"I happened to take the guests to dive nearby, but it really scared me to see sharks attacking people, and there were three people there, but only one was attacked." Himiko said here and took a look at the side next to him. Two treasure hunters.

"What do you mean by this?!"

Himiko folded her arms and said, "It doesn't mean anything."

Police Officer Shangping scratched his head and said, "It's really troublesome. It's been a long time since there has been an accident involving sharks."

"By the way, this is the first time I saw a shark there."

Listening to the conversation between Yamaguchi Himiko and Officer Kameihira, Qiye raised the corners of her mouth. Was it an accident?Qiye walked into a nearby room. If he didn't show the police officer's ID, he wouldn't be able to see the body, but here he could see the wetsuit worn by the treasure hunter who was killed by the shark.

"What's wrong?" You Xizi followed Qiye over. Seeing Qiye's playful eyes, You Xizi was sure he found something.

"Didn't Himiko just say that, they obviously were diving with three people, but only one was attacked."

"Ximiko... I'm so affectionate." Yukiko said sourly.

"Oh, You Xizi really likes to be jealous, but I can't help it, who called me too handsome." Qiye spreads out her hands, looking like I am so handsome and can't help it. Before Xizi got angry, Qiye from A pair of plastic gloves were taken out from the cabinet next to him and checked the bloody wetsuit.

Not only the diving suit, but also the buoyancy suit that was worn on the outside was bitten by sharks. Judging from the damage to the clothes, the unlucky ghost should have all bitten off the left half of his abdomen, as well as half of his kidneys and lungs. ,Dead.

"Hehe, I really found something amazing." Qiye smiled slightly, found a plastic bag that was bitten in half from the interlayer of the buoyancy suit, and reached out to touch the contents of the plastic bag and put it under his nose. , "It's so fishy, ​​it should be fish blood."

"Fish blood..." You Xizi frowned, "This is the reason."

"Well, put the fish blood in a plastic bag, seal it, and put it in the interlayer of the buoyancy suit. If it is under the sea, every ten meters of diving will increase by one atmosphere, and on the surface of the water, there will be one atmosphere. When it’s rice, it will become four times the atmospheric pressure. Under such a large pressure, the seal of the plastic bag will break, and the blood inside will be lost. In terms of the shark’s sense of smell, even if it dilutes the taste of blood hundreds of times, they You can smell it the same."

The water pressure in the deep sea is very terrifying. At a place seven kilometers below the sea surface, the pressure increases to seven hundred times the atmospheric pressure, which is about 70 million Pa, which is equivalent to about seven thousand tons of pressure on a square meter area. Heavy objects.

"Then it's a murder case, hurry up and tell them!"

Qiye rolled her eyes and said, "What's the matter with me, and no one paid me, why should I help them solve the case?!"

"Hey, you're also a policeman, OK!" Yu Xizi looked at Qiye angrily.

"So what? Didn't I rape you yet? You can sue me. If your righteous heart is overwhelming, you can tell them the truth. Anyway, I have nothing to do with me. Of course, if you If you are not afraid of being recognized, I have no problem." Qiye said lazily, holding his head.

You Xizi bit her lower lip, and finally the thought that she was afraid of being recognized was more important, so she could only suppress the matter.

No one revealed that this case was actually a murder, so Mumu and them stayed in Tokyo honestly. In this case, Qiye might be able to spend this holiday perfectly.

dinner time……

Qiye cut the steak and placed it in front of You Xizi just like noon. After taking her untouched steak, Qiye cut a piece of meat and put it in his mouth, then drank a sip of red wine, and said, "Okay, don’t get it. Face it, after a while, I will take you to see the pirate without crying."

"You already thought of it?" Yu Xizi, who was upset by what happened in the afternoon, couldn't help turning her head after hearing Qiye's words and looked at him in surprise.

"What's so difficult about this." Qiye smiled, then her tone was not serious, and said: "You just grow your IQ to the bottom of your neck, but I like it, hehe."

After being molested again, Yu Xizi really had no choice but to give Qiye angrily.

After dinner, Qiye brought You Xizi to a beach. This is the third reminder, where the pirates do not cry.

"Here is the pirate not crying?" You Xizi looked at Qiye strangely, wondering why the pirate did not cry.

"To be precise, this place should be the cry of pirates." Qiye said with a smile. Although this divine island is small, it has many strange scenery. Qiye squatted down and twisted a handful of sand. It flows out from time to time, "The quartz content in these sands is very high, and the particles are also very fine, it is very high-quality quartz sand."

"So?" Didn't it mean that the pirate didn't cry?Why did it get on the sand again.

"Don't you understand? The sand here is not ordinary sand." Qiye sprinkled the sand out of her hands, stomped hard on the beach with her feet a few times, and the sea breeze that night formed something like A crying sound.

"This is Mingsha?" You Xizi said in surprise.

"That's right, the cry of these Mingshajia sea breeze is the cry of pirates. As for the pirates, don't you cry?" Qiye looked around and immediately found a place leeward from where we could not hear the cry of crying. , The so-called pirates don’t cry.

Qiye and Youxizi also got the seal and the next reminder, the numbers are 5 and 18, and the reminder card shows that the pirate's soul will ascend to heaven.

Qiye stretched her waist and said, "Oh, it's so late. You Xizi, let's go back and make a villain."

Yu Xizi, who was a little happy because she found the hint, became angry when she heard Qiye's words, and stared at him angrily, saying, "Asshole!" He turned around and left.

Qiye stretched out her arm around Yu Xizi's slender waist, leaned her big head on Yu Xizi's shoulders, gently biting Yu Xizi's earlobe, and said softly: "Yu Xizi, give me your heart."

Yu Xizi was held by Qiye, her body stiff, she managed to endure the tremor in her heart, and sneered: "You raped me and said this, don't you feel too shameless?"

"I admit that I am shameless, but I can get you in this way, don't you?" Qiye didn't care at all, smiled slightly, and then turned Yuxizi's body around, looking at her tenderly with scarlet eyes until Youxizi couldn't stand him. The look in his eyes, staggered his eyes, and then slowly spoke.

"Yu Xizi, how can you give me your heart?"

You Xizi was in confusion, not knowing how to answer him, suddenly pointed at the shining stars in the sky, and said, "Then you can pick the stars in the sky and give them to me!"

Picking off the stars in the sky, I am afraid that many girls have had this strange request, but You Xizi doesn't know it. Picking off the stars is simply a very easy task for Qiye.

"Hehe, it's so simple."

In Yu Xizi's surprised gaze, Qiye's scarlet eyes turned into light purple rippled eyes, and she pinched her hands.

"God's Power·Meteor Falling From Heaven!"

Qiye launched a weakened version of Meteorite Skyfall, summoned countless meteorites, and created a meteor shower with human resources. Although there are many meteorites, they are very small in size. After landing, the largest is the size of a fist, and it can't be consumed at all. What power.

Yu Xizi was so shocked that she couldn't speak. She wanted to use this to be just a coincidence to convince herself, but it was impossible at all. To be a coincidence, this is really...

Seeing You Xizi in a daze, Qiye smiled, and immediately grabbed the waist of You Xizi, and said: "You Xizi, you should fulfill your promise now."

"Asshole! Quickly let me go!!" Yuxizi reacted, struggling violently.

"Since you don't want to, then forget it." Qiye let go of You Xizi. When You Xizi thought that Qiye had turned for a while, Qiye's big hand was placed on You Xizi's hip again and kneaded it. What happened to You Xizi this time? Can't open it.

"what are you doing?!!"

"Make a villain with you, what's wrong?"

"Asshole! Would you think about this kind of thing?!"

"That's no way. Who told you not to give me your heart? Then I can only think about this kind of thing." Qiye smiled indifferently, and started to raid other lands.

You Xizi Qiao blushed, her whole body was soft, and fluid was already flowing out of her body. She forcibly resisted the reaction of her body and the coquettish voice. You Xizi tried her best to normalize her voice and said, "You... let go!" No matter how it was suppressed, You Xizi's voice still gasped.

Qiye smiled evilly and said, "Now you have three choices. First, give me your heart, but I think it’s impossible. Second, create people with me. Third, go back to the room. Create people, but you have to give me the little flowers behind."

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