Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 642

Qiye looked at Conan’s expression with satisfaction, smiled evilly, and continued to reveal a great secret,

"Conan-chan, let me tell you another secret, your father, Yusaku Kudo, I killed him."

"What?!!!" Conan was like being crushed by a million grass mud horses for an instant, his eyes filled with countless shocks, "It's actually you!!!"

Conan's whole body was trembling at this time. This news is absolutely huge for Conan. He never thought that his murdered father and enemy would have been by his side for so long, and the girl he liked liked it. A man is actually his own enemy of killing his father.

"You are the devil?!!!" Conan looked at Qiye angrily, his eyes became blood red from the burning of anger, his fists were clenched, his short nails were digging into the flesh, and blood flowed down his fingers.

"That's right, Conan-chan." Qiye still had that undue smile, continuing to stimulate Conan, and said: "You know what? The expression of your father before he died...Tsk tusk tusk, it's wonderful, it's a pity I didn't record it at the time, or put it on the Internet, I'm afraid many people will go crazy with joy."

Nanaya's words are true. Justice and evil are relative. For the FBI, Yusaku Kudo is of course a good person. He helped the FBI solve many cases, but for those criminals, Yusaku Kudo is a hell to go to. Bastard.

After the news of Kudo Yusaku's death was spread, there were many sad people, but there were also many people who were so happy that they were going to hold a banquet to celebrate. If there is a video of Kudo Yusaku's murder, I am afraid it will go viral on the Internet. Right.

"You scumbag!!"

Conan roared and kicked directly at Qiye's head. Calculated based on the power bonus caused by his sneakers, if a kick hits it, it is possible to kill someone.

Qiye's foot swept directly on Qiye's forehead, and there was only a crackling sound, and Conan's thin leg bones were miserably broken.

Although that pair of sneakers can give Conan the strength beyond adult level, but his body is a pupil's body after all, it is very fragile. Compared with adults, the bones of children are thinner and more brittle. Break off.

For example, wrestling can break bones when I was young, but it is not easy when I am an adult. This wrestling refers to the kind of wrestling that usually occurs when walking.

The pain of the broken bone is absolutely huge. The severe pain of the two broken bones in the body made Conan’s face instantly covered with cold sweat, and the pain was so cold that he was breathing cold, and the center of gravity fell on his left foot, right foot. Drooping, shaking uncomfortably, knowing that the bone has been broken at a glance.

Qiye looked at Conan with a sneer, and then stretched out his hand a little bit. Time reversed, and Conan's bones immediately returned to normal, but his face was still ugly, even worse than before.

"I have cured your leg for you, thank me, of course, it's useless if you want to report me or tell Xiaolan bad things about me, because you don't have that damn evidence, hahahahaha... …"

Qiye looked at Conan's livid expression, turned and left in a good mood.

Feng Fujiko stroked the corners of his lips, looked at the demon-like man, smiled, and said, "Why, I suddenly revealed it today, don't you want to play?"

Qiye raised his head and looked at the sky. The environment in Vespagna was very good. The sky was still blue. The weather today was also very good, making him refreshed.

"Yes, I have been a hypocrite for so long. It's time to take off the mask and let my face get some sun. More sun can make me look more handsome and hook up more little girls."

"What a scumbag." Feng Fujiko rolled his eyes and gave his own evaluation.

"The scum is a scum." Qiye smiled faintly and said: "There is nothing wrong with being a scum anyway, as long as you are not happy, aren't you the same?"

"Cut, I can't tell you." Feng Fujiko curled his lips.

Speaking of it, Qiye, Feng Fujiko, Lupin III, Dimension Daisuke, these people are all people who wander outside the law, Qiye does not talk about him, like Lupin III stole the mountain of light, he is not greedy for money, he just I am willing to do this, and although Feng Fujiko says that she is a woman who does everything for money, money is not the most important thing to her. Maybe she just finds a sustenance. As for the law... The woman who drove off a fighter plane on the aircraft carrier, tell her about the law?

"By the way, I still have some personal matters to deal with, so let's go first." Feng Fujiko finished saying this and left with a catwalk.

Qiye touched her nose, looked away from Feng Fujiko's buttocks, and stopped Lupin III who was about to leave.

"Hi, Lupin."

"What's wrong, Qiye?"

"Help me steal something out." Qiye reached Lupin's ear and whispered to him in a low voice.

Strangely, after Lupin listened, his face sank, gloomy and terrifying, his eyes seemed to be angry, and he said, "What do you want that?"

"Don't have such a horrible expression." Qiye said helplessly, then took out a pistol, screwed on the silencer, and shot down a bird, then...

Lupin stared at the scene in front of him and said, " want to..."

"Yes, how about it, Lupin, can you steal that for me now."

"Hey, of course, of course." Lupin III immediately accompanied a funny smiling face, but secretly wiped his cold sweat, I don't know if Qiye will come and beat him because he was misunderstood just now. .

Qiye rolled her eyes, didn't bother to say something to the monkey, turned and left.


Vespagna Palace, time 12:35

A car stopped at the gate of the palace, and Qian Xing Koichi finally saw Girard in a green suit.

I have to say that not every villain can look like a gin boss, like this Gillard, in my limited knowledge structure, there are really not many green animals all over, the main thing is the very long-lived one. Kind of...

"Welcome, you are from ICPO..." (ICPO, Interpol)

"Yes, my name is Qian Xing, so immediately..."

Qiangata Koichi was originally the police department of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, but later joined the International Criminal Police Organization and became a investigator specializing in hunting down Lupin III. By all accounts, he and Lupin III are still in the same university, and he is a predecessor of the Faculty of Law of East-West Beijing University relationship.

The relationship between Kenichi Koichi and Lupin III is similar to that of Nakamori Ginzo and Kaito Kidd, but compared to the relationship between Nakamori Ginzo and Kaito Kidd, the relationship between Qiangyou and Lupin is relatively good. Although it is a policeman and a thief, it can be regarded as a sympathetic relationship. Sometimes the two will make jokes, not as bad as Nakamori Ginzo and the thief Kidd.

Qian Xingyi is still very capable. Being able to enter Interpol shows that he has two brushes. Although he failed every time he captured Lupin III, it is not that he is weak, but Lupin is too strong.

"Standing here is no way. How about talking inside?" Girard said.

Qian Xing nodded his head, and it was unreasonable to stand at the door all the time.


Palace VIP Room...

"So, Lupin is really eyeing the Queen's Crown?"

"Yes, this is certain." Qian Xingxing said in a deep voice. This shows that Qian Xingxing is capable.

Lupin III is different from Kaito Kidd. Kaito Kidd makes everyone know every time he commits a crime. There are a lot of reporters from TV stations and newspapers, as if they are afraid that others will not know that he is a thief. It is impossible in reality Some of these thieves have long since died.

As for Lupin III's style of doing things and the goal of the crime, no one except Qian Xingyi can figure it out. I have to say that this middle-aged uncle is mighty.

"But Lupin should have planned to steal the queen's crown once, but he gave up."

"He never gave up!" Qian Xingxing roared, his voice a little high unconsciously.

"I know, but I can only ask that Lupin to give up again. If he can really break through the defense system, I would rather hand over the crown." Girard smiled.

There are always people in the world who inflate themselves. This Girard is a typical self-inflation, because Vespagna discovered that kind of strange ore that can absorb all electric waves and be perfectly invisible. Girard thought A large amount of that ore is mined and used in war.

Indeed, if the perfect invisible ore is used in a war, it can indeed cause a revolution in the war, but the so-called innocence of everyone, a small country in Vespania actually possesses this kind of thing, if you constrain That's all right. For guys like Girard, Vespaña may be destroyed before they can mine enough ore to be used in war.

It's just a small country. What can be left after an atomic bomb is dropped?

What's more, how does Vespagna's defense system compare to that of the British royal family?Although the United Kingdom has long been not the world leader after the first industrial revolution, it is dozens of times stronger than a small country like Vespagna. It is just a city in London for one year. The fiscal revenue of the country is more than that of Vespagna in a year.

The skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Moreover, Britain is not too skinny, and Vespania is not at the level of a horse. Even the British royal family's defense system can't stop Lupin III, making the mountain of light. After being stolen, what is your Vespagna's defense system?

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