Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 652

The mountains in Japan are generally not high, even the highest peak in Japan, Mount Fuji is just over 3,000 meters.In Qiye they now have a mountain to the southwest of the mountain. It looks a little higher than this, but it is only five or six hundred meters. Conversely, the approximate height of the mountain can be calculated. Even if two mountains are It's only a thousand meters up and down when stacked, which is not a high mountain.

Looking down from the top of the mountain, I saw a huge azure lake in a fiery cover. The water was clear and the surface was calm, reflecting the red maple and the wild geese flying away from the sky.

Around the lake is dark, obviously people who are preparing for the autumn festival, the sky is gradually dimming, some stalls have been lit up, it is dark early in autumn, less than six o’clock, around the lake is already The lights are brilliant.

"Oh, autumn festival, here I am!"

Chapter 637-A joyous trip!(2)

After they got down the mountain, the autumn festival had already begun. The lake was brightly lit, and the yellow light was shining on the red maple in the mountains, and it looked like several hills were all burning up.

At the autumn festival, although many people wore yukatas, many young men and women wore casual shirts, so Qiye and their outfits were not abrupt at all.

Fei Yingli and Xiaolan held hands and walked happily between each stall like a pair of sister flowers.

Fei Yingli is getting younger and younger now. In addition, today she has faded away her usual mature and intellectual work clothes and put on a set of simple and natural casual clothes, stepping on a pair of casual shoes, wearing contact lenses, and her hair is just casual. With a ponytail, it looks like a girl who just went to college.

"Hey, we two seem to have been abandoned." Qiye walked behind Fei Yingli and Xiaolan, holding his head, and said helplessly, surrounded by Lishan Green.

"Yes." Kuriyama Green also smiled slightly, but there was real happiness in her eyes. She had never seen Fei Yingri so happy. For Kuriyama Green, Fei Yingri is also a teacher and friend. She is so happy, Kuriyama Green is also very happy.

"Hey, Qiye, this is yours." Xiaolan took a bunch of sizzling squid and handed it to Qiye. Although she was having fun with her mother, Xiaolan would not forget her beloved man.

Snacks are indispensable in the festivals of any season. Otherwise, if you say that there is no food and no drinks, it is just a dull festival for a few hours, who will come?

Although it is autumn now, the seasonal food is different from summer, but some classic snacks, such as teppanyaki, small octopus balls, fried noodles, marshmallows and the like are still everywhere.

Of course, in addition to these enduring classic snacks, there are also many fresh foods that are delivered to people, which are also very popular.

As the old saying goes, ploughing in spring and working in summer, harvesting in autumn and hiding in winter, and autumn is the harvest season. At this time, many fresh fruits are ripe at this time and are delivered to the market.

In Japan, the seasonal fruits in autumn are mainly pears, persimmons, apples and oranges.

After eating so many snacks at the autumn festival, it is inevitable that there will be some heat. If you eat a crisp and sweet pear at this time, it is definitely a good choice.

The flesh of sand pear is slightly rough, but it tastes very crisp and refreshing.Persimmon is a representative fruit that is marketed along with crabs in Akita, but you have to be careful when you eat it. If you are going to eat seafood, especially crabs, it is best not to eat persimmons, otherwise you will have diarrhea. Not a good situation.

There is also a very important kind of fruit oranges in Japan. Japanese people like to eat oranges, especially during the New Year. Didn’t this scene appear in the cherry balls, sitting in the living room leaning against Heating stove, peeling oranges, watching TV.

I used my second brother to bet that there must be such a lens, but Walnut did not find the screenshot.

Japanese people like to eat oranges while watching TV during Chinese New Year, just like we like to eat melon seeds or peel peanuts when we watch TV.

Of course, because weighing is too time-consuming, the fruits on the autumn festival are sold individually. You can pick the ones you like. No matter how small, how sweet and how bad, it’s all at the same price. If you want, also You can ask the store to help you break the fruit into freshly squeezed juice.

"Qiye, ah~~" Xiaolan twisted a piece of snow-white crab meat on her finger and handed it to Qiye's mouth, making an "ah" sound like coaxing a child.

Qiye opened her mouth and ate the crab meat, and then naturally put Xiaolan's jade finger into her mouth, and released it after taking advantage of it.

Xiaolan was also used to Qiye’s behavior that would take advantage at any time, but he gave him a blank look, and then tore off a piece of crabmeat and put it in her mouth. The delicious taste of crabmeat made Xiaolan satisfied. Look, having said that, Xiaolan's fingers still seem to have Qiye's saliva...

They are now eating Hokkaido’s specialty, king crab!

Hokkaido is the kingdom of crabs. All kinds of crabs can make you crazy. They are rich in variety and affordable. There will be no slaughter of customers like Sanya...

Hokkaido has a high latitude and is closer to the North Pole. The annual average temperature is low. The temperature of the sea is also low. The blue sea is clear and pollution-free. Because of the low temperature, the growth rate of aquatic products is slow, but it has achieved extremely high aquatic product quality.

Hokkaido is known as the third largest fishing ground in the world. The fishing boats here also have very complete equipment. Crabs caught from the sea are immediately frozen at low temperature to maintain their original taste.

Because the ingredients are very good, the cooking method is also very simple. Just remove the crab, put some salt on it, and grill it.

In Qiye, the four of them each had a huge crab leg, and the meat inside was enough for them to eat. The crab leg of the king crab was thicker than the average person's thumb by two circles. The meat inside was very thick and of course, it was also relatively thick. That's it.

Such a big crab is originally a thick meat, which can not be compared with the crabs of Yangcheng Lake hairy crabs, but the hairy crabs are not suitable for eating while walking like this. It is troublesome to eat.

The four of them were shopping while eating, drinking and playing. No, they took aim at a darts booth.

One hundred yen, if you stab a red heart, you can get a bonus of 100,000 yen.

Fei Yingri and Kuriyama Green both tried it once, but they only pierced the edges, each with a bracelet.

In fact, everyone knows this kind of game. Behind the dart target is a huge electromagnet. As long as it touches the switch electromagnet on the ground, it will be activated. It attracts the dart and can only stab the periphery.

Fei Yingri and Kuriyama Green are also very clear, but they haven't exposed them. After all, they are just a small business and have to live a life. Besides, today is an autumn festival. Just be happy. Don't care about this little money.

However, the seemingly natural Xiao Lan didn't know the trick. Holding a dart in her hand, she narrowed her eyes and aimed at the red heart of the target, and suddenly threw the dart in her hand.


Xiaolan's strength surpassed that of ordinary people, and the magnetism of that electromagnet was not enough to affect the dart that Xiaolan threw, and the dart accurately hit the red heart of the target.

"I am! I'm hit, give me money!" Xiao Lan said happily.

The boss looked embarrassed and surprised, one hundred thousand...

As soon as Qiye looked at his face, he knew that he was thinking of failing the account, so he took out his police card and said, "Do you want to check the account? This gentleman, in that case, I have to trouble you to go to Metropolitan Police Department. Up."

Fei Yingli also immediately took out her business card and said: "My surname, this is the phone number of my law firm. If you have any legal questions, you can come to my office in Tokyo to find me. I charge by the hour, one hour. 50,000 yuan, less than one hour is calculated as one hour."

Under the joint attack of Qiye and Fei Yingli, this sad boss can only honestly put out one hundred thousand yen. Xiaolan took the money and left happily, leaving the boss with a full face.

After Qiye and the others left, the boss silently changed the price of throwing a dart to 1,000 yen, and the zero after the bonus was also erased. So, 100,000 changed to 10,000.

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I have been with us for one hundred thousand just after the opening...

Qiye raised the police card in her hand, and said, "I didn't expect this broken card to be quite useful. It's as simple as 100,000 yuan."

"Don't say that you are like a liar." Fei Yingli gave Qiye a blank look with contempt, and said: "I don't want to see you in the dock one day."

Qiye's mouth twitched. If one day he was in the dock, the prosecutor was Reiko Kujo and the defense lawyer was Concubine Hideri, it would be lively. Should he find any beautiful judges?

Fei Yingri didn’t know Qiye’s thoughts, but when she looked at her happy daughter, the expression on her face became loving again, and she looked depressed with Qiye’s face, with two noodles on her face. Thick tears, oh oh... why is the gap so big...

"Xiao Lan, your luck is also really good. If you came a few times just now, that boss might be bankrupt." Fei Yingli was really funny and helpless looking at her own unawareness but luck was overwhelming. Daughter.

"Hehe..." Xiaolan smiled, patted her pockets that had been bulged because she stuffed one hundred thousand yuan in, and said: "Now I can also raise my mother. Mom, you don't have to work so hard."

The first half is a joke, and the second half is the truth. Xiao Lan is also reluctant to bear the hard work of her concubine Yingli every day.

Fei Yingli was moved in her heart, pinched Xiao Lan's nose, and said, "Your mother is not old enough to retire, but if you and Qiye hurry up to have a baby, it is not impossible for me to retire early."

"Mom!" Xiaolan stomped her feet shyly, raised her fist shamefully to beat Concubine Yingli, but Concubine Yingli smiled and avoided.

Kuriyama Green looked at the two people who looked more like sisters than mother and daughter, and said to Qiye next to him: "The relationship between teacher and Xiaolan is getting better and better."

"Yes." Qiye scratched her hair and said: "The relationship between the two of them is so good that I am jealous."

"Puff!" Li Shanlu immediately snorted, looked at Qiye both funny and speechless, and said, "Is there you who even eat the mother-in-law's vinegar?"

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