Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from Bengbao Chapter 656

Asami Uchida, Naomi, Honami, Minaho sisters, and Akemi all went to Australia together. Now it’s New Year in Japan, but it’s sunny summer in Australia. They ran to enjoy the sun and the beach. went.

Of course, they are accompanied by Qiye's clones, especially Chengshi and the others. After all, they are all too beautiful, but their strength is not that good.

Mingmei originally planned to go with Xiao Ai, but Xiao Ai just made progress in the research on the antidote, so she didn't go with it. Ming Mei thought about it, and seemed to want her sister to be alone with Qiye. So there is no force.

A group of women traveled around the world, and the whole house was empty. There were really no women around Qiye, and it felt a bit awkward.

Qiye pulled out her ears and looked up at Xiao Ai's appearance at this time, her eyes filled with smiles.

Xiao Ai is now wearing a white lab coat that she wore during her research. It is obviously a uniform temptation to change to a white lab coat worn by other women, but it is just a seven-year-old girl's body that Xiao Ai wears according to her The white coat with a special body shape looks like a little girl who insists on pretending to be mature, how cute she looks.

"Hey, sad, you are really cute in this way." Qiye leaned on the sofa and smiled with Erlang's legs tilted.

"Huh!" Xiao Ai snorted coldly, took off the white coat directly, and threw it onto Qiye's face.

Qiye pulled away the white coat on her face, looked at a little sorrow with a joke, and said, "You girl is really not cute."

"Huh!" Xiao Ai snorted again, and the corners of her mouth turned upward again, saying: "You change your face very quickly."

Qiye rolled his eyes, leaned back directly, fell on the bed and pretended to be dead, Xiao Ai cocked the corners of her mouth triumphantly, but then sat on Qiye's body, they had always been like this, quarreling while doing extremely intimate actions. .

"What are these?" Xiao Ai sat on Qiye and said, pointing to a large mess of things on the coffee table.

Qiye sat up, put her arms around Xiaoai’s petite body, and kissed Xiaoai’s cheek. Xiaoai also turned and kissed Qiye’s cheek. Qiye scratched her hair, and said: The prize drawn by the blue lottery."

"It's all?" Xiao Ai's mouth twitched, looking at the stuff on the table.

"Yeah..." Qiye also twitched the corners of her mouth, fiddling with the things on the table, "The cosmetics and laptops of the China World Trade Center New Year's draw, the football tickets of the daily TV station, the commemorative watch of the HTK TV station..."

During the Chinese New Year, at the mall, how much money is spent on shopping to get a chance to win a lottery. This is very simple. A group of girls meet to walk on the road. After shopping, all the girls give the invoice to Xiaolan and let her go. Lottery draws, the result is so many draws back.

Others have to rely on hard work to get rich, Xiaolan can get rich by drawing lots.Conan's golden domineering where people go wherever he goes, does not disappear in one day, and Xiaolan's luck will not weaken in order to restrain that golden domineering.

"It's an exaggerated luck." Xiao Ai twitched at the corner of her mouth, and then looked for something she likes among the things on the table. Soon Xiao Ai found a diamond necklace, which was TV Tokyo to celebrate. A necklace specially made for the 70th anniversary of the Taiwan celebration was also given as one of the gifts for the New Year's draw, but it ended up in Xiaolan's hands.

Qiye looked at Xiaoai, a luxury lover, and smiled helplessly, and said, "Now, Xiaolan has also drawn a sports car and parked in the back. Would you like to drive it for you?"

Xiao Ai turned her head and gave him a blank look, and then said: "Xiao Lan's luck is so good that the whole world can envy it, should we ask her to help me study the antidote, maybe she can make a major breakthrough in one go. It."

"That's a good idea." Qiye also followed Xiao Ai's words and smiled, but that's just what he said casually, how could it be that Xiaolan would really let Xiaolan develop the antidote.

Qiye reached out and picked up a few tickets on the table, and said, "Now, Xiaoai, are you interested in going to a football game with me?"

This is the prize of the Japanese TV station that Xiaolan draws, three tickets for the Emperor Cup football final held at the Tokyo National Stadium in Japan, and the Japanese TV station wants to broadcast the game exclusively, so it is easy to get three tickets. Single thing.

"Huh!" Xiao Ai snorted and said: "Anyway, there is nothing wrong, I will condescend to go with you."

"Hi, hi~~ Thank you for your grace, Your Highness."

Xiao Ai looked at Qiye's hand and said, "Three tickets, who else do you plan to invite besides me?"

"Well..." Qiye took out her cell phone and dialed a call, "Moses Moses..."


Tokyo National Stadium, Japan...

Football is definitely a popular sport in Japan, just like our great and rich China. Of course, Japanese football is different from Chinese football.

The Emperor's Cup is a football tournament organized by Japan in 1921.This tournament is attended by 80 clubs including all participating teams in the Japanese Professional Football League, the first place in the JFL, the champion of the Prime Minister's Cup All-Japan University Football Championship, and the representative teams of each prefecture. It is the largest football in Japan Cup match.

In Japan, a big Asian football country, the number of people who like football is absolutely huge. Now the annual Emperor's Cup has finally reached the final, and the huge Tokyo National Stadium, which can accommodate 100,000 people, is almost full.

The Tokyo Soul team wearing a green striped shirt and the BIG Osaka team wearing a red uniform are here to hold the fiercest match of the year.

The core figure of the Tokyo Soul team, the 19-year-old genius Hero Akagi dribbled the ball into the penalty area and then passed the ball to his teammate Naoki Uemura. Naoki Uemura dribbled the ball and then took a kick. The ball was kicked back to Hero Akagi. Hero Akagi hit the goal with a header from the two defenders. The ball hit the net. Less than ten minutes after the opening, the Tokyo Souls opened the goal of BIG Osaka, which also detonated. The enthusiasm of the audience!

"The ball is not bad." In the audience, Qiye lay on the railing and looked at Hero Akagi who was cheering. He didn't like football much, mainly because the reflex nerves of Hero Akagi are good among humans. Now, if he trains from an early age, he might be a very good killer, and he can think of this kind of thing in his mind.

"It's normal." On Qiye's left hand, Xiao Ai was looking through a luxury magazine in her hand, her voice cold, obviously not in a good mood.

Qiye touched his nose, and then he remembered that Xiao Ai's favorite football team is the BIG Osaka team. He also said that Tokyo Soul's Akagi Heroes played well. Isn't it just hitting the gun?

"Hey, Aichan, are you angry?" Qiye asked tentatively, touching Xiao Ai's short brown hair.

Xiao Ai stubbornly threw away Qiye's big hand, and said, "No!"

Is this counted?The corner of Qiye's mouth twitched, and she glanced at the luxury magazine that Xiao'ai was reading, and just turned to the page that introduced Prada's new leather bag. Xiao'ai's eyes clearly stayed for more than a second.

Qiye also knows, he must have to pay some price because of his mouth owe this time... As for whether he should destroy all the luxury magazines.

After suffering a loss on Xiaoai's side, Qiye could only go to the other side to find comfort, and immediately hung on a girl with unreasonable breast development beside her without any scruples, pretending to be pitiful, and said: "Na...Saya Jiang, I'm so pitiful~~"

"Idiot!" Gao Cheng Saya, the arrogant big breasts mother, turned her head and gave her a cold look, and spit out merciless complaints from under her two cute little tiger teeth.

The third ticket for Qiye was given to Saye Gaocheng. Firstly, Saye Gaocheng was not very gregarious, and she did not travel with other girls. She is still in Tokyo. Secondly, she really missed this girl. After all, the attraction is too great.

Saya Takaseong's little face was blushing because of the cold wind and Qiye's actions, which made him feel ashamed.

"Na...Saya-chan, how could you say that to me?" Qiye said pitifully, and then she hung her whole body on Gaocheng Saya, and both hands fell on Gaocheng Saya's chest.

Saya Gosung's breasts are really unreasonably big. Although Saya Gosung didn't choose to be beautiful because of the big winter, so he wore a coat that concealed his figure, but he couldn't hide his huge breasts.

Although she is only a 16-year-old girl, her height of 155 cm can only be regarded as medium. In addition, without wearing high heels, Gao Cheng Saya looks more petite, and a pair of 92 cm breasts is even bigger.

"But I didn't expect that, Saya, you would actually agree to watch the football match with me." Qiye said with a smile. Saya Gaocheng is a hard-working girl in sports. She is not good at sports and does not like sports. If she has time, she will be more I like to read books, so I also wear glasses, but today I wore contact lenses just to see Qiye.

"Huh!" The tired big breasted woman snorted in ecstasy, and said: "Don't get me wrong, I'm just being bored at home."

After that, Gao Cheng Saya still felt that it was not enough, so he added, "Yes, that's it!"

Tsundere!Qiye smiled and watched Gaocheng Saya Tsundere's reaction, which was so cute.

"It turns out that Saye-chan did not come for me? It's disappointing." Qiyeyi looked like a wounded animal, leaning her head on Saye Gaocheng's shoulder.

The talented Gaocheng Saye was not deceived by him, and said: "Who would run out in the cold for you, a bastard!"

Qiye won't keep Saya Gaocheng from attacking, and immediately turned from defense to offense, saying: "Is Saya sauce cold? I'll give you warmth."

After speaking, he couldn't help but grabbed Gao Cheng Saya's small hands and placed them in his palms to warm her.

Gaocheng Saya’s small hands were cold and stiff, and gradually warmed up in Qiye’s hands, and the small hands became weaker. Qiye couldn’t help but start stroking Saya’s small hands, feeling soft, but touching the right middle finger. At the first knuckle, I found a small callus, think about it carefully, I wrote too much.

Tian Dynasty students feel very touched at this point. They are basically students, so there will be calluses on their fingers.The education system of the celestial dynasty is a failure, but if it doesn’t exist, it’s really impossible. Think about it. I haven’t graduated from Walnut High School. I don’t know how to write anymore. I have to think about how to write my name every time I sign for express delivery. The cost of manuscripts is definitely more than that of most recent college students.

Walnut is very satisfied with his current life, coding codewords every day, and playing PS3 in his free time, every time he has a chance...cough cough...

Walnut does not preach that reading is useless, reading must be useful, but what a university teaches may not be useful.Now I also advise people who are about the same age as walnuts, don't take themselves too seriously, college students are now all over the street, more than cabbage.

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