Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 643

"That's really looking forward to it." Qian Xingxing put on his hat and said in a slightly ironic tone. Obviously, he was much calmer than this self-inflated Gillard.

"The meal has been prepared elsewhere."

"I want to look at the treasure house first."

"Those ones will lead the way."

"Thank you." As soon as Qian Xingxing walked out, it was obvious that he didn't expect the self-expanding Duke Gillard to provide him with any substantive help. It was better to rely on him than on himself.

After Qian Xingxing went out, Gillard smiled coldly and said, "Let's make a big fuss..."

Chapter 629-Princess Mira and Princess Lan!(13)

Royal Vespagna...

Lupin III, wearing a red suit, approached the door of the treasure house in a very wretched manner, only to find that the door was open.

"Oh, when the door is open, a thief will come in." Are you talking about yourself?

"Hypnotic spray...hey? Why did you fall asleep?" Lupin took out a small purple spray bottle, turned around to spray, only to find that all the guards in the treasure house were lying dead.

"Is it all open? Is it all gone?" Lupin entered the treasury, only to find that the safety door inside was also opened, and the crown of the queen that belonged to the dead Queen Sakura that was originally stored in it was gone.

"Then I don't have any sense to do this..." Lupin smiled helplessly, reached out into his arms and took out the ultimate stealth ball he made, but what he took out was a tennis ball with an expression on his face immediately. It becomes very exciting, "Ah, who are you?"

"I'm sorry, Lupin, I'm sorry, Lupin, I'm sorry, Lupin..." Just when Lupin III asked the sky silently, a Q version of Feng Fujiko made a continuous voice.

"Could it be...Could it be..."


Feng Fujiko's special Q version of the bomb robot exploded, and the explosion wave blew Lupin III directly into the treasure house, but it did not cause substantial damage to him.

However, as soon as Lupin fell into the treasury, all the machines immediately triggered, locking Lupin inside.

"Haha... all triggered."

"I'm sorry, Lupin, let me be arrested instead of me." Feng Fujiko said with a smile when he walked to the gate of the palace, and then hid the queen's crown. "Next, I will look for Nanya sauce, but..." Feng Fujiko said with a smile. He glanced at the police car that surrounded the entire palace almost instantly, "No way, it's too fast."

After hearing the sirens, Qian Xingxing, who had been in the palace, stood up and said, "Thank you very much for your help."

"Where," Gillard waved his hand hypocritically, and said, "Lupin is really here, he deserves to be an expert."

"Goodbye, then," Qian Xingxing closed the door and ran towards the treasure house very happily, "Lupin~Lupin~"

"The location is in the pavilion, it's okay." After Qian Xing left, Gillard said with a disgusting smile on his face.

"Yes, it is ready."

"Heh, it's finally over..."


Of course Qiye didn’t know that Lupin’s idiot was played by Fujiko again, and he was sent back to the treasure house. Now he is investigating the case of Queen Sakura and Prince Jill. After all, knowing the murderer is the same thing, proving that he is the murderer. Is another matter.

"Is it here?" Qiye looked at the huge cherry tree in front of him. It was the first time that he knew that a cherry tree could grow so big.

The tallest tree in the world is the almond eucalyptus tree in Australia. The tallest tree is currently 156 meters high. The tree with the largest coverage is the single-wood forest in Xishuangbanna.

As a kind of ornamental tree species, the cherry tree is too tall and too big. It seems inconvenient. It’s not easy for a cherry tree to grow to that size. I’m afraid it’s already. It’s not easy to keep those over a hundred years old.

"Yeah." Mila nodded lightly. This is where her brother and mother died at the same time.

Qiye raised her head to look at the cherry blossom tree, her eyes locked instantly, she reached out and touched a branch, and said, "It's burnt."

"Your eyes are very accurate. I heard that this branch was cut off when my mother died."

Qiye touched the fracture of the branch, and then looked in the opposite direction of the fracture, which was a hill.

This kind of distance, let alone a professional killer, can hit anyone who has practiced guns seriously.

"My brother aimed at the fox in the shade of the cherry blossoms on that hill, but at that time, the mother of the fox who wanted to fire the cannon came over, and then my brother snatched the uncle's pistol..."

"Snatched?" Qiye smiled slightly, did not continue the topic of the case, and said: "Alright, it's almost done, let's go back."


Qiye took Mila's hand and said, "Mila, would you miss me?"

"Huh?" Mira turned her head, looked at Qiye strangely, and said, "What do you mean?"

"I will go back to Japan after the investigation of this case, little princess, do you miss me?"

Mira froze for a moment, tears shed instantly, her face turned pale and bloodless.

Qiye was stunned when he saw Mila's reaction. Obviously he underestimated his position in Mila's heart. Thinking about it, Mila lost her brother and mother. She had almost nothing. She was empty in her heart. The moment Qiye appeared It occupied all of her heart.

Qiye also knew that she was too far, so she immediately hugged Mila, wiping the tears on her face, while comforting a little anxiously, saying: "Don't cry, okay? Stop crying, Mila, it’s me. Stop crying, okay?"

Qiye put her arms around Mila, gently stroking her long hair, leaning against her ear, and said: "Mila, don't worry, I will not leave you, I will help you solve all problems, I will help You solved it, do you know?"



"Moses Moses, can you hear me?" Lupin, who was locked in the Vespaña treasury, had no choice but to take out his own communication machine and contact the Dimension Daisuke.


"I'm locked up, can't you come to pick me up?"

"Where is the crown?"

"No." Lupin said embarrassedly.

"I'm going back."

"Say this again."

"You have to eat a bite and grow your wisdom!" Dimension Daisuke reluctantly taught, knowing that it would become like this. She clearly knew that the woman of Fujiko couldn't like him, but the fool Lupin was fooled every time. .

"Teacher, it's time to appear." Daisuke Dimensional sitting in the cockpit of the fighter said to the man sitting on the fighter's buttocks. Daisuke Dimensional, Fujiko Mine, Lupin III, and the 13th Ishikawa Goebe behind None of the doors are normal people. Normal people sit on the fighter's butt, let alone whether they can sit firmly, the low pressure formed by the fighter's ultra-high speed can make you see God.

The fighter jet swiftly passed over the palace. The thirteenth generation Ishikawa Goemon jumped straight down, then drew out the iron sword and began to chop frantically. He couldn't cut the alloy door of the treasure house, but the reinforced concrete was in front of him. A piece of cake.

Lupin III listened to the sound of chopping and shouting constantly coming from his head, he smiled facelessly, and said, "Chopping more than usual."


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