Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from Bengbao Chapter 639

On the other hand, Mine Fujiko’s feet are fleshy, and there are no traces of blue veins, but her feet are absolutely not fat, but they are very soft, and they are also scary. A little foot rubs against Qiye’s face, which is more than a jade hand strap. The feeling of coming is still ecstasy.(In this special episode, Fujiko's feet are flexible enough to pull Lupin III's mouth... It must be very cool to use this foot to make a'harmonious' friendship. It reminds me of Wen Yating... I don’t understand. Ask Du Niang...but it looks like Du Niang has resigned)

And just when Qiye wanted to hold this little foot in his hand and play with it, Feng Fujiko suddenly retracted her foot again. Looking at Qiye's pitying expression, Feng Fujiko giggled and glanced at Qiye without a trace. Under the bulging tent, he said, "How about it, dear Qiyesan, do you want to stay and sleep with us today?"


Mila's dull voice came from the quilt, but this time she learned to behave and didn't lift the quilt again, otherwise she was not embarrassed by herself?

"This idea is really tempting..." Qiye smiled evilly, but looked at Feng Fujiko who was smiling on the bed, waved his hand, and said, "Forget it, who knows you are hiding in the bed? Something."

Feng Fujiko is a very powerful woman. If she doesn't want to, any man shouldn't touch her. Maybe Qiye jumped into bed and was knocked off by a glove that didn't know where she came from.

"Uuuuu...I was kind enough to keep you down, and you actually said that to me. I'm so sad." Feng Fujiko took the quilt and wiped the non-existent tears in the corner of his eyes.

Qiye’s mouth twitches, it’s weird to believe you. Mimefujiko is a genius liar. Interpersonal communication and making up lies are definitely her talent. If a woman like her is put in a world war, she might become the second river. Yoshiko Island.

Seeing where Feng Fujiko was acting, Qiye became very playful, walked over, stretched out her hand to pinch Feng Fujiko's chin, and then lowered her head to kiss.

Feng Fujiko was stunned for a moment, and a flash of shyness flashed in his eyes, but he also instantly suppressed his true feelings, wrapped his arms around Qiye's neck, and responded eagerly.

Mine Fujiko is indeed a seductive goblin, knows how to tease a man very well, throws himself into it, and fully enjoys the happiness between Nanya's chasing game.

On the other side, Mira, who was completely buried in the quilt, listened to them not moving for a long time, and couldn't help but feel a little puzzled. People's curiosity is huge, especially for women. Under the curiosity in their hearts, Mira couldn't help but lift secretly. I opened a corner of the quilt and peeked out, but this look... it's better not to look.

What Mira saw was the scene of Qiye and Fujiko Minami's passionate kiss, and her heart immediately became so acidic, a wave of anger and sourness rushed to her brain, she covered the quilt, her feet kept kicking the poor quilt, and her white teeth He began to bite, almost tearing the poor quilt to pieces.

Mira was so loud that Qiye and Feng Fujiko naturally noticed. Feng Fujiko pushed Qiye away and made a slap on the other side of the bed. The meaning was self-evident.

Qiye touched her nose, walked around to the other side of the bed, knelt beside the bed, stretched out her hand to lift the quilt, and saw Mila's big red eyes.

"Hey, my little princess, why are you crying again?" Qiye smiled slightly, with an expression on his face that was half-hearted and affectionate, but without a trace of joking, she reached out and wiped the tears on Mila's face.

Mila felt wronged in her heart. In a short time, she was already crying twice by this man, and her heart was naturally even more uncomfortable. Seeing Qiye's hand stretched out, her heart was cruel, and she grabbed Qiye's hand with both hands, and bit her with one bite. Go up.

Qiye knelt on the head of the bed, resting her cheek in one hand, and watching Mila's behavior tenderly. It didn't hurt because it was unnecessary.

Mira was biting Qiye’s hand while shaking her head, as if she wanted to tear the wound on his hand a little bit more, until she tasted the salty and warm liquid on the tip of her tongue, Mira seemed to lose her strength. Lie down.

Qiye's big hands with distinct knuckles and very generous, now have a hideous wound, like a centipede entwined in his hand, and like a big mouth, swallowing red liquid.

At that close distance, Mira clearly saw a touch of white in the red, bone?This bite is not light.

Well, this was purely intentional. If he thought, even if his head was screwed off, he wouldn't shed a drop of blood. Of course, he could shed a sea of ​​blood as long as he wanted to rub a little skin on his little finger.

Mila calmed down, looking at the terrifying wound on Qiye's hand, she took a breath, and then she felt distressed. Just as she was about to say something, he kissed her lips again.

After being kissed again, he looked at his beautiful scarlet eyes. The blood-red eyes were tender and affectionate, but did not blame her, biting himself bloody.

After a long kiss, Qiye squeezed Mila's face and said, "This is a good night kiss. Sleep well, my little princess."

"Yeah." Mila nodded in a daze. Qiye couldn't help but pinch her again with that cute look, and then walked out of the bedroom whistling.

Feng Fujiko looked at her side staring at the ceiling in a daze with a twitching face, and occasionally showed a silly princess. He couldn't help poking her in the face with his hand. After several times, Mira could be considered as a reaction.

"What are you doing, Sister Long Legs?"

"My dear little princess, it's time for us to sleep. If you think about your Qiye, please think of him in your dreams. I'm scared when you keep laughing like this."

"What are you talking about, Sister Long-legged, I didn't think about that bad guy!" Mila's face rose up with blush, and she defended her dubiously.

"Hey, it's wrong for a child to lie." Feng Fujiko scraped Mila's little nose fondly, and moved closer to Mila's ear. I didn't know what was said, Mila's face turned red. , Fujiko and Feng started arguing. The two women said they were going to bed, but in fact, it was midnight, and they went to sleep slowly after speaking some whispers.


When I woke up the next day, Mira's eyes seemed to dodge Qiye. The reason, of course, was the gauze that Qiye deliberately wrapped around her hands... People can't be so bad!

After eating breakfast in a strange atmosphere, Mira ran into the bathroom to change clothes, and Qiye, who was sitting in the living room watching TV, suddenly changed her face because he felt Belmode's vitality suddenly decreased.

As the age gets older, the vitality of normal life decreases every day, but some things will greatly reduce the vitality. To put it bluntly, it means life loss, such as injury, illness, drug use, these things will be greatly overdrawn vitality.

"Fujiko, something happened to Belmode, I'll check it out!" He disappeared for a moment.

When Feng Fujiko had just reacted, there was no sign of Qiye, and he could only shook his head helplessly. At this moment, Mira got dressed and walked out, without seeing Qiye, he couldn't help but said in doubt: "Long-legged sister, that bastard What?"

"He went to find his girlfriend."

Mila's small mouth suddenly rose higher than the sky...

Chapter 626-Princess Mira and Princess Lan!(10)

It’s okay for Qiye not to worry. With Belmode’s strength, even if he meets Akai Shuichi, it’s enough to escape without getting hurt too much. Unless she can’t run, with Belmode’s character, she can’t run unless she is Something happened to Xiaolan.

Qiye instantly moved to the royal flight of the Vespagna Royal Kingdom, and saw Xiaolan with blood traces on his face and Belmode sleeping on the sofa.


"Seven nights!"

Xiaolan saw the sudden appearance of Qiye, her first reaction was to immediately jump into Qiye’s arms, and somehow she was kidnapped by drugs. Others made her whole body hurt in order to save herself. Normal girls would feel that this kind of thing happened. Frightened and overwhelmed, when she saw Qiye, the anxiety and panic in Xiaolan's heart immediately found a catharsis.

Qiye gently stroked Xiaolan's back, comforting the girl, and at the same time stretched out a hand to point out a trace of Chakra to Belmode's body. Belmode, who was about to open his eyes when he heard Qiye's voice, suddenly fell asleep again. past.

Xiaolan's emotions in Qiye's arms soon calmed down, and she took Qiye's hand and said anxiously: "Qiyae, hurry up and look at sister Belmode!"

Although Xiaolan had already done emergency treatment for Belmode, she also knew that her level was not very good. If something happened to Belmode, Xiaolan's character would have to blame herself for a lifetime.

Qiye nodded, and temporarily put aside the idea of ​​clarifying the matter, and sat on the sofa to check Belmode's physical condition. After the examination, Qiye breathed a sigh of relief.

Belmode’s injury is not serious. It did not break the bones or broke the large blood vessels or penetrated the internal organs. The most important thing is that he lost a lot of blood. Although Belmode is still beautiful, but Not young anymore, after all, she is a fifty-year-old woman, and losing so much blood at once is really not a small problem.

Qiye took out a pill from his pocket and stuffed it into Belmode's mouth, then used Chakra to help her swallow it, and then put his hand on Belmode's body, inputting vitality.

That pill is an instant blood-producing pill, which can replenish half of the human body's blood volume within 30 seconds, but one such pill will reduce your life by five years. It can be said that it will overdraw your future life, so Qiye must give it Belmode added some vitality.

The medicinal effect of the Shengxue Pill quickly spread to Belmode's body, and with the fullness of vitality, Belmode's pale complexion due to blood loss gradually became rosy.

"Qiyae, how is it going, sister Belmode?" When Qiye got up, Xiaolan asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, it's okay." Qiye said with a smile, and his words made Xiaolan relieved.

Qiye sat on the sofa on the other side with her arms around Xiaolan, stroked Xiaolan's long hair, and asked softly: "Lan, what's the matter, why are you on this plane, Belmode again How could it be hurt?"

Xiaolan sat on Qiye's body and didn't feel any awkwardness. Instead, she gently leaned her head on Qiye's body and said, "This is how things are..."

Xiaolan said what happened one by one. In the middle, when she was stunned by the drug and Belmode rushed in with wounds, her tone was full of anger. After all, anyone encountered this kind of thing. You will feel angry. Like in the original book, Xiao Lan can forgive him after listening to Guice’s explanation. That is to say, a girl like Xiao Lan can do it. If it’s someone else, he won’t forgive Guice after listening. It is also very reasonable to hate him with anger.

"Hehe, that's how it is." Qiye smiled slightly. Although he restrained his killing intent very well, Xiao Lan could still see his indifference in his red eyes.

Since those who dare to move him, how about not paying some price?Xiaolan's kindness was used, and Belmode suffered such a serious injury. This is not a sin that can be forgiven.

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