Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from Bengbao Chapter 647

After eating two maids for a few days, Qiye didn’t wait for Conan’s call. This was within Qiye’s expectation. After all, Conan Children’s Shoes is a good man. He gave up his biological father for his justice and skill. , Anyway, I can't do this kind of wicked thing.

Of course, even if Conan really kills fifty people, Nanya has no plans to resurrect Yusaku Kudo. After all, because of Kiko, how can Nanya not let Yusaku Kudo live. The reason why she made such a request was just because Conan struggles painfully between family love and justice.

After a few days of depravity, Qiye came to a place full of justice, a law firm.

"Ah~~ Hot spring? I haven't been to it for a long time. At this time, the maple leaves are also red." Fei Yingli said as she looked at the pile of travel magazines in front of her, her eyes obviously moved.

"Right, right." Xiaolan hung on Fei Yingli's body affectionately, picked up a travel magazine like a treasure, and said: "I recommend going to this hot spring hotel. I heard that the hot spring here is special for the skin. Good!" Xiaolan enthusiastically recommended a hot spring hotel in the magazine to Fei Yingli, as if that hotel would give Xiaolan a kickback.

"Mom, you haven't rested for a long time. Go relax."

"Yes." Looking at the introduction in the magazine, Fei Yingli was obviously also very moved. She hadn't been on vacation for a while, "Miss Kuriyama, what are my schedule for next month?"

"Well, there is indeed a case at hand that is expected to be judged next week, and there is a problem." Kuriyama nodded his chin and said, Kuriyama Green is the secretary and friend of Fei Yingri, and Fei Yingri basically belongs to Yishiyi. The relationship between friends is closer to Tsunade and the silent mode.

"Yes, there is that." Fei Yingli showed a distressed look on her face, and she was on the spot, which is really troublesome, "Please help me get the information."


Li Shanlu went out to get the information, and Xiaolan asked suspiciously, "What is it?"

"Being in action means that those suspects who have no money to ask for a lawyer will be paid by the state to ask for a lawyer. If there is no one to take the case, the Bar Association will decide to take the time." Qiye explained.

At this time, Kuriyama Midori also took the information of the case and came in, and Qiye glanced at the note posted on the logbook about the robber murder of the president of the Real Estate Association.

Fei Yingli took the record book and said, "I just read it roughly, why is no one taking this case? The defendant is also completely likely to win this lawsuit."

"It's because the opponent is too difficult to deal with." Qiye said with a slight twitch in the corner of her mouth.

"Who is the opponent?"

"Can scare so many lawyers that they dare not take this case, who do you say?" Qiye looked at Fei Yingli helplessly.

Fei Yingli's mouth twitched, and said, "It's not her again."

Having said that, the prosecutor in this case is naturally the woman Reiko Kujo, if among all the prosecutors and lawyers, the one that Fei Yingri wants to meet is Reiko Kujo.

Nanaya also smiled helplessly. Reiko Kujo is definitely a troublesome opponent. If Feiying is in trouble, he can't ignore it, but when he gets involved, Reiko Kujo must be upset. The last time she took her on a trip, she comforted her. Down, I don't know what it will be like this time.

"Mom, what kind of case is it?"

"It was more than a month ago. In the office of a building in Cupido Town, the body of the company president was found. Judging from the fingerprints and objects left in the room, the murderer looks like a theft building. Habitual offenders, but also have previous convictions."

"But, if there is evidence, I shouldn't have to go to court." Xiaolan reached out and lighted her chin, and said questioningly. Although her reasoning ability is not very good, she still has basic legal knowledge, fingerprints, and criminal record. , This kind of case does not need to go to court at all.

"Yes," Fei Yingli, holding her arms, looked at the case notes in front of her, and said, "Sleeping in while no one was in the company, but was discovered by the deceased. After the two quarreled, they started their hands. The defendants both admitted. , The problem is the charge of the prosecution, the theft is already murder."

"Murder?" Qiye was taken aback for a moment, "Isn't this kind of case supposed to be manslaughter?"

Murder and manslaughter are completely two concepts, and the sentencing is completely different. The main difference is whether there is a motive for killing, which is like the difference between a magician and a liar.

"Yes, but Reiko Kujo shouldn't make such a mistake."

Looking at Fei Yingli's face, Qiye probably guessed that she would not give up this case. While feeling very troublesome, she said to Kuriyama Green: "Miss Kuriyama, please take the next month's schedule for lawyer Fei. Show me."

"Oh, okay." Kuriyama Green said immediately. In her opinion, Qiye is the son-in-law of her boss, and she is also an elite policeman, so it's nothing to give him Fei Yingli's schedule.

Qiye took a look at the itinerary and found that Fei Yingli will be the case next month except for the one that is about to go to court. The other is nothing major. As long as the two cases can be ended as soon as possible, their hot spring trip is still There is hope.

"Okay, it's so decided, quickly settle the case, and then the three of them will go to the hot spring together!"

Both Xiaolan and Fei Yingli showed smiles, and Fei Yingli's smile suddenly changed, and said, "How about four people going together?"

Chapter 633-The Case Before Traveling (Part 1)

"Four?" It's not just Xiaolan, even Qiye looked at Fei Yingli puzzledly, the fourth, who?

"I want to take Ms. Kuriyama, how about it?" Fei Yingli crossed her hands with ten fingers, supported her head, and looked at Qiye with a smile.

"Me?" Kuriyama Midori couldn't help but point to himself in surprise when he heard Qiye's words, "Teacher, I don't think it's right for me to go."

Kuriyama Green actually thought that Fei Yingli would let herself go together. After all, in her opinion, Fei Yingri, Xiaolan, and Qiye are obviously family trips. A man took his wife and mother-in-law to go. She didn't seem to look at it according to how it seemed.

Kuriyama Midori is not just a secretary and assistant of Fei Yingri, she is also a law graduate, and her relationship with Fei Yingri is also a teacher and friend. It can be said that the relationship is very close, but after all, she always feels like taking part in other family trips. strange.

"What's the matter, Kuriyama." Fei Yingli smiled casually, and said: "You haven't had a vacation for a long time, so let's go with us this time. I think you won't mind, Qiye."

"Can I say that you mind?" Qiye touched her nose and said, "In this case, I'll book a flight first."

"Hey, we haven't decided which day to leave yet, how do you book a ticket?"

"I'm going to pack up all the air tickets for the entire month of next month."

"Can you stop ruining money like this?"

"An La An La, although time is money, time is used to waste. Therefore, money is used to waste." Qiye said casually, and walked out of Fei Yingli's office with her mobile phone.

The three women in the office didn't know what to say to him, but they all looked forward to the upcoming trip to the hot springs. As for the case, they ignored them.


Tokyo Detention Center...

Although I was looking forward to the hot spring trip, the case had to be resolved first, so Nanya and Ki Hideri went to the Tokyo Detention Center again.

Fei Yingli sat on a chair with her arms folded, looking at the suspect in this case in front of him, an uncle Takashi Inoue who was burly like a bear, and said: "I will confirm it again. On the night of the crime, you pried away. The window of the Otsu Real Estate Office located on the second floor of Nomoto Building sneaked into the office and was looking for property in the office. When you were about to open the safe box in the president's house, you were discovered by the president Toshiyuki Otsu who happened to pass by. During the fight between the two, you grabbed the glass ashtray next to him and slammed him on the head, causing his death. Is there anything wrong?"

"Ah." Takashi Inoue said lightly.

When Fei Hideri was questioning, Nanya sat on the side without saying a word, her eyes fixed on Takashi Inoue. Now the two of them are in such a pattern. Fei Hideri will interrogate, and then Qiya observes the suspect's expression. And mood swings, I have to say, this is a very good match.

"So what did you do with the money in the safe?"

"do not know."

"However, according to the staff's testimony, the 12 million in cash in the real estate transaction that day was gone. The police believe that you opened the safe and took the money after killing President Otsu.

"It's not me!" Takashi Inoue stood up excitedly, and said, "I really don't know! I didn't get the money!"

"It is true that no money was found in your room, but your fingerprint is on the lock of the safe, so the police suspect that you are reasonable."

"I didn't take the money, even that guy..."

"That guy?" The thoughtful Fei Yingli immediately caught the point and said: "Have you known the dead before?"

Takashi Inoue was taken aback for a moment, sat down, and stopped talking dullly.

Fei Yingli narrowed her eyes and said, "How many times did you hit the dead man on the head?"

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