Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from Bengbao Chapter 595

"That...has the cause of death been found out?" The awkward Mumu immediately changed the subject.

"It should have been poisonous cyanide such as potassium cyanide." Qiye drew his ears, looked at the corpse on the ground, and said lightly.

In toxicology, the toxicity is divided into six levels, one level is highly toxic, and level six is ​​slightly toxic. The lethal dose of highly toxic substances should be under 5mg/kg, which means that a person weighing 60 kilograms can eat 0.3 Substances below g will die, so this substance is highly toxic.

Sodium cyanide, potassium cyanide and the like have a lethal dose of 1 to 2 mg/kg. That is to say, even a fat man weighing 100 kilograms can eat 0.1g of potassium cyanide.

Of course, this kind of toxicity is so severe that it can send you to talk about ideal things with Bin Laden in just a few seconds. Among the most toxic substances in the world, I am afraid that it will not even be included in the top 50.

Just after Qiye finished speaking, a man in a black shirt and blue peaked cap came over and said, "Yes, most people lose their blood on their faces when they die, but instead of turning purple on the lips and nails of the deceased, It also shows a pink color, which is evidence of potassium cyanide poisoning. The difference between potassium cyanide and other poisons is that the electron transmission system in the cell will begin to attack after taking it, and it can be used without the use of oxygen in the blood. Follow the blood circulation throughout the body, so the complexion will become better, now just check whether there is almond smell in the deceased's mouth, if there is, then it is definitely cyanide poisoning."

"Is that so, coroner?"

"Yes, he does smell of almonds in his mouth. As the teenager said, I also infer that the deceased died of cyanide poisoning."

"That's it, but then again, who are you anyway?" Mumu rolled his eyes and looked at the boy who appeared suddenly.

"What? I have forgotten so soon. I only came back so long. You are really ruthless." The mysterious young man took off his hat and revealed a white face, "I am Shinichi Kudo."

"What?" Mumu was stunned.

Xiaolan and Kazuya looked at this so-called "Kudo Shinichi", and said tacitly, "Why is this Shinichi (Kudo) weird?"

The amount of affection between the childhood sweethearts and horses is far more than the two girls' affection for Qiye. After all, it has been accumulated over more than ten years, but the quality is not the same. Xiaolan and Kazuya can easily detect this "Kudo Shinichi" "Exception.

"Hey, Hattori Heiji, are you bored? Run from Osaka to Tokyo to play as Shinichi Kudo?" Nanaya rolled the blindfold and directly exposed Hattori Heiji.

"How come, I'm Kudo Shinichi." Hattori Heiji argued.

Qiye buttoned her ears, gave Hattori Heiji a look, and said, "You should stop talking. Your Guanxi accent is too bad for your ears, so it sounds better than Ye's voice." Does this compare?

Well, since it was exposed, Hattori Heiji has nothing to do. He can only wipe off the foundation on his face. Heiji wants to say something to Kazuha, but Kazuha seems to have been hiding from him, hiding in Qiye. Behind him, Hattori Heiji was very depressed.

Investigation continues...

"Memo Police Department, the test results have come out. Mr. Urada was indeed killed by potassium cyanide poisoning." Asami Nakaoka read the report she had just received, "However, the forensic class did not find cyanide in any of the drinks. There is no trace of potassium. Moreover, there is no creamer and saccharin that were originally matched." At this point, Nakaoka Asami took out a plastic bag with a small bottle in it.

"what is this?"

"I think this is the container for potassium cyanide." Hattori Heiji said affirmatively: "Perhaps the prisoner used this to store potassium cyanide." Hattori Heiji seems to be more motivated today than ever because of Nanya and Waha. Are they all here?

"Wait a minute, Hattori-kun." asked in a puzzled manner: "There is no potassium cyanide in everyone's cups, and this container was found in the car of the deceased. The companion of the deceased also said that the deceased was emotionally unstable. Seems to be looking for something... Isn't this a suicide?"

"Hey, please..." Qiye looked at Mumu helplessly, and said: "If most people want to commit suicide, they will go to some important places in their lifetime. Unless they jump from a building, most people will choose a quieter place to commit suicide. How can anyone commit suicide on so many occasions?"

"Uh... that's what..."

"Now, now, may I ask, did he buy the drink for the deceased himself?"

"No." The Hongshang Wuyi wearing green clothes among the three friends of the deceased said, "I bought the drink, but after I bought the drink, I gave it to Sangu, and then I went to the toilet."

"Then, Mr. Mitani, did you give the drink to the dead?"

"No, I went to see the drinks she bought after Wuyi put down the drinks at the time. Because Wuyi and Gengping both liked black coffee, and Mengmei liked orange juice, so I picked up a cup of iced coffee at will. I gave it to Mengmei and asked her to pass it to Gengping, so if you handed the coffee directly to Gengping, it would be Mengmei."

"Hey, what are you talking about?!" Noda Yumemi called out immediately."It's obviously you who helped Gengping choose iced coffee just now!"

"Hey, you have to fight and go out to fight!" Qiye rolled his eyes and looked at the ugliness of these two people indifferently. "Now I am asking you questions. You only need to answer them. You don't need to if I didn't ask. Say. By the way, Miss Wuyi, why would you buy drinks for four people alone?"

"Oh, because there were too many people at the time, I was afraid that if everyone went to buy drinks, there would be no place when they came back, so I asked them to take up a place, but when I was in line, Gengping even came to me and said I worked too hard for him to help me alone, but after standing next to me for a short time, he seemed to see something suddenly and ran away with a blue face."

"His face is blue? What did he see?"

"I don't know this too well."

"I think he must have seen that I was buying drinks at the counter at the time." This is a girl with short hair and glasses, who looks delicate and beautiful.

"Ah, Caizi, so you are also a student in this school." Noda Yumemi looked back at the girl.

"Huh? Do you know each other?"

"Well, she is the only daughter of our dean."

"Well then, you were the one who poured drinks for the four of them just now."

"Yeah." Caiko Ninagawa nodded.

"Ah, the four suspects are finally here, but, hello, Hattori, if you are bored, quickly solve this case, I'm going to eat."

"You fellow, don't you have any police ethics?!"

"That thing is worthless. If you like it, I'll take it to you." Qiye said lightly, police conduct?what's the point.

"But, having said that..." Qiye scratched her hair. "Is today the meeting of childhood sweethearts?"

Chapter 588-Didan High School Garden Festival!(Finish)

As Nanaya's voice fell, a young boy appeared in the auditorium, and this was the master, and it was also Shinichi Kudo himself.

After Kudo Shinichi appeared, his gaze almost never looked away from Xiaolan, and the complicated gaze fixed on Xiaolan.why?It's not because Qiye and Xiaolan kissed.

Kudo Shin knew about the relationship between Qiye and Xiaolan early on. After all, Xiaolan had moved to Qiye’s house. Isn’t it clear?However, Shinichi Kudo didn’t want to admit it in his heart. He was hypnotizing himself all the time. Xiaolan was just angry that he would not come back for so long. As long as he gets older, he can go to Xiaolan to explain everything. Lan will return to him.

Haha, what a beautiful dream, or is it a delusion more accurate?

Kudo Shinichi was really naive, and even Qiye couldn't bear to kill him anymore. It was more interesting to watch him despair and pain.

Hearing is fictitious, seeing is believing. Although sometimes, what you see with the naked eye may not be believed, but most people still believe what they see with their own eyes. Even if they refused to admit the relationship between Qiye and Xiaolan before, they now see The kiss between Nanya and Xiaolan made Kudo Shinichi extremely bitter.

They were just acting, just for acting... Shinichi Kudo was hypnotizing himself over and over again in his heart, but he couldn't restrain the pain in his heart.

Facts have proved that Kudo Shinichi is smart, but facing this devil, he will only end up suffering forever in hell. Kudo Shinichi once again fell into the trap set by Nanya.

The antidote for APTX-4869 was actually developed two weeks ago, but Qiye kept Xiao Ai under her breath until Yuanzi told him about the school festival, and Qiye’s evil plan took shape in her heart. .

Qiye knew that there would be a scene of him kissing Xiaolan in the stage play. He wanted Kudo Shinichi to see this scene with his own eyes, watching the pain of her beloved girl kissing other men and unable to stop her, Qiye was really looking forward to it. Kudo Shinichi's expression.

The facts proved that Nanya's plan was also successful, and seeing Kudo Shinichi's current expression, Nanya was very happy.

"Hehe, now that the famous detectives from Kanto and Kansai are here, then the matter of solving the case is left to you two great detectives. I'm going to enjoy life." Qiye Xiexie smiled, her smile couldn't tell. With disdain and contempt, his smile suddenly changed and became gentle, and his body immediately hung on Xiao Lan, who was wearing a princess dress.

"Lan, where can I go to play in a while?" Qiye looked at Xiaolan with a smile, and bit her ear affectionately, regardless of Kudo Shinichi's distorted face.

"Qiye..." Xiaolan naturally wanted to turn her head to talk to Qiye, but the two were very close. When Xiaolan turned her head, her soft lips swept across Qiye's big mouth.

The two were stunned at the same time, but Qiye reacted faster, and kissed him immediately before Xiaolan's lips escaped.

Although Xiaolan feels shy, on the stage just now, the two have kissed in front of so many people. At this time, there is not much resistance in her heart. Although she knows that if she does this, Shinichi will be sad, but Qiye is obviously more important and supple. The ground conforms to Qiye's kiss.

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