Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from Bengbao Chapter 646

Conan naturally heard Qiye's irony, but under the eaves, he had to bow his head, suppressing the anger in his heart, and said, "Can you meet me?"

"Hmm~~" The tone rose, and said: "Why, are you begging me? This is not right, Conan children's shoes, please pay attention to your tone of voice."

Conan over there almost crushed the phone, but after all, he had something to ask Qiye, and in the end he could only endure it and said, "I have something to ask you."

"Oh, this way..." Nanaya dragged a long note, which was really long, until both Honami and Minaho were paralyzed by Nanaya. When Conan was about to break out, Nanaya was about to break out. He opened his mouth and said, "No problem, but men are not welcome at my house. Let's do that. There is a cafe next to the Metropolitan Police Department, and we will meet there."

"No problem, time."

"Haha, Shinichi Kudo, you seem to have not figured out your identity, time, wait for it yourself!" Qiye Xiexie smiled, hung up the phone and turned it off, let this guy wait.

After hanging up the phone, no matter how angry Conan Children's shoes may be, Nanaya played again with Honami and Minaho sisters.

The two sisters did their best to serve Nanya, and Qiya also fully enjoyed the bodies of the two women. They had been playing for more than two hours. The two sisters had no energy, and Qiya only raised her waist and launched into Honami's mouth.

Although Honami was already weak, she barely held up her body and kissed Minaho's mouth. The two maids gave a deep kiss and exchanged the white thing several times. Only one person swallowed half of it.

Immediately after that, the two maids began to help Qiye clean up the filth underneath at the same time, and then took Qiye’s weapon back into her pants and zip up the zipper. Then the two women ignored their clothes and knelt on the ground, saying, "Thank you, master for the reward. ."

Qiye had a satisfied expression on her face. The two maids were really superb, and very obedient. They touched their hair and said, "Good job, I am very satisfied."

Both Honami and Minaho showed joyful expressions on their faces. Qiye put on their coats and said, "I'm going out for a while. I'll be back tonight. Honami, Minaho, I want you to sleep in tonight."



After seven nights tossing for a long time, almost three hours have passed since Conan's call, and then I came to the agreed cafe slowly.

At this time, there were not many people in the cafe. There were only a few guests in twos and threes. One of them was Conan. He had already drunk five cups of coffee. After drinking it, he didn’t need to sleep the night after drinking it, although he hardly had no one in these days Slept.

"Oh, morning, Conan." Qiye said hello with a smile, naturally Conan's angry gaze greeted her.

Not to mention that Conan has been waiting for three hours, it is already afternoon, and it is too early to be beaten?

The guy Qiye didn't realize it at all, so he called the waiter and said, "Hello, I want a cup of black coffee and a cheesecake."


There are not many customers now, so the coffee and cakes are coming up quickly. After the waiter walked away, Conan said, "Seven nights, I have something to ask you." These words almost completely defeated Conan’s dignity, pray. A man who took away his beloved woman and killed his father is really humiliating.

Qiye didn't answer him. First, he drank a bitter and mellow black coffee, and then ate the sweet and greasy cheesecake. After more than half of the cake and coffee were wiped out, he said, "Let's talk."

"Please revive my dad."

Seven nights were not surprised that Conan made this request. He stuffed the remaining half of the cheesecake into his mouth, and after slowly swallowing it, he took another sip of coffee and smoothed it out, saying: "What you said is really relaxing. Ah, what can I get by resurrecting Yusaku Kudo?"

"How much do you want?"

"Haha, Conan, what do you think is the equivalent of life?" Qiye said as she ordered another chocolate cake.

"Tell you, the equivalent of life is life. I want to resurrect Yusaku Kudo and give me 30 lives."


Conan immediately took the case, and the few customers and waiters in the cafe immediately looked over. Conan smiled embarrassedly and sat down again.

"What do you mean?"

"Do you think that when I resurrected Mira’s brother and mother, I didn’t need to pay any price? You made it clear to me that it was resurrecting a person and changing one’s fate against the sky. Resurrecting a person requires the sacrifice of more lives Yes, resurrecting the two of them I consumed the lives of the thirty people I killed. Yusaku Kudo has been dead for a long time, and the corpses were burned to ashes. Fifty people are considered to be few."

It takes some price to resurrect a person, but what Qiye said to Conan is false.The use of the law of time consumes more than the art of reincarnation, so generally Qiye will use reincarnation, but if it is a destroyed corpse, especially if only the ashes are left, then the law of time can only be used.

But in fact, it does not need to consume so much to resurrect Kudo Yusaku. After all, Kudo Yusaku was killed by Nanya. His soul is now here. Unlike Queen Sakura and Prince Jill, their souls are not here, so The cost of resurrecting them is even greater.

"Think about it slowly, whether it is Yusaku Kudo or fifty lives." Nanaya said evilly, and then stood up to leave, "Yes, don't forget to pay the bill, or I will throw you into your favorite Go to prison."

Chapter 632-How about four people going together?

After dinner, Nanya returned to her room, and soon, Honami and Minaho appeared in Nanya's room.

The faces of the two women are glowing with crystal blush, and their bodies are still smelling of water and shower gel. Apparently they have just taken a shower, and both women have put on a new set of maid outfits because they know to wear Qiye this way. Will be happy.

Of course Qiye was very happy, lying on the bed, watching the two maids motionlessly.

Both women know what they should do. Although they are shy, they do not do less things that are not suitable for children. At this time, they are less nervous than ordinary girls.

The two women climbed onto the bed and took the initiative to serve Qiye undressing. Qiye is now like a patient with a paralyzed body, leaving the two women to serve him motionlessly.

Nanya's clothes were quickly removed. Nanaya was still lying down, and the two women had a clear division of labor. Honami attacked Nanaya's bottom plate, while Minaho walked to Nanya's side with soft lipsticks. On the big mouth of Qiye.

As the two kissed, Minaho pulled her neckline down to release her white baby, and put Qiye's big hand on her chest. The kiss ended, Minaho looked at Nanya with watery eyes, and said: "Please enjoy."

Nanaya was enjoying Minaho's body recklessly, while rubbing Minaho's chest, Honami, who was devouring Nanya's weapons, also felt the heat in her chest, and soon came feeling, and her lower body was flowing out. Slippery liquid, today they didn't wear it for fat times, and even helped each other to shave the hair down.

"Okay, it's okay."

Although the two women were confused and infatuated, they still maintained the manners of the maid very well. They looked at Qiye and said at the same time: "Master, who do you want to serve the bed first."

"Since Honami is the older sister, Honami should come first, Honami, lying on the bed."

"Yes, Master." Honami said in a slightly cheerful tone, then lay down on the bed, lowered her neckline, raised her skirt, and showed her bare, white and tender girl's holy place to Qiye.

Honami took the initiative to separate her legs and said, "Please enjoy it, master."

Of course Qiye would not be polite. The weapon entered Honami's slippery narrow corridor, and soon touched a thin film.

When Nanya's weapon hit this layer of membrane, Honami and Minaho became nervous, and their breathing became chaotic.They were nervous, after all, they were the first time, and although Nanya entered Honami's body, Minaho could feel the same feeling as if she was nervous for the first time.

Qiye's waist stretched, and the angry dragon drank blood.


Honami and Minaho let out a cry of pain at the same time, and all their eyebrows wrinkled. Honami was the real pain, and Minaho felt the pain of her sister. Although it was not a personal experience, it was still painful.

Nanaya lowered her head and kissed Honami's small mouth, stretched out her hand to rub her breasts, did not forget to put her other hand under Minaho's body, and began to touch her.

Although both can feel pain, the pleasure is doubled from the body of both of them. The first pain is passed quickly, and the faces of the two women flushed, and their bodies twisted a little bit unconsciously. .

"Master... please try hard..." Honami looked at the man she was winking with silky eyes, her eyes full of emotion.

Qiye hooked the corner of her mouth and began to sprint Honami's body. The two women became obsessed at the same time. Under Qiye, the pleasure was higher than that.

After Honami was tossed down to the ground, Qiye pulled Minaho over and pierced her body with a blood weapon for the first time, but the membrane was still intact.



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