Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from Bengbao Chapter 638

"Gluck, you two will make a noise slowly, I'll go to sleep first." Feng Fujiko gave Qiye a wink, then turned around, Lianbu moved lightly, and walked into the bedroom.

Qiye looked at Feng Fujiko’s back, her eyes brightened. This woman had just finished taking a bath, and she was surrounded by a white bath towel. The bath towel seemed a little smaller, and could barely cover Feng Fujiko’s body. On the upper edge of the chest, the sexy collarbone is still exposed, and half of the buttocks are covered underneath, but Feng Fujiko's 88.8 plump buttocks, even if half covered, are still very attractive.

"Hey, bastard, have you seen enough?!" Mira looked at Qiye's face like Brother Pig and couldn't help pouting.

Qiye turned her head and looked at Mila. This little princess who looked exactly like Xiaolan had a cute expression of anger and stubbornness that Xiaolan could never appear on her face. She couldn't help but be taken aback.

Seeing Qiye staring at her without blinking, her heart could not help but quickly beat. Her cheeks that had been flushed from the bath became even more red, and she turned her head away uncomfortably.

Although Mila is a princess of a country, she is only a little girl loved by her mother and brother. Mila has been in contact with the opposite sex since she was a child. There are only three people who have come into contact with the opposite sex. There is the face of a dead man, and Earl Guise, who will soon become a dead man.

Jill is her brother, Gillard is her uncle, and Guise, although he is a Duke, he is also Mira’s servant by all accounts. Mira doesn’t have any special feelings for the three of them, but Qiye is The first opposite sex Mira really knew.

"Hey! Have you seen enough?!" Mila was staring more and more panicked by Qiye's straight eyes, her face getting redder and embarrassment in her heart. If something embarrassing happened before, mother and brother It will definitely help her solve it, but now it's no longer possible. Mira finally couldn't help feeling the strange feeling in her heart, and shouted at Qiye in anger.

Qiye hooked the corner of her mouth, glanced at Mira's chest, and said pretendingly, "Cut, it's just the airport, what's so good about it."

In fact, Mila's figure is not bad, after all, she is a princess, plus she is a nineteen-year-old girl, the size of her breasts is still good.

"Asshole! What are you talking about?!!!" Milla yelled, her face becoming more delicate red.

Qiye curled her lips, women are definitely the most troublesome creatures in the world. You said that when you walked down the street and saw a beautiful woman, you said she had big breasts, then she called you a gangster and molested her. She definitely said, where is my old mother's chest smaller?!

Dear female compatriots, what are you trying to make?

"Cut." Qiye smiled in her heart, but she still looked disdainful, got up from the sofa, and walked towards the bedroom.

"Hey, what are you doing?!"

"It's so late, of course it's going to bed, little princess." Qiye looked at Mila helplessly, what else could she do without sleeping this night?"It seems that a big chest and no brain may not be true. Your IQ is as poor as your chest."

"Asshole, where do I sleep?!" Mila looked at Qiye furiously, this big bad guy, wouldn't she really plan to let her be a girl on the sofa.

"Of course it's sleeping on the sofa, otherwise where do you want to sleep?" Qiye looked at Mira with an idiot look, and then the expression on her face became evil again, saying: "If you beg me, I I can give you a third of the bed."

"Asshole!" Mila snorted, a pair of crab claws grabbed Qiye's neck directly and shook it vigorously.

It's mad, it's really mad. Mila has been doted and hurt by people since childhood. When has been this kind of anger, it is obviously taking advantage of others, and it is like he has suffered a lot from it. Suddenly he was so angry.

But Mila, who was anxious, had obviously forgotten a little. The Xiaolan school uniform she was wearing before had been thrown into the washing machine, and she was surrounded by a bath towel. If it was a bathrobe, it would be better, and the bath towel was wider. It was loose yet not strong, Mila made a big move, and the towel on her body slipped off instantly.

Qiye was pinched by Mila's neck, but there was not the slightest breathlessness. A pair of scarlet eyes looked straight down and landed on the two pink dots on Mila's chest.

Mila, whose brain was occupied by anger, obviously didn’t notice what was happening on her body. Her hands were still pinching Qiye’s neck, shaking constantly, and her body swayed with her own movements, and her lovely chest was also rippling. stand up.

Qiye secretly swallowed her saliva, stretched out her hand, and grabbed the white and tender little rabbit directly.

Mila's movements were instantly stiff, and she stared at the golden-haired man in front of her, her mouth opened, she was about to scream, her body was instantly out of her control.

Qiye squeezed Mila's chest with one hand, put the other on her back, and brought the little princess into her arms, bowed her head and kissed her little mouth.

Mila's whole body was stiff, her big eyes looked at the man in front of him who suddenly kissed her in shock, and she felt that only his red eyes were left in her world.

First kiss... no more...

Before Qiye waited for the little princess to react, she immediately pried open her teeth and began to attack the city skillfully.

Mila is a well-protected little girl who has no social experience and has experience in dealing with emergencies. At this time, she is even more shy and afraid. She can't do anything timid and can't resist, she closes nervously. When I closed my eyes, I had just finished taking a shower, and my long, watery eyelashes were shaking gently.

Mila's timidity and weakness gave Qiye a chance to gain an inch, sat on the sofa, unceremoniously taking possession of the princess's body.

Mila's chest was kneaded and deformed in Qiye's hands, leaving paw prints on her delicate white body.Lips left Mila's small mouth, kissed to the cheeks, earlobes, and down the thin white neck, kissed to Mila's collarbone, leaving a lovely strawberry on the snow-white skin.

"Don't... don't..." Mira's eyes were full of water, and she looked at Qiye shyly, and her heart was extremely nervous and afraid, but isn't her delicate whisper tempting to commit crime?

"Please." Qiyexie said with a smile.

"Please, don't let it go, okay?" Mila couldn't pretend to be strong now, the fear in her heart shattered her mask, and she said weakly.

"Of course it's not good." Qiye said naturally, and then started plundering Mira's body again, greedily kneading the lovely softness, opened her mouth, and immediately held one.

"Don't..." Mira let out a faint groan, but she couldn't hear any rejection in her tone. Instead, it seemed to make a man's impulsive desire to refuse and welcome.

The night was as cool as water, but Mila couldn't feel the slightest chill. Instead, she felt hot and terribly hot, as if she was about to burn her completely. This feeling made Mila very scared.

Soon, Mila's body shuddered like a sieve, and she squatted on Qiye's body with a sweet sound. In her eyes, hot tears slid down her blushing cheeks and dripped on Qiye's face. on.

Mira's tears were so hot that Qiye almost burned Qiye. Seeing the princess's fragile appearance, the desire in Qiye's heart also cooled down.

"What's the matter?" Qiye asked in a low voice, frowning slightly, as if a little irritable.

Mila hates herself very much now. She doesn't know why she is so weak. She obviously hates him, and she hates this big bastard very much, but her body can't resist any violation of him. Mila feels like she It's a bad girl.

"Am I broken..."

Seven nights heard Mila’s words, and immediately became happy. Mila has lived in the Vespagna palace since childhood, and has never been exposed to the outside world. Vespania is not Japan, and her sex is more open than Japan. It was a hundred and eight thousand miles away, and the sex knowledge of a little princess like Mila was really lacking. After being provoked by Qiye to bliss, she suddenly thought about it.

Qiye, who was feeling up again, smiled, picked up the delicate body of the little princess, embraced the authentic princess, and walked towards the bedroom.

"what are you going to do……"

Chapter 625-Princess Mira and Princess Lan!(9)

Qiye looked down at this cowardly princess like a little white rabbit, feeling very proud, hehe, I am a badass, I am a badass, I am a badass~~~

"What else, sleep." Qiye said with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

Mila's face flushed with shame, and she started to think about it, this bad guy wouldn't really want to give me... to... that?But... Mira, who was in confusion, completely ignored that there seemed to be a woman named Feng Fujiko in the bedroom.

Feng Fujiko, who was lying on the bed, saw Qiye walking in with Mira, who was naked in his arms, and couldn't help blowing a whistle. His eyes were slightly surprised. This is going too fast.

Qiye put Mila on the bed, and a shy and panicked princess got into the bed with a chuckle, her whole body curled up in the bed and did not dare to come out to see anyone.

"Oh~~" Feng Fujiko joked, looked at the bulging ball on the side, then looked straight at Qiye, and said: "It's amazing, so soon we can make our little princess fall in love with you. , It really is Qiye."

Qiye touched her nose and said with a smile: "So so so..."

Naturally, a quilt couldn't prevent the dialogue between Feng Fujiko and Qiye from reaching Mira's ears. The princess with a streak reacted by lifting the quilt and shouting.

"I won't like this bastard!"


After two minutes, Feng Fujiko stabbed Mira with his arm and said, "You're all gone..."

"Ah!!!" Mila screamed, and hid herself under the covers, her face was even more embarrassed like a red cloth, she didn't dare to see anyone.

Mine Fujiko giggled, and then, a beautiful foot stretched out from under the quilt and rubbed against Qiye’s face. Mine Fujiko’s feet are beautiful. Generally, as long as they are slightly thinner, the blue veins on the feet will be very obvious. It's the green veins of the old tree, how terrifying does it look?

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