Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 637

"Lan, knock him out and tie him up first."

"Oh, okay." Xiaolan responded immediately, and then slashed Guise's neck with a hand knife. Anyway, it was not a murder.

Before Keith had time to explain anything, there was a pain in his neck and the darkness in front of him, and he fainted.

So, if you don't have the strength, don't pretend to be forceful. Those who can pretend to be forceful are either powerful or brain-disabled.

Guise dared to drug Xiaolan’s coffee and kidnap her. Although there was no malice, his purpose and his heartfelt feelings for Vespania were understandable, but understanding did not mean forgiveness. He thought he could use the international The relationship was suppressed, but I did not expect that there are some people that the whole world cannot afford to provoke. In comparison, the pressure of the country that Guise relies on is too weak, and he can only become a brain-dead pretender. Just forcing the goods.

Xiaolan is kind-hearted and willing to stay in place of Mira. Qiye has nothing to say. After all, Mira’s experience is also very sympathetic, but some people use Xiaolan’s kindness and trust to deceive her, which Qiye will never allow. It is conceivable, how angry Qiye will be after knowing this.

Guise probably wouldn't think of it. The decision he took for granted will bring him and his family a disaster in the near future.

After Xiaolan knocked Guice into a faint, Belmode walked over and checked the condition of Xiaolan's body carefully, and found that she was not injured, so he could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. Si's hands and feet were tied to death.

"Sister Belmode, are you injured?!" After tying up Guice, Xiaolan noticed what was happening on Belmode and suddenly screamed in worry.

"Nothing, just a small injury." Belmode smiled casually, as if she was just bitten by a mosquito, but just like her, Xiao Lan couldn't believe that she was okay.

Originally, Belmode suffered some skin injuries when he jumped onto the landing gear in order to catch up with the plane. Later, because he was worried about Xiaolan, he killed him with a gun, although the so-called royal bodyguards were all below the horizontal line. , But many ants also killed elephants, not to mention that the space in the plane is not as empty as on land. Although Belmode is powerful and the firepower on his body is also very fierce, he is still hit by bullets, and it is all. None of the bullets directly penetrated Belmode's body, and there were a lot of gunshot wounds, but they were not fatal in a short time.

"I will treat you first."

Without saying a word, Xiaolan directly pulled Belmode and sat on the sofa. Water vapor appeared on his hand, with a pale green light, attached to the gunshot wound on Belmode's arm.

The wounds on Belmode's body weren't serious, but because of anxious rushing in, the blood flow speeded up, the blood loss was not small, and the muscle tissue in the cracked wound became white because of blood loss.

Xiaolan was worried and guilty, and quickly used medical ninjutsu to help Belmod heal.

The practice of medical ninjutsu is very cumbersome and complicated. Xiaolan is still in school. Of course, she doesn’t have the time to spend too much energy on this cumbersome medical ninjutsu. So Xiaolan’s level is that she can treat simple injuries and tendons. There is no way for Xiaolan like bone and internal bleeding.

But fortunately, the injuries on Belmode were not too serious, and they could be handled at Xiaolan's level. Under the warm light, the scars on Belmode healed little by little.

"Huh~~" Xiaolan wiped the sweat from her head. Although Belmode's injury was not serious, it was a lot. Xiaolan's pressure was quite heavy, and Chakra was about to bottom out.

Xiaolan's face was a bit messy at this time, sweat, and Belmod's blood that was brought to her face when she wiped the sweat, made her look quite embarrassed, but the expression on her face was extremely firm.

Because of the blood loss, Belmode's consciousness began to blur. In a trance, Belmode's consciousness seemed to return to the rainy night in New York when he first met Xiaolan.

"Aren't you afraid of me?" Belmode whispered softly, and couldn't tell whether it was a question or a dream.

"Huh?" Xiao Lan raised her head, looked at Belmode in confusion, tilted her head, and said blankly: "Why are you afraid of you?"

"I'm a killer... I killed so many people just now..."

"But, sister Belmode did it to protect me, and it was because of me that was injured." Xiaolan lowered her head, although most of Belmode's wounds have healed, but the blood stains on her body It still made her look very embarrassed, and Xiaolan knew that Belmode was injured just to save her.

"Hehe..." Belmode smiled, it seemed that he was happy because of Xiaolan's words, Belmode smiled softly, then stretched out his hand, wiped the tears from the corner of Xiaolan's eyes, and then reached out to touch her Hair, said: "Lan, you are really my angel..."

After saying this, Belmode closed his eyes, peacefully...just fell asleep...

Why does it feel like there are some lilies?


The secret stronghold of Lupin III...

The world's No. 1 thief bone, Lupin III, wears a magnifying glass in his left eye, holding a screwdriver in his hand and putting the last screw on a strange metal ball.

"Okay, it's done!" Lupin installed the screws, took the rough-worked ball and kissed it hard.

"Lupin, open the door." When Lupin was finished, Feng Fujiko's seductive voice came from outside the door of his stronghold.

"No...Fujiko?!" Lupin III became excited when he heard Feng Fujiko's voice, and ran to open the door, "Come on, Miss Fujiko!"


When Lupin was about to open the door, with a loud noise, Lupin III flew out with the doorman. The doorman slapped Lupin on the wall like a fly, leaving only his hands and feet outside, and jumped. Twitching with a jump, Qiye was outside the door, keeping her foot raised.

"I just said it's faster to knock on the door like this."

"Knock at the door?" When a certain princess saw this scene for the first time, the corners of her mouth twitched unconsciously, while Feng Fujiko giggled.

"Hey, Lupin, don't pretend to be dead." Qiye walked in unceremoniously, then sat on the table, picked up the ball that Lupin had just made, and said, "What did you do? Something out?"

Lupin immediately jumped down, with a hippy smile on his face, and said: "This is the ultimate stealth ball I made. As long as you turn it on, you can block any signal in 30 minutes."

"A boring thing." Qiye threw the ultimate stealth ball to Lupin. In fact, this thing is an extremely important treasure for a thief and a killer. Because all signals are shielded, it can be protected by heat induction. The net and infrared protection net enter the enemy's interior, but it is useless for Qiye. The space barrier can achieve a more perfect effect.

"Hey, be careful!" Lupin III cried out strangely, and finally caught the invisible ball. He still used the Vespagna ore to make this thing. The ore has been used up. , If this is broken, Lupin III will have to go to the mine again, although it is not impossible, but it is troublesome.

"Hey, Lupin, I will borrow your house temporarily. You can go to sleep in the street today."

"Hey, aren't you so cruel?! Hey!"

Lupin kept yelling, and his body instantly vacated because he was picked up by Qiye and was thrown outside. Having the opposite sex and being innocent has always been Qiye's rule. There is a big beauty and a little beauty here, he can Don't want to see a monkey face.

"Bye bye, Lupin."

Qiye said with a smile, then threw Lupin straight out of the window...

"Bastard... Damn! Pop!"

Lupin III went to sleep in the street...

After taking a shower, Mila put on a bathrobe and came out of the bathroom. She looked at the guy who was sitting on the sofa with a smile on his face. Mila didn't know why she was a little annoyed and said in a bad tone:

"Hey, bastard, where do I sleep tonight?"

Chapter 624-Princess Mira and Princess Lan!(8)

The temporary stronghold of Lupin III was originally owned by him alone, and there was only one bedroom. Now it has suddenly become three people. The allocation of bedrooms is a problem.

Generally speaking, it is of course that the two women, Fujiko and Mira, sleep in the bedroom, and Qiye goes to sleep on the sofa or hit the floor, but this is also the general situation. Qiye is not such a gentleman, but he is very "gentleman." "That's it.

"Of course I and Fujiko slept in the bedroom, and you slept on the sofa." After listening to Mira, Qiye turned to look at her and said naturally, and then added, "Otherwise, what else do you want?"

Feng Fujiko raised her forehead, and she knew it would be like this.

Mila resisted the urge to slap him in the past, gritted her teeth and said: "You bastard, don't you know if Qian gives me a bit?! I'm a girl!"

Qiye shrugged and said facelessly, "Then you don't know if Qian makes me a little bit? You are a princess, I'm just a little policeman."

Mira suddenly became angry, this bastard!Actually even asked a girl to make him?!

"Ah~~" Feng Fujiko yawned lazily, stretched his waist, the perfect figure made Qiye's eyes straighten.

Qiye's appearance of Brother Pig didn't make Feng Fujiko angry, but Mira looked very angry, as if Qiye was staring at her.

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