Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 606

Henggou Shenwu squeezed his chin and said, "The costume drama broadcast today is also on the video camera in the kitchen. According to the time it was broadcast, the crime was probably between 8 and 8:45 in the morning. Then, Mrs. Shibata cannot commit a crime."

To be honest, according to the situation at the scene, Henggou’s inference cannot be wrong. After all, today’s costume drama can be said to be the last activity record of the deceased. According to that activity record, the time of death of the deceased is estimated. After that, Mrs. Shibata has always had an alibi.

"Of course it's not me!"

Sengo Henggou nodded and looked at Takezo Yoshikawa on one side, and said, "Next, I want to ask you, Mr. Yoshikawa, where were you at 8 o'clock in the morning?"

"I... I sleep at home."

"Can someone help you prove it?"

"No, I live alone."

"Then there is no alibi to prove it, six police officers...hey, what about people?" Henggou Shenhu turned his head, but did not see Qiye's person.

At this time, Qiye squatted beside the corpse, wearing a pair of white gloves, and took out what was in the hands of the deceased.

"Six Dao police officers, have you found anything?"

"Ah, I found a photo." Qiye displayed the rolled-up photo. The photo was a pretty girl holding a trophy and wearing a ponytail, looking very young or even young.

"This...could it be?"

"Ah..." Seeing the girl in the photo, Hattori Jinghua said with a calm expression, "This is the photo I'm looking for."

I have to say that Hattori Jinghua is really calm, and she found her own photo in the hands of the deceased, which is very reminiscent.

"Is the murderer..."

"How could it be..." Qiye rubbed her face and said, "If you say her, I can be sure that she is not the murderer."

"Why, Officer Six?"

"According to the time of the video tape, the time of the incident was from 8 to 8:45 in the morning, but at nine o'clock this morning, she was at my house in Tokyo."

"Your home?"

"Yes, this lady called me yesterday hoping to help me find the deceased and want to return this photo." Qiye raised the photo in her hand and said, "I asked her to meet at my home at nine o'clock this morning. Moreover, although the deceased had her photo in his hand, it was not enough as decisive evidence, and the court application for a search warrant could not be approved."

It is more than 100 kilometers from Shizuoka to Tokyo. It takes more than an hour to drive, unless you are racing directly, and you can show me the racing in Tokyo?

"In this case, the only one who doesn't have an alibi is..." Henggou Shenwu squeezed his chin and looked at the only person without an alibi, Takezo Yoshikawa.

No matter how Yoshikawa Takezo explained to Henggou Senwu, Qiye squatted down and continued to examine the body.

"Tsk tusk tusk, it's all blood." Qiye looked at the blood on the deceased's left hand, probably touching the wound on the back of his head before losing consciousness, "wait a minute!"

Qiye looked at the deceased’s left hand in surprise, his palms were almost covered with blood, but strangely, the OK stretch on the deceased’s fingers showed no trace of blood, and most people’s fingers were injured on the part of the finger. The position of the OK stretch is at the root of the finger.

"Husband and wife? If this is the case, there should be that." Qiye muttered to herself, stretched out her hand to tear the OK stretch on the deceased's finger, and she found a very obvious mark on the ring finger of his left hand. Left with the wedding ring.

"Found it..." Qiye smiled and looked at the trace in the palm of the deceased. That was enough.


"Ahem..." Nanaya coughed twice and successfully attracted everyone's attention, and said: "Although it is troublesome, let me explain it. The murderer of Mr. Shibata is you, Mrs. Shibata Kyoko."

"But, Officer Six, didn't Mrs. Shibata leave after making breakfast at five o'clock in the morning? Then why is there still a morning newspaper delivered at six o'clock in the morning on the table? And her friend sent her back. It was past seven o'clock in the evening, and six police officers were there at the time. She had just returned home after you came in, so how do you put that morning paper?"

"Indeed, it was past seven o'clock when I came here, and the time for Mrs. Shibata's friend to send her back was also over seven o'clock, but, Henggou, you have to figure it out. 7:01 is over seven. , 7:59 is also past seven."


"It was around 7:20 when I got here, and there was a gap of more than 20 minutes from 7 o'clock to my arrival. Mrs. Shibata is likely to be back here at this time. The morning paper is on the table."

"Then that breakfast..."

"I think that should be Mrs. Shibata's supper for the husband who came back more than three in the middle of the night. After all, there is no breakfast written on the meal. If there is a morning paper next to it, I will subconsciously think it is breakfast. I I think Mrs. Shibata’s plan was like this. First, Mr. Shibata who came back at more than three o’clock was asked to take a bath, and then let him spend a little time, and then let him eat the prepared supper before five o’clock, and wait for him to eat half of it. At that time, call him to the corridor and kill him with a wooden knife."

"But what about that video tape? Isn't there a period drama that starts playing at 8 o'clock in the morning?"

"This is very simple. Just use the timer recording function of the video recorder. After killing her husband and setting up the video recorder, Mrs. Shibata went to golf as if she had an appointment with a friend, until the evening. Come back here after seven o'clock, take out the newspaper and put it on the table, and then call the police, so that the alibi can be completed."

"It turns out that, even if a forensic doctor comes to check, it will only think that the deceased was killed by someone visiting after eight o'clock."

"But when Mrs. Shibata came back, something unexpected happened."

"It turns out that Mr. Shibata who fell down in the corridor wanted to call the police, but he climbed into the living room, didn't he?" Henggou, I just realized now that you are actually quite smart.

"Yes, Mrs. Shibata panicked when she saw this situation, but at this moment, the phone rang suddenly."

"Is that call..." Yoshikawa pointed to himself.

"Yes, that's the call you said you wanted to come to the deceased to play mahjong. Mrs. Shibata thought after hearing the call that the morning paper was already on the dining table. Rather than calling the police now, it is better to let others find the body. The evidence at the scene will be more perfect. As for this period of time, I think Mrs. Shibata will hide behind the escape staircase door, so that we can see when Mr. Yoshikawa will come to look for the dead, but Ms. Jinghua and I are a bit early. ."

"But, Mr. Police, how do you explain that picture? Why is Shibata holding the picture of that woman in his hand?" Yoshikawa asked suspiciously, pointing to Hattori Jinghua.

"In that case, was it Mrs. Shibata to confuse her, to hide the same evidence that was very unfavorable to her?"


"Yes, Mr. Shibata did not die immediately after being hit by Mrs. Shibata, but struggled to crawl into the living room, but he also seemed to know that he had no life to call for help. Before he died, he left one. Evidence that his wife is the murderer, cross ditch, go and see what is strange about the deceased's left hand."

"Hi." At the police department level, Henggou Sensui, whose official position is even higher than Qiye's, has now become Qiye's subordinate, obediently checking the deceased's left hand.

"No blood on the tape?!"

"Yes, the entire hand of the deceased was stained with blood, but the tape on the fingers was clean, the horizontal groove. Now tear off the tape on the ring finger of the deceased's left hand to see if something is missing. ?"

"Yes." Henggou Shenwu Yiyan tore off the tape from the deceased's hand, "What about the wedding ring?"

"Haha, Henggou, now look at the heart of the deceased's right hand."

Henggou Sensi smashed the deceased's right hand and found that there was a circular mark in the palm of his hand, and that shape was exactly the shape of a ring.

"This trace is..."

"Yes, the evidence left by the deceased before his death was the wedding ring that proved the relationship between him and Mrs. Shibata. When Mrs. Shibata came to the living room, she found that the ring on the left hand of the deceased was missing. Later, she noticed that the ring was being held. In the right hand of the deceased, she immediately broke off the stiff hand of the deceased and took out the ring, but because the body was already stiff, although the ring was taken out, the shape of the fist with the right hand was obviously unreasonable, so she took the picture. Throw it into the hands of the dead."

"As long as you don't point the target at her, it doesn't matter what you hold."

"Yes, as for the ring, I think it should still be on Mrs. Shibata's body. The ring that reacts with luminol even if the blood is wiped off is also the absolute proof that you are the murderer."

Shibata Kyoko was trembling all over, and finally couldn't help but let go, a ring covered with blood fell out of her hand.

"Sure enough, you still can't do bad things." Shibata Kyoko smiled, seemingly free and easy, "but why the bad things my husband did with Mr. Yoshikawa are not exposed? Don't you think it's unfair?"

"What does it mean?"

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