Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from Bengbao Chapter 599

"Hell Angel, hell angel, right?" Qiye looked at Xiao Ai tenderly, "but what about that? Xiao Ai, you are my Hell Angel too."

Qiye kissed Xiaoai’s lips, then let go after a while, and said, “Although I haven’t seen your mother, but I’m sure, she is one of the gentlest people in the world, now, Xiaoai, Listen, the gift your mother prepared for you."

"Yeah!" Xiao Ai nodded heavily, almost tremblingly putting the tape into the player and putting on the headphones.

"..." After a burst of tape-specific noise, Xiao Ai's mother, Elena Miyano's voice came out, "To 11-year-old Shiho, happy birthday."

"Mom..." Xiao Ai's eyes became confused, her eyes seemed to penetrate time and space, and she saw the mother she had never seen before.

"Shiho was 11 years old when I heard this tape, did anyone he like show up? I don't know what kind of man our Shiho can see? Mom's first love belongs to your Frankenstein Dad, I just don’t know if his first love was me."

Qiye didn't speak, did nothing, just lay on the steering wheel, looking sideways at Xiaosao at this moment, a gentle smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

"Oh..." The passage was nothing special, but it was mixed with the words of the mother's deep love for her daughter. Elena Miyano's sigh rang in the earphone, "Sorry, Shiho, Mom and Dad should not be able to accompany you. This tape is gone. Now you are still young. When you grow up, you should be able to understand Mom and Dad. Alas..."

"..." After another murmur, Miyano Elena's voice disappeared into Xiao Ai's ear, and a warm touch on her cheek called Xiao Ai's soul back.

"Hehe, Xiao Ai's tearful appearance is also so cute."

Snapped!Xiao Ai patted Qiye's hand away, then turned her head out of the window, stretched out her hand to rub her face indiscriminately, and when her mood calmed down, she turned her head and looked at Qiye, with doubts in her reddish eyes.

"Mingmi asked me to give this to you."


"Well," Qiye nodded and said, "At that time, your parents should have expected that they would be in danger, so they recorded these tapes and asked your sister to give them to you. However, Mingmei was almost killed by gin at the time. Before I went to find the gin, I hid these tapes in a house where your parents and Mingmei lived, but I forgot them before. Mingmei only remembered it two days ago, so I asked me to get the tapes back to you."

"Dad...Mom..." Xiao Ai tightly grasped the plastic bag in her hand, her eyes moistened again.

Qiye looked at Xiao Ai and smiled...

Chapter 592-Cursing the sneer of the mask!(in)

After receiving this gift, Xiao Ai's mood became very good. She had always maintained her cold face, but now she couldn't help but smile.

Qiye was also affected by Xiao Ai's smile, and her mood became a lot lighter.

"By the way, you haven't told me yet, what kind of banquet was you going to attend today?" Longyan Dayue of the Amour Hall, when asked, it was not as cold as before.

"I will go to a charity dinner in a week. This time the sponsor of the dinner invited me to her house for dinner. I just wanted to find a chance to give you the tape, so I brought you here. Up."

"Charity dinner?" Xiao Ai thought for a while, Qiye did say such a thing, "Is it Su Fanghongzi, the chairman of that charity company?"

"Well, that's her. She was once known as the Canary of Toyo, a very, very famous star singer, but after she got older, she faded out of the music scene and became the chairman of Promotion, busy with company affairs, so she didn't perform much... "

Speaking of Qiye, the car had just passed a bend and a dead tree fell in the middle of the road.Qiye stepped on the brakes and slammed across the direction. Lamborghini's wheels immediately locked, and the whole car came sideways and stopped in front of a tree.

"Damn! What bastard!" Qiye yelled, got out of the car and found a piece of paper nailed to the tree, and couldn't help taking it down.

"You will regret assisting Su Fang's charity performance and curse the masked messenger!"

"Hey, what's the matter?" Xiao Ai asked strangely as she watched Qiye didn't get in the car, and couldn't help but walk down.

Qiye handed the note to Xiaoai. Xiaoai glanced at it, then looked at Qiye with twitching corners of her mouth, and said, "I bet it will be dead this time."

"Hehe, I think so." Qiye's mouth twitched, and now he is thinking about whether to go back, is it possible that Conan's golden domineering bastard has infected me?

However, Qiye finally decided to continue to Su Fang Hongzi’s banquet. Anyway, the dead would not be able to die, and Xiao Ai was the same. Anyway, as long as her family died, she didn’t bother to take care of it. It is a matter of course for others to be frosty.

Qiye bypassed the fallen tree on the ground and continued to drive to Su Fanghongzi's house. He soon came to a villa, which was even considered a castle, which was very grand and luxurious.

"Tsk tusk tusk, Su Fang Hongzi is really rich, and I don't know how much this mansion costs." Qiye couldn't help but say when he looked at this exaggerated mansion.

Xiao Ai got out of the car, and when she heard Qiye's words, she couldn't help but glance at him, and said, "For you, a few bullets can change this mansion."

Qiye smiled weirdly, and said, "I can trade ten such houses for one bullet."

This is not to say casually. As long as Qiye’s shot destroys the President of the United States, the bounty is extremely exaggerated.

Kaka Kaka...

A shutter sound attracted the attention of Qiye and Xiaoai. When they turned their heads, they saw a man in a dark green jacket with a camera in his hand, aiming at this mansion and taking pictures.

"Isn't that the photographer Masaki Katagiri who travels around the world and shoots beautiful scenery everywhere?"

As soon as Qiyehua finished speaking, two more cars stopped at the door of the mansion. From the car in front, a dark-skinned and very burly man in a yellow sweater got off.

"Hey, it's home base king Songping Shou," Xiao Ai's mouth twitched, "that Su Fang Hongzi's face is really great."

"Oh, you are the famous policeman."

"Mr. Six Ways and Seven Nights?" Photographer Masaki Katari also walked over.

After a few words of greeting, a woman got out of the last car, wearing a black-gray windbreaker, with a long black straight over the waist, and her whole body carried a mysterious aura.

Qiye frowned insignificantly, this woman...

"Famous fortune teller Nagara Xiangchun?" Xiao Ai also frowned. The people who came this time were really not simple characters.

"She is the famous tarot fortune-teller on TV and magazines!" Home base king Songping Shou looked at Nagara Kaharu with admiration.

"Mr. Matsudaira, you really understand it clearly."

"I am a big fan of her. Before every game, I choose baseball gloves according to her lucky color! That's why there are so many home runs!"

The corners of Qiye and Xiaowei's mouth twitch, you are such a home base.

Nagara Xiangchun looked up at this luxurious villa and said, "This house is shrouded in unknown shadows. I have a foreboding that a huge disaster will happen."

Qi Ye and Xiao Ai's eyes flashed brightly. It was really not a simple woman. Qi Ye's eyes were even more interesting. This woman was telling the truth, not nonsense.


The door on the left side of the mansion opened, and a young and beautiful maid walked out from inside, saying, "Welcome, my name is Minaho Shimokasa."

"Is the entrance here?" Matsudaira Mamoru said suddenly.

At this time, the door on the right was also opened, and a beautiful maid who was exactly the same as the one on the left came out, and said, "Welcome, my name is Nami Shikasaho, Mr. Liudao, please come in through the east gate with this little sister. ."

"Mr. Matsudaira, Mr. Katagiri, Miss Nagara, the three of you, please come in from the west gate."

"Why are there two entrances?"

"Because the interior of this house is divided into two parts, east and west, guests staying in the west room enter through the west gate."

"It is customary for guests staying in the east room to enter through the east gate.

The corners of Qiye's mouth twitched, that Su Fanghongzi definitely had a brain problem, but it wasn't because of this strange house that he specially found such a twin maid.

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