Traveling from the collapse

Beginning with the collapse Chapter 593

Mingmei wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes because she had laughed too much, and she looked at her man and sister helplessly and funny. She was already in love with her, but she wanted to quarrel like this every day, but it was really fun. of.

The crowd chatted for a while, and then returned to the school festival.

"Hehehe, Qiye, this time you are not only going to participate in the school festival, you have to help us perform on stage." Yuanzi laughed mischievously, her tone full of mischievous play.

As soon as Yuanzi’s voice fell, Qiye was fiercely stared at by the few girls present. Of course, it was limited to a few students in Didan High School. In fact, there were a lot of people... Yuanzi, Xiaolan, Tongzi, and There are Heye, Qingzi and Hongzi who have recently transferred.

He Yeren was turned to Tokyo by Qiye, and naturally he had dropped out of the Osaka Jiafang High School, and transferred to Didan High School in Tokyo. Although she was reluctant to bear the classmates of the previous school, she still made it. sacrifice.

Moreover, there is Xiaolan on Didan's side, Yuanzi and the others are here, and everyone is also a good friend and good sister. He Ye quickly integrates into this place. He can see Qiye every day after school and it makes He Ye very happy. Of course , The boys in Didan High School are not very happy.

Teidan High School has always had no shortage of beautiful women. Now the third grade Toshishima Sayako, Takajo Saya, Miyamoto Rei, the second grade Moriran, Suzuki Sonoko, in comparison, Xiaolan and Sonoko are slightly better, but the third graders Those three Jinhua's pursuers in school are countless, especially Kengzi, who even has her support team all over the country.

Dudao Kongzi has a strong strength. He was tracked when she came home from school. Everyone knows the purpose of those who followed her, but those people have been repaired severely by Dudao Kongzi. Personally, three people became disabled and one vegetative, but because it was a self-defense attack, although some self-defense was excessive, but with the strength of the poison island family, who would dare to say anything?

Although Gaocheng Saya is a hard worker in sports, it is obvious that he is all the way to the drug island. It is not once or twice that Qiye and Saya are intimacy, and sometimes even deliberately at the gate of Didan’s school, and several of his girlfriends at the same time. I just want to declare that they belong to them. Of course, for Qiye occupies so many school flowers, there are too many unconvinced boys, but when Qiye slashes the stadium of Didan High School in half, those guys Just shut up completely, anyway, just some crawlers.

As for Rei Miyamoto, I don’t know why. She is now the famous iceberg beauty of Didan. She doesn’t say anything to any boys, but she has a good expression on Toshishima Suiko and others, making others wonder if she is. Lily.However, Rei Miyamoto is the head of the Spear Skills Department. She is powerful. He also won the National High School Spear Skills League Championship this year. His strength is second only to Tokushima Sakiko and is known as the second Emperor Dan, so he did not dare to do anything against her.

Qiye had abducted so many beautiful girls by himself, but because of his strength, no one dared to say anything. This was depressing enough, and finally transferred to three beautiful girls, Didan’s. The group of boys hadn't had time to do it, and Qiye had already announced that they were all his personal belongings, directly hitting them miserably.

If those guys knew that these three girls had transferred to Emperor Dan because of Qiye, they would not know what they would think.

In addition to Heye, Qingzi and Hongzi also transferred to Emperor Dan. This is not a problem for Hongzi. Perhaps because of the curse of the witch, her mother died of dystocia when she gave birth. , Her father also died when she was seven years old, and now the Koizumi's house is her own words, so she can decide by herself.

To Jiang Gutian High School, Hongzi Koizumi does not have much sense of belonging. As a witch, Hongzi Koizumi can naturally ignore the feelings of ordinary people. For her, there are only two people who are most important, one is Qingzi and the other is In Qiye, if you transfer to Didan, it will undoubtedly be more convenient to stay with Qiye, and if you continue to stay in Jianggutian, the time to meet Qiye is reduced. Let’s not say that Qingzi still needs to watch the black feather fast fight every day, red Of course, Zi didn't want to be like this. Speaking of which, Qing Zi could make up his mind to transfer to another school, and Hong Zi also played a lot of fuel to the flames.

Qingzi cannot be as calm and decisive as Hongzi for feelings. She is still a little bit reluctant to Jiang Gutian High School. Even if the relationship with Kuroba is no longer, Jiang Gutian High School still has many good friends of her, and finally decided to transfer school, and Qingzi is too Thinking about it for a long time.

The biggest beneficiary of this incident is naturally Qiye. As for how much Kuroba Kuaito hates him, it is not his business. Anyway, Kuroba Kuaito carries such a big evil thought, no matter what you do, yes. Qiye is useless.

Qiye was staring at the eyes of a few girls, knowing that she wouldn't be able to go if she wanted to, and she immediately admitted, "Okay, I lose, I will go."

Smiles appeared on the girls' faces. At this time, Qiye said: "But what am I going to perform? Is it okay to cut people?"


A little foot stretched out under the table and kicked Qiye. Thinking about it, I knew who it was. At this time, I heard the "culprit" coldly saying, "Idiot!"

Yuanzi laughed at Qiye for a while, and then said, "No, Qiye. Actually, I want you to perform a stage play. Hehe, I wrote a stage play. Now I'm missing the male lead."

"You wrote it?" Qiye's eyelids twitched. "It should be a story about a prince and a princess."

"Ah, how do you know?"

"Can you write anything else?" Qiye looked at the garden with twitching corners of her mouth. Can this girl write anything about being quilted?

"Hehe." Yuanzi also knew what kind of person he was. He smiled and touched his head, and then said: "Qiye is the prince. I wanted to play the princess by myself, but Xiaolan pestered me for a long time, almost Only when I strangled me, I reluctantly gave her the role of princess."

"Yuanzi, don't talk nonsense!" Xiaolan's face was crimson, and she immediately scrambled with Yuanzi, obviously becoming angry.

"Um... I'm going to suffocate to death..." Yuanzi rolled her eyes, stuck out her tongue, and raised a hand high...

After the farce was over, Yuanzi looked at Qiye and said, "If Qiye refuses to perform, I will ask the new teacher to play the prince."

Qiye's mouth twitched, is this a threat?Looking at Xiao Ai, it was obvious that they both wanted to go together.

That new born Chiaki, it’s Belmode...

"Okay, okay, I surrender, I just go to act," Qiye scratched her hair and said, "But why do you want to act as a prince."

"Indeed, it is not necessarily the prince who rides the white horse, it may be Tang Seng." Xiao Ai said coldly from the side.

"I don't like riding horses anyway." Qiye put her cheek in one hand and looked at Xiao Ai helplessly, "If you want to say, a knight is more suitable for me."

"You can only be hell knights for evil guys like you."

"I prefer the ghost rider."

"It's a lecherous evil spirit rider."

These two guys are gone...

Chapter 586-Didan High School Garden Festival!(in)

Time flies, and soon it is the academy festival of Didan High School.

The school festivals in Japanese campuses are similar to the open days in China. Of course, there is nothing to talk about in the open days of ordinary schools in China.(I don’t say that studying is useless, but if you don’t study, there may be no way out. For example, some people with low grades and poor family conditions, the whole village pooled money for him to go to college, and finally took a third-rate university. It’s really meaningless. Change destiny, but there can only be one Li Ka-shing in the world, and more people can only become a small soldier of his business empire.

Reading is not the only way out. I haven’t graduated from high school, and now every month...cough, this can’t be said)

Far away, the school festival is very popular on Japanese campuses. From university to high school to junior high school and even elementary school, the school festival is held. The school festival is also different in different schools, mainly based on the class or the club. You can show yourself as a unit, you can perform shows, you can run a restaurant or even a maid cafe, it can be said to be all kinds of things.(Like a domestic school, you can try to run a maid café... It will definitely break your head, but the possibility of being punished is also...)

The academy festivals of some universities in Japan are really exaggerated. For example, the academy festival of Waseda University has set the largest number of participants in the academy festival in Japan, reaching a terrifying number of 150,000.

Although Tedan High School is inferior to Waseda University, Tedan is also a large academy from elementary school to university. It can be said to be quite lively on the day of the school festival.

Qiye came to Didan High School early to prepare for the stage play with Xiaolan.

I have to say that Yuanzi has a talent for screenwriting. Although it is a story of a prince and princess with many versions that can be arranged into a starry sky, it shows the fresh style of high school girls and the old-fashioned section of heroes saving beauty. It's not out of the ordinary in Yuanzi's writing, it can be regarded as a good stage play.

"Well, this suit is not bad." Qiye was pushed into the changing room by the garden, and after putting on the costume that the prince wanted to wear, he walked out and faintly admired, who told the garden to refuse to let him watch. What the prince's clothes looked like, made him worry for a long time, but luckily it was not the kind of clothes expected.

The blue-black cloak and battle suit reveal a mysterious and luxurious look. Although it is not black, it is not bad. The helmet is designed to cover most of the face, leaving only the mouth part outside.

"Hehe, of course, I personally designed this suit by Suzuki Sonoko!" Sonoko proudly said, this suit alone took her a lot of thought, after all, it is the clothes that the Dark Knight in her mind wants to wear. , How can you be sloppy?

Qiye touched her body. This is obviously a brand new dress. I won’t say how the design is. The material of the dress itself is expensive. The main fabric is real silk, pure silk, which is very light and thin on the body. It’s very comfortable. All the golden parts of the clothes that can be seen by the naked eye are all real gold. In such a short period of time, I don’t know how much money was spent on making the garden. Yuanzi, a nymphomaniac giant lady, will spend a huge amount of money to make a set of clothes for a school festival. Anyway, money is just a number for Yuanzi.

"By the way, where's Xiao Lan?" Qiye said suspiciously. Before he came, Xiao Lan started to change clothes. Hasn't he changed yet?

"Hehe, the princess and the prince are of course the last to meet, hehe, Qiye, you are not allowed to peek, or I will blind your eyes!" Yuanzi threatened with a smile, and finally compared to a second dragon probe Look like.

"Hey..." Qiye looked helpless, her own woman couldn't look at it by herself. What kind of truth is this? Xiaolan hadn't seen it before, and she didn't know how many times she watched it when she was bare.

Yuanzi looked at Qiye's helpless look, smiled like a little fox, hummed and went to Xiaolan, and threatened Qiye not to take a peek before leaving.

"Well, evil spirit knight, how do you feel about being abandoned by your own woman?" Xiao Ai stood beside Qiye and laughed playfully.

"You girl is still so unlovable." Qiye squatted down and pulled Xiaoai's cheek helplessly. Okay, he was telling the truth, in fact, he loved Xiaoai so much.

"Okay, Xiao Ai." Mingmei walked over and grabbed her sister who was about to beat her sister. "Let's go outside and wait for the show to start."

"Okay, elder sister." Xiao Ai said obediently immediately. Seeing Xiao Ai's behaved like a white rabbit, Qiye's face immediately covered two wide-faced tears.

"Haha, Qiye, we are looking forward to your performance." Mingmei glanced at Qiye with a smile, and left with Xiao Ai.

This time, there are really a lot of girls who specially watched Qiye and Xiaolan perform. In addition to a few students from Didan High School, there are Akemi, Chengmi, Uchida Asami, and Xiaoai. Of course, Akemi’s appearance is The changed ones are still beautiful, but they don’t look like Akemi. As Xiaolan’s parent, Fei Yingri also took a day off and came here today. As for Moori Kogoro... please ignore him. Drop it.

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