Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Benged Chapter 607

"It's mahjong!" Shibata Kyoko suddenly yelled, and her expression became a bit sullen. "My husband and them are addicted to the mahjong table every day, and they bet a lot of money. Thanks to them, computers, and jewelry. , Cars, LDs, stereos were sold one by one! My husband said that the next thing he would sell was my golf equipment, and he also said that next time he would sell the gift my dad gave him when we got married. "

"Please follow us to the police station." Henggou Shenwu said in a deep voice.

"Okay." Shibata Kyoko nodded, "I will come out after changing my clothes."

"Gift?" Qiye frowned, and suddenly the corners of her mouth twitched, "It's not a knife, it's really troublesome!"


Nanaya kicked open the door of the room, Shibata Kyoko was holding a samurai sword in her hand.

"Don't come here!" Shibata Kyoko brandished a katana, and then put the knife on her neck, "I can't help it! Only by doing this can I stop my husband's evil deeds, it's useless, I killed someone! "

Hattori Jinghua looked calm, took out a fan from his belt, and walked towards Shibata Kyoko step by step.

"What are you going to do?! Don't come over! Didn't I tell you not to come over?!!!"

Facing Shibata Kyoko, who was wielding a katana frantically, Hattori Shizuka suddenly stretched out the fan, clamped the blade of the katana, and then put the blade away, the fan hit the back of Shibata Kyoko's hand accurately, and the knife suddenly fell. On the ground.

Qiye blew a whistle, this woman's level of kendo is not low, and her moves are not much worse than that of Tokushima Tsuiko, but if she really wants to fight, Hattori Jinghua still loses.

"Asshole! Do you still want to kill?!" Hattori Jinghua cursed with a cold face, "After killing your husband, do you still want to kill?!"

"Kill...I really want to commit suicide..."

"Idiot! Human life is not divided between you and me. Any life is precious and cannot be taken away easily! Any idiot who takes his life is considered a murderer! Even if he takes his own life. !!!"

This is so beautiful~~ Qiye squeezed her chin and smiled as she looked at Hattori Jinghua, who was all over her body. Would you like to give her two shocks now?Looks good...

Chapter 598-The Lieful Client!(Finish)

Qiye thought for a while and withdrew this idea, because, hehe...

After letting his subordinates take away the calm Shibata Kyoko, Henggou Shenwu walked to Qiye with a smile on his face, and said, "Six Dao Police Officer, thank you for your help this time."

Of course, Henggou was happy to enlightenment. In general homicide cases, the detection is fast in half a month. This time, the real culprit can be caught within two hours after the incident. Although it has nothing to do with him, Still too happy.

"I really hope you don't thank me." Qiye held her forehead and said: "If I encounter cases when I get married and honeymoon in the future, then I really have three blood rises so I can vomit. Then you will directly help me prepare the ashes. The box is ready."

"Hahahaha... the six police officers joked, if it's okay, I'll go back first."

"It's okay, please."

After Henggou left, Qiye buttoned her ears and said, "Are you not willing to come out? Hattori Heiji, when did the famous Kansai detective become an eavesdropper?"

A gloomy Hattori Heiji walked in from the door, but his complexion and complexion were so gloomy.

Qiye squeezed her chin and looked back and forth between Hattori Heiji and Hattori Jinghua. After staring for more than ten seconds, she said: "Hattori Heiji, I'm sure you must have picked it up from the trash can. "

Hattori Jinghua was as white as a European, Hattori Heiji was as black as an African, and most people couldn't see that they were actually mother and son.

"Oh, did you already know it?" Hattori Jinghua raised her eyebrows and looked at Qiye with a smile.

"Of course, the last time I went to see my uncle and auntie at Ye's house, my aunt showed me a bunch of messy photos, some of which were photos of you and auntie."

"A mess of photos..." Hattori Jinghua's mouth twitched.

Hearing Qiye mentioning Heye, Hattori Heiji's face was noticeably darker by two levels. He looked at his mother and said, "Obasan, why are you here?"

Hattori Shizuka and Hattori Heiji's mother-child relationship is very good, and she also knows the reason for Hattori Heiji's unhappy mood, so she didn't say anything, but slowly said the reason why she came to Nanya.

Similar to the original book, Hattori Jinghua is naturally very concerned about her son, because she was worried that her son was too young and was bullied by Qiye, so she ran to test him.

Qiye really doesn't know what to say about this, beauty, your son likes to go to death by himself, do I stop him?How he was not caused by me... Although the matter with Ye was indeed caused by me... (Speaking of which, my mother and I have a good relationship. My parents divorced when I was seven. With my mother, it’s been more than ten years since I've been relying on each other for more than ten years. Tsk, relying on each other for life, how miserable, but it’s hard to think about a bad relationship like this

It’s strange to say that Qiye’s relationship with Ye has already been completely exposed. Her son’s childhood sweetheart was taken away by other men, and Hattori Jinghua didn’t even mention He Ye’s affairs. What did Qi Ye think? I don't understand what Hattori Jinghua means, but forget it, I will ask her when I get her to bed later.

The case had been resolved, and the three of them left, but when they went downstairs, Qiye secretly turned on the switch.

Hattori Jinghua shook her body and reached out and grabbed the handrails of the stairs. Then she didn't fall directly down the stairs.

"Hey, what's the matter, Obasan?" Hattori Heiji asked. Although there are lights in the stairs, the light is darker than in the room, so Hattori Heiji did not see clearly the moving face of his mother who was walking in front. Extremely blush.

After going downstairs, Hattori Heiji said, "Go back by yourself, Obasan, I have something else."

Hattori Jinghua is now wishing to leave early alone, otherwise if her son finds out about her situation, she won't have to be a human being, so she quickly hired a taxi and went to Osaka.

After waiting for Hattori Jinghua to get in the car, Qiye turned off the switch. Nonsense, it would take an hour to drive from here to Osaka. If it was kept on, Hattori Jinghua would have fun with the taxi driver. What is it, Qiye is not making wedding clothes for others, he will not do such stupid things.

Qiye's goal is to train Hattori Jinghua into a dignified and noble woman in the upper body, and a slut in the lower body.

After the car drove away, Qiye sat on her Lamborghini's wide hood, with her hands on her chest, and looked at Hattori Heiji with a sneer, and said, "Just talk about it. My car does not carry a man."

Hattori Heiji looked at Qiye angrily, and said, "What are you going to do to let Kazuya go!"

Nanaya knew that he was talking about this, with Hattori Heiji, Kudo Shinichi, and Kuroba Kaido, other than their childhood sweethearts, Nanaya had nothing to talk about with them.

Qiya held her arms and looked at Hattori Heiji with a joking expression, and said, "Did you not make it clear enough with Ye at the school festival? I need to repeat it again? Hattori Heiji, let me tell you, Toyama and Ye, I can only be my woman in this life, and I will never escape."

"You sweet beast! Isn't this too shameless to girls?!!!"

"What do you want to do with something like shame? It's worthless." Qiye shrugged and said casually. He doesn't need that kind of thing at all. As long as he is happy, it's fine, why bother to be confined to that kind of boring thing. .

"You scumbag!" Hattori Heiji yelled angrily, slamming a fist towards Qiye's face.

Qiye pulled out her pistol in an instant, pointed at Hattori Heiji, and said, "Why, Hattori Heiji, do you want to fight? I don't think you can punch faster than I draw a gun."

Hattori Heiji was extremely unwilling, but facing Nanya's gun, he could only put down his fist.

Qiye took out a small towel, wiped the eggplant with the love gun in her hand, and said, "Hattori Heiji, don't be too self-righteous. You make yourself like a savior. You are just a selfish kid!"

"what did you say?!"

"Isn't it?" Qiye still looked casual, put the gun back in his gun pocket, leaned against the Lamborghini, and said, "Hey, I can hardly count how many my girlfriends are. You only asked me to let go of Heye, what's the matter, didn't the great savior also rescue other girls from my demon by the way? Such as Kongzi, Xiaolan, Yuanzi? What's wrong, the savior shouldn't save the world Why? Why did you only notice He Ye?"

These words Nanya also said to Kudo Shinichi. When Kudo Shinichi asked Nanya to leave Xiaolan, he also didn't think about other girls. How can anyone really be selfless, come less, and the seven deadly sins for everyone They all have them on their bodies, but they have strengths and weaknesses. Under certain conditions, the evil side of each will be revealed. Even Kakarot's kind of people who can use vitality bullets and have no impurities in their hearts will also have anger. Existence, anger is also one of the seven deadly sins.

No intelligent life can be without evil thoughts.

Hattori Heiji's face was blue and red, and his mouth opened, but he was like Kudo Shinichi before, and he couldn't say anything to refute.

Qiye’s fingers tapped on the hood rhythmically, and smiled evilly: "Hattori Heiji, to be honest, you bother me again and again. I really want to kill you with a single shot. If it wasn’t for Heye’s In terms of, it should be because of He Ye's little mouth. That time it was really...hehehehe..."

"What did you do to Heye?!" Hattori Heiji's dark but handsome face looked at Qiye with a grimace.

"It's nothing, just let He Ye give me a bite. It feels pretty good." Qiye shrugged and talked nonsense. He and He Ye hadn't done anything like this before, she just wanted to get sick. Hattori Heiji is only, but then again, you can try it when you go back.

"Damn it! You scumbag!!"

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