Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 641

"I hate it, have a cold? Don't catch it." Feng Fujiko said with a look of disgust.

Lupin blew his nose and said: "I'm so sorry to say, who do you think I spent the night in the park?" Lupin III looked sad, thinking that he was a world-class robber who stole the mountain of light. Lupin III, actually fell to sleep in the park...uuuuuu...

"Hate, he is despising you." Feng Fujiko immediately leaned into Mira's ear and said.

"It's terrible!" Mira immediately united the front with Feng Fujiko, and the relationship between the two women has improved a lot, just like Xiaolan and Belmode.

"That's not right," Lupin yelled, curled up in his little driver's seat.

"Speaking of which, Lupin, can't this car drive faster?"

"It's already full speed."

"What about the usual car?"

"Car...oooooo..." Lupin's face was immediately covered with two thick noodles tears, thinking of the scene that night when two missiles made his two cars die, "both cars are all Sacrifice..." Lupin immediately shut up when he said that, after all, that night was the night when he stole Vespagna ore, and there was a Vespagna princess in the car.

Mila, who had been staring out the window, suddenly turned her head and said, "Hey, Uncle Monkey, I'm thirsty. Go buy me a Coke!"

"Good." Lupin said with a smile, but in his heart...Uncle Monkey?Forget it, don't care about you little girl.

"Lupin, I want iced coffee."


"An answer is enough."

"This guy……"


"Really, both are princesses..." Lupin complained while standing in front of a vending machine and stuffed two coins, "Coke first, what? Hey, Coke! Why can't it come out, Coke, This guy doesn't even refund me the money, what is he thinking?!,"

Lupin looked mad, but is it necessary for you?If you want money, you can just steal all the treasures of the world.

"Since you want to do that, look at me, one of the secret meridian acupoints, the acupuncture point for'not vomiting, not happier'!"


Lupin hit the vending machine with a punch, and the vending machine immediately looked like he had been drunk last night, and the change and drinks were thrown out in piles.

"Really, you don't need to give a tip." Lupin was holding piles of drinks on the ground with excitement.

"Uncle, you can't steal things." Conan, who appeared like a ghost, said with his eyes closed.

Conan originally came out with Dimension Daisuke to find out if there was anything wrong with the country, but halfway through the way, he ran into a bar that was open. The alcoholic Dimension Daisuke immediately left Conan and threw himself into the arms of fine wine, and Conan came here to meet him. Got Lupin.

"That's not funny, kid." Lupin turned his head and gave Conan a sideways look, and said, "I put the money in."

"Put a jar of money."

"It doesn't matter, these are all the vending machines invited me."

"Is it really a bad person? But Uncle doesn't look like a bad person."

"Be careful, uncle may be an evil thief." Lupin turned his head and deliberately put on a horrible expression in clothes, but with his monkey face, it looks a little funny.

"Really? So Uncle stepped on the holster on his chest and stuffed a pistol." Conan said with a smile, obviously this idiot's old problem has committed again.

Lupin stared, do you need it?I’ve got a lot of pain lately, so come to play with the kids?

"Because the left shoulder sank slightly, so I think it should be."

Conan once again showed his idiot. If a normal person finds that there is a person next to him with a pistol, if it is in a crowded place, the basic reaction is to yell, and in a place with few people, he will respond normally and find a chance to slip away. , How can it be said directly like him.

Of course, fortunately, people like Conan can only appear in the second dimension. If this kind of guy is put in reality, he is definitely a male version of Sister Feng, and he can be taken to the Chinese Academy of Sciences for sliced ​​research. Scientists should be very good. How can such an exaggerated ancestral phenomenon appear in the world of interest?

Lupin put his hand in his arms, and then instantly took out

"Come on, eggplant!" Lupin looked at Conan with a surprised look, and then pressed the camera button, "It's a pity, it's just a camera."

"Sorry, I really thought it was a bad guy." Conan touched the back of his head and said embarrassedly.

"Hey, Lupin, you are really boring, playing this kind of naive game with children here." Before Lupin spoke, he heard a joking voice coming over. This voice is familiar to both Lupin and Conan. , It is Qiye boss himself.

Qiye walked over with Belmod's waist, looked at Conan and Lupin, and said, "Hey, Lupin, is it boring? Actually playing games with this kid here, where are Fujiko and that little princess?"

"Nah, is Qiye thinking about me? I'm so touched." Feng Fujiko's voice appeared at the intersection, and this enchanting and sexy woman walked over on a catwalk.

Mira naturally followed Feng Fujiko. Seeing Qiye obviously made her very happy, but seeing the woman with Qiye hugging her, Mira suddenly became unhappy, and her eyes were full of hostility when she looked at Belmode.

Belmode is a witch with a thousand faces, where is a woman who is so easy to admit defeat, not to mention that the opponent is still a little girl with no hair, although she looks the same as Lan, but she is not Lan, so Belmode is also Not relenting, he immediately glared back, leaning on Qiye's body even more, with a provocative magical smile on his face.

The corners of Qiye's mouth twitched, thinking that she still couldn't let the two women pinch up at this time, blocked a cough, and said, "Belmod, you send Mira back to the palace first."

Although knowing that the two of them might fight together, Qiye didn’t want them to stay here. After all, he was going to tidy up Conan’s shoes later. Mila didn’t know everything about him, so those things were still It's better not to let him see it. As for Belmode, Qiye knew that even if he killed Conan Belmode there was nothing he could do, but in the bottom of his heart he still didn't want her to be difficult, so he took the opportunity to support her.

Belmode, a smart woman who naturally understood Qiye’s thoughts, couldn’t help but glanced at him with a smile, and then involuntarily took Mila’s hand and said, “Little princess, let’s go back to the palace, Lan but I have been waiting for you for a long time."

"Hey! Slow down, you woman!" Mila was held by Bel Modra and almost fell, but the strength of a little girl like her is as strong as Bel Mod, a super killer, and she can only be pulled towards it. Go to the palace.

After Belmode and Mira disappeared at the end of the street, Qiye slowly turned his head and looked at Conan with an angry face. The corner of his mouth hooked and said, "Hey, Conan's shoes, not for a while, your IQ is lower. what."

Chapter 628-Princess Mira and Princess Lan!(12)

"what did you say?!"

Qiye ignored Conan's anger, buttoned his ears, and said, "Hey, isn't it? Just what you said just now, this monkey doesn't care about you, what if you encounter a vicious person like gin wine? If I don’t kill you or my head, I’ll play for you."

I have to say that Conan is really stupid. When he met a person who might be carrying a gun, without anyone protecting him, he actually rushed to expose the identity of others. It was simply lighting the toilet and looking for shit.

After Lupin heard Qiye's words, he stretched out his hand and scratched his face, monkey?

"Conan, why don't you know what's wrong?" Qiye sighed and said helplessly, this kid still doesn't know his fault, is this guy a super masochistic?

Qiye paused, staring at Conan's angry eyes and outstretched hands, and said: "Big detective, didn't you say you want to take me into prison? Come on, I've lived in this life. In many places, I have never lived in a prison, but I really want to give it a try. By the way, if you have the ability, you can also catch these two guys. They are all recorded on the FBI list. International thieves."

"Hey..." Lupin looked helpless and said, "Qiye, if you want to go to jail yourself, go in by yourself, why are you still dragging us?"

"Friends are for betrayal, Lupin." Qiye said with a smile, simply shameless.

Lupin showed a helpless look on his face, making friends carelessly.

"Lupin?" Conan was taken aback. He had heard the name. In Japan, the most well-known thief is Kidd, but in the world, Kidd is compared to Lupin III. A little rookie.

Although the Kaito Kidd has committed countless crimes, he basically steals some gems owned by private individuals or groups. Compared with the mountain of light of the British royal family that Lupin stole, it is nothing more than a shame. It is not a question of money. It was a matter of face. This slapped the British royal family into a loud slap, so the Kaito Kidd can only be regarded as a thief, while Lupin III is a thief.

This is why Qiye is very disdainful of Kaito Kidd, after all, he knows the world's number one thief bone.

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