Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 648

"do not know."

"Is it one? Or two?"

"I don't remember, I panicked when someone saw me suddenly."

Fei Yingli flipped through the records in her hand and said: "The autopsy report said that the deceased had three beatings on the head. The third blow was a fatal injury. If he didn't die after one blow, if he was hit twice, three times. It may be considered a deliberate murder."

"I really don't remember." Takashi Inoue said anxiously. Obviously, he also knew the crime of murder, and his appearance looked a bit pitiful.

"That's it," Fei Yingli smiled slightly, showing a convincing smile, and said: "I'm here to help you, even if it is something that is not good for you, you have to tell me the truth. Make sure again, you really didn't think about it. To kill the dead, right?"


"I see." Fei Yingli collected the materials and said: "Focus on this point during the court session." Then she walked out of the Tokyo Detention Center with Qiye.

"Qiyao, how true or false is what Takashi Inoue said just now?" In the car, Fei Yingri immediately turned her head and asked Qiye. Fei Yingri was absolutely convinced of Qiye's observation, and Qiye found a small point. It may be of great help to the case.

Qiye held the direction with one hand and said, "Basically, it's true. He said he didn't take the money, and he thought about killing the dead. Both points are true. Judging from his reaction, he It should be to know the deceased, and it seems that he has some grudges with the dead guy, but there is no intention to kill, it should not be murder."

"Well, then it's better to deal with this when the court is in session. It should be possible to win." Fei Yingli groaned.

A case does not mean that the defendant has to be acquitted to be released. In this case, the nine charges of theft and intentional homicide were filed. If it can be convicted of manslaughter or a lesser charge, it is considered a win.

"It would be best if you can solve it quickly, my hot spring trip." Qiye said with a smile, and he cared more about his hot spring trip than the damn case.

Fei Yingli immediately gave him a charming look and said: "You know how to play, how about it. You are very happy that Kuriyama will go with him this time."

"Isn't she what you suggested to go with her?" Qiye rolled her eyes helplessly.

"Huh, don't tell me that you are not happy!" Fei Yingli reached out and touched Qiye's cheek, and said in an annoyed manner. Although Kuriyama Green is a bit worse than her, she is also a beautiful, gentle and considerate personality. I don't believe that Qiyehui has no idea.

Qiye smiled shyly. Since Fei Yingli sold all his secretary to him, how could he be polite?

Poor Kuriyama Green was sold by his boss without knowing it...

Tokyo District Court...

Soon when the case came to court, Qiye and Xiaolan naturally came to see the trial of this case. After all, this is related to their hot spring trip. As the prosecutor, Reiko Kujo stood up and began to read the charges.

"The defendant, Takashi Inoue, at around 8:30 on the night of the crime, he pried open the window of the president's room of Otsu Fudosan on the second floor of Nomoto Building, 2-9, 3chome, Muidocho, sneaked into the company and was looking for property indoors. At that time, the company’s president Toshiyuki Otsu, who happened to pass by, discovered that the murderer threatened the deceased with the weapon he was holding. When the deceased opened the door of the safe, he used the glass ashtray beside him to slam the deceased’s head three times and stole the cash from the safe 1,200. Ten thousand yuan and then fled. According to this, according to Article 240 of the Criminal Law, the court requested the court to sentence the defendant to life imprisonment."

Because national conditions and systems are not the same, Japan’s rape is very light. Basically, only a fine is enough. Even a serial rape case usually does not exceed five years, and the death penalty is rare. It is said that a person was killed by a car or a serial homicide. In China, it must be sentenced to death. But in Japan, the sentence is not serious. Once a Japanese killed his son, he was sentenced to more than two years.

But it’s strange that money-related cases in Japan will be sentenced very, very severely. There was once a theft gang, and it was sentenced to three years for a gang of people who did not want to go. Most of the members had a period of more than ten years or no period. The leader is sentenced to death.

According to Japanese law, this case would not be serious even if it was a murder case, and it would not last more than ten years. This time it was indefinitely because it was a theft and murder, and the amount was still quite high. , 12 million.

"Does the defendant acknowledge the facts of the accusation read out by the prosecutor? Or does he plead guilty?"

"I just went in to steal things, how could it be theft and murder?"

"The presiding judge!" Fei Yingli stood up and said: "The accusation facts believe that he was theft and murder, but the defendant did not intend to kill. Please be sentenced to manslaughter."

"That means denying the crime of theft and murder?"

"Yes, the crime of manslaughter in Article 205 should be used."

"The defender does not agree with the prosecutor's facts of the complaint. Do you have any comments?"

"Yes, there is only one." Reiko Kujo was clearly prepared to deal with Concubine Yingri, stood up and said, "What is the reason for the defendant's choice of Otsu Real Estate as the object of theft?"

"It was just chosen accidentally while looking for a target in the building."

"In other words, it's just for the theft. Then there is no hatred for Otsu Real Estate and the deceased Otsu Toshiyuki, right?"


"The presiding judge, I don't understand the intent of the prosecutor's question."

"Then, the defendant knows the woman Endo Kiko." Reiko Kujo took a copy of her own materials and faintly threw a blockbuster.

Takashi Inoue was taken aback, and Reiko Kujo continued to say faintly: "How about it, have you forgotten your only daughter?"

"Only daughter?" Concubine Hideri was taken aback. Kuriyama Ryu quickly found information about Inoue Takashi's family information. Inoue Takashi divorced his ex-wife twenty years ago, when they had an only daughter who was only eight years old.

"Don't answer?"

"I object! The prosecutor’s question involves the names of the defendant’s relatives. I can only think that the prosecutor’s intention is to shake the defendant’s will."

"Is the defendant's daughter related to this case?" The presiding judge also agreed with Fei Yingli's words. This is a common practice. For example, in some kidnapping cases, the relatives of the kidnappers are not allowed to appear on the scene. Although the time and space of prisoners’ emotions are not so clear in the courts, generally speaking, they also avoid mentioning the suspect’s relatives.

"Yes, Endo Kiko runs a club in another building managed by Otsu Real Estate. It is rumored that she has an affair with the deceased Toshiyuki Otsu."

"Hey?!" There was a surprised expression on Fei Yingri's face. She would never have thought that Reiko Kujo had actually found the daughter of Takashi Inoue who was 20 years apart.

"You mean it was not accidental that the defendant sneaked into the crime scene?"

"Yes, there is testimony that the defendant resents the deceased because of his daughter."

"No! I don't know anything about that guy at all!"

"In this case, you can ask her in person. She is in the gallery and can testify in court." Reiko Kujo showed a confident smile, and everyone's eyes focused on Endo Kiko in the gallery. Body.

coffee shop……

"In other words, what the prosecutor said is true?"

Endo Kiko put down the coffee cup and said, "I was cheated by that man, saying that he was letting me open a store and was completely used by him."

This kind of thing happens in every country, and countries like Japan are of course no exception. It's just that the guy who died is even more cheap. Asking a woman to be his lover is just empty talk and he didn't give a dime.

"When did you and your father start contacting?"

"It started when my mother died of illness two years ago. Since then, my father has often come to see me in my shop."

"So what you told him about Otsu?"

Endo Kiko nodded and said, "He said he wants to pay Otsu for me."

"Then, the last question, I hope you can answer me honestly, do you think your father will kill Otsu?"

Chapter 634-The Case Before Traveling!(in)

"This case is really troublesome." After returning to the concubine law firm, Nanaya sat on the sofa and said helplessly, Reiko Kujo was also really good, and found all the daughters of Takashi Inoue.

"Yes, so I don't want to go to court with her." Fei Yingli said helplessly after taking a sip of tea.

"Qiye, mom, what's the matter?" Xiaolan looked at the two of them suspiciously, she didn't quite understand.

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