Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 644

The 13th generation Ishikawa Goemon appeared in front of Lupin, and the iron sword was scabbed back.

"Also cut down many unnecessary things."

Dimension Daisuke drove the fighter jet and lowered the rope. Ishikawa Goemon and Lupin pulled the rope up, and when they reached the room on the upper floor of the treasure house, Lupin jumped down.

"Thank you, I got rid of the support job." Lupin said with a smile, "Next, it's time to complete the task given by Qiye. Really, why do you want to steal that kind of thing."


In the evening...East House of the Palace...

"Is that all right, Officer Six?"

"Well, that's okay." Qiye said lazily, leaning against the wall, holding her arms, "Although it is troublesome, today I want to explain the truth about the death of Queen Sakura and Prince Jill. At that time, Prince Jill took aim. A fox under a tree, when it was about to turn on, the fox suddenly ran away. The bullet hit Queen Sakura, causing a tragedy, Duke Girard, you said that at the time, right."

"Well, that's right, then Jill kid snatched my revolver and shot himself. What's wrong? Is there any problem?" Girard asked, obviously he didn't think there was any problem with his plan.

"Of course there is a problem." Qiye looked at this Girard with an idiotic look, and said: "Prince Jill, who committed suicide, took a gun with his right hand, aimed at his right temple and shot with his right hand. This seems normal. Is the situation reasonable, Princess Mira?"

Mila, who had been leaning on the stone pillar, had an expression of sadness and joy on her face. After hearing Qiye's words, she said, "Brother is left-handed."

Uh... Girard's face changed slightly in an instant.

"That is to say, someone who doesn’t know this has a pistol in the wrong hand. Why do you think that Prince Jill’s dominant hand is the right hand? I saw a photo of the Prince playing baseball when he was a child in Queen Sakura’s room and catching the ball. The glove is worn on the right hand."

In general baseball, you use your dominant hand to throw the ball and your other hand to catch the ball.

"That's because my brother has been taught to use his right hand since he was young, whether he eats or signs."

"That's it, since you want to become a king, you should have received a lot of training." Qiye smiled, picked up a shotgun placed beside him, and said: "This is the day that Duke Girard I brought. The gun used, Duke Girard, can you be sure that this gun belongs to you?"

"Yes, it's mine, but what about that?"

"How? That's it!" Qiye pulled the bolt, bang!

The empty bullets just don't have a bullet, but the gunpowder is still there. The loud gunshots startled everyone in the pavilion, and the Gillard sat directly on the ground.

"That's the problem, idiot, there are empty bullets in this gun, why are you scared like a bastard with all four feet upside down?" Qiye looked at Girard who was scared sitting on the ground with disdain. , Plus his green suit, it really looks like a bastard.

"Damn it! You bastard!" Gillard scrambled up with a flushed face. Imagine a big red head on a green dress. After all, the turtle's head should be called...

Qiye buttoned her ears and said, "The reason why you are so scared to sit on the ground is because you know that there is a bullet in your gun. So the fact is that after you killed Queen Sakura with this gun, you put your gun and Prince Jill’s gun has been changed. But one thing you don’t know is that Queen Sakura will go hunting together. I think it’s very strange that Queen Sakura doesn’t like killing, so I think she also doesn’t want Prince Jill to be infected with killing, so she In the room, all the bullets used by Prince Jill were removed. The evidence is the gunpowder and bullets left in Queen Sakura’s room."

"But, Six Ways, will a queen of a country have such a professional knowledge of firearms?"

"I think you know this best, right, Mira."

"Well, my mother used to be a champion of the modern pentathlon when she was young. One of them was shooting."

"Enough!" Gillard smiled coldly, as if everything was in his hands, and said: "If I am a murderer, then why don't I destroy the evidence?"

Qiye threw the shotgun aside and said, "Of course it's to bring us all the obstacles together, and then eliminate them at once, right."

"Hahaha, you deserve to be an elite policeman," Gillard laughed wildly, "put you at the end!" After speaking, he extended his hand and made a thumbs-down gesture.


"Ha ha ha... I'm really embarrassed, your snipers have been sent to hell by me."

Accompanied by a burst of magical laughter, Belmode appeared in front of everyone with a sniper rifle.

Chapter 630-Princess Mira and Princess Lan!(Finish)

Belmode walked in with a sexy catwalk, put the sniper rifle aside, leaned against the stone pillar, and arbitrarily formed an S-shaped curve, revealing her proud figure, showing that she belongs to one Beauty of mature woman.

Belmode took out a cigarette and said, "Qiye, is there a fire?"


The one who answered her was Qiye’s shot. This time it was shot. The girls were shocked again. The bullet accurately wiped the cigarette in Belmode's hand. The high temperature cyclone ignited Belmode's smoke.

"Thank you."

The way Belmode smokes is so charming. There is only one factor in the beauty of a woman's smoking appearance, and that is whether she is beautiful or not.

Belmode spit out a sip of smoke, looked at Gillard with a gloomy face jokingly, and said: "Your sniper is really unqualified. I aimed at them for a long time and none of them found me. What a pity. "

Belmode looked disappointed. It was obvious that the opponent was too bad and not challenging, but she didn't want to think about how people like Ginjiu and Shuichi Akai would be everywhere like Chinese cabbage.


Hearing Mira's voice, several guards with spears ran over immediately, but did not come in.

"You don't have to work in vain, Mira, there are no guards in the palace who will listen to your orders." Girard smiled disgustingly, obviously he had already fixed all the guards in the palace.

"Oh oh oh, is this the rhythm of'I expected this situation a long time ago'? Well done, old bastard." Qiye smiled evilly, he wanted to see if this old bastard could still play What tricks come.

"Also, let's see how this is." Gillard took out a detonator with a crazy expression on his face, "Don't move! There is a little surprise in the middle pillar! You can let everyone go hand in hand to meet Queen!"

"What about you, do you want to be blown up together?"

"Hmph, I might be involved in this distance too, so don’t let me press, and then the last chance, Guise, I will give you that chance. Do you want to expand Vespa with me? The territory of Nia, with the name of earl, is actually just to show the royal family to see the children. Do you like this? The blood in your body is boiling because of this opportunity. What, if it is a man, look at the world and do it. One or two big things! That's for the sake of the people, Vespania will soon get that kind of power! The infinite power that the world covets!"

Looking at Gillard with an impulsive and evil face, Qiye curled her lips boredly. She was really a mentally retarded person. Does that kind of thing think she can conquer the world?This guy Gillard is Conan World's version of Fenghua and Rage. To make it perish, he must first make it mad. Just like Girard, he is not far from ruin.

According to Guise's heart, he was extremely heartfelt to the Vespagna royal family, and he was naturally extremely angry at Girard's words, but he had no way to control his body to react.

Qiye sneered evilly in her heart, controlled Guice's body, walked towards Girard, and finally stood beside Girard.

"Guise!" Mira looked at the person who had betrayed him with great anger and disbelief. Although this guy had a dead face, Mira never doubted him, but at this moment, Guise When he turned back, Mila felt angry and sad.

Keith looked at Mira's angry and indifferent gaze, with blood dripping in his heart, he had never thought of betraying?But the body was completely out of control. Although Qiye had a cold expression on her face, she couldn't hide the triumph in her eyes. Behind her, Feng Fujiko and Bel Mod made a victory gesture.

The two women rolled their eyes instantly. Although they didn't understand how Qiye did it, everything was definitely his conspiracy.

Conan Children's Shoes also saw Qiye's gesture, and he understood in an instant, but he couldn't help it because he had no evidence.

"Hahahaha... Guise, your choice is correct, let us lead Vespania to glory together!" Girard laughed wildly and pressed the detonator in his hand.

"Kaleidoscope writing round eyes-Amaterasu!"

Qiye's gaze condensed on Girard's hand in an instant, and the black flame instantly burned from the air, burning the dangerous detonator in a blink of an eye.

"Ah! Damn!" Gillard didn't know why his hand suddenly burned, the pain of the flame burning made him scream, and his subconscious reaction was to pat with his hand.

"Ah! What's the matter with this fire! Ah!!!" Gillard yelled, not understanding what was going on with this strange black flame. It couldn't be extinguished by any shot, and it burned to his other one. Got it.

"Master Gillard."

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