Traveling from the collapse

Traveling from the collapse Chapter 657

Walnut has a very low-level fun. When you are in a bad mood, look at your contribution this month, and then look at the news that college students are difficult to find a job or buy a house, and you feel better in an instant.

I admit that I am a petty citizen. Walnut is just an ordinary person. I don’t have any grand ambitions. I just want to earn enough money to feed and support my family. Just feel free to sigh...

Saya Gaocheng was held tightly by Qiye. Although he felt warm and sweet, he also felt ashamed. He twisted his body uncomfortably and said, "Bad guy! Let me go!"

Gaocheng Saya's hip circumference is 87cm, and every part of his body is very moving. Under the twisting of Gaocheng Saya, Qiye's weapon immediately salutes and hits the middle of Gaocheng Saya's hip.

"Saya, don't move anymore, otherwise I don't guarantee that I can bear it." Qiye reached into Gaocheng Saya's ear, exhaling warmly, "After all, Saya's body is too attractive."

Gaocheng Saya's heart was ashamed and sweet. Suddenly he remembered the appearance of a woman. The jealousy in his heart immediately stirred up and said: "Your Feng Fujiko is in better shape, you can go find her!"

Saya Gaocheng has always been confident in his figure. Even a school teacher, apart from the natural school doctor, even his mother is not as good as himself. Although Saya thinks that she is inferior to the poison island in appearance, but In terms of body size, she is more than one thing better than Dudao Kongzi.

But Saya Gaocheng was hit hard when he saw Feng Fujiko. After all, that woman... had bigger breasts and hips than her, but her waist was thinner than hers. Why did her waist keep dropping?!The mature charm of Mine Fujiko makes Saya Gojo even more incomparable.

"Saya, is what you said is true? Then I'm going to find the best son." Qiye smiled badly and deliberately followed the words of Saya Tsundere.

"Don't go!" Gaocheng Saya is a tsundere, rarely staying with Qiye, where he wants him to find another woman, immediately turned his head and said.

Qiye pressed against Saya from behind, and the two bodies were very close. After turning around, Gaocheng Saya's thin lips quickly crossed Qiye's lips, and both of them were taken aback.

Seeing Gaocheng Saya's face rapidly reddening from shame, Qiye swallowed hard and softened her dry throat, and kissed him immediately before Gaocheng Saya turned her head.

The atmosphere on the court was extremely warm, but Qiye and Gaocheng Saya were even more warm.The frail and exhausted big breasts mother couldn't resist this demon at all, facing the court, but her body twisted with the excellent softness, and kissed the man behind passionately, in her big amber eyes, lust Gradually cover up the shy light.


The kiss between Qiye and Saye Gaocheng was kicked away by Xiaoai's prince's foot. Seeing Xiaoai's sourness that could corrode the entire auditorium, Qiye smiled bitterly.

Put these two jealous jars together, Qiye is really looking for death by herself...

Chapter 642-Coercion event without distinction in the arena!(in)

Qiye leaned on the railing and watched the game off the court rather boringly. He was retribution. Now Xiao Ai and Saya are on the left and the other is on the right. Both girls are cold and silent. Xiao Ai is Because she was jealous, and Saye was shy.

Qiye scratched her face and said, "Now, I'm going to buy a drink, what do you two want to drink?"


"Ahee!" Just when Qiye didn't know what to say, Xiao Ai suddenly sneezed.

"Have a cold?" Qiye took out a tissue, wiped off the snot underneath Xiao Ai's nose, and whispered softly: "Tell you not to stay up all night, don't listen to my cold now."

"You're so long-winded!" Xiao Ai turned her head and gave Qiye a white look, but her face was flushed and she looked very happy.

"Hi, hi~~Ai Dian, what you said is right." Qiye took off her hat and put it on Xiao Ai, "Now, let's keep the hat out for you, so as not to get a worse cold."

"Humph!" Xiao Ai snorted sullenly, but the jealousy just now disappeared a lot.

Qiye knew the truth about hitting the iron while it was hot, and when Xiao Ai was happy, she said, "Now, Ai Jiang, would you like something to drink? I'll buy it."

"Ice coffee." Xiao Ai is in a good mood, and naturally she won't frustrate him anymore.

"Obtained, Aidian." Qiye smiled, and then looked at a big breasted lady on the other side who pretended not to care, and said, "Saya, what do you drink?"

"Huh!" Gao Cheng Saya became jealous again, snorted in ecstasy, turned his head to the other side, and his heart was even more sour.Damn big bastard, I can't compare to this little girl, ignore me!

"Now, Saya." Qiye leaned over and leaned behind Gaocheng Saya. With his big hands through the generous coat, he grabbed Gaocheng Saya's soft and big chest, and said: "What do you want to drink?"

"You..." Gao Cheng Saya's complexion immediately flushed, and the thin-skinned woman with big breasts was so embarrassed to death at this time that she said, "What are you doing! Let go!"

"Don't be too loud, you will be found out." Qiye smiled badly, and squeezed Saya's chest twice.

Gao Cheng Saya's face flushed, but there was nothing he could do about him, and he was afraid that people would find out if his movements and voices were too loud, so he could only be frivolous.

Xiao Ai looked at Qiye and Gaocheng Saya with cold eyes, staring at the place Qiye was holding, and thought unconvincedly: Isn't it just a bit bigger, if I get bigger...huh!Xiao Ai originally wanted to argue in her heart, but she also knew that even if she changed back to the original shape, she couldn't compare with the developmental girl like Gaocheng Saya, so she could only express her dissatisfaction with a cold snort in her heart.

Seeing Saya like this, Qiye feels like she has become an idiot?After spitting out in his heart, he let go of his Lushan Claw.

When Qiye's big hand left Saya Gaocheng's chest, Saya was obviously relieved, but she was obviously disappointed. The girl's delicate body seemed to be eager for something shameful.

Qiye grabbed her hair and said, "Saya, what do you want to drink?"

"Green tea." Saye blushed and turned away from looking at him.

Qiye held his head to find the vending machine, and after Qiye left, Xiaoai and Gaocheng Saya suddenly looked at each other tacitly, but their eyes were full of hostility, and then the two hummed in a tacit understanding. With a cry, turned his head away.

In front of the vending machine, Qiye stuffed a pile of coins, bought the drink he wanted, and took the drink. Qiye couldn't help but stroke his forehead with one hand, and smiled bitterly.

Xiao Ai and Saya are the two biggest jealous men among his women. Putting them together, today's game is really deserted.

When Qiye went back with a drink, she saw an unexpected person next to Xiaoai and Saye, wearing a blue hat and Conan children's shoes who were also watching the game, but shouldn't he wear a green hat?

"Oh, Conan, I didn't expect you to be in the mood to watch the football game. Shouldn't you find yourself a cemetery at this time?" Qiye jokingly looked at the angry Conan, her mouth still ruthlessly Sarcastically.

"How will you be here?!"

"Are you an idiot? No, you were an idiot." Qiye first looked at Conan sarcastically, and then corrected her mistake by herself, saying, "What else can you do besides watching the football game?"

Seeing Conan’s anger that was about to burn, Qiye continued to add fuel and jealousy, saying: "Hey, it’s the ticket that Xiaolan drew. Xiaolan's luck is also really good. Of course, Xiaolan is the biggest one to meet me. lucky."



Xiao Ai and Saya turned around and stared at him at the same time. This kind of words is really bad for this guy to say, and his face is really thick to death.

"I'm just explaining the facts." Qiye stretched out her hands and said helplessly, with an evil smile on her mouth. It is absolutely impossible for someone like Kudo Shinichi to bring happiness to a woman.

Gao Cheng Xaya pouted and looked at the bastard helplessly, while Xiao Ai Lolita's face evoked a devil's smile, and said: "Although it is shameless to say, but this is true."

Conan's anger burned to Xiao Ai in an instant. Xiao Ai's angry gaze was not affected at all. Compared with the suppressed dark atmosphere in the organization before, what is Conan's anger?

"How about, are you not convinced?" Xiao Ai hugged her arms and raised her head arrogantly. Although she is now a little shorter than Conan, she did not conceal her contempt, "Want to hit me? Have the ability to look like a man!"

Conan clenched his fists. In this world, he was the least dared to move Xiao Ai, because his only hope of getting bigger was in Xiao Ai, so no matter what Xiao Ai said or did, he had to endure it. He was the biggest Xiao Ai's handle was held tightly.

"Ai sauce~~" Qiye smiled, put her big hand on top of Xiao Ai's head, and said, "What kind of man is this guy, even his father is not willing to save him."

Conan’s eyes almost burst into flames. That incident definitely made him extremely angry and sorrowful. Qiye killed his father, but he had to bear the humiliation to ask Qiye, but the conditions for resurrection were violated. Conan's justice, this incident also magnified his hatred of Qiye infinitely.

Human beings are selfish. Conan's children's shoes are an angel. His most important thing is his justice. For justice, he even sacrifices his relatives. Conan definitely does this kind of thing.

Whoever is simpler, for him, the most important thing is always himself.


Qiye opened the tab of the canned coffee, and then gave the coffee to Xiao Ai, saying: "Ai Dian, your coffee."

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