Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 594

With fifteen minutes before the performance, Qiye was preparing in the backstage, and Xiao Ai suddenly came backstage at this time.

"What's wrong, Xiaoai, are you worried about your evil spirit knight?"

"Idiot!" Xiao Ai first gave Qiye a roll of eyes, but didn't kick him. Now Qiye is wearing a costume. If it gets dirty, Xiao Ai is afraid that the garden will kill her.

"Okay, no joke, let's talk about business, have you handed that thing to Shinichi Kudo?" Qiye smiled evilly on his face, obviously, he was thinking about some bad idea again.

"It's been given to him a long time ago, and that fellow is really pitiful, to provoke you as a fellow."

"Hehe, there must be something hateful about the poor man, that guy deserves it." Qiye Xiexie smiled.

What are they talking about?Well, go back in time, go back to last night...


Ding Dong!

Xiao Ai came to the Maori detective office alone and rang the doorbell, but what made Xiao Ai stay away so late?

Conan walked out and opened the door. It seemed that his complexion was a little better than the previous time. The storm of that incident gradually passed. Although Conan was still ignored by his classmates, he gradually recovered. After a while, he was born with a brain disabled. The detective will be able to recover and happily rush to solve the case.

The dog can't change eating shit, can he not let him eat it?

"Haihara, what's the matter?"

Xiao Ai frowned. As soon as the office door opened, she smelled a fermented smell. It was disgusting. Xiao Ai didn't want to stay here. She took out a small plastic bag from her pocket and contained a capsule.

"To make a long story short, this is the antidote to APTX-4869."

"What?!" Conan yelled, this thing is more important to him than anything else.

"Don’t be too happy. This is just a temporary antidote. I have done experiments on mice. More than 90% of the mice recovered after taking this antidote, but the longest One can only last for about three hours. After taking the medicine, it will start to grow in about fifteen minutes to half an hour. No matter what you want to do, master the time."

Conan grabbed the medicine in Huiyuan's hand, and his whole body was shaking with excitement.

Xiao Ai looked at him like this, smiled coldly, stopped staying here, turned and left.Shinichi Kudo, you are really hopeless, do you want to take back Xiaolan?What a pity, angels won't belong to you, you can only fall into a more terrifying hell.

Back in time is over...


The show begins...

Wearing a pink and white princess dress with a white veil on her head, Xiao Lan appeared on the stage. Xiao Lan's angelic face and this very good princess dress immediately raised the stage for this stage play. ...But why do I think this princess dress is like a wedding dress?

As a princess, Xiao Lan got in a carriage to marry another country, but when the princess was halfway, an anti-corner had to appear. In order to destroy the marriage between the two countries, they killed the princess’s guard, and when they had to When the princess was killed, a bunch of chasing lights lit up on the stage, and several feathers fell down.

"Crow...crow's feather?!"

As soon as the words fell, Qiye wearing a blue-black cloak fell from the sky, swung his sword to kill the enemy, and his heroic posture attracted countless eyes. Apart from a few, no one noticed. A dark shadow quietly entered the auditorium.

"Where are you who have been helping me one after another lately?" The princess looked tenderly at the black knight with her back to her. This affection is absolutely impossible to perform. "The knight wrapped in black clothes. , If you are willing to fulfill this princess's humble wish, please take off your mask that is as dark as night and face me with true colors."

The knight Qiye didn't even have a single line, turned around and slightly hugged the princess' waist.

A moving red appeared on the face of the princess, her eyes looked at her knight tenderly, and said: "Are you the prince who was pierced by the father on the eyebrows and was kicked out of the court long ago by him, if you remember Write your testimony on my lips for the vows you made when you were young."

The knight took off his mask and slowly lowered his head, his lips touched the two fragrant lips that he had possessed countless times, tenderly and greedily, possessing everything about this girl.

Xiaolan dedicated her kiss to Qiye, holy and pure, the girl's heart already belongs to him completely.


The sound of heartbreak is really amazing...

"Ah!!!" A shrill scream interrupted Qi Ye's heart of evil, cut through the silence of the auditorium, and suppressed the applause that was about to erupt.

A man with glasses lay on the ground, beside an overturned drink glass...

Chapter 587-Didan High School Garden Festival!(under)

"Someone died!"

I don't know who shouted, and the entire auditorium suddenly became a mess, and in an instant it turned into a pot of porridge.

The black knight, Qiye jumped off the stage, took a chair next to him, and threw it at the gate of the auditorium.


With a loud noise, the four legs of the chair pierced the gate of the auditorium and sealed the gate. The panicked crowd suddenly calmed down.

"I am a policeman. Everyone will stay here for me now. Also, everyone who knows the deceased will come here for me. I will ask you questions later!"

Soon, Mumu arrived with a team of people...

"Don't talk, I'm in a bad mood now." Qiye looked at Mumu with a depressed expression.

Mumu smiled wryly, he also understood the depression of the case after he took leave, and stopped talking to Qiye, and began to inquire about the case.

"The deceased was Urada Kohei, 27 years old, a doctor at the Mihua General Hospital?"

"Yes." One of the deceased's friends, Noda Yumemi, dressed in plum red, said to Mugure.

"Then how did he fall down halfway through the show?"

"I thought he just didn't feel well suddenly, who knew he fell to the ground all of a sudden."

Wearing gloves, Asami Nakaoka picked up the cup that had fallen beside the deceased, and said, "Could the deceased die after drinking this drink?"

"This... I've been watching the show and I'm not sure."

"Yeah..." Mugure looked at the cup in Mami Nakaoka's hand and said, "There is not much drink left in the cup, so about what time was it when you found Mr. Urada fell?"

Noda Yumemi looked at his watch and said, "The play started around two o'clock, but I don't know the exact time."

"It should be around 2:40."

"Qiya, how do you know?"

"Because when the deceased fell, it happened to be the climax of the play, right, Lan."

"Yeah." Xiao Lan, who was wearing a princess dress, nodded.

"Is that so? But, Qiye, why are you so clear?" Officer Mumu looked at Qiye strangely.

"Hey..." Qiye rolled her eyes, pointed at the clothes on herself and Xiaolan, and said, "Isn't this obvious? I and Xiaolan are the heroes and heroines."

"Oh, Soga." Mumu looked a little embarrassed. He didn't pay much attention just now. Now, if you take a closer look, it is obvious that Qiye's costume and Xiaolan's princess dress are one set.

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