Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 598

The slender legs are shining with white luster under the scorching sun on the beach, with some dazzling eyes. With the blue swimsuit, Xizi is like a mermaid. It is conceivable that she will be attracted when she appears on the beach. How many eyes.

You Xizi's small face is bulging like a bun, her mouth is pouting, her beautiful eyes seem to be far away, she is very cute, with an angelic face and a devil's body.

Kudo Yusaku is very familiar with Kudo's expression, because she used to show this expression to him before, but this time, Kudo Yusaku almost ran away because Yusaku's expression was not shown to him.

The man in the photo is naturally Qiye. He puts one of his hands on Yu Xizi’s waist. The photo was taken by a tourist when he and Yu Xizi traveled to the island of God. As for Yu Xizi’s anger. The expression was naturally because Qiye's other hand was placed on You Xizi's hip.

"Hahaha, Yusaku Kudo, what do you think? Watching her own wife being hugged by other men." Qiye Xie smiled and looked at Yusaku Kudo, torturing her love rival. It was really interesting.

"Six Ways and Seven Nights, you are amazing!" Kudo Yusaku gritted his teeth and crumpled the photos in his hands.

"Hehehehe, thank you for your compliment. You Xizi said the same." Qiye fluffed her hair and smiled casually. The two are totally different.Yusaku Kudo was talking about Nanya's hidden skills. For so long, he hadn't seen Nanya's wolf ambition at all, but Yukiko said it very well, hehe, you know.

"It's so pathetic, Yusaku Kudo, do you think someone will come to rescue you?" Qiye smiled coldly, "It's a pity, you have to die here today."


Nanya shot Kudo Yusaku's knees with a single shot. Kudo Yusaku screamed and immediately lay on the ground, blood pouring from his knees.

"Kudo Yusaku, where do you think I am going to hit you next? Arm, calf, or do you want to end it soon?"

Yusaku Kudo looked at Nanya and roared angrily: "You devil, you will already be retributed!"

"Hahahaha..." Hearing this sentence, Qiya couldn't help but laugh, and the laughter was full of irony, "Kudo Yusaku, I have said this sentence, but before I get retribution, I will Take care of her for you, but she should be Ms. Liudao Yuxizi now, hahahaha..."

"You demon!!"

"As expected, it is Yusaku Kudo, I am indeed a demon, and I am also the king of the devil, hahahaha..."

Kudo Yusaku's eyes were shocked, and Nanya laughed wildly, and said: "Guess it? I am the devil, the number one killer who caused the FBI guys to have a headache!"

Qiye's laughter stopped abruptly, her eyes dazzled, and a shot passed, interrupting Kudo Yusaku's left hand, and Qiye playing with the gun in her hand, and said, "Don't think I can't find it, do you want to leave a clue? , You met me."

Nanaya fired a few more shots, interrupting all of Kudo Yusaku's hands and feet. After thinking about it, he also exploded his fifth limb. Looking at Yusaku Kudo who was twisting and convulsing on the ground, Nanya smiled without emotion. Started to install bombs in this villa.

Qiye put a feather on Kudo Yusaku's side and said, "Farewell, Kudo Yusaku, I will go back to accompany Yukiko Aiai, and you can go to hell, hahahaha..."

"Six Roads and Seven Nights, you will definitely have retribution!!!"

The moment Qiye returned to Japan, all the bombs planted by Qiye exploded, and the entire villa was wiped out in an instant. Ten minutes later, the FBI rushed to the scene and found only a few fragments of human tissue that had been blown up. One of them was intact in such an explosion, not even dusty, purple-black feathers.

Chapter 591-Cursing the sneer of the mask!(on)

The DNA extracted from the fragments of human tissue found at the scene, after comparison, confirmed that it was the famous mystery novelist Yusaku Kudo. The corpse was blown to pieces, and there is no complete tissue. It can be confirmed that Yusaku Kudo already dead.

The bomb was found from the scene, and it was determined that the killer was using C4 high explosives. The FBI also restored and reorganized the bomb on the scene, and found that the bomb was designed to be extremely safe and precise, and it was definitely something that can only be made by arms experts.

As for the feather found at the scene, the FBI naturally immediately thought of the Demon King. They also compared the feather with the feather left from the previous case. Although the feather was also unable to analyze what substance the feather was, it was All the feathers in the previous case are exactly the same.

Of course, the devil's crime record has also been added again.

But immediately, the FBI group of guys became confused, because the devil’s target was politicians before, at least the main target was politicians. Of course, it’s normal to kill one or two short-sighted people in the mission, but this time The trouble was so big, and even the high explosives were released. Obviously, Yusaku Kudo would not be killed easily, but they would not have thought that Nanaya was not because of any mission this time, it was completely himself. Yusaku Kudo deserves to be unlucky for his personal grievances. Who makes his wife beautiful and son annoying.

The news that Yusaku Kudo died quickly spread. After all, he was a well-known person in the United States and Japan, and he was suddenly killed by an unknown person. This is definitely good news for the newspaper. Of course, it is for the publishing house. Saying is definitely not good news.

Yukiko knew who the murderer was when she learned about the murder of Yusaku Kudo, but her reaction was even more flat than Nanaya expected. She just sighed and said nothing, even questioning Nanaya. No, it was just crazy in bed that night, and one person almost squeezed Qiye dry. Of course, it ended in Qiye's victory.

As for Kudo Shinichi, how could it be a tragic word.Because of the relationship between Mitsuhiko and Genta who deserved to be short-lived ghosts, Kudo Shinichi fell from the heaven he had always been to hell. When he was about to climb up, he was ruthlessly crushed by his angel again. When he was tortured in hell, he heard the news that his father had been killed, and Kudo Shinichi almost collapsed.

Facts have proved that it is not that simple to climb up from hell, after all, there is only one Kui Ye!

A lot of people came to Yusaku Kudo’s funeral. After all, Yusaku Kudo’s reputation is still very large, and his relationship with the FBI group of guys is exaggerated, and Nanaya and Yukiko are still among them, and Yukiko has an indifferent expression. Although Qiye also had a deep face, she smiled again and again in her heart.

When the funeral was over and everyone had left, only Qiye and You Xizi were left in the cemetery. Qiye smiled, and immediately hugged You Xizi from behind, kneading her beautiful body.

"Hey, badass, what are you doing." You Xizi was startled, her face was flushed, and she turned her head and said in an agitated manner. There was nothing on her face as if her husband had just died.

Although it is a man with a heart, a guilty man or something, if a woman becomes unfeeling, it can be more ruthless than a man. Isn't that the case? After the divorce from Kogoro Moori at that time, the wife could immediately go to drink coffee and read fashion magazines.

"You Xizi, would you say we come here once?" Qiye said as she reached into the long dress that You Xizi was wearing today.

"Here... here?" Yukiko's eyes widened. She thought she had misheard. This is in the cemetery. Maybe someone will come over at some point, and it's still in front of Kudo Yusaku's tombstone.

"What's the matter, don't worry, I won't let others see it." Qiye Xiexie smiled, unzipped the trousers, released her weapon, and pushed it directly into You Xizi's body.

You Xizi trembled all over, and couldn't say no words to refuse. In front of her husband's tombstone, doing this kind of thing with other men, guilt made Yu Xizi happy, reaching the peak again and again.

Yusaku Kudo, you are so pathetic...


Benz on the road...

A monster-like bull galloping on the road, completely ignoring the damn traffic rules, passing a hundred yards casually, and when cornering, the violent and thrilling sound of a tire burning is still It's really intoxicating.

"Haha, cool!" Qiye pointed her hands in the direction, looked at the road in front of her, grinning.

Xiao Ai sat in the co-pilot, first calmed down the heartbeat that had just become violent because of the extreme drift, looked at the man next to him who completely ignored the traffic rules, and said: "Do you think you died fast enough?"

"Hahaha, Xiaoai, I don't have the right to die." Qiye laughed, he is impossible to die in this world, after all, his power and dimension are superior to this world.

Xiao Ai curled her lips, then looked at Qiye, and said, "Why take me out this time?"

"Didn't I say that, I have a banquet, and I want to take you there."

"I mean why you took me to the banquet." Xiao Ai rolled her eyes. She didn't believe that he didn't understand what she meant. If it was to attend the banquet, a big man and a seven-year-old girl would obviously not Too suitable.

If the group of girls and women in Qiye’s family are to be brought to the banquet, Toshishima Yuko is undoubtedly the most suitable candidate. He has a famous background, noble and glamorous temperament, and impeccable face. No one can match.

"Well..." Qiye dragged a long tone, with a wicked smile on her face, "Secret~~"

"Idiot." Xiao Ai said sharply with a cute face.

"Okay, okay~~" Qiye smiled helplessly, stopped the car on the side of the road, first stretched out her paw to pinch Xiaoai's cheek, and then stretched out her hand into her pocket in the cold eyes of Xiaoai Take out a plastic bag with four tapes and a walkman in it.

"What is this?" Xiao Ai looked at Qiye strangely.

"Birthday present."

"Birthday present?" Xiao Ai raised her brows, "My birthday is still a long time away."

"Tsk tusk tusk, this is not this year's birthday gift, it is from the previous seventeen years." Qiye smiled evilly, with a playful tone.

"Why, I prepared this gift specially. Is there anything wrong?" Xiao Ai sneered in response to Qiye. In her opinion, this is Qiye's seventeenth birthday for her. Although she was moved in her heart, she never spoke. Will speak out.

"Maichan, you guessed wrong this time, this gift was not prepared by me." Qiye looked at Xiaoai who was smart, and the smile on the corner of her mouth became more evil, lowered her head slightly, and leaned closer to Xiaoai's face. Said: "This is a gift my dear mother-in-law prepared for her lovely daughter."

"Mom..." Xiao Ai couldn't calm down this time. There was a moment of loss in her eyes, and she looked at Qiye in disbelief and said, "But my mother's code name is..."

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