Traveling from the collapse

Beginning with the collapse of travel Chapter 650

Fei Yingli pushed the glasses and said: "It is the defendant or a legally licensed court agent who applies to the court. As long as the application is approved, anyone can appear in court as a special defender. Kuriyama, I think your idea is very Not bad."

After speaking, the three women looked at Qiye with blazing eyes.

Qiye looked embarrassed, scratched his head, and said, "Can you not go?"

"Why, Qiye, don't you already know the truth? Tell it in court, then we can also travel together."

Qiye's mouth twitched, and said: "Last time when I helped your mother investigate the case, Reiko Kujo almost chopped me off. This time I help, I'm afraid she will tear me alive and throw me into the Pacific to feed the sharks."

Nanya is really a little scared. The last case of Nanya was hard to coax Reiko Kujo, and last time it was just as a witness. This time, if you go directly to be a defender and fight Reiko Kujo, Nanya is really afraid of Kujo Reiko tore him.

The corners of Fei Yingli's mouth raised slightly, she pushed her glasses, the lenses reflected cold light, and said: "Aren't you afraid that I will tear you up and throw you into the Loch Ness to feed the monster?"

"I..." Qiye almost choked to death by Fei Yingli. When did this woman awaken the black attribute?

Xiaolan and Li Shanlu looked at Qiye's depressed look, and couldn't help but giggled. Of course, in the end, Qiye could only appear as the special defender of Fei Yingli.

Chapter 635-The Case Before Traveling!(under)

The second court...

Reiko Kujo looked at the man sitting on the opposing defense bench with a black face. She only learned that Nanaya actually became a special defender today, and she was upset again.

"Mr. Akita, you saw from the small window on the door of the president's room that the murderer was beating the dead. This is your testimony, right?"


"How many times did the murderer hit?"

"I saw it three times."

"After that, you heard the sound of the dead falling to the ground, right?"


"I'm finished."

"Then, please ask the defender."

"Okay." Nanya stood up as a defender, holding the case materials in her hand, and said: "Mr. Akita, you said you saw the murderer beating the dead, did you see the murderer's face? "

"No... this... I didn't see the murderer's face with my own eyes."

"Hey?" Reiko Kujo, who was looking at the case file and thinking about what to do next, was stunned when she heard the words of Administrator Akita.

The so-called wise man must be misunderstood, just like Fei Hideri did not expect the witness of Inoue's daughter, so did Reiko Kujo did not expect that the witness did not directly see the murderer's face.

"If you didn't see it with your own eyes, what did you see?"

"It was the neon lights of the opposite building that reflected the murderer's shadow on the wall."

"That also means you didn't see the murderer's face directly, and you can't be sure that the murderer is the defendant, right?"


Reiko Kujo held the pen, still with a confident expression on her face, secretly thinking: Same, seeing the shadow of the murderer is enough, Qiye, is this the only evidence for you?

After questioning the Akita administrator, another witness was summoned. The deceased's son-in-law was Yahiko Ma.

"Mr. Arima, you and the administrator heard the sound of the deceased falling to the ground, didn't you?"

"Yes, that's right." Ma Yayan smiled slightly, seeming to be very confident in his own methods, even standing in court without any tension.

"Then you smashed open the door of the president's room and rushed in. What was the situation in the president's room at that time?"

"Yes, when the murderer escaped from the window, President Otsu fell to the ground and the door of the safe was opened."

"I'm finished."

"Please ask the defender."

"Mr. Arima, you said that the door of the safe was opened when you rushed in. Do you know the password of that safe?" Qiye sneered coldly and looked at this with Ma Yayan.

"Of course I don't know, the safe password is only the old man...No, only President Otsu knows."

"Is that so? That means that the safe was opened by the deceased." Qiye turned through the information in his hand and continued: "Mr. Arima, your testimony says that the deceased left his reading glasses on In your shop, right?"

"Hi, he comes to eat in my store."

"Do I need reading glasses to eat?"

"Yes, he can't even see the menu if he doesn't wear reading glasses."

"That's weird." Qiye showed a puzzled look on his face, and said, "Since the deceased opened the safe by himself, the number of the dial lock on the safe is smaller than the number on the menu in your store. At the time of the incident, the lights were not turned on in the president's room, just leaning on the neon lights outside the window, and the deceased did not wear reading glasses. Can he see the turntable clearly?"

The expressions of Reiko Kujo and Yayan Ma changed slightly at the same time, and Yayan Ma said, " would I know?"

"Why, wasn't the deceased alive when you arrived?" Qiye sneered coldly, with contempt and disdain in her scarlet eyes, and said: "The deceased was just knocked out by the defendant, but there was no death. After he woke up, he immediately went to look at his safe, and at this moment you just came and saw the money in the safe, and you became murderous and killed the deceased, right, Mr. Ma?"

"But... Mr. Akita saw the shadow of the assailant!"

"You said that, it's very simple." Qiye put down the information in his hand and said: "Presiding judge, I want to conduct an experiment to solve the puzzle of the shadow."


Qiye asked people to turn off all the waiting in the courtroom, and then took out a small golden clock and put it on the table of the defense bench, and then took out a flashlight. The light of the flashlight shone the golden figure on the clock on the wall. A humanoid shadow was formed, and Ma Yayan's face changed suddenly.

Qiye wound the clock, adjusted the time, and the alarm clock rang, and the golden figure above immediately waved his hand and banged the bell on the clock, and the shadow seemed to be a single person. Same as people.

After the experiment was over, Qiye turned on the light, looked at the administrator, and said, "Mr. Akita, did you see the situation like just now?"

"Ah... yes... yes!"

Qiye shrugged and looked at Ma Yayan who looked like she had kissed Sister Feng, and said: "I brought this clock from the president's room. Just use the technique just now to create a beating shadow. How is it, Mr. Ma, do you have anything else to say?"

"There is still a sound! How to explain the sound?! Both the administrator and I heard the sound of father falling to the ground!!"

"That's too simple. Just put a golf ball under the table, raise the table, tie the golf ball with a rope, and then pull it from the door to the outside, and then pull it when the caretaker is not paying attention. A rope can make that sound. If you want evidence, there is a new scratch on the golf ball found at the crime scene, and this trace is consistent with the scratch under the corner of the table. Why? Well, Mr. Ma, do you have any questions? I can answer you all at once."

"Do you... do you have any evidence? Anyone can do this kind of agency! Your post office proves that I did it, just show it!" Ma Yayan shouted at Qiye.

"The witness is right. For everything up to this point, please show me your evidence, Police Officer Six!" Reiko Jiujo also said to Qiye, with a bit of gritted teeth in her tone, damn bastard, are you going to lose to you again? ?

Qiye smiled, sat on the table, buckled her ears casually, and said, "I remember that Rocca, the father of forensic evidence, has a Rocca law. When two objects touch, there will be a transfer phenomenon. The suspect will inevitably take away some things from the scene and leave some things behind. Mr. Arima, I remember that you run an Italian restaurant. May I ask what kind of oil did you use to make the pasta?"

"Olive oil, so what?!"

"Olive oil?" Reiko Kujo was taken aback, then she looked at the evidence report at the crime scene, with a wry smile on her face, and sat down, it seemed that she had understood.

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