Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from Bengbao Chapter 651

Qiyexie smiled and shook her head, and said, "You still don't understand, Mr. Arima, the murder weapon found at the crime scene, indeed, did not find any fingerprints on the ashtray, it was because you wiped it off. , But while you wiped off your fingerprints, the oil on your apron also got on the ashtray, do you want me to continue talking later? Mr. Ma, of course, if you plead not guilty, I can also apply for a test Is the oil on the ashtray the same as on your apron?"

There was a lot of sweat on Ma Yayan, and he sat down sullenly, and said, "I blame the old man, that greedy old thing! He said that if I don't pay him back, he will kick me out of the hotel! Just like! As the Liudao police officer said, I was the one who killed him!"

Qiye curled his lips, he was just a guy who was controlled by greed and pushed the blame on others.Although Qiye agrees with the evil deeds, he despises the cowards who dare to do but don't recognize it.

"The presiding judge, Inoue's crime of theft and murder was changed to attempted theft, and Ma Yayan is also going to prosecute.

"What about the defender's opinion?"


Qiye put her hands in her pockets, watching Ma Yahiko who was about to be taken away by the bailiff, and said, "By the way, Mr. Arima, there is something I must tell you. The pasta you make is really unpalatable. I think it would be better if the deceased kicked you out of the hotel."


Kujo Reiko walked out of the court, looked at Concubine Yingli, and said, "I almost made an unjust, false and wrong case. Fortunately, I have your help, especially thanks to you, Police Officer Liudao."

"Hehe...hehe..." Seeing Reiko Kujo's dangerous gaze, Qiye smiled dryly and said, "As long as you don't throw me into the Pacific Ocean to feed the sharks."

"Well..." Reiko Kujo smiled strangely. Instead of answering Qiye directly, she looked at Concubine Yingri and said, "Lawyer Concubine, can I be my defense lawyer?"

Fei Yingli decisively abandoned Qiye at this time, with a smile on her face, and said, "I'm so happy."


Qiye, who had been hit hard, immediately lay down, twitching constantly...

"Alright, Qiye, don't play anymore." Xiaolan looked at the man lying on the ground playing treasures angrily, "We have to go back and pack our bags and get ready to travel."

"Oh oh oh oh oh!!!" Qiye instantly resurrected in situ full of blood, "hot spring! I am coming!!!"

Chapter 636-A joyful trip!(1)

It’s now in autumn, and there are no cherry blossoms in autumn. Even the longest and latest Japanese evening cherry blossoms in mid-to-late April, at most until mid-to-early May, so cherry blossoms or something, just wait for next year. .

Although Japan’s national flower, the cherry blossom, is missing, there are still many views to enjoy in Japan in autumn.

The autumn wind is bleak, and the most beautiful scenery is undoubtedly the maple leaves. The date when the maple leaves in Japan turn red varies according to the region. Starting from early autumn, the Sounkyo maple leaves in Daisetsuzan National Park in Hokkaido first turn red, and then this color changes. The red line of leaves heads south like a wildfire, and Lake Zanbetsu, Jozankei, Lake Toya, and Onuma Park burn all the way to the south, forming a peculiar landscape known as the "Red Leaf Frontline".

By the end of October, Japan's red leaves front line had already "burned" from Hokkaido to Honshu, and the "maples" along the way were so beautiful.In addition to the charming "Maple Love" in Kyoto, Oshino Hakkai, known as "Japan's Jiuzhaigou", is also blooming at this time.

Qiye will take a longer trip this time, and the first stop will be Hokkaido, the most famous tourist destination in Japan.

In Hokkaido in October, the maple leaves have all been dyed fiery red. Compared to the domestic case, the vegetation coverage in Japan is much higher. Large tracts of dense maple forests are all dyed fiery red, and the autumn wind has rolled up the maple leaves all over the mountains and plains. The scenery is spectacular.

Qiye they are staying at a hot spring hotel hidden among the red maple in the mountains. In this season, many people come to Hokkaido to enjoy the maple. This hot spring hotel also makes a lot of money at this time.

The room booked by Qiye is naturally the best. It is basically an independent mountain villa, with a huge house and a separate yard. The hot spring is in the garden. It is hot all year round. There is a circle around the hot spring. stone.

And there are tall wooden walls built around the yard. The wooden walls are full of traces of the years. They look very primitive, but they can't stop the red that is full of mountains and plains.

Seven nights old god is soaking in the hot spring, his face shows a look of enjoyment, this autumn, it is really comfortable to soak in the hot spring.

The hot springs selected by Qiye are naturally mixed. For men and women, Fei Yingri and Xiaolan are naturally generous. They didn't feel embarrassed or shy. They took a hot spring together with Qiye and Kuriyama Green seemed a little shy, but there was nothing Too resistant, soaked comfortably in the hot spring.

After a while, the hotel proprietor in a kimono walked over with a small table. She said it was a small table. In fact, the height of the legs of the table is basically equal to the thickness of the two palms.

There are a few pots of sake on the table, as well as some side dishes and snacks to accompany the wine. Naturally, you will eat and drink when you are in the hot spring.

"Sir, this is what you want." The lady boss handed the small table over. She knew that the man in front of her was a big boss.


Qiye took the small table and placed it on the water. The wooden small table floated on the water, shaking gently with the waves.

Qiye poured herself a glass of sake, tasted it, and said, "It's not bad. Are there any activities to play here recently?"

"Yes, sir, autumn festivals and fireworks festivals will be held here these days, which is very lively."

Japan has different festivals throughout the year, and there are fireworks festivals in almost every season. It’s just that summer festivals are the most lively and famous, and summer fireworks festivals are also the most prosperous. However, festivals in other seasons are also large events that cannot be missed. .

I heard from the proprietress that the location of the autumn festival and the firework festival is in a large lake behind the mountain. After all, although the fireworks are beautiful, fire prevention and disaster prevention work must be done well. Otherwise, if the fireworks burn up such a large maple forest. Maple is really going to fall.

The firework festival is held on the lake, and the autumn festival booths surround the entire lake, which is very lively.

The proprietress was naturally a slick character, and left after speaking, so I won't bother here.

Qiye poured herself another glass of wine, and then pushed the small table on the water to Fei Yingli, saying, "Now there are still several hours before the festival, I think we can take it slowly."

Fei Yingli caught the small table that Qiye had pushed, poured herself a glass of sake, and said, "Maybe we can go to the top of the mountain to enjoy the maple in a while."

The hotel is on the north side of the mountain, and the location of the autumn festival is on the south side of the mountain. The easiest way to get there is to walk down the mountain first, and then take the bus to the station on the other side of the mountain.

However, if you are more leisurely and have more energy, you can also walk up to the top of the mountain from this side of the mountain, admire the maple leaves all the way, and then walk down the other side of the mountain. Although it will be a little tired, but also It's a good way to relax.

"This idea is very good." Xiaolan showed a lovely smile on her face, and said: "It must be beautiful if you stand on the top of the mountain and look at the maple leaves."

Indeed, standing on the top of the mountain and watching a sea of ​​red fire at your feet is indeed a very beautiful and spectacular scene.

"That's right, I just don't know if I can get to the top of the mountain." Lishan's green face also showed a look of yearning, and then laughed at himself.

Among the four people here, one monster will not talk about him, Xiao Lan, was the head of the karate club of Didan High School before she met Qiye. She is absolutely strong. Fei Yingli, although she often sits in the office, is also a judo master with a used shoulder. The ability to throw a mature man out easily, physical strength will not be bad after thinking about it.

However, Kuriyama Green is a typical OL, and his body is basically sub-healthy. Compared to Fei Yingli and Xiaolan, it is much worse. It might be a bit reluctant to climb the mountain.

"Hehe..." Xiaolan showed a mischievous smile on her face and said, "It's okay, sister Lishan, if you can't walk, you can let Qiye carry you up, I don't mind."

Kuriyama Green's face showed the color opposite to her name. He first glanced at Qiye subconsciously, then looked at Xiaolan shamefully, and said, "Xiaolan, what are you talking about?" After speaking, he was ashamed. Uncontrollably fought with Xiao Lan.

Kuriyama Green used to be a bit shy to go to the hot springs with Qiye, but he didn't feel much after getting used to it, but Xiaolan's words directly made Kuriyama Green too ashamed.

The two women were arguing, and many parts of their bodies were exposed to the surface of the water. Qiye feasted on her eyes. While drinking wine, the smile on the corners of her mouth became evil. Fei Yingli rolled his eyes when she saw it.


After soaking in the hot springs, the four of them put on a set of casual shirts, put on sports shoes, and walked up the mountain.

Why not wear a kimono?

Boss, is it reasonable to walk the mountain trail, wearing a kimono, and walking on the mountain trail with clogs?

The air in autumn was a bit dry, but the four of them had just finished soaking in the hot springs, so they didn't feel anything. They all enjoyed the beauty of the red maple all over the sky.

The mountain was not high, so Kuriyamalu couldn't go up in embarrassment. As a result, the scene of being hugged by Qiye did not appear.

Standing on the top of the mountain, looking at the endless red underfoot, apart from Qiye, the three women couldn't help feeling a sense of pride.

Although this is only a low mountain, the soles of their feet are red like a sea of ​​fire, which has to make them feel happy.

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